A Rant About Final Fantasy VII Remake

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my head is still spinning I just finished Final Fantasy 7 remake and just kind of letting it sink in but I gotta say I did not care for the ending and I'm worried about the direction of the of the story going forward I wanted to just make this brief video highlighting a few things my thoughts about the game my memories of the original Final Fantasy 7 game and some like criticisms and critiques that things I like things I didn't like and I actually I have some notes here that I saved I kind of just this is this isn't gonna be like a very structure to review or or anything but I just want it was more of like a rant I just want to get some thoughts out so if you're interested in this kind of thing stick around let me know what you think I'd love to engage down below in the comments if you're not interested in Final Fantasy then no no worries but with that being said this is gonna have major spoilers for both of the games I'm gonna be focusing primarily on ff7 remake I'm not gonna go into like the whole overall narrative of Final Fantasy 7 but basically this game was like the first six hours of the original story and it was expanded into an entire game it took me just under 45 hours to complete my first playthrough and that's with me just taking my time I was trying to be as thorough as possible and I tried to do everything I could do just kind of take my time through each chapter so I think that's a fair amount of time 4045 hours to code to complete the game but with that being said there was okay let me let me just check my notes here let me this isn't it not gonna be in like a specific order I'm just gonna highlight a few of the things that really bothered me so like the game is extremely linear which I mean you could argue that the original Midgar is kind of linear and once they get out of Midgar the the world kind of opens up a little bit you know so I kind of get that but I found myself looking at my mini-map a lot and just basically following the map just checking around corners for chests and stuff like that I really don't like that in games it's really distracting from the main sort of like action sequences and things that are taking place like actually exploring you just sort of our are staring at the mini-map trying to see what's around the corner the the right path but okay so like the game itself was like incredible though the visuals were amazing it's so amazing to see cloud you can like just really feel the the the sword and and you you can really see like Midgar the the top plates was really cool just like things in the distance the light in the game was really amazing I thought it looked and feel really good as far as visuals are concerned the expanded story see I feel like then the narrative suffered because the story was just so bloated with like random I didn't like the the fetch quest I didn't like just it was cool to see like some of the stuff more fleshed out I don't know like if this was just a standalone game it doesn't have that like epicness of of other Final Fantasy games I really wish they would have focused on things that mattered like just well they did with with eros it was really amazing to see eros Aerith I'm sorry her her adoptive mother the house they live in the flowers the church like that that was amazing but just like the main structure of the story who cloud really is his relationship with Tifa with eros with Barrett the the avalanche thing one one thing that bothered me was so avalanche they're like a group of ragtag mercenaries or terrorists that that's another thing I guess they did it because like a lot of these concepts have I guess they haven't aged very well and people nowadays are a lot more sensitive to terrorism and stuff like that but it's basically like a group of like environmental terrorists that seek to like thwart the efforts of a large greedy sort of power company and they blow up like one of their power plants essentially or nuclear reactors kind of a thing but and I'm sorry if this is the this is all over the place I'm if you're watching this I'm assuming you have an interest in in Final Fantasy 7 so so like Avalanche is much bigger than it is the organization in the original game I thought it was just Barrett Tifa Biggs wedge Jesse you know that that's it so now they're like this big organization they have like different selves there's like some kind of leadership somewhere I didn't really like that and you see in the original game the Shinra was gonna collapse the plate to sector seven that's that's one of the most amazing moments like see one of the most amazing touching moments of the game it's just like the death of these very minor characters who died relatively early on but that's why they're so loud like that's why it has such an impact because their sacrifice and how they are and see they did sort of like expand on them a little bit we saw Jesse's family her house she lived in her parents like her dreams to be an actress like her relationship with biggs and wedge like that that kind of thing is cool you know i and then and that's why i was like aw man it's gonna hit me so much harder when the deaths actually happened but basically they they gave their lives to defend the pillar from collapsing and they gave it their all and just died very tragically whenever wedge fell from the top to the bottom to his death and cloud cloud ran over called his name out asked