A Slip Switch Railway Crossing| How Train change tracks

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railway crossings are really fascinating  but it gets more interesting when it's a   complex slip switch crossing let's find  out how it works in this 3d presentation say four rail tracks coming out from four  different tunnel let's call it track a   this one track b this is track  c and this one is track d   it is inevitable the two opposite rail  tracks are going to intersect at this section   let's say hypothetically these rails are  fused at these four intersecting points if   a car will manage to roll on these rail it might  be able to roll over the intercepting points   it's because road vehicles wheel's outer  surface is cylindrical but rail wheels are   different its thread section is semi-conical  and also has flange section at inner side so rail wheel will not be able  to pass through the junction it requires some gap between intersecting rails  or lift frog arrangement to let the wheel pass practically this gaps between rails  provided with separate rail sections   two v frog rails are installed  at these two intersecting points   and two wing rails at each nose section are  necessary to guide wheels at these crossing   nose two other frogs are installed at other two  intersecting points now train wheels are running   on different rail tracks can pass through this  junction easily because of this brilliant railway   engineering solution this is also possible  for trains running in opposite direction congratulation you have just found a diamond  crossing well if you still can't see it the   take a look at the shape is formed by the rails at  this junction point yes it looks like a simple 2d   diamond shape but these diamond crossing does not  allow train wheels to switch tracks for example   if a train running on track c it can't switch to  track b using the diamond crossing for rail track   switching a turnout system is required here at  this side a set of switch blades are installed   switch blades are supported by heel blocks at one  end and other end is linked with a point machine these switch blades are pushed right  and left by the point operating machine   when switch blades are moved to the left  side then train wheel sets will be guided   to this curved track so outer side wheels  flange will catch the switchblade sidewall opposite side wheel will  be running on curved rail 2   but a little ahead will flange  path will be blocked by this rail   same true for a train wants to switch between  curved rail and this straight line here so   another switch blade set is installed here which  is operated by another point operating machine   now track CB is completely active  from viewers perspective when this   switch blades are pushed to the  left then only BD track is active when this point machine pulls the switch  blades to the right then ac track is on guard rails where check rails are necessary at   opposite side of crossing nose  to guide the wheels properly now this crossing section should be  called a single slip switch crossing isn't it interesting well my channel is dying  due to less views subscriber count etc but whole   video making process takes a lot of time and  effort so please support my channel by liking   and sharing my videos and subscribe for more  unique contents thank you for your support
Channel: Animechanics
Views: 1,083,218
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: how a train change tracks, diamond crossing, slip switch crossing, switch blades, point machine, railway turnout, railway crossing, video, rail video, railway engineering, learning engineering and science
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 4min 31sec (271 seconds)
Published: Mon Aug 29 2022
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