A scarily long explanation of AHS: Murder House

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foreign as you can see by the chaos behind me I've been quite busy the last few months this is quite I'm quite proud of myself of this if I'm being honest with you so in this video I'm going to be explaining the connections between the characters and their plot lines throughout the season as well as some of the supporting characters down here and how they play a role in the series but the main six up here as well as Moira because Moira is not listed as a main character although I feel that she definitely belongs here she's definitely an honorary main character in my eyes and then also on the right I have the timeline this video is I have been planning this for about a year now not just this show I was going to do a video on the 100 at one point but that kind of fell through I still plan on doing that but I just felt like this would be a whole lot easier and then originally up until about a few days ago I was going to do this whole video as like a compilation of Murder House Asylum coven and freak Show and it was going to be the first four seasons in one video but once I actually got into the thick of it and realized how long this video would be I just decided to stick with this season and then we're gonna do Asylum coven freak Show all the way down to the very end later in their own videos but I thought it would be much easier on me and much easier as a viewer I guess to digest just one season at a time so that's what I'm doing this video like I said took absolute ages to make and I've had it in the works for a while so whether this marks the beginning of a beautiful tradition or um kind of Fizzles out and doesn't do very well remains to be seen also just a few quick side notes before I explain everything else as far as the timeline goes I am going to be explaining it in the order of which the episode aired and not necessarily the order of which the event came in so if the first scene takes place in 2011 then I'll be saying that scene first and then I will be jumping back into 1968. I'm going by the episode in which the event took place in the episode if that makes sense and then I will explain like how it makes sense within the timeline and I'll always give you the date before I explain like the event that took place that day over here on the character side like I said we have the main six characters and then I have um most of the supporting characters um there are a few that are not on here because I did not deem them important enough to be on here such as Larry Harvey's daughters they are not on here um Larry Harvey's wife Lorraine is on here I didn't think the Dodgers were important enough also there are a couple of others that I forgot and I'll bring up throughout the video but um just as an example not everyone is up here also don't [ __ ] on my drawing skills I know that this does not look perfect and that is okay that is okay also my taping abilities um would glue have been easier probably but um I decided to use Scotch tape and this it's it's not perfect I know just um this is the way it's going to be so let me give you some background information into how the show came about before I kind of explain all of this behind me the show was created by Ryan Murphy and Brad balchuk in the fall of 2011. the idea for the show came about in either late 2010 or very early 2011 when Ryan Murphy was in his Glee era he wanted to do something darker and less campy he's always loved the horror genre so he thought you know why not take a swing at it and quiet the swing he took because this is Iconic and you can't deny that the first few seasons of this show are genuinely fantastic and once you get past like season six things kind of start to like spiral out of control a little bit you know that's what I'm here for I'm gonna explain everything from this season all the way to delicate which comes out later in September as of filming this is August 30th 2023 this isn't so much a review as it is a recap also this video is heavily heavily inspired by Mike's mic and the incredible videos that he puts out this whole format has been done before I am not blind to that this is heavily inspired by him so I just wanted to put that in there this season aired from October 2011 to December 2011. so a nice little fall slash winter show it definitely gave the fall Autumn Vibes and it was a huge success let's just be honest this show broke out into the mainstream from basically season one The Tumblr girlies were eating everything up the internet was taken by storm the early internet was taken by storm by this man but uh let's just get into the characters also I'm filming this intro the day after I filmed most of this video so if my hair looks different don't comment it up here at top we've got Miss Vivian harm and she's a granola mom she's very paranoid about like you know in episode one we find out that she's very paranoid about like fabric softener and like all these different things and she's very anti-chemical she's very granola mom she's very natural she's very Nature Valley she's giving very much yoga mom you know you know the type you know she's the Facebook is this all-natural Karen mom she slays for that that's good for her you know here we have her husband absolute flop cheater quite literally a hypocrite he's a therapist who deals with his own problems or I should say does not deal with his own problems and instead it just kind of tries to solve other people's instead of his own very much a plot don't like this character tomato tomato tomato we have their teenage daughter Violet we learn in the first episode that she's kind of just edgy and that's like her whole character um she's not scared of anything she's just basically described as a depressed teenager which like girl hello we all are you're not special however she is very smart in the ways of the house and she starts to see like the heart of the house the different ghosts and spirits that reside in the house first and then we have Mr Tate down here now Mr Tate half of the [ __ ] fandom is just absolutely obsessed with this man and you know we'll get into that he is psychopathic manipulative and he has mommy issues and that's all I have to say about him for now mother right here this is Dame Miss Jessica Lange she is playing a character called Constance babe she's just she's just a legend she is just mother of the century you know the only thing I have to say about her is that she is mother that's really all I have to say Larry Harvey flop actual weirdo we'll find out in the first episode why he's just he's just no good he's just really no good I don't like him he's creepy he's gross supporting character down here honorary main character is Moira O'Hara she depending on which one you're talking about is mysterious sexual very cheeky she's very cheeky let me just say that kind warm-hearted sweet loving maid absolutely amazing just we love her pure of heart just always wants to do what's best for the family might I add so some of the Dynamics that we explore in this season um between all of these main characters so we have Ben and Vivian they are married and they have recently hit a rough patch in their marriage she caught him cheating in the first episode this is kind of what sets the series in motion and this is the reason why they move out to LA because they are from Boston their daughter Violet is heavily affected by this even though it's not really kind of sated I think at this point is why she is upset because they don't want she does not want to move out here so Ben and Vivian are very argumentative they don't always see eye to eye in fact they rarely see eye to eye Ben is really manipulative with Vivian and Vivian is just always here just serving her absolute best with her hair Vivian and violet have a strange relationship sort of because again I said she does not want to move out to LA and Vivian and Ben have decided that this is the right step she is resentful towards that then we have Vivian and Moira their relationship is more about like friends than employer and employee now we also have Violet and Tate and Krusty over here is manipulative and she is just sad and needs a man honestly is what this is um Mr Tate right here is just one of the reasons why this show has such a compelling narrative and we'll get to that later but this woman right here is just easily fooled and um I feel really bad for her I really do because this is Crest Lord and then we have Tate and Ben um Benjamin is a therapist and he begins seeing Tate in like day four day three of the timeline I don't exactly remember but basically um he is in he is hired by Constance who is Tate's mother to fix his kind of homicidal Tendencies if you will and um yeah so that's all you need to know about Tate and Ben is it's a therapist and patient relationship then we have Ben and Larry and Ben and Larry is a main storyline I would say for Ben and at least for the first few episodes like it's definitely a main thing until probably about halfway through the season Larry wants to extort Ben for thousands of dollars I believe it is because Larry knows that Ben is a cheater Larry used to live in the house and thinks that you know the only way to get back into the house is to extort this man of his money so that he has to leave so that he can move back in which doesn't really make sense because he's poor so we have Larry and Constance and Constance and Larry used to date for a very short period of time until take got in the way of everything and things just kind of spiral just kind of went out of control from there he is an absolutely in love with her