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hello guys and welcome back to the channel it is 6 30 at night yep we worked a full day i worked a full day today and now i'm gonna go outside jump in the plow truck and head on to do a bunch of plowing tonight and a lot of miles i'm in uh just outside halifax right now about 15 minutes outside halifax towards the south shore and i'm driving to oxford and then i'm going from oxford to touro and then from there to pikto and there's like two or three sites around there and then back home so it very well it could be daylight before we get back i also have a tree to remove a big tree then remove off the fiber line before i come back so yeah with that said let's head outside and get this night on the go all right so there's the 2019 fired up running ready to go with the nine foot two boss v-blade dxt on there with the nice led lights so much better than my other plow which is now gone so we need to uh grab some chainsaws grab a pole saw we need to get some fuel as you can see i need to get phillip a couple fuel jugs because honestly there's a very good chance that i'm gonna be going a very uh long distance without the possibility of there being some fuel stations open where i'm going so i need to do that and uh i need to get a coffee that is uh 100 percent guaranteed i need to get some caffeine for sure 6 43 at night gonna throw the pole saw on the chainsaw on some fuel and uh yeah let's uh let's do this all right guys well we are off we uh i got some fresh spray for my mirrors and it's very important on the passenger side because i still haven't got that uh my mirror replaced yet but i picked up 40 liters so 5 10 gallons of extra fuel because it's not like we're gonna be anywhere really near civilization whatsoever chance of me finding a fuel station you know after nine o'clock at night is not going to be good and it's it's gonna be after nine before i even get to the first sight so we've got an hour and 54 minute drive as you can see just to get to the site so this site that i'm going to first was the one that i did that quick road repair on a couple weeks ago that really really really cold day i got the the ruts of the road and i got um i think two or three uh double steer tandem loads of type three yeah three inch level that off so that's the first site that i'm heading to that's the most important one to be done uh for tomorrow morning so yeah i've got my caffeine i've got an extra large two milk i've got a couple of red bulls although i really hope i don't need them because that stuff is uh even worse than caffeine but i mean let's go let's go it's hammer down time all right guys we're here at the first sight and man oh man they're getting a freezing rain storm right now i can barely stand up here on the road so we've got quite an amount of snow here to get through to get in to the site which is way way way way way way in there it's about three feet high here and it's it's wet it's heavy as can possibly be the truck's gonna be put to the test that's for sure i'm gonna try to get the pov mount mounted up on my head and we'll see what takes place here but yeah we're into uh we're into it now we're in for a doozy that's for sure freezing rain not what you want trying to plow snow okay guys well i'm gonna be really freaking upset if this did not record the whole time i was in here doing this uh i had this thing on my head i pressed record and i just checked and it doesn't seem like it used any freaking footage time so i v this all the way in it's rough um and then i winged it back on the driver's side coming out so now i'm gonna do the same thing going in this way just to widen out so that if we do get more snow which we will and they got to get in here there's not huge dough banks on the side um i was saying i was saying a lot about how this is very hard on the equipment it's about as hard as you can get this is not you know asphalt parking lots asphalt driveways this is rough access roads oh in the middle of nowhere with boulder sticking up um this one happens to be flat most of them are not flat most of them you're you're plowing uphill or you're backing up and taking huge runs to try to get up and then plow your way down this is very very very hard on the equipment um this plow is basically new i use it for pretty much one season like one and a half seasons my red one that i sold my uh vx max i think it was called vxc max i think 9-2 i had that for four or five seasons doing all this sort of stuff plus asphalt stuff no issues with that plot whatsoever this will be the third season plowing with this truck 2019 f-350 power stroke no issues whatsoever um before i had this truck i had a i had a 09 v10 no issues at all with that truck i end up having to put a transmission into it but i don't blame that solely on plowing plowing definitely had a factor in it i had a 2017 f-250 that i had this plow on originally plowed two seasons with that truck no issues whatsoever man i really hope it recorded because i'm repeating myself and i'm not saying near as much as what i said the first time and filling you guys in on on you know what's going on but yeah this is done so i did plow away from the door here you know up there is all cleared i hope you guys can another thing i did mention is that i can't tell from this here it will not give me a preview to see what i can see so i have no idea what this is even recording i hope it's aimed in a good direction i guess we'll have to wait see the mirrors are iced up the camera's iced up and you do not want to get hung up out here if you get hung up out here you're in a world of hurt because no one's coming to save you you're in the middle of nowhere you're calling a tow truck and uh good luck getting a tow truck to come out here but yeah she is winged back this is like a highway right now they're gonna have uh no troubles whatsoever getting in and out of here they're gonna be happy with this if they're not happy with this then i don't know what to say but you could bring uh you could bring a crane in here no problem still have no issues with this at all long road rough road first road of the night uh middle of a freezing rain storm i'm gonna have to be quite careful getting out of here and getting back on the highway oh man because the the road is just a complete sheet of ice so this was the road that ice like i mentioned that i just i just fixed up not too long ago and if i didn't man i would have had some problems with this road plowing this it would have not have been a good situation whatsoever trying to plow this road in the state that it was in before one with the ruts and then two