a productive & chatty wfh vlog (1st corporate job after college)

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[Music] good morning oh God another day another dollar for the vast corporation that is America and I guess some for me but like I'm going to be so for real I never shower in the morning like this will be my first time showering in the morning before work since starting my job over a year and a half ago but today I look like a monstrosity of evil you want to talk about ugliness you're done H we need to be a little quick here because I may have great time management skills at work if you're watching job but I never a lot enough time to film a YouTube video because why would I do that when I could still be sleeping I work from home on most days and although I live close to a work site it's actually a manufacturing facility and not like an office and for those of you that don't know I actually work in supply chain so if I have something to do at the plant or if I need to travel to a site for whatever reason I will but most of my team is actually scattered so usually I have the luxury of working from home I just got an electric toothbrush and I know I look like an idiot but all of the settings are so fast like I feel like I'm sanding down my teeth side note does anybody remember Tooth Tunes because I don't know why technology has regressed I want to be listening to my favorite Justin Bieber song timed for exactly 2 minutes while I'm brushing my teeth is that not the point of an electric toothbrush I'm so bad at hurrying because I get distracted I will be putting on makeup today because I have been doing that lately just so I feel less gross when I'm working from home but I'm not going to do that right now because I have 2 minutes till I start work I'm putting on some caffeine eye cream right now it's this one we don't have time for this come on yeah that one you know what I mean and I'm going to put on wait where are they oh it helps depuff my eyes and kind of wake me up but more importantly it just fully covers my eye bags so all right that's the morning routine we need to you we need to log in wakey wakey oops we made it kind of I was 2 minutes late but don't you worry Corporate America I solemnly swear to stay on for at least an extra 2 minutes minutes so that I will make up whatever productivity was lost at 8: in the morning nothing was lost I promise you I purposely picked more of a chill day for me to do this because sometimes I have like 10 meetings in a day and just so much going on that I can't even process my own thoughts but today I only have like three meetings and so it'll be a lot more manageable I am going to catch up on my emails and actually work and then I'll check in with you guys in a [Music] little the boyfriend has risen or should be rising I'm went to Costco for the first time over the weekend and bought 42 of these without trying a single one they're pretty good they're just peanut butter chocolate chip protein bars but 42 of them and I bought this whole thing of coke there's two people living here anyway it's 9:00 a.m. now and I'm waiting for someone to respond to me so that I can do my next task because supply chain is all about waiting on people and then very urgently fulfilling their task when they finally get back to you we have product that we need to move for a customer and we just got the PO last night and even though we've communicated the lead time is X number of weeks people are like what if we just did it in less I think I can do it like I'm clearly not concerned but I try not to tell the commercial people that and have them stick to the actual lead times so that they don't ask me for this every day meeting time oh hello how are you guys we're waiting for the people to join and after everyone's says hi then it's just [Music] like trying to be like hyper aware of my [Music] posture thanks everyone thank you it's 12:05 right now which means that it's lunchtime baby don't bother me for the next hour that won't happen because I work from home and therefore people can bother me whenever they choose but I will try to take like a full hour for lunch today because I have some chores that I want to do and I would like to fix my face the culture of my company is pretty traditional but my specific Division and team is not like we have a lot of people that work from home and everyone's kind of flexible but it's a weird blend between trying to fit into the company culture and also just like trying to have a life I will be honest when I first started this job I was very very bad at having a life it's weird because I know that I shouldn't feel guilty about taking the hour like it's supposed to be there for a reason that's why it's 8 to 5 but I do I want to do a good job but also it's hard to balance doing a good job and like having a life when you first start out I think I've gotten much better at it for sure but it's still I'm now going to actually go make lunch would you like to tell everyone what you're having for lunch I'm having these things they're just little like pasas with chicken and cheese in it wow wow ketchup she's the star I was telling them that I went to Costco for the first time and she hated it because well no I hated that we went on a Saturday at noon because there were so many people there we walked in and her eyes went so wide I was literally like like where am I supposed to put this under the sink there's already stuff under there on what planet how's your work going today there was an old project that I did and I have to redo it and and on Friday I did 3 and 1/2 hours of coding and the file corrupted and I finally finished it so bad but but good blurry also works from home he works from