and she wants absolutely nothing to do with him because he's crust Lord the men in this show can um trip on a knife honestly I could care less about him him and him now we have Moira and Constance and we find out in the 80s which I'll explain in the timeline me that she killed her for sleeping with her husband in which um it is revealed later that he raped her and sorry he our word did her and she just didn't believe it was rape and just kind of shot her so she's a ghost she dies looking like this but somehow when you're a woman you see this which kind of makes sense because it's like the soul of the person you know a nice lady you know and also Francis Conway slays so then we have um the next one that I kind of wrote down this isn't every Dynamic by the way it's just I have a couple more we have Constance and Tate mother and son he absolutely hates her guts because he claims that his father left because he does not know that she killed him he claims that his father left because she was a quote [ __ ] now we explore this in therapy a lot we don't actually get to see them together a whole lot there's a few scenes of them um but we really get to learn about their Dynamic especially through flashbacks as well the rest I kind of just stuck down here as far as like the Dynamics go there's not many more to do with like the first um six or like also Moira but we have Chad and Pat and they are together in a relationship they're ghosts they hate each other basically but they're still together um we have Nora and Charles Montgomery they also hate each other and their son who is a demon baby Thaddeus Thaddeus is a demon baby that Charles created Hayden who is Ben's lover that mistress that he cheated on Vivian with the police officer that Ben accuses Vivian of having sex with we have Billy Dean Howard played by Miss Sarah Paulson and she comes in other Seasons but she's a legend just kind of shows up and then we have Marcy the realtor we have Adelaide who is constance's daughter we have Travis who is constance's lover um and then we have these two little boys which we'll get to in the pilot episode so in sequential everyone on this row is just like there you know and I've kind of just included them but everyone in the top row is pretty important now that I have all the characters set up and kind of giving you some background let's go back to where it all began okay so we begin with these two absolute Jokers down here um and they enter the house looking for Destruction they just start destroying the house for absolutely no reason they run into jars of what look to be animal fetuses baby Limbs and just a bunch of random stuff the house is decrepit and just Berry it looks like it hasn't been touched in years this thing which I said earlier is Nora and Charles's baby comes out of nowhere and kills both of them and so that's why I've used this image just because it's um there's just something about it that I like because they are annoying so that's in 1978. also just a quick preface like if you look it up online there is a timeline on Wikipedia or like Wiki but that timeline does not make any sense and this is my video so this is what I'm going with October 30th 1978 pilot and then the event so on all of these pre-timelines so this is day one on when the show actually like starts when they move in this is like the flashbacks if that makes any sense um so I'll always say like the date the episode that it occurred in and then the event these two die in the first scene she Adelaide as a younger child is just outside and warns them before they go in that they're going to die in there now this comes back around and she says it later on we jump to 2010 December 21st in the pilot Ben gets caught cheating Crest Lord by Vivian and is very upset about this and cuts his arm with a knife now this is when we go into the intro of the show like the intro song with all the characters in the cast and let me tell you the intros to this show are amazing and exquisite so then we jump almost a year later to 2011 in August I've put August 31st because they specifically reference certain things like falling on a Thursday or fall on a Wednesday we know that it starts in Fall of 2011 because that is when Violet starts school and they specifically say it's the end of summer so I just put it as August 31st 2011 because that's easy the Harmons take a tour of the murder house and decide to buy it now it is Violet's decision first to buy it these two are unsure but she says that she'll take it once she sees the basement and realizes how creepy it is because she's a depressed teenage girl then we kind of jump a few days forward to day five September 4th 2011. Constance introduces herself now Constance is their next door neighbor Constance reveals that she's always wanted to be a movie star and that having children kind of led her to a different life and she was never able to fulfill her actual dream Adelaide her child here has Down syndrome it's not actually said how old she is but the audience is kind of led to believe that she's in her 30s with the flashback taking place in 1978 and she is a full grown adult in 2011. so they introduced themselves to Vivian and I don't believe Violet is in the this scene but they later on meet Ben eventually meets them as well but in this first scene I do believe it's just Vivian and Constance Constance is just walking around their house having to go to a time when Vivian here is like what are you doing in my house and um Adelaide says you're gonna die in here miss girl here is just giving an oscar-worthy performance in every single student she's in especially in this first one later on we see Vivian in the attic and because she hears a noise I think she goes up there and she finds a costume and it's a rubber costume used for what I can only describe on this platform as playtime this costume is it shows up a lot throughout the series and I I didn't put an image on here but this is what it looks like so she finds this costume and you know she's absolutely horrified of it at first because it does look creepy because it's just like propped up in the corner like it looks like someone's already in it she asks Ben to throw it away the next day we meet crust September 5th Tate begins therapy they have a therapy session Tate reveals that he has fantasies of killing people in his class right okay Ben is a little distraught by this and he's just he's concerned so then later we cut two Violet in the bathroom and she is c-u-t-t-i-n-g herself Crest Lord here walks up to her and that she's doing it wrong and that she needs to cut vertically if she wants to see any results basically this relationship is a Tumblr 2012 2014. it's a historical event let's just put it like that sore yeah all the edge Lords on Tumblr Loved These two um and this is where it all began she wanted to end it all and he wanted to kill his classmates that same night we see Ben sleepwalking and he turns on the fireplace downstairs and just kind of watches it Vivian comes downstairs and is like what are you doing and he's just like sleepwalking and dreaming so then we cut to day seven the next day Vivian is outside hanging sheets and Moira here comes over to her and says hello now she is a ghost as we've established Earl earlier she comes over and says that she's been the housekeeper here for years and she offers to work for her for at least a part-time position Vivian says that she would love some help around here but she thinks that she has it however Moira basically says that you're not doing a good job enough to keeping this house clean now this is when Miss Vivian hires Miss Moira and their relationship begin and they walk inside and Mr Ben here walks in as well and sees her he is absolutely infatuated by this woman Vivian doesn't really pick up on it at all and it's just it's one of the most just annoying parts of the Season like how do you just not see that your husband wants to [ __ ] cheat on you so they see two different women down here and I've decided to the way I've broken down the board these three are our family up here and then each of them have their own connection to someone else who has lived in the house before Ben's connection is Larry Vivian's connection is Constance and Violet's connection is Tate this Moira is seen by Tate and Vivian and this Moira is seen by Ben that's the way I've broken down the board I think it makes sense to me if it doesn't to you this isn't your video Moira is hired and she says that she would like to start within a few days but Vivian says no it's fine you can start tomorrow day eight September 7th Ben catches Moira playing a game and Ben has to go play his own game in the corner and cry because he's a sad little crusty little man looking in the window is Mr Larry Harvey here watching him playing a game alone these two oh my goodness okay so then Addie comes in the house again she is just causing a ruckus and she is just running around opening drawers or are they opening themselves Vivian says to get out of her house and that it's not her house and she's just not welcome Constance then walks in and basically tells her to never touch her kid again because Vivian made Adelaide promise to never come in without being invited again and she was like squeezing her arm these two are already kind of like frenemies a little bit and and she has been told to stay out of the house which she does not do day 13 we jump forward a couple of days it's September 12th Ben catches Violet and Tate hanging out after their session together big drama it's big drama this man right here does not want these two to be together that day after their session he tells him leave her alone