Une vérité choquante sur la façon dont ils ont construit les pyramides ! | Gregg Braden

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Here's what's happening Archaeological discoveries now Are are being made that precede - that 5000 year cycle So when it first started happening - scientists said oh well these are anomalies So Well we've got it we've got our history and we're sure it's right And then here's an anomaly and we'll put it over here We'll come back and look at it later Well now there are so many anomalies the anomalies are telling the new stories I'd like to welcome back to the show returning champion Greg Braden How you doing Greg Hey Well thank you for that warm introduction It's good to start as a champion today I'm doing well I am coming to you as before from our studio just outside of Santa Fe New Mexico And I've got to tell you this day with you is the first day in two weeks we haven't seen rain and snow - so you brought sunshine to the high desert I'm happy to be with you I'm glad I could help you sir I'm glad I could help you Our last conversation was such a hit with our audience and I think we made plans right after our first conversation even before that other one was released We're like we got to keep talking - I have to come back We have to make something happen So I appreciate I know you're a very busy man I appreciate you coming back on the show and today's conversation really wanted to tackle something that you know a little bit about in regards to ancient civilizations - technologies of ancient civilizations spirituality in that space as well Sure So I'll just start with a very easy question who built the pyramid so - - I'll start with an easy answer to - lay a foundation to the answer to that question if I can When I was in school - back in the Midwest of this big beautiful country we live in 1950s 1960s I was taught - at that time what we are still teaching our children today - and that is that civilization - began In a in an isolated location in what today we call the Tigris Euphrates Valley And it began - in a primitive state and evolved in a linear fashion slowly gradually over a long period of time - to what we have today The problem with that story Alex is the evidence doesn't support it - And There is still a there's a battle - to maintain what is called the standard model - when it comes to our history when it comes to civilization when it comes to science when it comes to physics when it comes to human origins there's a battle to maintain this static story Excuse me that was developed in late 18 hundreds Early 19 hundreds even though the evidence no longer supports it So the new discoveries - are now telling us that rather than a single cradle of civilization Excuse me in the Tigris Euphrates - rather than a single cradle that there now appear to have been at least five - simultaneous cradles of civilization And some of those are very familiar to us There was one in China There was one in the Tigris Euphrates That was Mesopotamia There is the Induce Valley - Mysterious technology has been found buried in the Induce Valley and what now is - India and Pakistan There was - Corral - in northern Peru There was Mesoamerica - There was the area in what we now call - the UK - and Europe And that part of the world So - these five or depending on how you look at them maybe six simultaneous civilizations And Egypt Egypt was certainly a part of that And this is a long answer To to your question They appear to have been simultaneous There appears to be - a - communication - there's a continuity - of knowledge - between these civilizations in terms of agriculture the ability to grow large amounts of food in hostile environments to feed large populations certainly mathematics certainly architecture multistory buildings It's no easy feat to build - these multistory structures the way they were built and a knowledge of the cosmos - that was so advanced alex in many instances it was discounted as myth until the 20th century when our own satellites began telling us more about - the neighborhood that we live in our solar system neighborhood and lo and behold these ancient traditions had it right on - So the question that - comes up often is where did these civilizations come from And I think the answer to that question may be the answer to who built the pyramids So that's why I wanted to lay - that foundation Thank you What we know - - is that I'm a geologist by degree and I rarely get to use that degree anymore with a strong background in the life sciences math physics computer science cosmology and - archaeology And I say that once again because it's that multidisciplinary background - that helps me to stay current in many different fields as new fields of science as new discoveries are being revealed And I got to tell you what we're going to talk about in this program It's no secret - in the scientific community It is simply there is a resistance to embracing it in the mainstream So mainstream textbooks mainstream classrooms And the reason is because of the pushback from the religious community from the political community certainly from The the technological community and much more So what I'm saying to you - - is peer reviewed It's out there - in the open literature It's just not something that we often hear about - So I'll just the mystery is where did those - simultaneous advanced civilizations come from And that might be where we want to go with this but - I'll stop there and see if it makes sense And where you go Yeah I would love yeah let's let's dive into where these ancient civilizations come from because it is such a mystery to I mean anyone who has a logical mind to even look at the pyramids and believe - the story that we've been told it just doesn't make - logical - sense Let's talk about the pyramids for a little bit I had my first opportunity I had studied the pyramids since I was a know I've been fascinated by this know Yeah I was five years old My mom was helping me to read books by Edgar Casey about lost civilizations and we were memorizing the planets in the solar system and the names of the dinosaurs and the kings of Egypt So I've been fascinated by this stuff for a very long time My first journey into Egypt was 1986 And and I was - - just astounded by what I saw Now that was a very different Egypt from what we see today There are a lot of places now that are restricted and they have been revamped for public consumption It was much more raw back in - the 1980s 1990s But the pyramid and we talk about pyramids There are pyramids all over the world And it's the similarity of those pyramids That that brings to mind the question where did they come from - But typically when people talk about pyramids they're talking about three pyramids on the Giza Plateau in Egypt - And - interestingly the largest of those is called the Great Pyramid And it's not the one that people show in the pictures because the Great Pyramid - does not have a capstone It's flat on top That capstone was lost - at some point in history There's another one of the three that does have a capstone and that's the one that - news anchors and television and movies they always call that the Great Pyramid and it's not But the there are so many we could do a whole program on the mysteries of that single structure alone It's over 400ft tall It is made of massive blocks of limestone - - When I was there I went