him if it was alright and his his dying words were basically like i'm i'm glad that you remembered my name i'm glad that you remembered who I was I'm sorry that I wasn't very useful because you know cloud came off as this badass mercenary and just was gonna do the job and leave so he didn't want to get close to any of the people and you know that's just that really resonated with me and it bothered me that it bothered me that wedge survived I I mean look I love them to death it's just they had to die for the sake of the plot you know and wedge surviving just I I hate it so much big survived to dance to and it's implied that maybe Jesse did as well there was a headband and like gloves that looked similar to hers on the table I don't know but the way that they did Jesse's death was was really beautiful and touching I thought it was cool to actually see the the climb up although in the original Final Fantasy 7 it seemed like it was much bigger the this the support pillar was actually much bigger there was a lot more stairs and it just seemed more sort of dire you know like the the whole fight a lot of this stuff was just so much filler and it really bothers me um another thing yeah like wedge he survived he's somehow and I'm just going off my notes here but yeah he survived he ended up in the underground Shinra research facility that was underneath their feet the whole time that was surrounded by monsters and he he somehow survived even that you know when they were climbing up to Shinra HQ from the wreckage the the background visuals were really bad I thought in the original game you could see you could see more of the city you could see how high up they were actually and the graffiti on the wall was really cool too like the underground or the lower level the slums it was a lot more like darker and gritty and sort of like even like the music kind of it was atmospheric you know so so that's another thing that I really liked but in the in the remake game the the background stuff at times was really poorly done it was great it's great like 90% of the time but I noticed that it was like really poorly done at that that point in the story and then there's gender age cue well I mean I kind of get why they did it this way you know they wanted to kind of expand it more but in the first game you can just in the original game rather I'm sorry you can walk through the front door and you have that option fairly quickly I was actually looking for it um you have the option to go up like 60 flights of stairs or you can just fight your way in I chose to do the stairs just because I thought that Barrett's original sort of like comments were really funny so I wanted to experience that again but you know what like that that's another thing the voice acting is incredible but Barrett kind of bothered me he's too like in the in the original he talked a lot of [ __ ] to cloud like every other word that came out of his mouth was curse word and it was just like really funny his expressions this one was a lot more like dialed back I thought I didn't enjoy it so much but it still had its charm in a way like when he was interacting with some of the characters the little high five flaming tail thing with red 13 in Hojo's lab I thought that was great but it really sucks that red 13 can't join the party I don't see why they didn't do that since there were so much like party switching going on later on in the game that's another thing I mean he was he's would just be someone with fire materia you know some physical magic and some magical attacks his his first Limit Break sled Fang or something and that's it I mean why is it so hard to like put him in the game you know what I mean oops okay let's see what else I'm sorry I just I'm just kind of going off my notes here another thing I didn't like it's just a small gripe but like in the very beginning of the game cloud he grips his sword and just there it is and they just go into it and this one he just kind of grips his sword and then like put his hand down like come on man I don't know I just let's see I feel like there was something else I wanted to add my mind is just reeling from the end that's another thing I'm gonna get to that in a little bit the fetch quest yeah I didn't mic you see I wish they explored more of like cloud who he really was it was interesting like with the flashbacks and stuff I was like aha man that's gonna be good and like the whole little thing and but I gotta tell you it would leave someone very confused if they didn't have an idea of what of like some idea of the original story like if you just picked up this game and played it you I would I don't want to say you would have no idea what's going on but it's very confusing and confused everybody then but okay let's just go down the list here because I'm ranting the camera I I didn't like the camera like over the shoulder all the time I wish they used like a lot of times when you go down like stairs and stuff or like those staircase things it would kind of zoom out a little bit I wish they did more of that that was kind of cool in the original game it was Bill as part of the charm just kind of looking over clouds shoulder the whole time was I don't know I mean there may not be a better way to do that these days so I guess that's that's okay fetch quest aerith's expanded story brought to life I thought that was good I didn't like the weird arbiters of fate the whispers the ghosts things that's just you know I guess that's