because she has enough problems again they don't follow this rule day 16 so another few days later it's September 15th now Ben reports Tate to the police however nothing really comes up that storyline Moira seduces Ben tries to seduce him Violet catches them she sees Francis Conroy as Moira and Ben sees Alexandra Breckenridge as Moira so obviously she's a little concerned because why would her dad be literally cheating on his wife with an old lady with a feather duster again nothing really comes with this we don't ever see a conversation between the two but um it's definitely interesting to see her effective on this event and his perspective on this event so then we move on to day 17 that is September 16 2011. Violet gets into a fight while at school for smoking on school premises and um this woman right here I don't remember her name she is Regina George she is telling her that she doesn't belong at this school all these different things there's drama so she gets to do a fight she's a little bloody at the top of her head so then she comes home Ben and Vivian are biting they are having a disagreement Ben is upset that he is doing all he can on his end and she is upset that he just can't really own up to what he's done and it's just like you know they're fighting because he basically wants that and she is not willing to give it up and it's been a year since they have done that which I did not need to know and if you look on the official wiki timeline it is on the timeline and that is embarrassing for American Horror Story fans that we put that on the timeline the official timeline you guys are grouse so then a few hours later Vivian is tending to Violet's wound and they have a nice little heart to heart where Violet isn't being a total um then later for bed the rubber man as it becomes known a ghost in the rubber costume if you will comes over to Vivian and Vivian is just assuming it's all Mr Ben right here asking for round two when it is not it is in fact a ghost doing things to Miss Vivian I'm just going to go ahead and spoil it now because it is on the timeline Mr take here is in the costume now he is dating her daughter and he all of a sudden is in cahoots with her and that is just all different kinds of levels of messed up oh my goodness it's disgusting so within a 24-hour period less than that probably within 12 hours these two have both laid down next to Miss Vivian that becomes very important later on day 20 so September 19th Tate and violet decide to scare Violet's bully I think her name's Leah they decide to scare her in the murder house she comes and is scared by Tate and Mr Thaddeus here she leaves she claims she's the devil and leaves so then later Ben is on a run because that's just what he does he just runs and he's being chased by this Quest over here excuse me he is chased by this crusty man over here he's been watching him for weeks at this point he is concerned that the house is going to turn him against his family because we learned that that is what he did he killed his family right right yeah okay then Ben is like you're crazy stay away from me leave me alone day 23 a few days later uh September 22nd 2011. Vivian tells Benjamin right here that she wants Indian food now this is important because Indian food is the only food that she likes when she's pregnant this is interesting you don't know who's baby it is is it Mr Tate over here or is it Mr Benjamin right here and that is the pilot episode of American Horror Story I'm not going to go in depth with all the episodes like I did with this one because with this one just so much happens babe so much happens so I I decided to go a little in depth with this one but that is the pilot episode a lot is set up you don't really see many of the people down here besides like Adelaide and Leah and and then obviously Thaddeus and the twins but you don't see many of like these ghosts yet because they come in in later episodes and you learn a lot more about them but yeah let's go on episode dos all right now we begin episode two we've added some extra days on here we begin in 1968 which is the oldest flashback up until this point keep in mind the R Franklin murders begin he murders two nurses that are living in the house at the time because the house is being used as like a nursing school at the time I believe it is and he drowns one of them in the bathtub and then stabs the other one downstairs and she bleeds out and um expires they both become ghosts and we'll see them later on I didn't give them a picture because they're not important enough to be on the board basically that's just like an interesting little flashback to kind of give us an insight into how many murders have actually happened here at the murder house this point the flashbacks are kind of just used to give us insight into the house and it's not necessarily about the characters yet which it will become about later so yeah episode two then moves on to day 32 October 1st so it's about a week a little bit more than a week after the pilot ends Leah and violet have become friends now and they meet at an abandoned skate park or I don't think it's abandoned they actually are there with like actual people skating so they are basically talking Violet is even scared about what she saw in the basement Mr Thaddeus infantado right here and she basically at the end of the episode I think I forgot to explain or like mention she tells Tate to go away because she's scared of like what happened and tastes like I thought you said you wanted to scare her so basically both of them have bonded now over their shared traumatic event in the basement with the demon baby so they just have a nice little meeting because now they're friends two days later October 3rd Ben has a session with a woman named Bianca now I have not put her on the board because she's not important basically this woman is scared of getting cut in half because she said that she has a dream about like elevator like cutting her in half it's a fake story she is just there to scout the house because she's a part of a team of people that like recreate famous La murders so she's scouting the house kind of like looking for exits and entrances turning off all the phones all that stuff and then we see Ben on the phone with Constance Ben is calling her in regards to Tate and his relationship with Violet and he says it's probably best if Ben does not see Tate anymore because he doesn't see that their relationship is appropriate so then the next day on October 4th Ben then gets a call from Hayden now we meet Hayden later but that is um that is the woman he had an affair with and she basically tells him to come to Boston because she needs him and there's something important awaiting and we will find that out I believe later on in the episode Day 36 so October 5th the next day Ben flies out to Boston and he claims to Vivian that it's for a patient that had a mental episode that he needs to go out sort her out basically but really he's lying because he's a crust Constance tries to poison Violet because Vivian put her hands on Adelaide in the first episode The Harmons are invaded and what I mean by the Harmons I mean these two because this crusty is not in the house at the time of the invasion um they're invaded by Bianca another girl and some other guy that want to recreate the murders from 1968 on the timeline however both of them end up dead and then Bianca she basically escapes because she eats The Poisoned cupcake that violet it did not eat so these two go through a traumatic experience they escape basically the ghosts kill the Invaders while this is all going on however Ben is in Boston with Miss Hayden right here now she is manipulative and she is just a snake All She Wants To Do Is rip Ben away from her that is her entire character she just wants Ben for herself now she is also going to school to become a psychologist psychiatrist I don't remember and he was her teacher we find out in this which um that is just another reason to hate Mr Ben Harmon right here crusty she's just manipulative she tells him that he can't answer his phone and this is why he misses the invasion and why he is not there for them in their time of need now he is in Boston because she is pregnant at the same time as Vivian and she wants his emotional support while going to get an abortion something does not add up there why does he need to be there for that I don't know so then the next day Ben returns home to Los Angeles to these two and the police are questioning all three of them about what went down and they basically explained that Bianca ended up basically cut in half because Tate swung an ax at her or something I don't know she does not come back Miss Bianca she does not come together um the police are questioning all three of them however and Ben returns and said that he had a patient and Vivian here is not having a single bit of it so that's episode two all right we move on to episode three titled murder house we begin in 1983. Constance sees the whole ordeal with Moira getting R worded by her husband Hugo the men in the show were just awful in reaction to this she um offs both of them and becomes a single mom so that's the flashback for this episode then we um pop down to the present day 47 October 16. Ben and Vivian are arguing about moving because since their little Invasion Vivian does not want to stay in the house any longer and Ben says that they can afford it and she says well that's not a good enough answer get us out and so basically they hold a meeting with Marcy the realtor down here and she says I don't really know what else you want me to do so that meeting doesn't go very well so then we jump down