back in 1989 and there was a scientific group that was trying to recreate the Great Pyramid And the first thing that they discovered - was that none of the equipment they were using caterpillar tractors and forklifts and things like that none of the equipment that we had at that time - could lift the blocks the 20 ton blocks of the pyramid So they had to go to the Caterpillar Tractor Company and have commissioned them - to build - a special device that they then could use to build the pyramid And after - six months the Egyptian government told them to clean up their mess and go home They simply could not replicate - the technology The way When we see that pyramid what we're seeing - - actually is a part of the structure was never meant to be seen So there were essentially three layers of the pyramids of Giza and the Great Pyramid the outer layer - was encased in highly polished limestone looked like marble white - that would have reflected that light in just a magnificent way And - there are only a few layers of that left on one side at the bottom - - because it has been stripped away for convenience used in other buildings throughout - Cairo in other mosques primarily in other mosques and other structures that are there So what we're seeing now is the inside that was never meant to be seen And these are - the tiered limestone blocks And inside of that was built around - the rooms themselves are granite The king's chamber The queen's chamber Massive massive 50 60 70 ton - blocks - that are - so highly polished We can't do this with our technology Today they're less than one 1000th of an inch - of tolerance between the stones There's no mortar holding these together and they've been there for centuries The mathematics involves - the mathematics the circumference of the Earth and the diameter of the Earth and the Earth's relationship to the moon our relationship - to the magnetic fields of the planet I mean it goes on and on and on - So the question is how was it done And obviously these were not primitive - people that were doing this So when I was there in 1989 another scientific group was there and they were given access This is the only time this has ever happened They were given access to the casing stones that we see today and permission to drill - core samples into those casing stones because when you do that you're destroying the stone So I'll open it up part of it So obviously it's not happening a lot So they took the core samples and I was a geologist What you would expect to see if these were naturally occurring limestone blocks - taken from - the surrounding limestone in the area there's a lot of limestone in the area You would expect in those core samples to see what you see in naturally occurring limestone you would expect laminations - - you would expect - micro fossils maybe visible fossils because it was presumably from ocean bottom And what they found in the core samples was just the opposite of that There were no laminations The entire - - block appears to be homogeneous That's not what you see in nature when nature is laying those You know year after year after year the layers that go down - But they also found air bubbles they found insects and they found human hair And what they were able to do When they did the chemical analysis there were chemicals - in the blocks that do not occur naturally So the bottom line I mean this is a mind blower This is 1989 when they found this is - the question how did they get massive blocks - of such high tolerance fitting perfectly 400ft above the surface You know If you watch the old movies in Charlton Heston - and Exodus what you see is a million slaves with ropes and log rollers and they're rolling them up sand ramps and all that And maybe that happened in some places later on that very possibly could have happened later on But that's not what happened with the three pyramids the Great Pyramids on Giza And what they found was - what was published And the pushback was tremendous is that these stones - - are what are called - they're artificial stone And the way they were created is they were in fact the stone itself was mined - from nearby limestone quarries It was then pulverized - and mixed - with a high tech epoxy - - that allowed it to be plastic kind of molten or at least soft - - poured into molds - And then those molds it was hardened and the molds were poured on site So that's why you could pour one block next to another and get one 1000 of an inch - tolerance And I talk to people about this - I used to do a lot of programs on this not so much anymore But one of the questions people say okay well what's the big deal Artificial stone Well we didn't know really how to create this There's another interesting story that goes with this In 1990 some of our viewers remember - the US Was about to invade Iraq - in what was called the first Gulf War I remember watching on TV I was crying watching on TV I didn't want to see it happen And - there's a backstory to this Saddam Hussein knew that - America well everybody knew because we broadcast that we were going to attack He contacted an American - artist who was using the technology - that was used in the Great Pyramids He contacted that artist because he wanted that technology - to harden his bunkers - before The the US Forces attacked Iraq He wanted That the epoxy based stone so that he could harden those bunkers - And the US Got wind of this us Government - and made it illegal They forbade the artist from - sharing his patented technology - with Saddam Hussein That would have actually hardened those bunkers against - the shock and awe that we were doing The point is the technology - that was used to build the pyramids was so advanced we weren't even really doing it until the 20th century And it had military applications that were recognized pretty quickly And we still don't do it And we still aren't using it heavily in our construction or anything like that right now No - - there are some artists that are using this but you don't see it in construction So This was a mind blower The to the scientific community 1989 because all the textbooks say those blocks were carved - and then somehow mysteriously moved into place Now - we go down Just adjacent to the Giza Plateau is the Great Sphinx And I know most of our viewers are familiar with the Sphinx - And as a geologist I was fascinated when I went there in 86 because what you see on the back of the Sphinx on the rump - and this is a view that you don't often get - - in mainstream They're always looking - either a profile or right on at the face But what you see is - - first of all the Sphinx is carved From it in place from a limestone bluff that was in place So - it's like there was a solid limestone bluff - - and the Sphinx was carved And then all the empty space around it is where the rock was cleared and moved away So that the Sphinx looks like this isolated - standing structure So - it was actually carved in place When you go around to the back of the Sphinx on the rump you see erosion marks - that are about 12ft deep In some places it's limestone Limestone is a sedimentary rock - And - when there are some parts of the limestone that are more resistant than others - and the softer parts are what get eroded away creating these erosion marks Well there is a geologist from Boston University Robert Shock and I know many people are familiar with his work now because