A Perfect Character - Morrowind Mechanics

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hello everyone what's good welcome to my video guide on creating and leveling a perfect character in morrowind before we get started know that I really don't recommend is that new players do this as parts of this process can be very tedious and potentially sour you entirely on the game also for this guide it's extremely helpful that you already be familiar with morrowind skill and leveling system if you don't already have a decent understanding of this part of the game i implore you to go watch my leveling and skill trainer video guide before you watch this one finally as always I'll have timestamps in the description if you need them now that we've got all that all the way let me just say that for this guide my example character is going to be a melee build however you can easily use the information from this guide to make a spellcaster or ranged weapon build just as well that said i'm of the opinion that melee characters are just a little bit easier when it comes to handling this entire process okay first off we're going to need to pick a race at this early stage you need to keep in mind the skills our character is going to pick as a major in miner skills this is because character levels in morrowind are hard kept based on how many times the character's major and minor skills can increase as you know each race gets passive skill increases all the number of skills and the magnitude of a passive increase may vary the sum of all passive increases is always 45 regardless of race so we need to pick a race that has passive bonuses in zero of the skills we intend to make our major and minor skills for this guide going with red guard because they're one of the three races that can begin with 50 endurance which is key for having as much health as possible and they're incredibly powerful racial ability andrush it'll help us overcome practically any challenging combat encounter our character is also going to be male because male Red Guards begin with 10 fewer points in personality but 10 more points in strengths relative to the female counterpart that extra strength is going to make early levels a bit more easy compared to extra personality plus beginning with 50 strengths and 50 endurance ensures that we are one step closer to having the highest possible starting health and therefore the highest possible base health next we are going to create a class first we'll take a class specialization because any skills that fall within our chosen specialization receive a five-point increase we must take care not to have any major or minor skills that are included in our specialization for this character our specialization is going to be stealth because unlike combat and magic there is no attribute that governs exclusively stealth skills and while that's by no means a requirement it's certainly helpful now we'll decide what our major and minor skills are since leveling with maximum efficiency in Morrowind requires we play our character ass-backwards we're going to pick skills that we're just never going to use until we're completely ready and of course these need to be skills that we have absolutely zero passive bonuses in so our characters major skills are going to be spear enchant mysticism conjuration and alteration the minor skills will be destruction restoration illusion alchemy and block having these skills as major and minor skills gives us really strong control over when our character is able to level and allows for 775 skill increases thus we'll have access to morrowind highest level cap of 78 without the use of exploits the next step is simple we'll be picking our two favorite attributes which gets them a ten-point increase each first we'll pick up endurance so we have higher starting health and gain more health per level now while it may be very tempting to pick up luck as our second favorite attribute because it essentially accounts for 10 levels we won't be doing this instead we're going with strength this is one further step in ensuring our character begins with the highest possible base health and thus also ends the leveling process with the highest possible base health this means that for 60 levels we'll need to invest in luck but thankfully our character caps out at level 78 because of our choices and skills finally we'll pick our character's birth sign since we're not a spell caster build will be going with the lady this ensures that we begin the game with the highest possible endurance at 85 we'll only need to level 3 times to max out our endurance and ensure that we get the maximum possible health increases per level this also is the final step in ensuring that our character begins the game with the highest possible base health the added 25 point increase to personality is just gray on top of that and it'll help us shore up one of our characters areas of weakness if we were using a spellcaster build we'd probably go with the Atronach birth sign for its hefty magic a multiplier that way we could ensure that we have the highest base magic of reserves possible well that concludes our characters creation but we aren't done just yet a big part of perfectly leveling our character involves really careful planning and a little bit of luck early on first and foremost always hard save right after you level up because several skills in morrowind increase just through your character existing and navigating through the world it's easy to accidentally give more skill increases than you intended because of this our first two attributes that we'll try to raise to 100 will be speed and endurance speed is necessary because it's impossible to play the game without raising our athletic skill it's just flat-out inefficient to not be leveling our speed attribute alongside the athletic skill not to mention the fact that it's difficult to not increase unarmored early in the game because we just don't have a full set of armor and as we covered a bit earlier endurance is necessary because we want the highest base health possible it's important to raise endurance to 100 by the time our character reaches level 4 that's because as you probably already know health increases from your endurance attribute are not retroactive the third attribute we work towards is honestly your choice consider making its strengths if you're fearful that you may accidentally increase your acrobatic skill consider intelligence or willpower if you'd like a method for opening all of the locked doors and chests you find either through alteration or security consider agility if you want your character to use a shield sooner rather than later all of that said I strongly recommend working on luck right away especially if you aren't confident that you'll remember your long-term leveling plans like I said earlier our characters endurance will reach 100 quickly at just level 4 thus allowing us to focus on another attribute using this method you should max out your non luck attributes by level 44 and finally you'll max out your luck by level 61 so all of your remaining levels will only be useful for increasing your base health as I said at the top of this video I really don't recommend new players play the game this way heck I'm not even sure if I'd recommend any veterans do it either because it can really just get that tedious and frustrating imagine losing hours of gameplay all because you forgot to do a hard save and you accidentally increase your acrobatics because you decided to take a shortcut and jump down a hill or instead of stairs good luck to anyone crazy enough to go through with something like this and of course remember that the specific examples given here are just that examples like I said you can absolutely change your character as long as you keep in mind the logic behind each decision anyways thanks for checking out this video be sure to have a look at my other morrowind guides because I'm pretty sure you'll find them more practical than this one oh and check out my weekly moral and playthrough if you're into that kind of thing doing it all on max difficulty - alright peace you
Channel: Lyle Shnub
Views: 208,105
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Morrowind, Elder Scrolls, Let's Play, Walkthrough, Commentary, Best Character, Best Build, Best Race, Best Skills, Best Attribute, Max Character, Min/Max Character, How to level efficiently, Min/Max Build, Min/Max levels, The Elder Scrolls: Morrowind, Guide, Advice, Tips, Hints, Tutorial, redguard, best, perfect, level plan, plan
Id: zUPsI9gAKno
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 21sec (621 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 17 2017
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