a few days to October 25th day 56. Ben has a session with my girl Miss Edina Porter down here from the 100 her name is Sally in this her whole character trait is that she's boring and she says that she memorized her husband's entire football team and like her like his favorite everything Ben is incredibly bored by her as well and ends up actually falling asleep during his session with her Ben basically blacks out the whole conversation and we see later he wakes up and he's missing his tape recorder that he has during his sessions and Miss Moira over here claims that she didn't touch it at all during this Moira is incredibly seductive with Ben and he is just not having it he's really trying to resist the urge Moira is incredibly insistent this time Vivian walks in on them and Ben claims that she came on to him but Miss Vivian is like she's an old lady she would not do that but Ben is like I'm confused the whole thing is just it's giving very much first episode when Violet saw this whole interaction but here they actually talk about it and she said that she's happy to still work with them as long as we don't ever speak about this again and Vivian and everybody just kind of ignores it honestly it goes away then we move on to day 58 um October 27th Hayden has returned from Boston and she is here to confront Ben for leaving her whilst she was getting an abortion and she was left alone in the hospital Ben here obviously had a family emergency and had to leave but she doesn't really buy that and she's said I'm more important than your family and while this is all happening Vivian is out Miss Vivian finally gets a chance to see what happened in this house we learned that the house was built in 1922 by the doctor to the Stars at the time Mr Charles Montgomery and his wife is just kind of fed up with the whole thing she had to move all the way over to Los Angeles from Philadelphia with their baby so she is upset that they have had to move their whole life across the country we find out that he's addicted to drugs the two argue when it's a very fun scene and Miss Lily rape is an icon she suggests that they do some alternative methods to earn money in which this kind of results in a string of abortions that are illegal at the time done by Mr Charles in their house that's kind of the start of like the death that happens here at this house it's all because of him basically doing these illegal abortions it's not really said how many abortions there are but this is kind of what creates the hellmouth of murder house and why it kind of traps the souls that live here so then we're back to the present day Vivian ends up having some spotting in her pants from this whole story because she's quite literally shook to the core about the whole thing she's like I'm living in that house right so she ends up going to the doctor with Ben the doctor here basically reassuring that it wasn't a miscarriage she was just having some spotting from stress so then the next day day 59 October 28th Vivian is greeted at the door by who Nora as a ghost so we find out that she died in the house she gives Nora a tour of the house and Nora is absolutely in love with the place like she's never seen it before she's in love with the Tiffany fixtures and the wood and she's going on about all the stuff how the glass windows match the color of her eyes it's a fun scene she's fun then she kind of just disappears on her once she sees the kitchen and Vivian is like okay that's weird so then that same day Sally is found and Ben can rest assured that nothing happened even though he's kind of been paranoid that he did something to her for the whole episode Hayden then confronts Ben about the fact that they were supposed to meet at like a bar or something the day before but Ben stood her up it's a whole thing because he's been blacking out so she is on her manipulative game just saying I want us to work out basically I want to have this baby I go outside because he's like leading her out of the house Mr Man right here comes around the corner with a shovel and kills her on the spot she dies on the property and um so does the baby Ben then the next day builds a gazebo over her body yeah that about covers episode three Larry kills Ben's mistress and therefore Ben is in debt slash being extorted by Larry Larry is trying to extort him because if anything came out about her he's the one to blame he's her mistress so now Larry has leverage over Ben and that becomes important later all right now I've included episode four and five as one because it's Halloween part one and part two the majority of both episodes take place within like October 30th and October 31st with an aftermath afterwards and then obviously a couple flashbacks in 2010 October 29th so a few days before Halloween we see Chad and Pat preparing for Halloween they're having a um Halloween party they are the um two who lived in the house before the harm instead he's all up in arms about um apples and what kind of apple they should have for the like Bob for apples kills both of them then we go into the intro basically so then we go into the present it is October 30th the day after Ben builds the Gazebo the Harmons have another meeting with Marcy and she suggests that they have an image problem and that they need to have like a fun-filled Halloween to kind of give The public's opinion changed on the murder house if they want to sell they buy costumes she offers to help them with the rebranding of the house by hiring fluffers who end up being these two Lads over here so these two show up claim to be the fluffers and so they carve pumpkins together they decorate the house together outside of the house we see Travis and Adelaide bonding they're reading books together and Constance accuses Travis of trying to sleep with Adelaide here or I guess really accuses Adelaide of trying to sleep with Travis Ben is then confronted Again by Larry for the thousand dollar extortion money that he's trying to get out of him Ben is just kind of ignoring the fact and just really not processed the fact that Hayden has died and Larry is just trying to use that to his Advantage then Ben and Tate have a session now they haven't had a session I think in a few weeks because Ben canceled any future sessions with Tate with Constance in I Believe episode two Ben asks Tate about why he was there during the invasion and why he helped Vivian Violet Escape From The Killers and Tate just says that he was throwing rocks at Violet's window like a creep and then just walked in because the door was open yeah sure okay so then Vivian has a security system installed by Luke the police officer and he's very Charming he's very nice you can see Vivian likes him not much really comes of the relationship it's really just more of like a friendly flirting kind of situation Violet is found by Addie who wants to be a pretty girl just like violet is for Halloween and violet is happy to do her makeup and her hair later that night Addie goes back to her house and Constance is having none of this so she forces her into a closet to look at herself in the mirror later that night we see Violet and Tate with a Ouija board Tate tells Violet the scary story of how this house came to be so in 1926 up here October 23 third one of Charles Montgomery's patients their boyfriend kills Mr Thaddeus right here kind of get revenge on the whole abortion situation that Charles was involved in and he completely dismembers him basically just body parts at that point body is returned to him in jars and which he begins sewing them back together because he's on drugs and he doesn't know what he's doing and she is just kind of horrified by this whole thing the next day October 31st Vivian is just upset because Chad is having none of her costume and just thinks that it's very cheap Walmart kind of costume Walmart version of Justin Bieber oh I wish you could tell you what they sell at Walmart but I've never been there never shopped at Walmart and so she kicks him out and says that he's a horrible Flopper and just get out of my house basically she then again is having pain with her pregnancy and so she's rushed to the hospital later that night Adelaide is trick-or-treating with a bunch of Mean Girls basically she's not really with them she's just kind of around them she runs out into the street and is hit by a car in which she dies in the middle of the road Constance comes out and tries to get her to the house beforehand so that she can expire on the property so she's not you know gone forever we also see Moira on her own side quest this night because on Halloween night one thing that's kind of set in stone is ghosts can leave the premises Of The Murder House few of them leave Hayden leaves Nora leaves we see her returning these two leave to go do some like go do their own little things but Moira goes to the hospital and mercy kills her mother so Tate and violet end up leaving the murder house to go to the beach for the night and are confronted by these teens down here they claim that they know Tate but Tate does not know them he's like I don't recognize any of you bites what are you doing here and Violet's just like this is not a fun prank like we're leaving so they leave and they're basically chased all night by these goons when Vivian and Ben come home Violet is gone and they're really confused because Violet was in the house at the end of episode four taunted by Larry who is trying to extort Ben of money we find out that Violet is actually just at the beach and these two call her and find out that she's safe Ben then sees Larry lurking around the house and he attacks him and basically tells him to leave him alone then we see