of the Charlton Heston - special Charlton Heston did a special on the Great Sphinx And Robert Schalke was the first one that credibly - questioned - the age of the Sphinx from a geologic perspective And what he did was he looked at those erosion marks the same ones I'm looking at and he said well this is obviously fluvial erosion The term fluvial means - high - It's based in water and it would take high amounts of water - moving - quickly - over long periods of time to create that kind of erosion Up until that time the scientists had called it aeolian erosion which means it was wind - - blowing You know sand like sandpaper - and cutting it away Robert Shock said no it's obvious this is fluvial erosion - - And Here's what here's where - the kicker comes in The only time - - that there has been that kind of water high amounts fast moving water - over long periods of time predates - anything - our textbooks are talking about when it comes to - the pyramids We're told the pyramids were built - approximately 4500 maybe 5000 years ago - - and the water that would be required for that erosion has not been seen since the melting of the ice at the end of the last ice age which is right around between Sorry Ryan 1213 thousand years BP before present So if that is the case it means the structure had to already be existing - at twelve to 13 000 BP It had to be older than that And this is where the problems - are coming in today Now - - as a geologist I was a member of a geologic organization Double APG America association - of Petroleum Geologists was the term But it's about more than petroleum And they have a journal a peer reviewed journal that comes out Robert Schalke - published his findings in APG - And the scientists the real scientists not the pop scientists they looked at that data and they said of course Of course this is fluvial erosion Of course - it had to have happened 1213 thousand years before present - They accepted it no problem The geologists have no problem The historians have a horrible problem - because it means the history is wrong - - and - the evidence no longer supports the history And what I find fascinating Greg is that - the pyramids which were supposedly the oldest - of all of them - - it seems to two things One it was said it was a king's chamber yet Never been there's nothing that's ever proven that at all They've never found a corpse There's no hieroglyphs It completely goes against every other tomb we've ever found And two it seems that technology - keeps getting worse So the pyramids as they get closer to our time period seem to degrade almost - in the style that they're being built they should be getting better and there should be more of them out there Right Well it is true Alex and it's something this is not isolated Well first I'm just going to back up - the way that they have dated - the pyramids You cannot date something that has not been alive You can only carbon date something - that has been - living breathing oxygen carbon based life So stone cannot be carbon dated The way that they have dated these pyramids is by estimating Through you know who was the king at what period of time - - and Do you know whose face is on a statue or something like that - And then here I mean this makes no sense at all - They also have found mice and rats inside the pyramid that are - dead and mummified and they carbon date those dead mice and rats They might date till 4000 - years before present There is nothing linking - that dead rat to the origin of the pyramid I mean the rat could have come in 1000 years ago - inside of the pyramid But - this is where the scientific community they've got a story and they want to stick with it And - this is what I said at the beginning There's - a battle - for what is called - the Standard model And they had this all nice and buttoned up nice and tidy about - the kings and the eras - So where all this is leading if the Sphinx - was already existing when the ice melted - and if the Great Pyramid - was made using technology - and incorporating mathematics that are so sophisticated we didn't know it until recently where did that come from All of this is pointing - to - - and it's something I've talked about extensively is that civilization - appears to be cyclic rather than linear So the linear model is - what we're teaching our kids - We began ancient Sumerian Mesopotamia 5000 5500 years ago And - then you've got Rome and Greece - and all of that - Well all of that happens to have occurred - within the most recent cycle that began about 5000 years ago - And what the mathematics what the archaeology is showing - is that - our history appears to be - closely correlated - to 5125 year long cycles And there are five 5125 year cycles that make up one big cycle called a precession of the equinox And I know some of our astronomers and astrologers are familiar with that It's about 26 000 years - It is related to - the way that Earth relates to the sun and to the way that - all of I don't want to go too deep with all of this but our relationship - to - our solar system and the Milky Way - and if those of you that remember - the - - 2012 phenomenon that's what this was all about 2012 was the end of the last the fifth 5125 year long cycle - and the beginning of a new age a new cycle that we're in right now So when you plot that out I didn't know we were going to talk about this I would have brought some slides When you plot that out on a graph when you look at these 5000 year cycles so here we are today 2012 the beginning of a new cycle - - or the end of one that began 5000 years ago Well - here's what's happening Archaeological discoveries now Are are being made that precede - that 5000 year cycle So when it first started happening - scientists said oh well these are anomalies So Whoa we've got we've got our history and we're sure it's right And then here's an anomaly and we'll put it over here we'll come back and look at it later - Well now there are so many anomalies the anomalies are telling the new story So you've got - places like the Gulf of Combat in India It's a three mile long five mile wide submerged city It's under 120ft of water 9500 years before present Very sophisticated archaeology We've got Gobekli Tepe in Turkey - that is still being excavated and is now over 13 000 - years before present Now that the ice is melting in Antarctica the satellites are showing complex massive - complex - structures These aren't like little log cabins or pit houses I mean these are massive structures The ice has been there for 20 000 years So the question is who was building complex architectural structures 20 000 years ago in Antarctica Well when you plot those what you're finding is Rome and Greece and - Corral Peru That is the most recent 5000 year cycle So what we've been studying and what we've been teaching ourselves and our children is not the history of the world forever it's the history of the world in the most recent cycle Now we've got to start looking the 5000 year cycle before that where we see Corral in Peru which is now - dated It's the oldest - technologically advanced civilization in all of the Americas It's older than the Inca than the Aztec than the Olmec than the Toltec It's older than anything We've got to rewrite all the history books And next to it another site has been found that's even older We're told civilization began 5000 years ago That's when these ended