A Solid 15 Minutes Of Science Facts (w/ Mark Rober & More!)

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okay so i saw austin mcconnell made a video called a solid 20 minutes of useless information and the information really was useless but the video was really good so i thought hmm i want to make something like that but with a little bit more sciency goodness and that's exactly what this video is so after a horrible 2020 for everybody here is a simple chilled out way to start 2021 and a bunch of friends from the science side of youtube decided to get involved so make sure you watch the entire thing so you don't miss any of them okay let's crack on with it a million seconds is about two weeks but a billion seconds is around 32 years you can relight a candle with the stream of smoke that's left after you blow it out this is because that smoke is filled with wax vapour which is what candles use for their fuel so the flame travels down that smoke and looks like it's jumping from the lighter to the wick i actually have two science facts i'm gonna i'm giving a bonus here the first is that of the estimated 100 million people who have lived on planet earth more than half it's estimated have died of malaria which is crazy and then the second is that if you had a rope that stretched around the equator of the earth assumed the earth was like perfectly perfectly spherical right and then you wanted to lift that rope off the ground by one foot on the entire circumference of the earth all around the equator if you wanted to lift it up the amount of extra rope you would need to add to that rope is only like 6.28 feet comes out to two pi worth of feet of rope to lift the whole thing off the ground by an entire foot what's really bonkers is it's the same if you had a rope going around a basketball and you wanted to extend that rope off the basketball by foot you would also need to add two pi feet worth of rope basically when you do the algebra the r cancels out so it's independent of the radius of the object that you're wrapping the stroke around which is just kind of mind-boggling a tomato has around 7 000 more genes than a human over a quarter of your bones are in your feet it's my foot roughly one-fifth of all known mammals are bats your shoelaces come undone all the time because every single step you take puts them on the forces of up to 7g white sand beaches come from the poop of parrotfish that feed by biting off chunks of coral skeletons and excreting what they can't digest as that famous white sand my favorite science fact is that if you took all the veins and arteries and capillaries in your body all the blood vessels and you laid them out end to end you would die every hour over 430 quintillion joules of energy from the sun hits earth the whole of humanity doesn't even use that much energy in an entire year so that is a lot of sunlight hitting earth every single hour but apparently like none of it gets sent to the uk which is why i'm filming this video inside because it won't stop raining the heaviest dinosaur was called argentinosaurus which weighed in at 60 to 100 tons which is equivalent to about 17 african elephants did you know that tiny little jumping spiders can see the moon that's right with those big adorable eyes of theirs even though their pupils are practically microscopic because of the way that they're built they can probably make out that big hunk of cheese in this guy next stop spider astronauts i guess [Music] there are more hydrogen atoms in a single teaspoon of water than there are teaspoons of water in the entire world's oceans and if you were to line up all of the water molecules in a single teaspoon of water in a long line it would reach around 50 billion kilometers which is like 10 times the size of our solar system the word sahara comes from a word that means desert so the sahara desert translates to desert desert it's called a tautology where two parts of a name mean the same thing it usually happens when two languages combine and happens a lot like with lake tahoe meaning lake lake and milky way galaxy meaning milky way milky some species of ant can recognize their reflections in the mirror so they might have some level of self-awareness if you have a room of 23 people there is a 50 chance that two of them have the same birthday and this is known as the birthday paradox did you know during the cold war nuclear submarines were frequently forced to return to base in order to repair damage to the rubber coating on the submarine's sonar equipment inspection crews found small crater-shaped holes in the equipment and initially the u.s navy feared that the soviets had developed secret weapons to disable their sonar however in 1971 it was discovered that their submarines were being attacked and damaged by the cookie cutter shark a parasitic shark that normally feeds by biting off chunks of whale blubber you can never underestimate what nature comes up with you have a blind spot at the center of your vision when it's dark rod cells are responsible for low light vision but they're located at the edges of your retinas so when you're walking late at night make sure that you look just to the side of where you're stepping people in the southern hemisphere see the moon upside down when compared to the northern hemisphere one sperm contains the data equivalent of 26 three and a half inch floppy disks i gotta go all of the gold that we have ever mined would fit into just over three standard size olympic swimming pools polar bear hair is hollow and acts so well as a thermal insulator that polar bears are basically invisible to heat cameras chalk is made of the skeleton remains of microscopic plankton when they died millions and millions of years