Miss Hayden the ghost of Hayden taunting Vivian basically tries to kill her dog in like a joking Manner and it's it's a whole thing Vivian is just completely upset by this obviously Hayden here just wants Miss Vivian to know the truth about Boston she calls Ben in and Ben has to tell Vivian the truth about what happened in Boston and that hate in here is pregnant while it's pregnant before she died the alarm system is triggered Luke takes Hayden into custody she's arrested however she comes back to the house because she's dead and her spirit has to all the ghosts return we see Nora returning we see Chad and Pat return we see Moira return we see Tate return and we see the teenagers from before that were chasing them go back to where they're from and we'll we'll explore that later in the next episode but that's the Halloween two-part episode the episode basically ends with Ben moving out because Vivian has had enough of his lies when she find out that he was in Boston to see Hayden so he packs his bags and leaves and that's the end of the episode alright so episode 6 begins in 1994. we see part one of this kind of joint flashback Tate is seen unaliving 15 students at his school disgusting six of which are pictured down here and that is what was happening in the Halloween episode they were just chasing him trying to get him to admit what he had done but he doesn't remember what he did because he's a ghost he's then shot by the police then we move on to the present day it's day 64 so November 2nd Constance introduces Billy Dean Howard to Violet who has just recently found out that Tate did in fact do what he did in 1994. Billy Dean Howard basically explains that she's a medium she can communicate with the ghosts today 65 November 3rd Ben meets with cam cam is scared of urban legends like Bloody Mary that kind of thing but this show has its own version called piggy piggy which is basically like if you stand in the mirror and then you say his name three times he comes out and like kills you it's it's this whole thing this guy cam is just scared of that happening and Ben is just his whole point this episode literally the only thing he ever does this episode is try to get this guy to get over his fear by the end of the episode the guy dies he gets killed by these robbers it's insequential to the plot basically that's all Ben is doing this episode we then see Vivian Constance and Moira chatting about pregnancy Constance offers Vivian some awful I don't know how to pronounce it it's basically an animal's pancreas and heart and just other organs it's disgusting but Vivian eats it Moira makes it just the way that she she did with Constance when she was constances made so then the next day day 66 Vivian goes to the doctor to get tested or rather get her baby tested for like down syndrome and all these different kinds of like conditions that the baby could have because she is one paranoid mother so then we jump forward a few days it is now day 73 November 11th Violet takes a bunch of sleeping pills and she dies we don't find out that she actually is dead for like five or six more episodes on screen we see Tate saving her and then we see day 74. Vivian meets with Angela who is not pictured basically in an earlier episode I believe it was the Halloween episode they went to the doctor and she saw a baby with Hooves she basically collapsed and quit her job because of this so she meets with her in the church she's going on crazy so this is what leads Vivian to be all paranoid and stuff about the Down syndrome and everything Billy Dean Howard again meeting with Constance and she talks to Adelaide for constants and Constance has a conversation with Adelaide through Billie Dean Howard and it's kind of it's a nice moment to give constant some closure from the whole thing so that basically ends the episode foreign so episode 7 begins with a flashback to 1994 where Larry is now dating Miss Constance it's after he has left Lorraine they are dating we find out that Constance has another son Beauregard Beauregard down here you can't really see him very well he was born with some kind of condition it said that he died in his sleep from the inability to breathe he kills him she basically wants him to kill him because she doesn't want him to suffer anymore and the neighbors were like complaining basically that he was making a lot of noise about a week almost a week after the last episode ended with day 80 so November 18th Ben and Vivian find out they're having twins while at the doctor and it's very shocking news for both of them especially with the last or that they tried to get pregnant it didn't end very well they had a miscarriage which led to Ben cheating so this episode kind of centers around this guy named Joe S kendarian he's not really pictured here but he's a potential buyer for the Harmons and their house Marcy finds him she gives him a tour he flirts with Moira right here and they get into some pretty interesting games upstairs in Miss Violet's room later right away he's very interested in the house and he wants to kind of tear it all down this excites Moira because that means that she'll be free she tries everything in her power to get him to sign on to be the next buyer and then while Ben is out the open house is still going on for I think another two or three hours at this point Larry shows up and asks for a tour of the house at this point Vivian has never met Larry so she offers a tour to the house Marcy however is very weary of him she brings out a gun threatens to shoot him if he tries anything he is a creep then that night Vivian has a dream a vision of the rubber man who obviously or worded her in episode one and she doesn't really suspect that it wasn't Ben yet the two have never had a conversation about it but she doesn't really suspect that it wasn't him which like girl if someone like comes into your house and you think it's your husband I feel like I would know my husband's body that night violet is confronted by both of her parents about her depression now Violet is a ghost at this point and we don't know that the viewers don't know that neither do the parents neither does violet to be honest no one knows she just hasn't left her house in a few weeks she hasn't gone to school so her parents are very concerned about that and she basically says you guys have enough problems of your own to worry about so then the next day it is day 81 November 19th Moira seduces Joe again not pictured because he made no impact later in the episode we see Ben intruding Larry's home for a change Ben basically is there to tell Larry to leave his family alone once Larry showed up at the open house and kind of freaked out Vivian Ben says that he looked up Larry's story and realized that it wasn't as accurate as he was letting on and that Miss Lorraine in 1994 in July so a few months before we see Larry killing Beauregard in the first flashback of the episode Larry dumps Lorraine who then Burns herself and the children alive in the house and it wasn't Mr Larry all along it was Miss Lorraine so back in the present day Vivian and Marcy take another Tour on the Eternal Darkness tour because last time she ran off so she wants to get the full story because this house is just not selling and she wants to know why in the flashback we see 1926 Charles has fully resurrected in some sense his son as Thaddeus aka the infantada and that is what is created Nora is just in complete shock and honestly disgusted by this she goes upstairs and kills the thing and then it goes kills him and then kills herself and then back in the present it is day 82 so November 20th Constance shows up in the house and meets with Larry who sent her flowers which gross this is the first time I think in like 20 years that they have seen each other maybe 30 years Constance is an absolute disgust by his presence as she should be he's crusty he's disgusting he's offering her basically once because he wants to buy the house from the Harmons which is just insane he's offering her a chance to be reunited by her family in the murder house however she says no because she doesn't want to be with him because he's disgusting however Larry does tell Constance Joe's plan to tear the whole thing down which would free all the spirits and free her from not only her son but her other son in the process and then Tate and violet are hanging out in the Attic or I think in the basement one of the two and they find old relics and like heirlooms of people who have lived in the house they find a picture of Nora and Charles who built the house the next day day 83 so November 21st Constance goes to Joe's home and they have a whole chat about like the history of Los Angeles and all this stuff and how people like Joe like to build over the history of you know certain old houses like the murder house and Constance is just having none of it lately she's just she does not like this man she does not like this man she's trying to persuade him not to buy the house or if he does buy the house to not build over it then the next day the November 22nd Tate has a session with Ben and he claims that he's cured and he doesn't have any fantasies anymore liar Constance after receiving the news that Joe is very serious about buying the house goes to the house to say goodbye to Tate and Beauregard and she's just not having a good day this woman she's confronted by Moira who basically claims that Joe is going to set her free and build her a swimming pool and Miss Constance right here is having none of that she's saying you won't be free you're just like that's not gonna happen like he's just gonna build over the whole thing and tear it down she recruits Moira to