these civilizations ended when we're told that civilization began So that's a 5000 year cycle Now you go back and you look at Gobekli Tepe So we've got - today back to about 5000 years - 5000 years to 10 000 years is another 5000 year cycle - And that's Yeah all the things Chateau Hoyuk in Turkey and Corral and all those Now - we're looking at Gobekli Tepe 13 000 So now we're looking at another we're looking at another 5000 year cycle and now we're looking at Antarctica another 5000 year cycle So - the evidence - strongly supports cyclic civilization and the question is what happens every 5000 years Why do those civilizations why do we lose the memory lose the knowledge - of those civilizations And what happened before - those simultaneous those five or six simultaneous civilizations Where did they come from Where did the knowledge for those come from And all of it leads - to A the understanding that there have been great catastrophes - - in our past and one of those now - is hotly contested But the evidence is very strong for - a comet impact during what is called the Pleistocene geologic era as we were coming out of the last ice Age And - that that comet - plunged us back into an ice age and that brought an end to a great advanced civilization - that existed on Earth The remnants from that became - those - five simultaneous civilizations The remnants - became You know the pyramids in Egypt and - China and Indus Valley and all that And this is why they had such similar - mathematics architecture cosmology and things like that So we just covered a whole lot of ground I'll stop and let's fill in the missing pieces Well I mean as studied - I'm assuming you obviously know about the Yugas - and the Yuga cycles from the Yogi Suktaswa who wrote and he literally laid out exactly what you're saying the 26 000 year cycle - And the way they laid out is that there is advanced knowledge then we lose it then we come back to it And everywhere between there's like little jumps here and there and we're now on an upward - swing - towards - our new cycle is - - obviously we're advancing technologically we're advancing spiritually even We're advancing even the last hopefully in the last 30 or 40 years how much we've advanced It is a fascinating - idea to think about where we were coming from And I don't want to get into why everyone's fighting this - in the status quo but it's ego and other things like that But - one question I'd love to talk to you about because it has not really been talked about publicly a lot Antarctica I've seen - these satellite images of these - - massive - structures that could arguably they say pyramids that are bigger than the greater much bigger than greater Tell me what you've learned No I've seen them as well So Antarctica is a mystery - for a number of reasons Number one it is supposed to be international property - that no one owns And there were agreements signed in the early 20th century that it would not be militarized We signed those same agreements for space and we signed them for the Moon And both of those have been violated - We have militarized space we have weapons in space And - there's a lot of controversy about what has been done on the lunar surface and how it's been done The same goes with Antarctica We know that China has their military base germany has theirs - russia has theirs The United States has theirs We've obviously militarized antarctica What - has - happened - since global warming And as a geologist I'll just say straight up global warming is a fact we've been talking about We were giving people a heads up that we should be moving into a warming cycle Humans didn't cause it - We've contributed to it But if there were no humans we would still be the geologic record shows we would still be - in a warming cycle Mm-hmm So So the warming is happening and it is melting this 2 miles of ice that has been there for about 20 000 years And as that began to happen it began to expose - these complex structures Now one of the first things I learned as a student of archaeology - is that nature never builds in 90 degree angles right And - - you won't see a river like coming down and then - doing one of these things - and you don't see wind - eroding in in a 90 degree angle So one of the first things you look for if you're looking on another planet or if you're looking for lost civilizations here on Earth is you begin looking for these 90 evidence of 90 degree angles - in architecture And what began showing up in Antarctica and again this isn't like a little one room pit house These are massive complex structures with room after room after room after room - within rooms within rooms And once those this was around 2016 2017 then Google Earth Pixelated all of that out And if you go to look at Antarctica right now you will not see any of that However I've got pre - pixelated images - showing where you can compare the same areas So - they don't want us seeing what it is that is there Why Why is it My son Well a couple of reasons First of all it messes up the story - Remember there's a battle for - what's called the Stand Standard Model of history The Standard model says we began primitive about 5000 years ago - - and slowly gradually - we've evolved into the pinnacle of sophistication that we have today And it's only happened once What the cyclic model shows - is that there are different kinds of technologies Alex and - you can have an advanced technology - and not have it based in transistors and resistors There are other kinds of technologies - And my sense is that if these - technologies I'm going to go back as a geologist once again The catastrophic - event - theory - that now has a lot of evidence - of a comet impact So - I'll just lay the ground here Here's what was happening We were coming in the Pleistocene we were coming out of the Ice Age and Earth - was beginning to warm as it would cyclically all of a sudden and this is quick You see this drop - where - the temperatures - on the planet drop quickly and we plunge into briefly into another ice age But what also happens during that time - is there's a rapid rise in sea levels that are happening at the same time It doesn't make a lot of sense until you begin to look at the evidence It appears - that this comet - that impacted scientists have been resistant to accept this theory - because they'd say for something that big it'd have to leave a big hole in the ground They're assuming it was one piece that hit Earth What we now know is there were some big pieces and they have now found the craters in Greenland And Newfoundland But now they have found - hundreds and hundreds and hundreds of smaller craters all the way from Greenland and Newfoundland all the way down across Europe down into South Africa - And when they go to do the geologic testing of the craters what they find are high amounts of standalone platinum - - This is important because first of all platinum is a rare element to begin with - When you find it on Earth it is generally with another mineral called iridium Iridium is a transition metal In the platinum family - - there is no iridium - suggesting and scientists now they say this in the open literature this is of extraterrestrial origin It's not terrestrial geology It's incoming So So this comet broke up - and scattered hundreds and hundreds maybe thousands of these craters And when that happened the ice In in the Northern