a productive day + a self care day 🌱 self-isolation as a high school senior

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[Music] [Music] yesterday I got started with filling some of my main setup for a future plan with me video but I didn't finish so I'll just finish that up this morning [Music] well that took a surprisingly short amount of time so I guess it looks like I didn't do basically nothing until around 10:00 see when you make youtube videos you can justify watching a lot of YouTube videos because you're getting inspiration from other creators but in reality I'm just being lazy and watching a corruption of YouTube videos now let me show you how my planning system works so what I do is pretty much just schedule out each week on Monday with the tasks that I need to do for each day and then at the beginning of each day I'll set up an hourly schedule for which tasks I'm doing at each hour so my next thing is just to either go hiking or I guess I kind of want to run but depending on how my knees feel [Music] [Applause] [Music] I'm gonna tell myself that I'm doing mostly easy runs and not pushing myself because I don't want to risk my immune system while we're in the middle of this pandemic but in reality it's just because I'm tired and lazy that's all right we're gonna let my laziness protect my immune system [Music] [Music] now that I have a bunch of free time stuck in doors and I'm not necessarily going to like see anybody in person I've been trying to learn how to do winged eyeliner it's low risk right now because I'm not going outside and I'm not gonna see anybody so it's okay if I mess up because no one has to see it except everyone watching this video a Latinas kind of reminds me of brush lettering like the bristle tip pen of an eyeliner pen is really similar to bristle tip brush pens but you know I'm drawing on my eyelid instead of on a piece of paper here's two transferable skills also since I'm about to run out of lip balm I recently got some more from glossier and and it came with this little sample pack of their cloud paint cream blushes so maybe we'll try some of those out [Music] you [Music] [Music] something about like rubbing my face as if I'm going out in public even though I'm not makes me feel more productive more ready to get work done [Music] the way I usually take Instagram photos is I take about 10 to 20 all at once one it helps me with the consistency of my feet because then everything looks like it under the same lighting conditions because it is it's been basically taken at the same time and it just saves me time with only having to get set up one time each month instead of having to do everything in smaller batches we open up the windows so that I get some beautiful natural lighting next I'm going to wipe down my desk because it's white so it shows smudges super easily now remember kids Clorox wipes are for cleaning surfaces not for eating because they do not prevent or cure covin 19 [Music] I don't recommend standing on your spinny stool but I need height to take pictures don't do this at home kids [Music] I'm getting kind of tired so I'm gonna take a break by watching cat videos on ticked off for like ten minutes and then it'll be back to taking photos and then editing [Music] next I have this a Google sheet where I plan out all of my posts so on this side I put the number of the date but I'm gonna post it on so 6 is just gonna be May 6th then here I'll put the file name of the photo so you don't put any notes that I want to put in the caption like maybe this caption should be about my new video because I posted one and then this last part is where I'll check off when I have scheduled it I don't need to take or schedule new Instagram photos for another month plus a week that's free learn great that's also the main reason why you tend to see photos of my April setup in the middle of June because I schedule things way too far ahead in advance it's what works for my productivity style and hopefully that works for y'all I haven't heard any complaints yet [Music] so I kind of forgot I have a paper for sociology due today I thought I'd like this class cuz the subject matter is really interesting but the way the class is taught just like doesn't make sense to me basically all you do is watch Michael Moore documentaries and then write papers about the social issues covered and I don't think the professor ever reads the papers because on every single one of them like everyone in the class gets a hundred percent and then a comment that says some variation of like good job Wow I'll take a free a I guess but like I do actually want to learn this subject but anyways I'm gonna write one more of those papers that is not going to be read most likely so I'm gonna bang this out in 42 minutes before I have a web session thing for UCLA let's go we don't finish this in 36 minutes all right we're all a good time good use of an hour instead of just spending an extra hour or watching more cat videos on Big Talk now I'm just gonna transfer my messy weird-looking scribble notes onto a little post-it note to-do lists that I will stick into my bullet journal and move around as needed I feel like this looks so ominous it's to study demon here to remind you to do their schoolwork now you may have seen if you've been looking real close at my bullet journal that I've been trying to track my food intake for a while and that's because I used to think I had a problem with overeating but then as I started actually tracking my food I actually realized I have a problem with under eating so that whole spiel was just for me to purpose that I'm a little bit short of my calorie goal for today so I'm gonna go eat some ice cream not because it's healthy but my guilty pleasures in life are eating ice cream while watching personal finance videos so let us go do that when I'm vlogging it doesn't feel like I'm a real person any man who's like doing real things it's like like playing a part as I know anyone yeah [Music] [Music] I felt a little down yesterday and I'm still feeling kind of