kill Mr Joe as candarian because of her persuasive abilities Violet then shows a picture of Nora to Vivian who claims that she literally saw Nora here the other day in episode code three this confuses Vivian because obviously she doesn't believe in ghosts so she's just very she doesn't understand what's going on and at the end of the episode Moira kills Joe thus saving the house from being sold all right so episode 8 opens um in 2011 just a few months before the series started it's said spring 2011 just a few months before the harman's move in so I just put March 1st Tate Comforts Nora who we see down in the basement crying because she's a very confused spirit and she's crying out for her son whom she does not remember killing one thing about tape he has mommy issues so he is just willing to do absolutely anything and I mean anything to get um the women in his life to be happy he says that he will get her her baby when a new family moves in Day 94 on our timeline December 2nd um Marcy says that Joe escandarian um who we saw in the last episode get um offed by Moira is not answering her calls because he's dead honey he's not alive anymore Vivian is very upset about this because all she wants wants us to sell her house and she was over the moon at the fact that there was a potential buyer and she kind of blames Marcy for letting this one go in 2010 we see a flashback of Chad buying the rubber Man costume at a adult shop he buys it in order to get Patrick to be more interested in him because they are in a point in their relationship when things are just not click and babes he is in love with someone he met online and Chad is obviously upset about that so he buys the costume in order to get Patrick to be interested in him again but we see later on as we saw in the Halloween episode that the rubber man kills both of them and obviously we find out in this episode that it is Tate we see Moira disposing of the bodies so then day 101 it is December 9th 2011. Hayden makes a deal with Norris we saw in the first part of the episode like the um the first scene that she just wants her baby that's all she wants she's a confused Spirit she doesn't really know what's going on half the time um she doesn't know where she is she doesn't really even remember many of the characters that she has scenes with but we see Hayden down there trying to comfort her as well and she makes a deal with Nora that the babies that Vivian is having um will be split by each of them and that Benz will be going to Hayden and Tates will be going to Nora Nora and Hayden have this deal I guess with Tate that the babies will be going to each of them Hayden claims that Vivian won't be able to raise them because she will be in the nut house within a few days interesting interesting okay developments are made so then we see throughout this episode Hayden tries to drive um Vivian mad day 102 the next day Violet is confronted by Ben because Ben gets a call from the school that says that she hasn't been to school in two weeks which doesn't really make sense because when you look at the Timeline she dies November 11th and it is currently December 10th basically an entire month has gone by but it's stated in the show that it was two weeks which that doesn't add up Violet says that Ben has plenty of other issues to worry about such as Vivian eating raw brains because that's something that she's taken up since she's pregnant and apparently and has a lot of health benefits so then a few days later December 15th Vivian is convinced that it is her medication that is making her see things and hear things but it's honestly really just Hayden and so she confides to Moira about this and Moira basically says it's not medication it's her husband Vivian packs her stuff and tries to leave with Violet Ben is no longer in the house at this point he just works there throughout the day so he's not there during this but these two are once again invaded by the flops from episode two I believe it is who tried to invade them um so unsuccessfully they show up their car they run back inside the next day Ben returns to the house it is December 16th Ben says he does not believe her story about The Invasion and just thinks she's crazy Violet backs up this story because she thought that Vivian didn't want to be thought of crazy so she thought that they were lying to the police and saying that there was nothing going on in turn this makes everybody think that Vivian is just off her rocker that night or rather early in the afternoon she has a meeting with Marcy and during this meeting she faints illness I guess to get Marcy to go get her a glass of water while distracted she takes the gun from Marcy's purse basically that night Tate in the rubber band costume um tries to go for round two on her basic her medication obviously does play a role in this so she's hallucinating part of it but also some of it is real the next thing we see is Vivian pull out the gun and shoot Ben who runs in then it cuts to Black later that night night we see Vivian talking to the police claiming that she was being R worded Again by the same man in the costume and No One Believes her No One Believes her because no one knows it's Tate and nobody really like there's no sign of forced entry Ben just knows what he saw and that's her acting hysterical as he claims so she's taken to a mental ward with her point of view on the whole Invasion the night before and then her point of view of this night and then obviously The Gunshot to Ben so that's where episode 8 ends this is the big episode that we learned Tate is the rubber man all right so episode nine begins in 1947 with Elizabeth Short yes that Elizabeth Short arriving at the murder house for a consultation with a dentist and she pays him with playtime because she doesn't have money because she's a struggling actress she accidentally dies of the anesthesia because he used too much or something during the operation Charles over here dismembers her Dr Karen takes her body and basically this is what we know as the Black Dahlia Murder um she's not pictured however because she's not that important in the story then we jump to day 113 so December 21st Moira is again making advances on Ben and Ben is strong-willed and says that he does not want any part of the advances that she makes later that episode Constance and her boyfriend Travis are fighting Constance is drinking a lot she's just in a sour mood ever since her daughter Adelaide passed away obviously she's grieving he needs to give her some space and some time Hayden and Travis having a little play time of their own because Travis is trying to get back or I guess get even with Constance I don't know Hayden is trying to get back at Ben for not wanting to be with her and her crazy ass the next day day 114 December 22nd Hayden's sister shows up at Ben's front door with a cop claiming to basically not have heard from Hayden in weeks so she's just concerned because the last thing that Hayden said was that she was going out to LA to try to reconcile things with Ben and hasn't called her sister back but Hayden shows up fine and dandy she claims she's alive and happy and she's living here with Ben all a bunch of Lies Hayden then leaves and Ben meets the Black Dahlia Elizabeth Short and she is trying to have a session with him trying to seduce him I'm not exactly sure what that whole heart was about Ben is being seduced by Moira and the Black Dahlia Ben gets a call from doctor right here and he finds out that the twins that Vivian is having have two different fathers not only is it we don't know who the father is it is now both of the twins have different fathers and one of them is Tates and the other one is Benz this kind of struck everybody to the court everybody was like how is that even possible but it's a real Condition it's a real actual thing in pregnancy like you can technically get pregnant by two different men within a short period of time it's very rare but um this is kind of the shake of the century so then after all of the advancements that Miss Moira is putting on Ben Ben fires Moira later that night Constance comes in the house and finds out through Moira that the twins that she's having that Vivian is having that would be are um not just Ben's and one of them is Tates we have a good scene here with Tate and um Constance where Constance basically scolds Tate for his behavior and it's actually a really interesting scene and I like the dynamic here I wish we had more scenes between them I don't know why we don't basically she is just going all mother on him and he's just a sad pathetic little man child over here here so later that day Ben goes to the hospital to visit Vivian and he basically says that he knows that she cheated on him but in reality that is not the case crusty over here is basically saying he won't lift a finger to get her out of um this place she's all doped up so she doesn't really answer or reply or argue with him basically just leaves her there we get a flashback to November 20th 2010 where Ben meets Hayden and we can see the beginning of their relationship he is her teacher which I think I mentioned earlier and she is a student at his in his class I guess day 116 so this is actually Christmas Eve but they don't actually say it Ben officially ends it with Hayden because he is just not just in her anymore and this is kind of when Ben starts to have his little character Arc redeeming moment but he's still crusty he basically says I'm not interested anymore leave me alone Hayden then claims that Luke was leaving the house as she was sneaking in in one of the earlier episodes and basically accuses Luke of being the other father this leads