Hemisphere most of - North America most of northern Europe northern latitudes was covered in ice There's what was called an ice wall - that was holding back large amounts of water - - from the melt This comet brought a rapid intense heat - that was enough - to melt that ice wall and there was a rapid infusion - of water So first of all it had a different salinity than the ocean different temperature It infused - into the Atlantic And we can see this We have records of this Sea levels rose in some places 200ft if you can imagine - the 200 foot sea level rise So Disney World's gone Disney World's gone Oh man Well most of the coastal areas are gone And And so all of this happened - in a really - - very compressed period of time during a mysterious time called the Drier Yugas not the yugas The younger dryas We were talking about the Hindu yugas It's called the Younger Dryas Dryas is the name of a flower that you typically see in certain climatic conditions And when that flower began to - appear in the ways that it did that was where this came from So there's a little period of time called the Younger dryest My friend I have a couple of friends that have done a lot of documentation on And you know there's some pushback on it If people watch any of the video Netflix series or anything like You they're they're talking about Graham Hancock - has done a Netflix series I don't know if you saw this last week The Archaeological Association is now petitioning - to have - the series If Netflix is going - to hold it they would prefer they not show it If they're going to show it they want them - to reclassify it from a documentary They don't want it called a documentary They now want to call it science fiction Yeah Even though yeah because it is now the most popular and most viewed - - episode - or series on Netflix and - it's giving a lot of people a lot of ideas about our past So - it changes the story But now back to Antarctica and the reason I talked about the influx of the water and the dropping of the temperature quickly If this was a highly advanced technologically sophisticated civilization the change that we saw - happen so quickly there's a good chance that whatever technology they were using is still there It was preserved They didn't have time To to to - cart it away or anything I mean this is a very quick event and that technology threatens the status quo of the technology that we have today Obsolete technologies like internal combustion engines and the burning of fossil fuels to create energy I mean those have served us and we have made great advancements based upon that And we are at a point now where I'm amazed that we're still using internal combustion energy - and still burning - stuff To you know to create that kind of energy So I think this is the reason that they're trying to cover this - Know there was a film crew from Los Angeles There was some university students and there were some professionals that went down to document what was happening and they have not been heard from since they've disappeared Their families suspect - that they have found some of these bases and are simply And Antarctica and then yeah in Antarctica - They - are being held I don't They don't know that they have died but if they were successful in finding the bases they probably would not have been allowed to So So - Antarctica a lot of mystery happening around Antarctica and there's a lot of diversion - away from that Mainstream doesn't want to talk about it They've been told not to talk about that Well let me ask you this because - the Younger Dryas which yeah Graham Hancock is doing the Lord's work in many ways doing what he's doing over these years and that documentary series has been - kind of like ignited a whole conversation about this But the Antarctica stuff has not been talked about too much - If there is These these - structures that are being - shown after the melt because this is beyond the young Adrias this is deep into Antarctica so that means that that's been there for a long period of time What is your estimation Well this is where it gets really interesting Where is there a mother civilization or a father civilization depending on how you want to look at this - Indigenous traditions For for over 40 years I've led groups into - the Andes of southern Peru - Actually in September we're getting ready to take it'll be my 39th - trip in 36 years Nice Ah If Into Peru We haven't been since COVID And the indigenous Yeah the indigenous populations - have not had really much outside contact since COVID Their traditions whether we're talking about the southern Andes or we're talking about the Aboriginals or in Papua New Guinea or Australia or Or you know the American desert Southwest the Nava the Hopi they all talk about previous worlds They all say that they are - the remnant - that emerged from a previous - civilization And they almost universally all of the stories as different as the traditions are from one another They all - tell the story of the Great Flood - - Presumably this flood is the resulting of a rapid melting of the ice and the rising of the sea levels And what that does Is when this when the ice - there was a time about 30% during the Pleistocene about 30% of the surface area of the Earth was covered in ice And what that does where that ice comes from it's seawater - If it's not in the sea that means the sea levels are lower - because the water is locked up in the ice If the water is lower it is exposing land - that connects continents land bridges like between Alaska - and Siberia for example where humans could presumably walk And the same the Philippines islands were all a big Exactly - Exactly - So when you go back far enough the indigenous traditions talk about a continent And there are different names for this We've all heard of these We've heard of lemuria - in the Pacific James Churchword in late 18 hundreds early 19 hundreds linked that with the lost continent of Mew which would have extended from - Hawaii - is the high part that remains above water today to the Malaysian islands to the west and then down to Easter Island to the south Those were all - part of - this massive continent - - and an advanced civilization in the Pacific On the Atlantic side of course we hear about Atlantis and - - the technology - and what happened there Well again as a geologist is interesting because on the Atlantic side where Atlantis where Plato says Atlantis was is exactly - at a place where three of the continental plates - come It's a triple junction - for the continental plates the African plate the North American plate - and The the the northern plate to the side When those plates come together - - not only - - are they often subducted one goes under another Like right now the Pacific plate is being subducted by the North American plate And that means the Pacific plate is moving underneath North America to the east So I'm in New Mexico just outside of Santa Fe Colorado Rockies the mountain range that we see that is the leading edge of the Pacific plate So in other words if I drilled far enough down from - my studio right now I would actually hit the Pacific plate because it's being subducted That happens sometimes - What also happens is at a triple junction like this is there's an undulation - that happens over time And And both of those appear - to be - what is happening precisely the place where Atlantis was said to