A simple shocking speed secret, recurving a distributor for performance and gas mileage

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hi everybody welcome back to tall Jon's fudge shop hey pop what's going on Jacob yeah we got us a distributor machine oh wait distributor tester and it's kind of like a dyno for distributors so I kind of been playing with it lately I haven't used it for a little while and been playing with it lately and I think I'm gonna make it do its thing and we'll show everybody how it works and and what we can do with it sound good to you okay now just a couple of quick things here before we get started this distributor machine is gonna give us some information that you know most people don't have a distributor machine right most people don't have a dyno either so what we have here is a actual machine that just makes it easier to do this job it takes a few minutes as opposed to you know I don't know maybe half hour 45 minutes on a car or wouldn't take that long but it's definitely more difficult to do it on the car but this can be done now another thing this is definitely one of these situations where you would use you would want to figure this stuff out before you started playing with your carburetor all right now obviously you need to get your carburetor close the jetting needs to be somewhat close but this distributor Tunes properly will affect how that carburetor works especially with the accelerator pump and off idle and things like that so before you start drilling holes and making big changes in there something other than maybe jets you're gonna want to make sure that this does what it's supposed to do all right now most people set their timing they read in the book it says you should have 5 degrees before top dead center sometimes 0 I've seen as high as eight but in any case wherever the book says and that's not what we're gonna do the book tells you what the factory says and the factory didn't tell us to do these things because it was for performance they did it for emissions and so we're not you know that's not our trouble anymore so if you look at this if you were to have this in your car you would set your timing with your timing light and you would rotate the distributor around to get the proper timing right well there's also another thing inside here and it's down inside these holes here down in the body of the thing there's a couple of weights with some Springs and those weights fly out as it spins and it advances the timing that's called centrifugal advance okay now then there's this guy this dude right here that's vacuum advanced now a lot of people throw those out or get distributors without them and they just don't even hook up the hose and I'm telling you it's important now it's not as important as getting your centrifugal advance correct okay but this is important on any streetcar and if you're racing organization that you're working with allows this you should use this now I've seen racing groups that if you're running a restricted sized carburetor they don't want you to put that on because they're afraid you're gonna make a big air leak and you get a little extra breathing through your carburetor something but man that would be barely but okay so there may be cases where in racing you're not allowed to use this but on the street of course we can use it and if the racing people don't care you should use this one other thing real quick before we get started is these advanced things down here there are a lot of people that take those advanced things and either weld them up or get rid of them and so you set the timing if your timing you want it to be 32 you set it at 32 degrees and it never changes but that makes it difficult for the car to spark start especially when it's hot and especially in the summertime hot and you'll go to crank your engine and it goes wrong yeah yeah so you either have to flood the engine or do something to get it to turn over to start the way we're gonna do this that is not a problem you're gonna go out there and you're gonna turn that key and it's gonna fire off like fuel injection okay so now the Machine again is not necessary to do this job this right here is as much distributor machine as you need right here and that right there you can do it on the car with this everything we're going to learn here you can do it with this good old timing light so but we're gonna do it here and show off the machine and have fun okay alright so we're gonna turn this thing on Jake and then we'll run it and we'll get the different numbers now this is for rpms of the distributor okay now the distributor turns half the speed of the engine so if you see a thousand here it means two thousand on the engine and this is one thing that's nice if you're running a this is electronic but if you're running a points distributor on a GM they got a little window and you stick an allen wrench and you can tune your your dwell on on it there and that's kind of cool I like that feature also it's cool about a GM is these weights that we're going to get into down here they're up here in the rotor do you take the rotor off there's a springs in your weights and that's pretty cool makes it easy to tune there now once you get this done you're not going to be in there messing around with it a lot but still that makes it easier alright so with the distributor machine now we can adjust we have points we can just do right here right here just adjust our dwell right here on the spot before we even install it back in the car that's pretty cool now this here is a vacuum gauge it's attached to our vacuum advance so we can set how much vacuum is going into it now I'm gonna go ahead and do this one and then when we find out what the numbers are we're gonna try to match it to the Barracuda and then I'll let you operate the machine then so we can see what we did if we did any good alright let's test this tank yeah [Music] [Applause] okay we do their pencil oh here's all right now that thing got fully centrically advanced at 2,000 rpms on the distributor which is 4,000 rpms on the engine that's terrible and it went 24 degrees of a bit of advance all right now let's do our vacuum [Music] [Music] [Music] okay that went 21 degrees which is 42 degrees now remember that's with the centrifugal so 42 degrees a vacuum now here's our problem Jacob is we want our initial timing higher the Barracudas initial timing is 20 degrees it's centrifugal timing is 32 degrees and vacuum is 48 degrees so we're gonna make this distributor do the exact same thing okay now that's what I'm going to show you how to do and again you can rev up your engine with your timing light and use your timing light and you can figure all these numbers out now we want full rpm advance centripetal advance more like fifteen to seventeen hundred rpms okay and if you