the developers way of saying well you know we're gonna make it how we want it and that's it we can change whatever we want I don't know the combat is incredible I loved the combat it's very technical and strategic you know like Barrett is heavy his attacks are like hard hitting slow he's slow to dodge etc Tifa she's really quick and agile she's very strong vulnerable like you really have to be on point with dodging or you're gonna get a waffle stopped as Tifa I had a lot of trouble early on before I got used to the system with her being knocked out and me not like really playing sort of like a balanced way you know I would just go all in and get knocked the [ __ ] out I wish they added an option they did earlier they they did later add this but by that time by that time I was just so over it that I didn't care anymore but I wish they had an option right before like big fights big encounters to look over your materia and look over your gear that was one of the things that really bothered me you know I'm fighting a bunch of soldier and guys they're weak to fire so have fire socketed in my materia era I have my fire materia socketed into my materia slot on my equipment so I go in you need lightning so I gotta redo the fire I put lightning and get my ass kicked I come back with other material like I wish that was you know because I'm pretty much mostly everything's like fire and then the machines are lighting you know but I wish there was just an option to look over your gear look over your items make sure you go in before the fight another thing that bothered me was there was like a a bench and like a potion machine at every other thing like every corner it's like there's no sense of like danger as you're kind of exploring there's no you know like in the original it's like a home in it you know is there a safe point up ahead like what's gonna happen like if I take another step I might have a random encounter and like I'm really low on items like I don't know what to do like that kind of adds more to the the danger you know that I just feel like that was lacking a little bit let's see yeah the combat is amazing I really think it's one of the best that we've seen in Final Fantasy games although it did annoy me like you had to be right up to you could get interrupted very easily but you work so hard to build stagger and build limit if like you can miss and that really pissed me off I didn't like that so you have to be really kind of you have to pay attention you can't just spam whatever and and hope it hits me not that I do that you know there's like the combat though just yes like you can be interrupted you can have like an ability that costs 280 be bars you spend time building the ATB bar as you start to cast it and you just get interrupted you know that was annoying at times God like okay the mayor did I miss that oh yeah I did okay I did miss that I'm sorry the mayor of Midgar is part of avalanche come on you know in the original you kind of explored that sort of library thing like the library room and it gives you him some of the password and and I get it like he's still the same mayor he hates his position he hates that they basically put him in a closet and put him out of the way and he's just kind of like a figurehead and he wants to get back at them so he gives him the keycard he doesn't care about that but he's part of avalanche come on man come on and then like wedge somehow ended up from being critically injured to resting I mean - yeah like resting in Harris's house first of all but then going to the mayor's office and shin and tell them to get on the roof for extraction come on man like what is this avalanche High Command like who are they why can't it just be Barrett and Tifa and cloud you know just like the original cast that's like the centerpiece of the story another thing like Hojo's lab was extremely tedious okay well look what would that mean said that the Shinra HQ building was so nice the floors were shiny everything was perfect it was like a modern corporate like super house I loved it like it like it was just amazing it looks and feels like that they got it just right and it was fun not going through the floors like hah man you know but Hojo's lab although it was visually amazing like all the pipes and experiments and test tubes and stuff it got so tedious going doing the little puzzles with the little levers and switching between the parties like I hated that so much I got so tired of it and by the time I finished I was so exhausted that I just it seen that the end of the game the last two chapters they throw so much at you that you're just like what the [ __ ] man like okay here's my second biggest gripe besides the minor besides like look like jesse biggs and wedge should have died i love them but they should have died okay my second biggest gripe was that in Final Fantasy 7 at this point in the game at this point in the game if they build it up too Shinra is like the most ruthless and evil greedy corporation ever and they're not to be messed with they're powerful and they don't [ __ ] around they dropped an entire pillar on my I don't know how many hundreds of people maybe thousands they don't care like just just to kill like a couple of people they did that you know so the president is like propped up as the biggest threat that there is you know so in the original game you get captured at Shinra you get arrested you get put in jail you wake up the doors are open things are kind of strange