with those those couple big holes um my rigid led lights on top of the rack pointing forward and pointing back makes such a huge difference but that one is done um again i hope the footage on the way in and picked it up because that was uh that was pretty good actually i think that was pretty damn good all right so now we're leaving oxford and we are on our way to pikto so the next one is another hour and a half drive on a good night we're gonna get there after 11 o'clock at night after that we have another one in that area that's a ways away from there and then there's the fiber line you gotta clean the air up put the tree down on it and then catch churro on the way back so i don't know if you guys can see but the ice on those trees is thick very thick and it's still coming down i wonder if i can get some some footage as we drive by this house here because there's a street light and it is uh it is glowing the trees are glowing i'm going to take this diff lock out six kilometers turn left onto pugwash road know if you guys can see how thick the ice is on that those trees right there it is thick thick thick thick all right guys so we made it to the next one i'm actually in here a little ways right now so uh this site here people have been getting in and out of but you know we're here we're here to plow so i'm definitely still going to give this thing a plow and the uh tree is on this site too so you can see some footprints going through going through here already but yeah we actually mulched this site this year so it's a beautiful sight to deal with but the uh a different company their fiber line comes through right right there if you guys can see that so i'm going to have to get once i plow i'm going to get suited up with all my proper gear and try to take care of this uh getting smacked in the face here with limbs try to take care of this with a pulse off so that is a fiber line that's not a energized line whatsoever so that is nice too to know that's for sure but yeah i'll uh grab my grab my pole saw because it's a big old birch tree that starts right back there grab my pole saw and start to start cutting this thing up and then they can do an inspection and make sure there's no damage to their fiber lines so first things first we'll plow the road then i'll change my clothes and get geared up to be uh lumberjack so i'm actually gonna plow my way out because there's a it's actually a hill here i know cameras don't do this stuff justice but i'll go up here and turn around and then plow my way out but yeah we we uh we mulched this site this year so it's it's nice wide open no bushes smacking the trees or nothing like that so that's nice so we're killing two birds with one stone on this one but let's let's get out of here all right so once again i hope this camera is working let's clean this up for the boys yeah this is heavy stuff i gotta clean my mirrors off soon or i'm gonna end up in a ditch somewhere yeah this is heavy heavy heavy snow right now my goodness i'm gonna give the guys a spot to get turned around here [Music] without putting myself in the ditch i gotta clean my mirrors off and clean my camera off it's nice having both better be at least gonna have one of the two working all right camera's in better shape than my mirror i mean if you don't plow this and it turns ice then it is an absolute disaster for people trying to get in here all right they got a good spot to get turned around now let's plow our way down the hill i'll end up doing a couple passes just so i get it winged back nice for them just like the last one yeah and just like the last one she's certainly not asphalt that's for sure it's a bit of a weird sight to get into oh yeah man that sucks big water hole here stay away from the fence i'm gonna i got a spot here off to my left where i'm gonna push that snow once i get back out front again stay away from the post even though my mirror is basically screwed i still don't want to completely lose that mirror at least i got the small spot side of it still usable i gotta clean those things off dude when you're applauding snow you completely rely on your mirrors and they're not helping and my my light my lights on the roof the rack should have been a bit higher for the lights to mount on but then it would have looked goofy and i just at the very top as you can see right here the very top the light catches that and it puts a bit of a glare a bit of a glare in there oh yeah [Music] all right yes like i said i'm gonna end up pushing that all in there the way okay so now time to get changed and see what i can get done with that tree on that five line okay so i got that tree off the line with not much difficulty at all you can see the line is now clear but i noticed that it still seemed like it was it was low like it's sagging down like there's a line if you guys can see that like there's the line right there i was like man that's looks really low for some reason so took a little walk back through here and uh i found something i didn't want to see look at this if you guys can see this again look at that that is a huge maple tree that's come right over on it a huge section of that tree so i'm going to start cutting away from the end here i don't think you guys can even see this now you can kind of see there's the lines i'm going to start cutting pieces off actually it's a poplar tree no wonder it came down i'm gonna start cutting chunks off and uh hope that it springs back around and gets on the right side of the of the fiber line here because man that's the only chance i got well guys she's down there she is all junked up hopefully you guys can i'm looking at the camera i carely can't see a whole lot through the camera but there it's it's free there now is no longer any limbs any trees laying on this line she is removed and safe from harm i hope you guys can see and the tool was this right here my good old trusty pulsa fully extended that will wake you up at 12 o'clock at night that's for sure definitely need to get a bigger one of these this is uh like the lower the smaller size end of spectrum for what these saws are but we got her we got all right go throw this thing back in the on the back of the truck put my plumbing clothes back on head on over here head on to the next one we have two more left the hardest part should be by far down and over with that's it for that one done gate up there locked so next one is only 11 minutes away so that's pretty sweet and then the last one is on my way home so i mean i'm actually doing very good for time it's quarter after 12 right now i didn't expect to be home until like five or six and the way it's going right now i