home like 99 5% of the time and I work from home like 90% of the time so usually it's just me out here in the living room area at the counter and then he's tucked away in his little office and every two hours I come in I'm just like two things I want to point out here number one we got I have a desk number one is she has a desk right there and she doesn't use it and she sits like a shrimp I'm trying to get better at it I will say when I set up my camera to like film doing work so I could do a little Montage I saw it and I was like and number two is she whenever she started her job said oh I'll love going in person person I can't ever do remote and now what does she do remot because that's what she wants I feel like the people try to Hype it up and I fell into the scheme of corporate America saying that being in the office is so fun and great it is so not fun and great do you like working from home I love it I guess you never you never pretended that you were going to like going a person but that's why I have the office with my desk in there and she's out here do you want to show them your office no cuz it's dir okay we won't show them your office I'm going to get back to it and eat my lunch I have a few emails that I need to send to request people to do things please and I also have an Excel SL presentation template type thing that I need to make I work a lot with our external suppliers one of our suppliers I'm not going to name names is a piece of work sometimes managing suppliers I just feel like a little little Elementary School teacher I'm like okay class we need to do a little expectation reset I've noticed that we're not following the rules or doing anything that we're supposed to do why is that I still have not heard back from the people that I need to hear back from on this very urgent shipment that we have so I hope they treat it more urgently [Music] I'm going to go for a little walk and I always go on a slow speed whenever I'm typing I did a little work from home Vlog on Tik Tok the other day and I mentioned that I don't really know the best way for tracking my steps because I have my Apple watch which I would normally just wear but I'm not really sure if it's like counting the motion when I'm like this so then I have this this which is like a little ankle band and I can take my Apple watch and put it actually on my ankle but it always seems to count higher so I'm going to try to just leave it on my wrist and see if we can actually get the correct number of steps based off what the treadmill is saying it's really not that deep like it shouldn't matter if I count over or under or not at all but it bothers me we are at 2 mph let's lock [Music] in yeah this isn't working my little ankle band is going [Music] on me when I send an Email No photos please I just it's been a really taxing [Music] day this bestie said that I walked for nearly 4 and 1/2 miles in only an hour and 40 minutes if I did my math right which we can never trust if I walked 2 m hour the whole time and I walked for like an hour and 40 minutes or 100 minutes that would be like 3 and A3 m either way I got some good steps in just probably not the 4 and 1/2 miles that it claims it's 4:00 p.m. now I am still waiting on one more piece of information before I can get my shipment out and it has like a lot of transactions and just different little tasks the piece of information I'm looking for awesome cool thank you yeah bye thanks Shipman is ready to go obviously she's not shipped that's not my job but she's ready to be shipped and it is now 4:41 so it is doubtful that I'm going to get the rest of the information I requested for something completely different but that's okay we did most of our stuff we did all of our stuff that we could do I'm going to finish a few more little random tasks and then log off I'm just kidding it actually stresses me out too much to fully close my laptop because I want to be at corporate America's beck and call apparently it's actually kind of a sickness like I imagine and hallucinate the Microsoft team sound at this point we need to work on that now that it's past 5:00 p.m. I can legally log off with only a little twang of concern that someone is going to reach me and I'm not going to be available and go live my life there is literally nothing more freeing than having inunit laundry I still don't separate my laundry into lights and darks though some things never change from like 5: to 7:00 p.m. or just whenever I log off plus 1 and 1/2 to 2 hours that is my dissociation time I don't want to hear from anyone I don't want to talk I don't want to think hard things I just want to exist I want to talk about postgrad in more depth later in this video maybe I'll do it when I'm folding laundry or something just as like kind of a kickoff to that whole conversation I definitely struggled for my first several months working and I feel like part of that was because I didn't have any sort of Disconnect routine with the type of role that I have in supply chain my job in just overall workload and what I'm doing every day es and flows all of the time there's very little consistency meaning that some months I'm in a cycle where it's just like absolute grind got to do as much as possible and other months it's a lot slower although I like having a job that changes a lot because it helps keep me interested and I feel like I'm actually using my brain strategically it can also be very challenging when during those slower periods I feel like a lazy piece of [ __ ] who's not doing enough and then during those busy periods I literally don't disconnect from work ever and I have zero life it sounds really dumb and like it should be easy to do but that 2hour block has helped