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[Music] [Applause] [Music] all right guys how you doing sir beer hope you're all well I'm John Henry's in London the reason that I'm here with these guys is because we got contacted maybe I don't know like a month ago by a company that were working on behalf of another company that happened to be probably the biggest engineering group in Scandinavia called Sandvik and they specialize in manufacturing solutions you know we're digital printing manufacturing solutions metal works all the way up to like big machines mining equipment these guys are serious titans in that world the reason I'm telling you all that is because they're also incredibly well-versed in engineering anything so they decided that they team up with invent Malmsteen who we all know and love because he's an amazing near classical shred maniac and they're basically decided to design a guitar for him out of metal I don't know too much about it but what I do know is that the body is made from titanium composite which was digitally printed and then there is a really special construction to the neck it's completely made from stainless steel it's an intensely scalloped fretboard for in Vaes preference basically we're here to meet the guys from Sandvik interview them and try this guitar hold it really tightly I was shown this by Dave falling off and then you wrap it around your elbow and over your thumb around the elbow of the thumb that see the whole cable and then it's perfectly wrapped so yes that is the guy's the purpose of today in any case I hope you enjoy this video if even if you go along you don't like you don't really want to know within that is happy happy production every guitar you have to have the back story had the artist you have the concert you have to have the break and you have to have the failure so it all has to be story borders evolves I mean what is the specialty of all of his skill cell specialties that's high-end engineering that's absolutely quiet engineering and [Music] really like effort points of our life so there's like a savory stew we got so much straight into or anything right [Music] [Applause] [Music] a lot of briefcases and then I pull the guitar out and look at the camera that's the shots in few minutes I'm getting shut that okay we're on step minutes away from seeing this work about so just waiting for Ben to come back and then we're gonna start filming so kind of change a bit it's gonna get bit more formal but more interviewee but you know that's why we're here doing cool stuff very happy to be here very humbled to be here very happy to be invited to see this so yeah really hope you enjoy this as much as I'm about to all right I'm here with Phil Etheridge from San Vic how you doing I'm fine thank you Revere you good yep awesome I'm really excited to see this guitar and so I know you've just had an interview with Rob and Rob obviously his own of Chapman guitars guitar manufacturer and all that kind of thing so I would have imagined he'd come at it from more of a manufacturing standpoint but were both guitar players but I am just a guitar player so I'm curious to know I've got a couple of questions and I think the first one for me would really be you know you designed this guitar for inve yeah and I believe that he's a very specific kind of guitar player so he had the scalloped fretboard and all that kind of stuff but how much of that actually carried over to just the general design of the guitar in terms of you know coming up with a guitar that was playable for anybody to just play was that part of the the concept for the design yeah I mean we had to think in practical terms as well sort of what's what's possible for us to to manufacture in the way that we want to many of manufacturers only machining the neck from one piece of solid recycled steel for example and then the body was was a real big challenge as well to 3d print it using titanium powder it was kind of a tough challenge not least because of the size so the size and the shape of it so we were looking at fenders and in the end that was too complex because of the the contours that there on the back and the front of stuffing it was kind of difficult so having that sort of flat Gibson shape was was more practical it's a little bit smaller than than a Gibson guitar then the standard Gibson right okay body so I found out a lot of that about what you guys do and I know that when it came to sort of coming up with the design you actually did it digitally to minimize I suppose wastage and having to do many iterations of it before actually getting it to a point where you were like this is the one yeah well the the 3d printing is a digital technology anyway yeah so that so we had to have a CAD drawing or a CAD yeah drawing we had Andy Holt from Drew minotaurs who did that for us mmm and he was very very good very easy to work with and he came up with the with that design this were latticework inside mm-hmm which kept the weight down on the body that was also important and also we we've used like a what we call an isotropic lightweight structure inside the hollowed-out neck yeah which is a which is a unique structure and for its weight is the strongest structure ever manufactured so that's something really unique and this is something that we wanted to also incorporate in a design to make the neck as strong as it possibly could be and and also demonstrate what we capable of doing I suppose I looked at the guitar online from what I could see and watching some of the stuff you did with Yngwie and I kind of narrowed it down to three main parts you've got the isotopic isotropic lightweight structure yeah but you can't see which accounts internal and then you've got the main titanium body yeah but then there's the hub which is the the that is that part of the isotropic lightweight structure the neck is that all one unit yeah the the neck the head the neck and the and the hub is all machine from one piece of steel yeah that's crazy stainless steel isn't it the fretboard as well yeah that was the the fretboard was machined separately and welded onto the onto the neck after we put the book this this aya ILS structure inside I just can't imagine particularly because you know you're an engineering group it's not like you've made a guitar before never so it's that it's that you know whose idea was it whose crazy idea was it to get let's let's make a guitar that's a gonna be playable for one of you know the guitar world's most famous guitar players that's actually going to go this is great be sound good and see you know actually be a usable guitar