ago they fell to the bottom of the ocean and formed an ooze and over time they were crushed and squished together by sediment and they formed chalk rock and amazing pieces of art no sequence of 52 playing cards has ever appeared more than once in a properly shuffled deck of cards we can't be 100 sure of that but it's less likely that a deck has been repeated in the entirety of human history than it is for me to win the uk lottery five times in a row 99 of all species that have ever lived on earth are extinct when you get a kidney transplant they usually just leave your original kidneys in your body and put the new kidney in your pelvis a single litter of kittens or a single litter of puppies can have more than one father fun science fact there are over 2 000 thunderstorms on earth every single minute it's kind of crazy the great pyramids of giza and wooly mammoths coexisted for almost 1 000 years sharks were on earth before trees around 100 million years earlier there are about 1.4 billion insects for every single person alive today the moon is about 400 times smaller than the sun but the sun is 400 times further away the result is that from earth they appear to be the same size and that's why they line up perfectly on a solar eclipse you could fit all of the planets in our solar system between the earth and the moon with room to spare a typical cloud of about one kilometer across one kilometer long and one kilometer tall weighs around half a million kilograms okay so there's just this one science fact that lives in my head rent free i learned it ten years ago and it's the fact that platypus not plant a pie because that doesn't make any sense they're mammals so they produce milk but they don't have teats instead they have these patches that kind of just sweat milk and that just haunts me at 4020 kilometers wide australia is wider than the moon which is just 3476 kilometers in diameter we consume nanoparticles of gold without realizing it thanks to it passing up the food chain and we excrete it through our skin and hair and babies have more gold in their hair thanks to getting more through breast milk and it can reach levels that double the average concentration of gold in the earth's crust the peacock mantis shrimp uses two appendages like clubs to pummel its prey they accelerate to 50 miles per hour quicker than a 22 caliber bullet does which causes the surrounding water to briefly reach the temperature of the surface of the sun the last meal of ertsy the 5 000 year old ice mummy was wheat red deer and ferns but we're not sure if he ate the ferns or just used them to wrap his meat octopuses have three hearts nine brains and blue blood their brains are split into a central brain and eight big clumps of nerves at the base of each arm that controls movement wombat poop is shaped like cubes fruit fly maggots which normally just eat soft squishy yeast if you force them to be cannibals don't ask how they will grow more teeth in response to make it easier to attack other maggots a speck of dust is halfway between the size of earth and an atom so as large as the earth appears compared to a speck of dust the dust is that much larger than an atom you might know that grizzly bears eat lots of fish but they also love eating moths called army cutworm moths they can eat up to 40 000 of them in a single day in the future which is not going to have any tides anymore because the moon moves away at around four centimeters every single year so in 50 billion years time it'll settle into a nice synchronous 47 day orbit around the earth but by that time the sun will already have been a red giant and scorched the earth so you have nothing to be concerned about if you have two legs that means you have more legs than the average human there are more trees on earth than there are stars in the milky way galaxy there are more microorganisms in a teaspoon of healthy soil than there are people on earth there's also more different species of bacteria in that single teaspoon than there are different species of animals in the amazon rainforest if you take two extremely clean pieces of metal and place them together in a vacuum they can stick together and form effectively one continuous piece of metal by a process known as cold welding baby bees produce chemicals that keep their grown up worker bee caretakers awake volcano lightning can happen in the huge ash clouds of volcanic eruptions there are microorganisms called protists that eat viruses before 2020 we thought the viruses were too small to be eaten by anything giant pandas and red pandas which aren't closely related have both separately evolved an extra finger like false thumb from a wristband which lets them both handle bamboo with more dexterity than anyone else and what a skill to have when sperm whales can't digest squid beaks they cover them in a hard waxy substance called ambergris and then poop them out and we humans find that whale poop and we use it in perfume it smells really nice in mandarin penguin translates to business goose babies have around 100 more bones than adults you might think that the amazon rainforest is our planet's lungs but more than half of the oxygen you breathe comes from the oceans mainly from microscopic ocean plankton now may be the winter of our discontent but here's something shakespearean that's a little less grim approximately 200 billion of your atoms were once in shakespeare because the earth's atoms have constantly been recycling over time that value does include atoms that passed through him rather than were him per se so if you only want to count pure shaky pea body atoms then the number is probably around 10 000. there's a place in the pacific known as point nemo it's the farthest point