me tremendously because even during those really busy periods it pulls me away I go to the gym I run errands I rotten my phone do whatever and then when I come back if I have to log back on later it kind of makes you realize what actually needs to get done and what really doesn't matter and you can just do the next day in the spirit of dissociating I am in the Target parking lot dangerous for my wallet great for my [Music] brain I did just spend $70 but not every dissociation technique has to cost money okay most of it is just me on my phone blurry and I completely ran out of our wall fresheners and our apartment kind of smells like ass more specifically smoke from whoever lived there before and they were having a sale where each one was only 350 instead of like I don't know $7.95 notice how it could have been like 5 cents off and I wouldn't know because I just didn't check the original price I saw sale and I was sold and then I also got five five hand soaps because we only have like one left and they were having a 5 for 27 sale remember when Victoria Secret and Ary used to have like the 7 for 27 wonder what the hell it is now Bath and Body Works stays on top it's also 6:40 so dissociation time is almost over and I'm really hungry so I need to eat dinner after dinner I relaxed for a bit and then started on some laundry and unfortunately my camera was out of Focus but I was talking about postgrad and I still wanted to include some of the clips so where we pick up is how I felt moving away and not having my support network right next to me as I was going through these challenging times and I think that's another challenge that I had with postgrad where you kind of just feel alone because there's a lot that you have to figure out on your own for sure but you don't really have the same re resources that you may have had before to actually figure that out and have a support network especially if you don't really have a lot of co-workers your age I feel like it's hard to express all the things that you're going through with new people in a new place and your mom's not there and your friends aren't there and they're all going through their own thing with postgrad and their new jobs so it's just very isolating I am still sad that not all of my friends are here I still have problems with impostor syndrome and just feeling like I don't belong at work but I do feel like over the past few months I've kind of turned over a new leaf and I don't know if it's just a mentality switch or if I'm finally actually adjusting to what corporate life and Life After College actually is but I do generally feel better about my whole situation a key element of raising my level of Happiness was the fact that I had my best friend from College move here with me miss Emily my college roomie of 3 years plus an integral member of Pan's Branch campus she now lives with me well not with with me but like 10 minutes from me bless her little heart she works in Consulting and they just don't give a [ __ ] about where you live because you have to travel to visit clients and stuff anyways and so I convinced her to move down here it's not that I haven't met anyone down here like I've actually met a really nice group of girls who also went to pennstate and then that group just keeps getting larger and larger as more people are introduced the thing is is though the core group of that girl's group knew each other in college and so it's just kind of nice to have someone here that I also have known for a while and is just my little bestie so now my next little era that I can sense coming on is just generally what do I want to do in my career where do I want to go in my life I feel like that reflective part needs to start happening not to be a little supply chain dork but we've got the short-term planning at least for the next few months I have a general idea of what the heck is going on and I feel good about it long-term forecasting is not there and one of the key elements of supply chain is that all forecasts are wrong but you at least need to have a forecast and I have no for at the current moment I'm trying not to stress myself out about it impossible anyway I'm basically done folding La the rest of the scraps here are all just socks that are my boyfriends and I'm sure they don't have a match that's basically it I have a lot more postgrad thoughts and corporate 9 to5 8 to five thoughts but it is now 10:30 which means it's sleep mode this is what my life has come come to now if I do happen to go MIA just bother me on Instagram bother me on Tik Tok bother me on Goodreads spoiler I'm just going to be reading Percy Jackson all the time but you can comment on my status updates and be like what the hell I appreciate all of your feedback and support to those of you who are still watching love you and bye don't become a cog in the corporate machine be yourself I don't know [Music] [Applause] [Music] I should probably go work
Channel: syd's vids
Views: 26,413
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: college, dorm, room, shopping, vlog, dorm room, tour, school, shop, move in, new, haul, dorm tour, day in my life, productive, busy, fitness, routine, morning, high school, night, after school, healthy, workout, work out, university, middle school, advice, fail, how to, diy, freshman, transformation, what I got, penn state, move, study, online, zoom, emotional, mental, breakdown, sorority, grades, grwm, get ready, with me, corporate, 9-5, job, work, office, drop out, dropping, quit, quitting, wfh, from home, post grad
Id: fHySgZCUNho
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 40sec (1300 seconds)
Published: Wed May 01 2024
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