look we're only one to twelve degrees of advance we have 24 so we've got to cut that in half alright so let me show you how you do that let's take this distributor apartment now these this poro rotors this reluctance been off here several times so you probably get this off pretty easily okay now we've got to take the vacuum advance off first and the way you do it is you take the screws and then you have to lift this up pops out of there now there's two holes there's one close to the to the center of the distributor one out here and this particular type is one that goes to the center goes to the outside you see the difference mm-hmm so that's just something to be wary about no big deal okay now take a look down here see this two Springs there's one big one let me rotate it around so the camera can see it better there's one big thick one here then there's a little skinny one right there now that's the big one that's the scheming hard to see through the camera here okay so there's a skinny one there's a big one now I'm going to show you a quickie trick all Mopars can do this all and if a Chevy your GM has this do the same thing what I like to use to get the spring off with is a screw and you just take the screw into the eyelet run it down in there and boom it pops it right off okay oh let me show you something else here there's a little clip down inside here and this little clip is a pain so if you ever need to get this little clip out of here the first thing you do is you pull there's a little piece of felt here and you pull the piece of felt out and this little clip has two little ears sticking up in its horseshoe shape let me show you this is what the Klint looks like and you have to get in there and somehow put two screwdrivers or something in there to push that apart and then you can lift this piece off already taking it out very fun but sometimes you have to do it now the biggest reason I took it out though was to show this make you see here's here's two different ones and these are for right hand rotation which has to do with the this notch right here the relationship between there and there and what direction they're there degree that when you look at the bottom here it says 15 R that means this is for a right hand rotating distributor this one here is 9r this for a right hand distributor also but do you see these slots mm-hmm see how this slot is bigger than that slot this one will allow the distributor to advance 15 degrees this one will only allow it to go 9 degrees that's distributor so 30 degrees and 18 degrees okay well we only want 12 so this one's not even good enough so what we're gonna do now is we're gonna take our spring out of here this the big spring just take it you don't even have to be nice to it you see that sucker yeah here's what you do when my see you later jump yeah so what we do here is get just get down here with your camera and we're gonna take this spring here and we're gonna take our screwdriver and we're gonna get in between some coils and we're gonna tweak it now I like to tweak it two or three times but you see how it doesn't pull it all the way back anymore you tweak it enough that it falls away so as soon as the engine starts it comes and runs up against the spring and that takes out how much advance it has I want more than that I know for a fact it's going to working with it so you see my big tweak in there all right now that takes care take some of the preload out of the spring now I don't have enough in there yet in my opinion so I'm going to tweak this guy twice so I'm going to tweak it in two places and just every tweak okay so you can see the tweak in there now look how much this allows it to fall away that's taking advanced centrifugal advance out of the distributor okay all right now this should hopefully get our centrifugal Vance in order so we shouldn't have as much advance as we had before and it should advance a lot faster alright let's put this thing back together all right dang put your vacuum advance on before you put your reluctantly along there's a little roll pin down here that fits through this little hole here on the side there we go hook up our vacuum we put our reluctor wheel in now this one's loose enough that we should be able to just kind of push it down in place here there we go all right now I'm gonna film you you need the camera and you go ahead and run the controls on this and what I want you to do Jacob is you're gonna adjust the speed up until the arrow stops advancing and when it stops advancing we need to look at what our speed is here and we need to see how far it goes okay [Music] all right how far did we advance 66 degrees okay so that's 12 man we got it right on the money how about that huh how many rpms did it was it at okay I saw a little less than that I saw about 750 okay so 750 is 1500 rpm so we got full mechanical advance at 1500 rpms and 6 degrees or 12 degrees so with our initial at 20 we now have 32 degrees now let's see what we have with vacuum so go ahead and run us back up again yeah turn the vacuum on [Music] [Music] all right we got eight degrees out of that so that puts us at sixteen so 32 plus 16 is 48 that is exactly what we were looking for pretty cool all right Jacob so I think you enjoyed doing what we just did today huh yeah what do you think yeah me too I always love working on stuff like this it's it's one of those things that when you get it right it gives you that advantage that most people don't really know about so it's a speed secret well I think it's time for us to sign off the lamb chops yes sir yes we are yeah he's gonna be coming over here we're gonna do that lamb chops gonna put his distributor on his channel so if you want to see how to do a Chevrolet GM really any TM we're gonna do lamb chops distributor on the distributor machine and and show how that's done and we'll have to I'll put a link to lamb chops world and then later on we'll put a link to his video when he finally posts it sounds good well thank you for hanging out with me and checking out the distributor machine actually it's not a distributor machine it's a distributor tester get it right all right see
Channel: Tall John's Fun Shop
Views: 28,483
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: 1965 Plymouth Barracuda, 65 Plymouth Barracuda, fastback, 426 hemi, 426, 225, 440, hemi, barn find, mopar, tune up, distributor, a body, a body mopar, slant 6, slant six, high performance, tall johns fun shop, tall john's fun shop, first pony car, classic car, three on the tree, 3 on the tree, manual trans, gas mileage, speed secrets, performance tricks, mopar electronic distributor, electronic ignition
Id: -xPW2zqqPRk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 22min 7sec (1327 seconds)
Published: Sat May 09 2020
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