A Rum Recipe To Remember A Friend

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I just finished making a super easy rum recipe using jaggery sugar and a few other little kind of weird ingredients it's one of the most meaningful recipes I've ever made and it's uh it's pretty freaking delicious so let me show you how I did it how's it going Chasers I hope you're having a kickass week I'm Jesse this is still it and a little while ago we lost one of the good ones in the Hobby in the community uh been from Bad motivated barrels passed away tragically a little while ago and a few of us got to talking after the fact and decided it would be kind of cool to start a little project for the community to get on board with to help remember him so if you know Ben you can watch it for those reasons if you don't if you don't know who Ben is that's fine this is still a damn Delicious rum in and of itself you can make it for those reasons uh so here's the deal guys uh a couple of days ago I put out a podcast with Christopher who is now uh the owner operator of badmo Legacy barrels he's going to carry on Ben's Legacy there's no issues there if you want to learn more about that and kind of what he's doing I'll leave a link for the podcast in the description down below but part of that podcast was he uh explained to me what one of Ben's favorite recipes was and that was to use Panella sugar to make a rum so we're going to base this entire project on that the idea is I'm going to talk through what I'm going to do I'm going to put my own little twist on it uh but at the same time I'm going to describe to you what Ben did so you can put a Twist on my twist or you can put a Twist on Ben's bass recipe uh age the spirit away and have something to to remember him by it turns out that it's actually really really freaking hard to get Panella in any meaningful quantity here in New Zealand so this is jaggery and jaggery for one of a better term is the Asian version of Panella it also turns out that Ben and Christopher had many ongoing long debates about the merits of jaggery versus Panella Ben obviously was all for Panella while Christopher is a proponent for Jagger so uh sorry Ben it looks like you're losing this one mate this is all I can get we're going to use it this stuff is a big hard block though so I uh I need to break this down and get it into the fermenter so I can dissolve it so I don't really have a plan for this I'll be honest with you uh I did bring a knife and a cutting board I'm wondering if I just brought a knife to a uh a gunfight though cuz this stuff is this is pretty serious I'm beginning to wonder if the tool I need is a hammer and chisel at least to get it started let's have a taste though it tastes like brown sugar that is less sugary more molassy but also more organic there's kind of almost like a a perfumey kind of flavor to it that tastes more like plant material which I guess is exactly exactly what it is right I just wanted to jump in real quick uh and let you know that Christopher from badmo Legacy barrels is doing an excellent job the quality is great he's still making barrels he's got new ideas uh and the supply right now is actually really good so if you've been struggling to get a barrel either in America or New Zealand or Australia uh there's links in the description down below you can check those out uh and now is a wonderful time to pick up one of these barrels maybe you can put a Panela rum in it uh I've done a little bit of experimenting I tried the hammer and chisel uh and I was hoping that I could kind of break like largish chunks off not going to happen got to chip off little bits on the edge so that's a nogo uh my only other reference for how to deal with this is cooking uh cooked with palm sugar a fair bit like thae dishes and stuff like that and the easiest way to deal with that stuff is just to kind of shave bits off the edge with a knife like so uh and honestly at this point in time I'm thinking I'm going to have to do this with the whole freaking block not ideal could just throw the whole thing into the fermenter with hot water uh and let it dissolve I feel like that would probably work but if for whatever reason it doesn't work now I'm stuck with a giant block of soggy extremely sticky sugar uh so I think I'm just going to keep on doing this for some time I'm sure I absolutely sure there is an easier way to do this and that there's at least uh 12 of you at home going Jesse you idiot uh you shouldn't do that you should do whatever it is that you know is the proper way to do this if you are that person please jump in the comments and uh save whoever else is watching this from all this hassle so we managed to get the first 10 kilos of sugar broken down and into the barrel we've got some hot water going in here to start dissolving it in fact that's probably about enough I also remember that the sugar I bought actually is powdered jaggery and it shouldn't be that hard to break up uh it's just been vacuum sealed and kind of like forced back into a block so I went back to the Chisel and Hammer managed to break large chunks off and then I could kind of break it up with my hands relatively easy so let me get the second 10 kilos of jaggery broken up into the fermenter and then uh we got a few other little things that I want to add in here as [Music] well the jaggery sugar or Panella if you're following along with Ben's theory on this it's all in the fermenta and dissolved and if you're going to follow Ben's process it's pretty much fill it up to uh total volume and pitching temperature we'll talk about that in a little bit uh but at the beginning of this video I sort of talked about this being kind of a a memorial project to help the community remember and kind of respect what Ben did for us which is awesome but a huge part of what Ben loved about being part of this community was putting his ideas out there and letting