"A nuclear bomb is something you bother me with IMMEDIATELY" | Mission: Impossible 7 | CLIP

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Whatever it is, I've just activated it. Looks like we have five minutes. -Also, it appears to be nuclear. -How big? Big enough to matter to everybody in this airport, I suspect. -Can you disarm it? -I haven't got any tools! -Then find some. -Where am I gonna find-- Is this where we run? Not yet. Benji, how are you doing with that bomb? Come on, come on. I got it! It's a cylinder cypher. There's eight wheels. Looks like 14 letters on each wheel. 1.5 billion possible combinations. Give or take. Oh, my God. What now? The wheels-- They spell out a message. U.R.DUNN. No way. Not yet, we aren't. No, Luther, not D-O-N-E. D-U-N-N. It's my last name. It knows who I am. Hold on. There's a message on the display. "I speak without a mouth, I fly through the air without wings. What am I?" You got me. What? It's a riddle. I suspect this thing is voice-activated. It wants me to say the answer. "I fly through the air…" An echo! That's it! That's it! Okay, new message. "Are you afraid of death?" -What kind of a riddle is that? -It's not a riddle. It's a psychometric test. The more questions you answer, the more it'll know about you. "Are you afraid of death?" No! -Did it work? -I lied. It knows. Just tell it the truth. Say it. "Are you afraid of death?" Yes! Who isn't? Okay. "What's always approaching but never arrives?" Wait, I know this one. The clock is ticking, Luther. Riddles aren't my thing, Benji. What more can I say? We're running out of time! There he is. Oh, this is too easy. Sorry to bother you, Ethan. Would you happen to know what's always approaching but never arrives? What is always approaching but never arrives? Tomorrow. What? Always approaching but never arrives. Tomorrow. -It's tomorrow. -Tomorrow. Tomorrow! Tomorrow! Yes! Okay, next question. Give me the goods. -I'll be watching. -You don't trust me? Luther, what is happening? Nothing to worry about. Everything is under control. Okay, next question. "Who or what is the most important thing to you?" Say it. -But if I-- -There's no other choice. Say it. My friends. Bastard. -Is he-- -Yes, he is. Give me the money, give me the key. Okay. "What gets bigger the more you take away?" -A hole. -A hole. Brilliant! I've got no more questions and there's one more wheel. How am I supposed to give answers if I've got no questions? That must be your final test. I've got 45 seconds! What happens now? I'm thinking. Don't move. I'm pinned down. Need a way out of here. Where am I going? We have a bigger problem, Ethan. It's very possible no one is getting out of here. What? There's a bomb in baggage handling. A nuclear bomb. The question I asked you is part of the code for disarming it. Stop, stop, stop! Why didn't you tell me this? You had a lot going on. We didn't want to bother you. Listen to me. A nuclear bomb is something you bother me with immediately. -How much time? -Twenty seconds. Twenty seconds? There's one more riddle. I'm working on it. Fifteen seconds! Easy, easy. What's the riddle? In the time it takes me to explain, we'll all be dead! Come on, Benji. Why do we always end up in these situations? Ten seconds. Nine… eight… seven… six… five… Oh, my God. What is it? It's empty.
Channel: Boxoffice Movie Scenes
Views: 967,845
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Mission: Impossible 7, Tom Cruise, Simon Pegg, Hayley Atwell
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 34sec (334 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 16 2023
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