have existed And maybe this is the answer to the question that began this conversation When - Atlantis submerged pretty quickly the sea levels rose and they lost everything And they sent people they sent - survivors into what they called the four corners of the world - with the knowledge - that they had gained They didn't have the tools but they had the knowledge And they tried to replicate that - - with the materials and the tools that they had So this may be the answer to the question where did this knowledge come from And it all - links back - to a catastrophic event that was not foreseen - even by an advanced civilization - that obviously - they had the knowledge they knew about the cosmos and the stars and our relationship - to the stars where Antarctica may be a little bit different is it appears to have been even older - than these other civilizations - - and The the indigenous - traditions The stories the cultural stories say that there was a link to our cosmic family through Antarctica And there have been reports - from people who Have know insiders that have come through whistleblowers and things like that that not only - are they advanced - structures but possibly - craft - that were stuck in the ice when this happened And if that's the case - - then it implies technology that can be reverse engineered that could forever free us - from the shackles - of the fear and the lack and the scarcity of the kinds of technology That we're that we're offered today - Things like - finite All the technology the technology is bringing us together right now And the reason that the Green Revolution - is not going to work - is because it is based upon - the use of - 17 - rare Earth elements in just a couple of locations on Earth right now in nations that are not - - sometimes so friendly to the west And it's a finite it's a relatively small it's a finite supply of these rare Earth minerals to make the batteries to make the copper to make the solar panels and things like they're good - stepping stone I think we need to embrace them - to move - to a more sustainable form But they are not going to be the answer - And it could be that when we find whatever is hidden in Antarctica - that it offers - that technology And that might be one of the reasons why - it's not being shared right now It ties into disclosure - and the reason that all the disclosure is forthcoming I don't think anybody's surprised that we have a cosmic family We you know I think that's pretty broadly accepted But the implications of an advanced technology and what it would mean - to our world today from my perspective it could be a beautiful thing that frees us in a way that does just that It allows sovereignty - for the individual and for society and that is in direct opposition - to - the attempts - to subjugate and control are being levied right now - through technology So yeah It will I mean- Long hair Long answer to a short question Well I mean and it's it's yeah If tomorrow morning someone woke up and said oh I discovered how we could get free energy it would be stopped instantly Look even the electric car in the early 2000s came out and it was working fine And then they said no this doesn't work with our business model And they pulled it off the I mean it's you know the Know Alex I'm going to say my first job out of hired I was - a geology major geophysics major I was hired in the industry without my degree - initially because I also had a parallel background in computer science And in the 70s that was pretty much unheard of Computers - were in They took up a whole room Very few people knew how to talk to a computer And I was a pretty good programmer in the early programming languages and I was hired by an energy company and I finished my degree going nights Once I was I was working there One of the first things that I saw when I was there - is that this was 19 - 78 79 - is that there - was a carburetor - that would allow a gas guzzling vehicle to get over 90 - miles to the gallon And this is in the 1970s - and that carburetor threatened the energy industry because if all of a sudden cars are giving 90 miles to the gallon you're not going to use as much gas sales are going to drop So - they bought up that patent and they sat on it and to the best of my knowledge they're still sitting on it We're not using carburetors now - in the same way we've got electronic ignition and different kinds of engines But that was an example of where a technology - was developed that threatened the status quo - and - to subdue it they just bought it outright and never - used it But this is where we are And this conversation about the ancient civilizations it's not happening in a vacuum - It is happening within the context of a crossroad Here we are - as a civilization at a crossroad where we're being threatened The freedoms that allow - our creativity and our intuition - and our imagination - to create great and beautiful things to free us As a as a society to free us as a species - - those are all now facing just the opposite The technology - that wants to control that wants to take away the sovereignty - that we've had So for a lot of different reasons - And we're seeing this through social media of course We're seeing it through the transhuman movement the movement - that - believes that we are flawed - as a species that we need to replace our biology with artificial intelligence with Gadgets with computer chips in the brain - to be more efficient All this is part of a bigger conversation - and I think what it invites all of us to do we've all got to come to terms with - what is it - that we - value What values do we cherish - as individuals - What values do we cherish as families as communities as societies as nations as a species And we've got to claim those values now because that is what is being threatened And The the the hiding of the truth the hiding of advanced technology the hiding of our extraordinary potentials within our own bodies superimmune system supercognition super memory super learning All the things that - we're told we need - Gadgets or we need chemicals to do our bodies do it even better All the Gadgets and the chemicals are mimicking what we already do in our cells except we do it better And those are the kinds of things But that are at stake right now we're at this very powerful crossroad - where if we and it's not going to last forever This is moving quickly In one generation we either choose - to cherish and value our humanness and our sovereignty and our freedom or we're going to lose it as a species And this is how you lose a species We'll become a hybrid Technology biological species where emotions - are bred out of our existence because they're inefficient where our memories that don't service become a thing of the distant past This is exactly what the technology is doing now And so the conversation - about ancient civilizations is important - because it tells us we do have a history We've been here longer than we've been led to believe We've had advanced technology in the past We had to to see the kinds of things that we're seeing right now And - I think ultimately what it says is if we have had these in the past - and we as a species if we have built great and beautiful things together as a species and then something happened and we lost all of that - If we came together as a family as a global family how far could we go this time - with everything that we have now We've got all that we need to create the evolutionary edge - so that we not just survive that we thrive - through all of the things that we're seeing right now All the war all the climate change all the social change all the political change But we've got to claim those values I think and make those values the foundation - of - all the policies and all the laws and all the so that's my soapbox And that's why I think the past is important Alex Because if we don't know who we are and where we've come from - and we've made mistakes in the past we're going to repeat those - with the cycles - as they come again Greg you know I could talk to you for at least another five or six Please please promise to come back and we have another deep conversation about many of the things we kind of touched upon in this one Well thank you Well I want to ask you so you and I are having this conversation Have you had this conversation with other guests I've dabbled in it and it's an area that I want to start touching more upon because my audience based on our last conversations which we touched upon - certain aspects of it we also talked about simulation theory and other things like that It is something that people are super interested in and super fascinated in And I think it's something that - not only talks about Are Transcribed by https://otter ai our past as a species but the implications spiritually - that it has for everybody and where we've been spiritually Where we've been an evolution of - - our soul and our spirituality - throughout the hundreds of thousands of years even - That is something I'm really interested in Kind of diving and we didn't even touch the spirituality aspect of all of it Can we go till ten after the hour Oh please - Oh yeah I'm here as long as you like sir No III I did a quick text I apologize I texted while you were speaking just to let my next interview know - I'd be a few minutes late Appreciate that When we talk about spirituality it means different things different people And I think there's a deeper conversation that goes beyond spirituality To an hour I'll use the term I'll mention and I'll define it It goes to our divinity And - when you look up the term I think we may have talked about this a little bit in our last conversation When you look up the term divinity a lot of people - associate divinity with religion and I can see why religion would have hijacked the term sure But the term divinity actually if you look up the definition it's interesting It means the ability - to transcend - perceived human limitations Our ability - to not just survive but to become more than to thrive in the presence beyond the limitations that we may have imposed upon ourselves in the past What's happening today is there is - a movement - - to - keep us from our divinity to keep us - so that we feel that we are powerless victims of a world that we have no control over And if you're a victim it means you need a savior - And the savior that's being touted is technology We're We're being taught now young people are being taught All you need to do - - is to embrace this piece of technology this virtual reality or computer chip There's a proposal now to implant computer chips into the brains of all newborns to give them the edge so they can compete successfully in the world today What's being missed - is that when our biology is replaced - by technology if you have a computer chip working for you it means - that your neurons - think they're no longer needed - and - your - systems begin to atrophy If you pump chemicals into your body for an immune response your natural immune system says maybe you don't need me anymore The systems will begin to atrophy You don't have the robust systems And this is precisely what's happening today And this is where we lose our sovereignty as an individual because we feel that we need something outside of us All right 2 to be the best version of ourselves and to be successful in life It's a very different way of thinking - and it's being done through really slick marketing I mean I'm aware of it and I'm still in awe - of how sexy the marketing is when I see the know if you watch a YouTube video you're going to get commercials while you're watching that video And some of those commercials - if I were a young person and didn't know what I know now I can see - where - they would be drawn - to want To to Embry what's wrong with computer chip in your brain or a special but it goes Into that whole superhuman superhero aspect of it You're like becoming Iron Man You're becoming Iron Man And that's kind of the way they're positioning Exactly But This is where this is the battle that's coming down now for our divinity because - do you accomplish that by giving away your humanness to a technology Or do you accomplish that - by - developing - the potential of human biology We don't even know what that potential is But - now this is where the spirituality comes in When you replace biology - with polymers synthetics AI and computer chips you have replaced DNA artificial technology The DNA is the link - to our spirituality The DNA is the link to our biology and our divinity because the DNA literally - DNA and the genes that make the DNA - are literally antenna They are soft antenna that tune us - - to information in a field of energy - that scientists tell us underlies and connects all things that is not controversial Scientists are on board There's a field underlying all existence including us We're in constant communication nonverbally - through energetic transactions Our DNA - is picking up information That's where intuition comes from When you hear the voice in your head that says this is a good thing to do or this is not a good thing to do or when you - go into prayer - and you ask for help and guidance and you receive that you receive that because it is coming through this energetic pathway If we give away - our - biology to computer chips and synthetic technology it might help In the moment you're giving away your divinity your access to your greatest potential because now you're no longer able - to communicate through these information - pathways that we're only beginning to know This is one of the reasons - cloning technology there's a mystery to cloning - scientists In Dolly the first sheep that was cloned I mean others had been done but that was the first public clone appeared to be successful at first - And then something mysterious happened Her body began to break down and she died at about 50% of the age attained by her species - And it's not a one off All kinds of scientific articles are out there peer reviewed articles They do this with cows now bovine cloning For you know they were They want to breed certain kinds of cattle meat - - They clone them - At first they look fine They might produce a couple of offspring They will not live their full lifespan They begin to degenerate and break down from weird diseases And - here's what they've missed is in the cloning - There's a mismatch In the in the cloning They take the ovum they pull the DNA out and put in - the DNA from another animal But that - - DNA - still has to communicate with the rest of the cell and it can't because - it is a different DNA from another animal There's a mismatch And - - that is an example - of what happens to humans when we embrace begin replacing - biology We're replacing our DNA