Ben to believe that Luke is the other father of Vivian's twins Travis and Constance reconcile but then have another argument Travis leaves and basically breaks up with her he has another indiscretion with Hayden in the basement and this leads to Hayden offing him because he wants to go back to Constance and Hayden doesn't have anyone to go back to because as I said earlier Ben is done with hey Travis is then cut up by Charles the same way that Charles cut up the Black Dahlia Larry moves the body to another part of town to be discovered and the whole thing ends up being called the boy Dahlia so it's kind of like their whole take on the Black Dahlia so then we have day 127 so January 4th Constance visits Vivian in the psych ward and she basically says that she believes her about the r word story when no one else does Ben later on in the episode then calls over Luke and accuses him of sleeping with his wife he basically says that he would never do that and he can't get anyone pregnant because he is quote shooting blanks so Ben believes this and realizes that maybe it was the r word don't know why it took him this long to figure that out but yeah Ben finally sees Moira as the older version of herself um this is a nice little story arc for Ben he finally realizes what's important here and that is his wife and his daughter and he doesn't really get caught up as much in Moira and Hayden and the Black Dahlia kind of trying to seduce him all at once day 128 so January 5th Billy Dean Howard has returned she's meeting with Constance his Constance is concerned about what happens when a ghost and a human copulate and basically Billy Dean breaks it down and explains that basically nothing short of the Antichrist is coming so that's real fun for everybody yeah everyone's doing great the Antichrist is coming alright so episode 10 begins October 4th 1994. we see that Constance and Larry are now together like they were in I Believe episode seven they're having like a dinner together Tate is having absolutely none of this and so Tate basically accuses Larry of killing their brother a couple nights before Constance is just like you mind your man or she's mothering a couple days later we see that this is the same day as when Tate ought up the school so October 6th Tate is actually we find out the one that burns Larry in his office and it wasn't the wife right here it was Tate all along all right so this is a pretty short episode in terms of like days not a whole lot happens stay 129 so the day after episode nine ends January 6th Ben visits Vivian now believing her story and tells her that he's gonna get her out of there within the next two days Vivian finds out through Ben that one of the babies is not Ben's and one of them was the rubber bands so she is just extra distraught extra ready to get the hell out of Dodge and go back to Boston because ever since they moved everything's been absolutely awful we then see Constance finding out that Travis is dead and she identifies his body to the cops Ben is then visited by a security guard for the school or like a police officer from the school of violets saying that she's missed 16 days of school in a row which that doesn't make sense for the timeline in reality it's been like a month and a half at this point he basically says that she needs to go to school today or they are going to go to court they're going to be in big girl trouble she gets fully prepared to go to school Tate keeps Violet from going to school because he knows the truth that she is dead can't obviously go anywhere winter in the murder house you're there forever things start to smell around the house there are flies everywhere so Ben hires a not pictured exterminator to come in absolute flop he doesn't really do a whole lot he just identifies that there is smell and that there is flies which we already knew we see him down in the crawl space and before he can really discover what's down there causing the smell crusty over here kills him because he doesn't want him to find out the truth that Violet is dead Constance is Accused by the police of killing Travis she is their number one suspect for his murder because they have unsolved cases of Hugo disappearing and Moira disappearing so they want to try and pin it all on Constance when in reality it had nothing to do with contents at least this one we see Larry enter the house to dispose of Travis's clothes that he hid in a wall in this scene Lorraine his ex-wife the ghost of Lorraine confronts him for the first time since she died she is basically disgusted by the side of him and says why are you trying to do this to like the family that's living here why are you trying to extort Ben and blame Constance for the murder when you did all of that like this is all your fault and so this basically causes Larry to turn himself into the police for the murder even though he didn't have anything to do with it he basically just goes down for the crime kind of realizes that he needs to pay for everything he's done day 130 it is now January 7th Tate attacks Ben because he is getting in the way of violet and almost like leads to Violet finding out that she is a ghost on many occasions and he just thinks that he is in the way so he attacks him Ben finds out that Tate is the rubber man while he is passed out Tate tries to get Violet to off herself with him even though they're both already dead he knows that she is dead but she does not know that she is dead she thinks he doesn't know that he's dead but he knows the whole time she thought that she was protecting him in reality it was really him protecting her from knowing the truth she finds out that she's dead because she's running around in circles trying to run away from him because he's psychotic then he takes her down into the crawl space where the previous um exterminator got exterminated she finds her body that is when she finally realizes that she is a ghost herself yeah so he's Behind Bars he's dead she is now free from all accusations because this just clears up her name entirely so yeah that's episode 10. all right so the penultimate episode begins in 1984 when Tate is just a young lad and this is when a few months after Constance murders Moira and Hugo Tate is just downstairs like all by himself and he encounters the infantada this is when we start to see Nora comforting him as a child and this is exactly why Tate wants to give Nora the baby because he feels that he owes her for kind of protecting him from the demon baby all those years we jump to day 131 January 8th this is a very important day in the timeline at the beginning of the episode Nora tells Tate that she is going to take Vivian's baby no matter what Tate says because Tate is now trying to say that Vivian can keep the baby because he doesn't want Violet to be upset at him now that they're all happy-go-lucky now that they're both ghosts and he can finally stop trying to protect her and he just wants them all to live happily is what he wants now but Nora is now saying no I'm still taking that baby so that morning Ben tries to get Violet to come with him to get Vivian out of the mental ward but obviously Violet can't go anywhere because she's a ghost bite she's been dead for weeks at this point how do you not [ __ ] see that so she tries to go with him but obviously ends up back in the house with Tate upstairs we then see these two find these two in the supposed babies room decorating for themselves and they are claiming that they are taking the babies for themselves because they just want children their relationship is going to be reinvigorated and they're going to be much more happier with each other now that they have children because they can't have any and Miss Vivian here is ready to burst one thing about this she has only been pregnant since the middle of September and it is now January so it's only about four months since she's been pregnant but because the babies are growing at such a rapid rate she's basically ready to like give birth and for both of them to live on their own however it's said that one of them is stronger the demon baby the quite literal Antichrist there is a huge concern that vivina is going to give birth very very soon both of them are just going to go straight home pack their things and fly back to Boston where they can be with Vivian's sister we then see Constance confronting Chad and Pat in their attempt to steal the babies and she says it's unnatural and that basically gay people should not be parenting children one thing about Miss Constance she is going to be homophobic and racist Constance and violet then get Billy Dean's help in trying to banish these two from the house however Violet tries this and it doesn't really work later on Billy Dean basically tells them the story of the Roanoke colony which types that's season six LOL we can't get into that in this episode but basically she tells them that the missing colony used Croatoan to like banish old Spirits from the camp that they were at Vivian is released from the hospital and Ben drives her home and once they get home Vivian's water breaks this is just a oh my goodness like as soon as she gets to the house her water breaks and I just find this very interesting because it could have broke at the hospital but it breaks at the house as soon as she returns to the house Constance finds her outside you know basically limping because she's already crowning that baby is ready to come out and just Joy to the World so she has rushed inside the events that ensue Insanity pure Insanity from here on out Violet tells Ben that she is dead because Ben is just he doesn't know what he's doing he doesn't know what's going on all these