from land in every direction and at certain times of day is closer to the international space station than it is to any land mass come here come on yeah good boy according to archaeological and genetic evidence dogs and humans have been hanging out for nearly 20 000 years right there are nearly 6 000 satellites orbiting earth right now and about 60 of them are not operational so they're just space junk antlers that are found on animals like deer elk and moose are the fastest growing tissue in any mammal and they can grow around two and a half centimeters a day bamboo is one of the fastest growing plants in the world certain species can grow 910 millimeters each day which is around one millimeter every 90 seconds so you can actually see it growing at 21.9 kilometers tall olympus mons on mars is the largest mountain in the solar system it is so big and its slopes are so shallow that it curves with the curvature of the planet so if you stood at the bottom of it you wouldn't actually be able to see the top because it would be past the horizon reindeer have evolved ultraviolet vision it lets them quickly see the urine of predators and also their major food source lichens which absorb uv light and stand out against the snow of the arctic which reflects uv light the foam on top of beer has a softening effect to the taste of beer this is a trigeminal sensation this is the same thing that happens when mint feels cold or chilly feels hot this stuff here is called lichen it's actually algae and fungus living together and they need each other so much that they can't actually live without each other you've probably seen it growing all over the place which isn't a surprise because this stuff covers like six percent of the entire earth's surface people who integrate technology into their bodies are known as biohackers these citizen scientists use implants to enhance their body's functionality like bluetooth routers magnets and programmable microchips like this venus is the only planet in our solar system that spins clockwise and uranus spins on its side camel humps don't store water they store fat for a portable source of food when it's scarce mercury travels around the sun in 88 earth days but it rotates so slowly that its sunrise to sunset period lasts 176 earth days so its day is longer than its year siberian tigers can grow to half the length of a london bus in the sea between australia and new zealand there is an island that is taller than it is wide it's called bull's pyramid and it only measures 300 meters across but peaks at 562 meters in elevation the world's oldest living rose is over 1 000 years old planted in germany in 1815. three-toed sloths spend 20 hours sleeping each day but koalas sleep even more racking up 22 hours every day dolphins on the other hand can't actually sleep they have to consciously control their breathing it's not automatic so if they went to sleep like us they'd stop breathing and eventually they'd suffocate so to get around this they sleep with one side of their brain at a time onomatophobia is the name given to the fear of names baby elephants suck their trunks for comfort emus are the only birds that have calf muscles and they also can't walk backwards but we don't know why hawaii moves 7.5 centimetres closer to alaska each year due to the pacific tectonic plate slowly drifting northwest towards the north american tectonic plate and that's about the same speed as how fast our fingernails grow this is the elephant nose fish it looks weird christmas tree worms have crazy tree-like structures extending from their bodies that catch tiny plants and animals flamingos aren't pink they're naturally white but it's their diet of brine shrimp and algae that turns them pink a tiger's skin is striped just like its fur butterflies drink turtle tears in the amazon it is impossible to tickle yourself and lastly because it's right at the beginning of the new year you might have made some new year's resolutions which you might not be able to keep in a few weeks time but only around 25 of people actually managed to stick to their new year's resolutions after 30 days so hopefully that makes you feel a little bit better in a couple of weeks when you inevitably eat that entire family-sized chocolate bar all to yourself and with that you have just sat through 15 minutes of science facts that are probably going to be pretty useless to your life so the question is what was your favorite thanks so much for watching this the whole way through and a special thanks to everybody that got involved this was so much fun to make and i really can't wait to make the next one that's right there's going to be a next one make sure that you share this around so others can experience in the pure uselessness of these facts and make sure you're subscribed to this channel so you don't miss any of that fresh zesty content straight out of the oven on this channel very soon so with that thanks again for watching and i will see you on the next one my [Music] friends [Music] you
Channel: Tom Carroll
Views: 1,899,682
Rating: 4.937376 out of 5
Keywords: science, austin mcconnell, useless information, random facts, a solid 15 minutes of useless information, a solid 20 minutes of useless information, mark rober, tom scott, mark rober new video, vsauce, interesting science facts, interesting science facts about the human body, facts about space, learn on youtube, random science videos, random science facts, amazing facts about the world, top 10 facts, space facts, nature facts, animal facts, weird facts, science video
Id: JkIcZxal3Fg
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 31sec (991 seconds)
Published: Sun Jan 10 2021
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