with chips and wires and chemicals - - We are actually limiting our potential We're limiting our potential because we're losing - - the information - - pathway to our divinity That's a huge statement That's the other The other part and I've just saw a series of articles on this in the science journals A computer chip It's definitely fast definitely efficient definitely logic much more logical maybe than human emotion But that chip - will always be limited by the physics - of the stuff it's made from Whereas a human neuron - - and the cell walls Of of a human - well human cells we are scalable And what that means - is that when our neurons for example when they reach what we used to think was the upper end of their ability to transmit information now the neurons adapt - and are able to begin transmitting higher speeds of more information than we ever thought was possible We don't know the upper end of our scalability We are a highly advanced technologically sophisticated soft technology And I talk about that a lot in - other programs the books all kinds of YouTube videos Mm-hmm Soft - technology - We're not chips and wires and chemicals We're cell membranes - and neurons moving ion potentials - across the cell wall And here's the beauty You don't have to know any of it because we use thought feeling emotion belief breath and focus That's it And this is what our ancestors always told You'll have to know the tech - because we're such an advanced tech The interface is so simple - and that's the beautiful thing When that's what And we're so much more advanced than any technology that we I mean no one's been able to duplicate the - insanity that is our body It is our brain how our brain works how our cells work how we're able to regenerate ourselves - - None of it None of it And it sounds like from the Cloning thing that you were saying that there is a failsafe in our system that - - there's - something - - in the creation of the process of what we are made of There is a failsafe that - - you can't mess around It's yeah You said that so beautifully Alex Thank you And - I'm a scientist and I believe in science We've got to keep science honest - - if science is going to serve us And science has been hijacked - by politics religion corporations technology We ask science to tell us who we are And science has done a good job The question is do we love ourselves enough Do we love ourselves enough to accept - the truth - of what science is telling us And the Cloning experiments I think is one of the pathways - that will lead science to understand - and accept what it is that you and I are saying right now If they are ever going to be successful - in the Cloning technology they will have to accept - that there's an information - exchange that is happening within the cell - - to a field outside of the cell - and that there has to be a match of the antenna So just to clarify here's what I mean In the cell there's a nucleus of the cell We know there's DNA in there What a lot of people don't know is there is DNA outside - of the nucleus mitochondrial DNA And so the DNA on the inside has to be able to communicate with the DNA outside Some people calling this junk DNA well it's not junk It has a purpose So so Just think about this There's a communication the DNA inside and outside the cell So if you now take the DNA inside the cell throw it away and you bring in DNA from another animal presumably the same species but you put that in there there's going to be a mismatch - These two can't talk to one another They can't establish the information - link the resonant - information - link - to the place in the field that allows them to be successful And that's where the breakdown comes from - So when the scientific community they will have to embrace this Now they'll never call it soul they'll never call it spirit they probably won't call it divinity but it will lead them They'll have to understand this if they're ever going to be successful with the Cloning technology So so I think there is a place where we will meet - with this kind of knowledge And maybe this is the process Maybe this is how it happens I don't know It's fascinating isn't It is I mean Like I said I could talk to you for hours Greg And I think these conversations are so important because they are starting to plant seeds in people that might have never thought about these things because they've just You know and you can go through it been - they swallowed basically whatever they've been given And - you just go back to when I was growing up that egg yolks were good and whites were bad And then they're like no we're kidding Now the whites are good now the eggs are yellows are bad but now they're like no It's kind of like It's always just just something as basic of an example as that So you have to question - and nowadays we're not just followers There's so much information accessible to all of us like these conversations that we got to start asking questions about things that are mysterious even quantum physics the physics community doesn't even want to accept these ideas yet And it's like come on already for God's sake Yeah well I just want to acknowledge to our viewers we covered a lot of ground today - at a high level maybe didn't do it justice maybe we shouldn't have - breached You know some of the topics But they all really are part of the same conversation And it's about us our potential our relationship - to the world around us And ultimately - it's about - - our ability and our willingness to love and honor - the body that we have And the history - is telling us - about who we have been and what our potential is So the The battle - for our story involves these ancient civilizations and it's not like a little offshoot over here I think it's central - to what's happening And I really appreciate you I had no idea This is unscripted Obviously I had no idea what we're going to talk about today And I appreciate you choosing this particular topic because I do think - it's important and maybe we laid the foundation for Alex and Greg volume three - Yes I hope so my friend We've definitely got to get you back on the show Greg I know you're a busy man I know you got to go Thank you so much for coming on the show Is there anything anywhere if people want to find out more about you and the amazing work you're doing where do - - they First of all I have a dedicated YouTube channel - so that the work cannot be sliced and diced and misrepresented as it is when it's not on that channel So Greg Braden - - on YouTube there's only one official channel - - where we talk about a lot of these things in more detail and much more as well as just go to the website gregbraden com Greg - Two G's braden com and - trips to Peru You know speaking engagements all over the world things like that - So Alex thank you so much for the work you do Thank you for your trust my friend and for sharing me with your community I'm honored and I look forward to part three I appreciate you my friend Thank you again Thanks so much Take care Thanks for watching Click on one of the videos below to continue your journey and don't forget to subscribe
Channel: Next Level Soul Français
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Id: vhwUyDXnV3E
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Length: 71min 34sec (4294 seconds)
Published: Tue Feb 06 2024
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