people are appearing around him Charles is assisting Vivian with this birth Ben is just really confused he's like who are all you people what's going on the spirits help Vivian give birth we then see the first baby dies at childbirth that would be Ben's because obviously it's like four months old Nora takes this baby for herself and just like disappears for a while then we see Violet going into the basement to try and banish these two so he's basically burning the crib in the furnace downstairs that they were setting up and painting earlier in the episode this is where Chad basically explains to Violet that one of the babies upstairs is Tates and this is when Violet finds out the whole thing he's not going to be getting a break from her anytime soon after this upstairs we see Tate's baby get born Constance takes the baby to give him a bath you can see she's very nurturing towards him because obviously that is her grandson Vivian's not doing well she is not doing well we can see the mood in the room quickly switched from all happy um go lucky from the baby being born to the doctor Mr Charles Montgomery over here is concerned the nurses are concerned Ben's like what is going on she's bleeding out Vivian does end up dying here on the couch her soul basically leaves her body that's where the episode basically ends she dies one of the babies dies and the other baby is taken by Constance the first baby is taken by Nora oh I forgot to mention Violet then breaks things off with Tate because she found out that he basically are worded um her mother so that's where we leave um on the penultimate episode it's quite a good episode it's probably my favorite episode of the season I think they did the birth scene very well it takes up most of the episode but it's done really well but yeah that's where we leave off in episode 11. alright so episode 12 the finale begins August 20th 2011. so just a week about a week and a half before the events of episode one take place Vivian is upset at Ben their therapy that they've been taking for six months has not been working Ben however is super excited because he found this house online he thinks that it could be a fresh start for them and Vivian at first is hesitant but eventually agrees to take a tour of the house that's out in La that is what sets this whole thing into motion and we finally see her agree to move out west with him Little did she know that in six short months or less than that she would end up dead in that house and that is where the episode begins day 134 so January 11th so just three days after Ben was left alone in the house and Vivian died Violet is dead the only person that is alive here is Ben and the child so January 11th we see Ben go over to constances who has Michael he wants the baby because it's you know it is technically still his child because it is Vivian's child and he was her husband while she was alive so it makes sense that he would like to raise him at this point Vivian has transitioned into a ghost her and Moira have become very close now more equal than you know employer and employee in this we see Ben with the baby he leaves his keys a bunch of money the alarm code for like the alarm at the house he leaves just a bunch of stuff behind and we see that he is preparing for shoe aside in the house so that he can be with Vivian and his daughter Violet again who have made a pact to not show themselves to him an attempt to get him to leave the house with baby Michael because they do not want a baby to grow up here you know it's no place for a child Ben basically just wants to to end it all in order to be reunited with them Vivian finally shows herself to him in order to convince him to leave so he actually packs the stuff back up and is ready to go when he is stopped by Hayden and the Invaders from episode 2 who take baby Michael from Ben and they hang him and orchestrate it as if it was a shoe us eyed later that day Constance shows up she goes and finds the baby with Aiden and with the help of Travis he helps Constance get the baby back from Hayden so that's a nice like little end to their little thing is him helping Constance get her baby back it's a nice little Redemption for him and a nice way for her to say goodbye to him now that she has the baby she takes him and goes to live in her house and doesn't really come in here unless she wants to like say hi to her kids you know she just wants to raise the baby away from the murder house so now this is the point where I've stopped with the like day 134 day 133 that's like the last part in the timeline that's worthy of like getting a day because that's like the main stories ended so around a month later February 6th the harman's drive out the new owners of the house that show up I believe they're called the Ramos's we get to learn about their personalities Violet is friendly with the sun they basically drive them out in an attempt to keep families away from this wretched evil house because they don't want to see any more death here which good on them because they're the only spirits that actually want to do that seeing as though other Spirits just want to like kill people so assumedly around this time about a month again afterwards I just put it on the same day so around February 6th Constance is in a meeting with the police they are questioning her about what went on with her next door neighbors if Violet has been seen or the other Harmony baby has been seen anywhere because I guess the police still haven't found Violet's body so she's still believed to be alive Constance claims that she just ran off with the baby in reality the baby is in her closet she's just keeping the police off of her at all times in March 2012 so Tate asking for Redemption from Ben because obviously Ben is not happy at Tate with everything that went on obviously he attacked him he R worded his wife and manipulated his teenage daughter and the whole thing is basically his fault this whole season everything that happens to this family is mostly his fault so Tate is seeking Redemption with Ben and Ben basically says the only thing that can do that is your actions but Tate's like okay well can we still like talk and Ben says well I'm not your therapist anymore but I guess we can still chat if you want and it's a nice way to kind of end off their relationship it makes sense for Tate's resolution to kind of come in the form of Ben December 2012 Vivian Violet Ben and Moira are celebrating Christmas and they're a big happy family Vivian has finally got Ben's child from Nora down in the basement because Nora decided that she didn't want to be a mother even though obviously she spent most of the Season trying to get Vivian's child from her so she just kind of realizes that she's not fit to be a mother Ben Vivian are now happy together and they are parenting their new child Violet is now happy that she is no longer having to deal with the likes of Krusty over here if the episode ended here it would be a nice way to kind of cap off the harman's story there is one more Scene January 3rd 2015 so three years after the events of the death of Vivian and the birth of Michael and the other baby we see Constance at her hair stylist she is telling the story of how she came to be in charge of Michael and basically a nice like long take for Jessica Lang to kind of say goodbye to this reason and it's kind of like the stamp on her character and then we get one more scene of her returning home to Michael in a pool of his Nanny's blood the child is indeed the Antichrist the last thing she says is now what are we gonna do with you and that that is a wrap on Murder House the amount of Scotch tape I had to go through to do this is absolutely criminal I oh my goodness and at one point I had to absolutely re-tape about a third of the board because some of the dates were wrong yeah also the marker I know it's awful it's um there's a couple errors like as far as it not being straight but you know what overall I am proud of this and this this was quite the experience it's quite big I don't know where I'm gonna put it this belongs in a museum this is Art this is quite literally oh my goodness this was so much fun that wraps this video overall I'm just gonna give a couple final thoughts on the season I would genuinely give this somewhere around a seven to a 7.5 out of 10 in terms of American Horror Story I think the seasons definitely get way better as the show goes on but this is a nice starting place I think the characters in this one are um interesting enough I don't think there's a main character here that isn't interesting in particular I find Ben's story to be interesting even though he's crusty and gross I think his story is probably one of the best Here Vivian I find interesting enough wish we would have gotten a little bit more of a character from her because she's kind of just known as like the granola mom as I said earlier like she doesn't have much more character trait to her um obviously Constance is the star here she just steals every scene she's in as far as like the side characters go that I like I really love Moira as it's been documented when these two have scenes together it's incredible as much as I hate Hayden I think her name's Kate Mara she does an amazing job but yeah I think everybody here did a really good job cast is Stellar that wraps up Murder House hopefully I will see you soon for Asylum bites
Channel: cainvarner
Views: 287,479
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 1bIW_oqpQ2Y
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 83min 20sec (5000 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 01 2023
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