A Quick Artstyle Analysis of Omori
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: CuteZi
Views: 9,574
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Omori, Omocat, Omori game, Omori gameplay, Omori secrets, Omori art, Omocat art, Omori comics, Omori history, Video essay, Omori essay, psychological horror, horror game, game art, art style, art analysis, omori creator, omori bosses, omori jumpscare, who can it be now omori, doki doki literature club, art in games, game art styles, artstyle, speedpaint, omori speedpaint, Omori boy, omori webcomic, webcomic, rpgmaker, rpg, cutezi, Omori character, Omori My Time, art design
Id: DeurTZOKen0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 13sec (373 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 08 2022
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