everybody's dead there's a massive there's blood everywhere blood everywhere there's been like everyone's been massacred just completely brutally killed by a by like a slashing weapon so well that's later on but like at this point in the game that's the mystery you know so you get up to the president he's dead on his desk with a sword in his back who possibly could have done this who could be the greater threat you know cloud knows Tifa knows we know kind of you don't know exactly like the the player doesn't like know yet but just it really adds to the mystery of Sephiroth of who he really is what is he and what's causing all this so gotta just whenever you get there and the president is hanging on the ledge crying for help that annoyed me so much that's like the most powerful man in the world begging for his life and there's barrett and the crew you know I get that but then then you you save his life he goes to the desk gets a gun threatens them and then Sephiroth kills him come on man I hate that so much that that lost the impact do you see what I mean whenever you first arrive and just see it like you see that's that's the thing with like modern games and movies and everything like there has to be that action you have to have like the visual you can't just kind of I don't know what I'm trying to say you have to build things up and just well like the execution of how they did that scene it just it didn't resonate well with me I guess I was a big fan of the mystery of it more like if if it stayed as it did in the original but with the modern graphics it would have been amazing to see another thing too is like when when Sephiroth kills Barret but doesn't really kill him because it's not his fate to die there or something that took away from it as well because then what just they could kind of change their fate and kind of just do whatever with the story and then the reason I say that is like Final Fantasy 7 was really bold because it killed off one of the main characters permanently dead forever nothing you can do so I don't know like the whole thing of like you die come back whatever no problem it takes away from the fear of death and yeah so and another thing too like right after that Rufus the the son of the president kind of just took over so and that fight was amazing it was amazing though the Rufus fight on the on the roof on the helicopter pad that was cool but it undermined the the story of Sephiroth like we don't do we care anymore look there just go to the next action thing and then another thing like yeah the rescue helicopter that they sent to rescue them it had Avalanche written on it and with as much surveillance and all there is what do you think what had happened you know that was I just kind of put that in there because it would have pissed me off if they just like evacuated from the roof so it's good that they had like the Rufus fight that was kind of similar to the original it was like a really cool fight like a knife oh I'm not a knife but like a sword in a gunfight you know kind of a thing that was cool but cloud I kind of almost falling off the ledge and Tifa coming back to save him I mean come on man just put the sword on your back like you always do lift yourself up or throw the sword and just get up there like see that was kind of just like a [ __ ] way to divide the parties I didn't like like the whole switching back and forth between parties thing [Music] yeah and then yeah so whatever [Music] the options for the materia before fights wedge was there again being pulled away by the arbiters of fate and my number one thing was like wedge not dying I'm sorry just I it just bothers me yeah the narrative suffered because the expansion was just so a lot of they did a lot of unnecessary things and then things that they should have emphasized Donner had the time and resources to they didn't and like the mystery of Sephiroth it had really suffered because there was just so much going on and that was like the big thing from the Shinra HQ thing is to show you how powerful Sephiroth is why he needs to be stopped and what he means to cloud-like their relationship and i mean i kind of get it because yeah they did that okay but it was just so over the top the arbiter of fate thing when they went into the a weird little portal that was basically it kind of reminded me of the four kings from Dark Souls that was discount for Kings except there was three want ones and then one big one in the back it was a lot of beautiful beautiful visuals but it just deteriorated into like bright lights and loud music and just too much too fast back-to-back like you escaped with the motorcycles and the things so you have like the bike chase and the van like that was cool it was like the vehicles were cool the motorcycle the van that was all right you know and see they fought that boss at the end of the roads they fought the boss but this time you fight it on the road and it was really annoying it was just you just don't have time to he's just just throwing things at you throwing things at you you know non-stop just all big s explosions and no substance that's kind of what I put then one thing like each time you defeat one of the arbiters you see like the future glimpses of the timeline I thought that was cool just another thing I really liked was the reimagined music it's very beautiful very well done very fitting I really like the chocobo theme that's one we don't hear a lot of because that's like kind of in the middle