down today I'm not particularly sad for any particular reason I just don't feel like my normal self I feel kind of like how I did when I was really really burnt out you're in the past a couple of school years where I just don't really care about anything it's just this sinking feeling in my chest if I have to make it through the next day so we're gonna take it easier today I'm not gonna force myself to be overly productive because I know that's how I burnt myself out in the first place just gonna let myself go with the flow do whatever strikes my fancy what did that be I feel like editing a video or I feel like doing some extra studying for my guv class or any other class just because I know that my normal self wants to strive and wants to grow and be better at the things that I do but I don't quite feel like my normal self today so I feel like doing those more productive things I'll do that if I feel like playing songs my ukulele or watching more freaking iPad review videos on YouTube I'll let myself do that this this break is gonna be about unburden myself letting myself recover and return back to be person who I know that I am who wants to strive and improve and grow so let's get this and required get the work done and then we'll see where we go from there maybe I'll repeat my nails today not really that there's something wrong with how they have currently are but painting my nails is just such a relaxing activity something about the repetitive a movement of it and being forced to just sit still and just exist while I'm waiting for them to dry it's very calming it clears my head another thing I really like to do when I feel stressed or down is to clean my room I don't know what it is about it but it really just calms me down [Music] [Music] like a few decades since the last time I will wash to my bigger fishes and then 17 so this doesn't happen possible trigger warning for just slight gross bodily function things a little bit of blood my piercing on this side just like didn't have a fun day today I rotated it 180 degrees just like I did on this side and this side didn't swell up or anything or do anything weird but this side was swollen in the morning and then when I rotated it it did that I got these pierced in December 2019 so it's been five months and they're still not quite normal I guess I tried to change them in like March because my peers I said three months would be the normal healing time but then when I took them out it started bleeding again on this side I think so now I'm just scared and I haven't tried to take them out since then and now I'm extra scared and I don't want to take them out cuz it did this if anybody has insight please help me in the comments below because I have an unreasonably large collection of earrings considering that I still have been too afraid to take the starter ones out like should I go see my doctor I would normally go ask the piercer but send it social distancing they're not open because of non-essential service so you know stop stressing myself out this is self isolation I can relax take a break everything is going to be fine as long as my ear hole stops freakin bleeding just got this in the mail look at that car you'd I got this new microphone that's a shotgun mic that I can just put on top of my camera because it's pretty small I can probably use it on my vlog camera although it won't connect to this Canon g5 X because it doesn't have a mic input I'm planning to also invest in a new vlogging camera soon that does have a mic input so you all have any recommendations or tips let me know in the comments at college I'm going to be more blogging style content and I want to make the quality as good as possible for you guys anyways I'm gonna plug this into my gigantic DSLR camera it's the only hammer I have with a mic input and just see what it sounds like or hear what it sounds like I have a youtube video playing off to the side there has simulated background noise so yeah this is what it sounds like what the mic plugged in let me unplug it real quick this is what it sounds like compared to the default on camera mic [Music] [Music] just been hit like a train with a sense of my own inadequacy even people who you watch on the internet who maybe present an idealized version of their life on the Internet don't really have perfect polished shiny awesome lives all the time because I definitely don't I struggle a lot with just feeling like like I'll never be good enough I won't ever match up to the impossible standards that I have in my head I always compare myself to other people but only the worst parts of myself - the best parts of other people and then when I when I do things well because I've done a lot of things well if I'm gonna be honest it just feels like I was lucky I didn't really merit this I usually put like what 10 minutes of my life on the internet every week and it's always the shiniest most aesthetically pleasing part of it with plants and fairy lights and perfectly edited white backgrounds but in real life I'm also kind of a mess and now I'm just trapped in here in real life I'm trapped in this 4 walls of my room I'm trapped in the four walls of my brain and the stupid things that I come up with to make myself feel bad about myself when I really don't need to be man I don't know [Music] [Music]
Channel: studyquill
Views: 200,370
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: studytube, studyblr, studying, college, school, quarantine vlog, day in my life, online school vlog, productive quarantine vlog, quarantine study vlog, a day in my life at home, quarantine with me, a day in my life in quarantine, self isolation vlog, self care day, productive study vlog, chill quarantine routine, morning habits, morning routine, study routine, self care ideas, self care routine, productive day routine, productivity vlog, high school, senior year vlog, studyquill
Id: -MhqN9A48tM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 18min 22sec (1102 seconds)
Published: Mon May 11 2020
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