that was a major challenge all of it was a challenge yeah and to make it playable at the end and sound good was was difficult but we got I mean we actually got a lot of help from English well because he was like pointing us in a specific direction so we had we had a direction to go in so okay with him we do it this way mmm you know we didn't have to flannel around and and and think about it we had a direction to take so that was that was actually quite helpful one of my other big questions it was the smash proof mmm concept it was like a finished concept right from the start because the very first discussion that wasn't that at unum was with with the bureau that that we work with on this and they had like pictures of Pete Townsend right and but they didn't have pictures of me but they had pictures of Pete Townsend and there was Matt Bellamy from from muse and people like that Paul Stanley from kiss Hendrix reggae smash actually Hendrix was that was in there yeah yeah so there was like that was more or less the concept of it so there was nothing there was no discussion about who at that point it was just the idea you know yeah so yeah and everybody bought bought into that idea you know which was what was so fascinating about it the the whole project was that that every step up up the ladder you know to the to the CEO bought into the concept you know when we decided to make a metal guitar then it was it's gonna be strong and we used to detain him because for the wait it's the strongest material as well mm-hmm so it was not such a long step yeah take to get there you know like in with smash Praveena we've got these like this idea of people have been smashing up guitars in the six since the 60s so it's not something new yeah no but but then okay smash proof yeah it's a fun idea I mean that was that that was really one of the principle ideas was that we have to do it we have to make it fun it's gonna be entertaining and we we get somebody that can really play and and do something fun with it I know I asked you earlier as well like you did prototypes right you did do previous prototypes and did they last when you had to break them and the first two guitars they were they were welded in in one string all the way down one side and all the way down the other but when they did that the heat would became so intensive in the neck that it it there was all this tension building up all torsion rock building up in the neck that it'd been very striking yeah so the first time I picked up one of those first two guitars the the strings were about a centimeter from their from the neck it's like a but not a banana yeah but you can imagine there okay so what do you do you don't have a truss rod yeah in this so to make that straight it was a major that was also a major operation to straighten that and with the East right now right and they are they both all three of them are playable but this one this one the one we've called the hero guitar is is the best of the three Fair Play well I to be honest I I have two guitar I really want to see this okay thank you as heavy hmm heavy ish can I smell it it's heavy metal yeah go ahead it smells metallic mmm now okay I can see I can see what you're saying about the welding here yeah did you did you tune it now he tuned it okay be honest now it was actually quite and chewing when you'd picks it up yeah I truly in the taxi okay so this is you were talking about weight reduction in it and I'm assuming this is what you were referring yeah yeah I mean this has all been the machined out after the fact actually when the when the guitar was basically finished and so we had to mill mill out a little bit more to even up the balance I mean it's just it's a sight to behold to be honest I'm loving this it's almost like honeycomb yeah really impressive and this pot this is this is something this is our own design I was gonna say so you created this bridge yourself yes it's one of the guys at the am a center that did that he obviously got the Yngwie signature set in there sure that was also a wish so the isotropic lightweight structure in the neck is that what's key was that a weight saving thing was that a sturdiness thing both okay so what they've done is that they've milled out the inside of the neck so the inside of the neck is about one millimeter thick right okay the neck itself here and then inside that after they put it in and then they welded it on the welding on the fretboard but the structure inside is is extremely rigid mm-hmm and that contributes to the to the strength I've never really played scalloped fretboard it's very alien to me but it's it's a strange for it feels good though and actually the actions give did you adjust the action you didn't this is good for me okay I can sit here and just hold it and look at it all day and actually gain mass on my biceps but I think what's probably best to do is plug it in and have a listen because I'm really really interested to hear what it sounds like I mean it to be fair it's quite acoustically resonant so let's plug it in okay thank you for taking the time to talk to me I appreciate it [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Applause] cool there we go there is a look at the Sandvik hero guitar it's been a really interesting day getting to come down talk to the guys and actually play this guitar and having seen everything on the promotional video with Yngwie and that kind of thing I was really curious to see what it would be like and even so a little bit skeptical but then actually holding it and having a go and playing it it's it's genuinely awesome so apparently this guitars going to be auctioned off and all the proceedings are going to a charity as well so I'll find out about the links and also you should just go and check out the video with Yngwie I'll put a link in the script in the description box below but thank you to sound vic for having me showing me this guitar and yeah thank you for watching see you guys later
Channel: Rabea Massaad
Views: 20,048
Rating: 4.9028134 out of 5
Keywords: rabea, afro, massaad, toska, dorje, music, guitar, victory, chapman, guitars, chappers, rob, andertons, musicisum, shred, solo, band, live, fender, gibson, lesson, top, 10, lick, how, to, play, sweep, picking, steve, via, nuno, bettencourt, hero, guitarhero3, frogleap, studios, smashproof guitar, sandvik, sandvik group, yngwie malmsteen, smash a guitar, how to smash a guitar, is this guitar smashproof
Id: 2zZeR5aW55k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 6sec (1146 seconds)
Published: Thu May 02 2019
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