people run with them he did this with the barrels he did it he loved the idea of people doing it with any recipe he had his fingers in so I thoroughly encourage you if you're going to do this of course just make Ben's straight Panella rum if you want to or you can mess with it and add some other ingredients in whoa I almost dropped me bananas uh I must admit I had thought initially of uh throwing some Dunder into this that's kind of where my mind went straight away to tweak it a little bit from what Ben was doing but Christopher reminded me that Ben actually did try this he tried he played around with Dunder uh and he decided that for him just didn't really he didn't find the point in it didn't work for him so Ben I used the jaggery sugar I'm sorry mate I'm going to give you this swim there's not going to be any Dunder I am however going to throw a little bit of banana in here so I've got this is about a kilo and a half with of bananas I'm splitting them them down the middle uh and I'm going to whack them into the oven at 190° C on fan bake just until they start to soften up uh and get a little bit of myard reaction happening I'm leaving the skins on because when I made the uh banana Brandy there will be a a link for that video down the bottom there uh that was a big part of getting a bunch of flavor in there I'm not going to put the Skins into the fermenter uh but I am going to keep all of the juice that kind of runs out of them and into the [Music] [Music] pan and our last flavoring ingredient is 600 G of Tootsie Rolls that have been dissolved in hot water so there's not a whole lot of banana or Tootsie Rolls in this what I'm looking for is just a slight subtle addition of chatin maltiness and bananer and I'm hoping that kind of comes acoss cross almost like a rum like Flavor why Tootsie Rolls well we did a meme Spirits episode on them once again link down there turned out that it wasn't that great as a spirit by itself but I think it has potential as an ingredient in something like this so I know those videos are often kind of silly and just for the sake of it uh but every now and again I do definitely learn something from the meme Spirits episode that uh can be applied to something like this we'll see how it turns out now it's time to top the finta up to our total volume which is going to be 125 L by the way uh I'll put the full recipe for all of this with the banana and Tootsie Ros and a vision without down in the description below you can make whichever one you want and adjust it however you want uh I'm going to use hot water and cold water so I get to 125 L and 28° C at the same time so we're ready to pitch our yeast so like I said I'm going to be pitching and fermenting this at 28° Celsius now been generally used baker's yeast so if you want to do that that's awesome but maybe do it a little bit cooler 22 to 25 somewhere around there but today I'm going to step it up a little bit and switch it out for Pinnacles s yeast this is they say suitable for rum I've had a sample pack L around for a while and I figured this would be a great time to test it out uh so I SED this into the fermenter it took off within about 12 hours took 5 days to ferment out dry which made me feel very happy because I uh had forgotten about the fact that we're doing rum and there might be some unfermentable sugars in here turns out it fermented out totally dry uh I put the question to the patreons and they said everyone that has dealt with Panella or jaggery the ferments tend to ferment out dry like a like a sugar wash not like am molasses so that was cool and because I'm not using Dunder at all I let it sit for another 4 days just to sour Just a Touch uh put some acids in there to act as precursors for Esters going into our distillation for distillation I followed Ben's lead and went with a simple double pot distillation uh because this guy right here has a false bottom on it I just decided to throw all of the the chunky banana stuff into the still as well for the stripping runs it took me three stripping runs to get the fermenta emptied out collected up all the low wines put it back into the still again for the spirit run which went really quite smoothly I did rolling cuts at the beginning to find my cut from heads to Hearts distilled all the way down to about 65% where I started to wonder where I was going to make the cut interestingly enough all of the banana kind of action came through right in the middle of the run and near at the end of the run I was kind of getting into the Tootsie Roll flavor both of them were super faint but seemed present although it was kind of hard to tell because I could expect those sort of banana Easter flavors coming through without the banana in this run and once again the jaggery itself kind of gave off almost like a Tootsie Roll caramelly chocolate flavor as well so I don't know did I amplify those did I bring those flavors out I'd like to think so I used rolling Cuts again down near the bottom to find the switch from Hearts to Tails and I ended up pushing it down to a little above 50% ABV I know the barrel that I'm using is quite heavily charred I'm going to age it for a long time uh so I have every faith that that slight amount of roughness that I've put in with cuts is going to develop into something delicious over a long time with all the hearts collected and proofed back down to 60% AB V I am left with this a bad mod Barrel filled to the very tippy top plus a little bit extra I am going to pull some of this out of here so we can paste it and Sample it now uh but what badow Barrel am I using I hear you ask if I was doing this purely on on Flavor I'd probably go L2 L3 somewhere around there uh in in bad the way that bad motivator barrels or now bad my legacy barrels are set up uh but I felt like I almost didn't have a choice I had one of the barrels that I got to make with Ben at his Workshop uh and we've done kind of