of the game you kind of rider through like fast travel a couple of times and you hear it but the wall market music really annoyed me not so much when you're in wall market but then music when you're kind of exploring that area like in the collapse tunnel and stuff it had like a weird kind of techno a electric kind of like it was too fast and too annoying and it's just it was really jarring and it got on my nerves the ending god the fight with Sephiroth was like look it was amazing but I just I feel like they pulled it straight out of Advent Children and like it was just so much it was like everything you would expect in a final boss fight everything the cool moves the cool setting debris flying everywhere just like maximum power just everything right out of the gate like zero to a billion like here's everything one winged angel the song he actually had the one wing his armor the sword all the cool moves everything but it's just why why in the first six hours of the game you know my mind is still reeling I'm still kind of like trying to wrap my head around it seeing Zack again people don't even know who he is really like that you know and then it's implied that he survived then counter with the soldiers he didn't die maybe he went and crawled into a pipe I was kind of looking for that I was a big fan of like the guy in the pipe theory from the first game those are just my thoughts this is just kind of like a rant video I enjoyed the game a lot it was amazing to see old friends kind of come back it was amazing to see cloud Tifa Barrett they looked really good aris looks really good everyth rather I'm sorry I just got used to calling her aris you know all these years but this was like a casual fan I'm not like an expert on Final Fantasy 7 oh here's another thing I didn't get to showcase this we'll see look first of all people love Final Fantasy I feel like Final Fantasy 7 a lot of people really love it because of the nostalgia sort of like that that's why it's their favorite one now me personally I had a different kind of a story Final Fantasy 6 is my favorite final fantasy but my first Final Fantasy was Final Fantasy 8 on the computer of all things I had a late start I didn't have a lot growing up and it wasn't until later on in life I went back and played all the classics but eventually picked up Final Fantasy 7 that this is the original game this is the Greatest Hits version on PlayStation 1 and I actually played this on my playstation 2 I didn't have a memory card so I would always try to go as far as I can and just kind of pause it um so I'm very familiar with like the opening of the game I try to explore every little area the music was amazing the graphics were amazing for the time the game didn't age very well but the concepts and everything is it's a great game it's an amazing game and I mean maybe you know maybe it is asking too much or maybe it would be too kind of I don't know boring or I don't know what's the word like if the game were to be completely rebuilt from the ground up and like brick by brick exact remake just with modern graphics I don't know I guess it's okay for them to explore new ideas and kind of it's a remake but it's also like an entirely new game it could go in a totally different direction I mean who who knows who who knows what could happen it sold very well so I'm assuming they'll keep churning them out I hate that it's only the first six hours and I have to admit though they'll still get my money though I mean I'm a huge fan of the series I don't treat myself to a lot but I really wanted to experience this game and yeah I mean here's the here's the remake I actually got the deluxe edition I'm late to the party I had arrived late because of the whole delays and shipping and all that stuff going on right now but they'd arrive late but I enjoyed it I took me yeah it took me just just under 45 hours so I liked the game a lot of things in it were amazing but I hate how the story got weird and confusing and they added a lot of weird stuff so I'm very I'm very worried about the future of the game but I guess I'll take what I can get at this point cloud is back our boy and we've been waiting a long time we've been waiting 23 years you know so here we are and let's let's see what happens but those are just my thoughts thank you so much for watching if you made it to the end I really appreciate it I feel like there's just a lot more but I'm just my mind is just reeling from the ending but that's how I feel let me know what you think did you like the game did you hate it have you ever played Final Fantasy what do you think about the Final Fantasy series in general I'd love to know and yeah thank you for watching and I'll see you in the next one
Channel: Slayheim
Views: 3,994
Rating: 4.8636365 out of 5
Keywords: Final Fantasy, Square, Square Enix, Final Fantasy VII, Final Fantasy VII Remake, Ending, Rant, Thoughts, Cloud Strife, Tifa, Advent Children, FF, Barret, Sephiroth, explained, Ancients, Cetra, Aerith, Aeris, Zack, Midgar, Mako, Energy, Shinra Electric Power Company, Buster Sword, materia, Seventh Heaven, Wedge, Biggs, Jessie, Chocobo, Don Corneo, Slums, Sector 7, Sector 6, Sector 5, RPG, JRPG, max level, trending, future, happy, love, hate, video games, gaming, lol, moments, epic rant, ff7 ending, Wall Market
Id: weNfugTRc7M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 36min 10sec (2170 seconds)
Published: Sun Apr 26 2020
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