A Peaceful Mind in 5 Minutes ~ "Pure Awareness I Am" Mooji Mantra

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A Peaceful Mind In 5 Minutes An Introduction to the 'Pure Awareness — I Am' Mantra 30 April 2020 (with subtitles) [Mooji] Namaste everyone! Namaste! Welcome, welcome! Thank you for joining me today for this beautiful, simple but potent mantra for stilling the mind. Everyone, at some time or other, will have experienced a mind storm, or you may call it 'mind attacks', and so on. And we know what it is like. You are unable to sleep, unable to concentrate, unable to focus on your daily activities. It is a very stressful, draining phenomenon. So today I am going to, with this chant, show you, together we will do it, how to bring your attention, bring the mind back to its source. And the source of the mind, whatever state the mind may be in, the source of it is a place of pure peace, joy and silence, what we call perfect awareness itself. Incidentally, it is also the source of our existence and being, silence, joy, natural peace, love. We call this perfect and formless awareness itself. So as we begin our chant, I would like you to be aware of each word that you chant, to give complete focus to this, not just chant mechanically. And as you go on, even if the mind is there at the beginning, don't worry, don't focus on it, ignore that. Because the power of the chanting and the mantra will neutralise the mischievous energy of the mind. As we chant, we make three chants punctuated by Om. The mantra goes, Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om And repeat. As we come to the end of five minutes, you will hear the sound of the bell. It's going to sound like this. [Mooji rings the bell] And you will continue chanting just like I have done now, three times and stay silent. You may find that the words keep repeating themselves in silence. But it is not important that you focus on that. But just rest in your natural peace. So, thank you. Let us begin. Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om [Mooji rings the bell] Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Pure Awareness — I Am Om [silence] For those of you who are familiar with my guided meditations, and may want to chant for a longer time than five minutes, I totally support and advise and encourage that, because it will become even more potent, more deep. And so if you want to chant, and also if you are doing it as a group, you may find that 15 minutes will completely level the energy inside your group. So, thank you, thank you. And all the very best to you. I am with you. Thank you. Good. Good. Copyright © 2020 Mooji Media Ltd. All Rights Reserved. No part of this recording may be reproduced without Mooji Media Ltd.'s express consent.
Channel: Moojiji
Views: 727,520
Rating: 4.9392858 out of 5
Keywords: Mooji, Papaji, Ramana, non-duality, truth, love, meditation, Satsang, God, Self-realization, awakening, duality, self-inquiry, soul, self, enlightenment, Buddha, Krishna, Shiva, devotion, yoga, Jesus Christ, ego, prophet, spirituality, spirit, guru, Liberation, sahaja, maya, peace, awareness, bliss, sacred, I Am, eternal, mantra, wisdom, contemplation, time, nirvana, supreme, divine, surrender, seeker, reality, presence, freedom, being, Monte Sahaja, Portugal, Sahaja, pure awareness, i am, chanting, spiritual practice
Id: t2Q_YCkK0mk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 10min 34sec (634 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 14 2020
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