a matrix of all the different chars so there's three staves in here and I'm not tipping this a whole lot because I'll I'll tell you why in a second uh so there was a light medium and heavy toast going this way and then we charred it uh from one to four going the other way so it's kind of a matrix of almost everything that that Ben was making anyway let me pull a sample out and while I'm doing that I will tell you why I'm not tipping that because actually you can I'll show you when I tip it can you see it leaking this Barrel is leaking because the bung hole has been cauterized unevenly and there's a gap on the side do you know why it was cauterized unevenly because I did it this is not an issue I've ever run into with any of the barrels that Christopher's made or Ben has made uh I screwed up so I'll get a little bit of beeswax on there to kind of you know just plug that up before I sit it down horizontally uh Pro tip guys any Barrel that's made of wood is maybe not likely to but it has the chance of leaking for a little while uh until the wood swells up and kind of takes care of any tiny little imperfections in the seal so what I've taken to doing is I fill the barrel up put the bung in give it a little tap and then I'll just tip water on top that way you give it a chance to swell up you're not leaking Spirits when you're doing it uh obviously some of that water might get into the barrel so use you know you get the idea anyway uh let's get on to tasting this shall we so the nose is subtle it's not a big crazy rum uh but it's not a crazy dark molasses and we haven't put a whole lot of Dunder in here so it's leaning towards the prettiest side from its conception I guess you would say uh but what is interesting is we do have the sweetness coming through we do have kind of the the the the cany organic side of things coming through it's not like an Agri Co but it is much more like that compared to um you know a black strap molasses run and there's definitely subtle banan Esters sitting in the background uh but it doesn't it's not just straight banana it's kind of complex there's there's flavors that are similar to banana but different on either side of it so I think I think some of that is kind of esterfication from uh being produced from the yeast some going through the still I hope it's going to develop even more in the barrel uh and I think banan's kind of spiking from the small addition we put in which is cool it's heavier in flavor on the palette than it is on the nose which is great slightly dirty at the moment to the point where I would probably drink it like this but a lot of people would say it's a little bit just a touch grungy uh and and like I said earlier that's going to clean up in the barrel I have no doubt of that that definite caramel chocolate almost not not coffee like vanilla Frappuccino that's more caramel and vanilla sauce syrup than coffee if that makes sense all in all this is really delicious already and I have every faith that it's going to turn into something amazing later on one of the first people I talked to about the concept of this project was Alan Bishop from one piece at a time distilling and I know he beat me to the punch he's already got a video out uh making his own version of Ben's Panella rum he's doing something kind of crazy with it so I'll leave a link in the description down below so you can check his video out if you want to uh as other people pop up in the community I know better than Bor is thinking about doing something uh if other people in the community get on board with this I'll add to the links as they pop up but there's one more thing I need to do to this barrel and that is to put the graphic on it that I teased at the beginning of the video uh this graphic here why is that graphic on the fridge because I may have screwed up and uh made the original one too large to fit on the barrel that's why it's on the fridge I'm going to do another one to go on here the graphic is completely and utterly free I paid my sister to design it um and I just thought it would be a cool way to put something out there for anyone that wants to memorialize remember have fun memories of Ben what he did for the hobby what he did uh for you specifically if he helped you learn something uh if you have badm barrels and you love them any of that stuff there'll be a link in the description down below for you to go grab them another reminder to him that Christopher's taken over the Reigns it's now badm Legacy barrels if you want to learn more about that once again check the podcast in the link down below uh and both Ben and Chase the craft have uh plenty of Barrels in stock right now so if you're in Australia or New Zealand and you want to check them out come and check us out at Chaser craft.com uh pretty much anywhere else in the world the best place for you to go is direct to bad's website and there's links in the description down below so if you had no idea who Ben was up until this episode um that's cool you've now got a jaggery or Panella rum recipe that you can go out and make that's pretty awesome if you did know who Ben was before this I hope this has given you a little bit of motivation to do this for yourself at home uh take some Panella or jaggery make it your own f figure out what you want to put into the recipe uh and have something you know to to remember have fun memories of Ben whenever you taste it whenever you drink it whenever you see the barrel or the jar sitting in the shed make it your own guys and uh have a bunch of fun Ben you're awesome mate we miss you and uh thank you for everything you did for the hobby
Channel: Still It
Views: 40,238
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Id: xcs-D4r0Vb0
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Length: 19min 49sec (1189 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 09 2023
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