may even be home by like two or three not two three o'clock i may i may be home by three o'clock that would be absolutely amazing if i'm home by three that means that i could get like three hours sleep potentially and then get up and start my day and just treat it like a normal day that would be awesome i'm absolutely gunning to get home at three o'clock well i'm gonna have to seriously consider uh what's going on or figure out what's going on here with my gopro but uh this one's done i just plowed it just plowed it in by the building there nice turnaround spot here uh it's done and i don't think it recorded something something's going on to figure it out we got one more left and it is 44 minutes away so we should arrive there around quarter after one if that's the case and i'm able to do it within 15-20 minutes i might just make it home by three o'clock guys so once again i have no idea what this camera is getting i really really hope that it is actually getting what i'm trying for it to get but anyway we are here at the top of our last one and there's obviously as you can see been vehicles that have been getting in here but i don't know but if you needed to get you know like uh if they're bringing in you know bigger trucks and bringing in equipment and whatnot then uh you know it needs to be it needs to be fairly decent so that's what we're gonna do we're gonna get her scrape down yeah she is heavy stuff and soft now there's a few few different towers up here i need to figure out which one they're going to all right so i found i found the one that they needed and it's opened up so now i'm gonna file my way down all right so we got about a kilometer a kilometer and a half to go down there i'm gonna try to give him a decent a decent path but the road is the road is quite wide and i'm not going to be doing the whole road the whole road's probably 35 feet wide so i'm obviously not going to be doing that but i'll give them a decent spot here all right that will give him lots to get around the turn so i'm gonna lock the gate up and start making start making my way down the hill down the mountain actually it's it's technically a mountain hey i'm probably gonna do two passes i don't really want to but i probably should i guess i mean this road is wide and it's long i guess so let's do it at least we're going downhill it's still getting heavy it's that guy down in boston i think with that he was plowing the city streets and that tandem he's going let her roll let her roll let her roll let her roll that's what we're doing right now oh geez don't need that happening up long road so that was pretty deep there you got eight inches of snow jeez so depending on what you were bringing in you know this could definitely cause some problems and then especially jeepers then especially if you get some rain or something this would just turn to an absolute sheet of ice if it wasn't plowed so for an ongoing project they're definitely making the right choice to get it plotted for sure man i hope we're soon at the end so i don't have the bumpers on this plow and i don't really think i will although right now basically all i'm doing is gravel roads because i i gave up my commercial properties because the fact that i'm moving so i probably could actually put the bumpers on but i don't know i don't think i'm gonna bother all right get turned around here man that'd be a heck of a slight hill for coasting make my way back up the hill and do my pass the other way coming down but yeah she's a nice looking job they'll certainly have no problems now hey let's take one more run at this thing it's cool to see actually rolling like that like waves in the ocean just be like a train stand in the highway when we're done now i don't want to do is fill this guy's driveway in so i'm going to bring my scoop in and then bring it back we're on the home stretch now we're on the home stretch man it's going to be something close to getting home by three o'clock i love that i love when the plow just glides across the top of the ground yes i shouldn't have said nothing that is certainly where the bumpers would help my red plow the cutting edge was starting to get worn down so it didn't dig in near as much as what this one does so maybe i'll look into it you know especially for this year where it looks like this is gonna be the majority of my plowing is gonna be you know this stuff not much commercial asphalt properties so you know i might look at him i think there was a guy actually who messaged me on here about them i think he sells them out in uh out west calgary or something so if you're watching hit me up see if you can see if you can hook me up i love it i'm interested all right we're reaching the bottom i'm going to just kind of push it on this side and then i'm gonna turn around and give it a shove in i don't like leaving stuff in the road some guys don't care i do i'm not one of those guys so i mean even even the way it is is not bad but i like to give her a shove off the road no questions then yeah see how much better that is all right well get turned around two-wheel drive we're gonna hit her for home well all right guys here we are 10 16 the next day i did get back in time to i did get back before three so i got back at about quarter to three in the morning so that was not bad that went pretty smooth okay well so my gopro died imagine that and then i shut it off and all of a sudden it's 25 an hour and a half later anyway so i went and picked up those mats that i i had picked up and delivered from new brunswick before so i picked them up now and they are full of mud they definitely weigh a lot more now than what they did when i first got them i got all the conduit for my underground power line and the communication line over at the homestead yeah so i did get back last night at about 10 to 3 so it all worked out pretty good truck did great as always definitely got to get that mirror replaced that's pain in the butt right now but just to save some miles on on the 2020 and everything over there right now is just a freaking mess so i'm actually going to unhook from the 2020 and hook up to the 19 and take this over and i got to get the pole saw on throw some fuel on throw the chainsaw on the trailer uh the ladder off the fj and head over and get some trees cut because there's four or five trees that are tangled all right holy crap this freaking thing keeps dying on me anyway what i was trying to say is i'm taking this truck the 19 over because i'm tired of the the 2020 getting just demolished and mud and crap and constantly just trying to keep it clean and i can't and you know save some miles on it so when i get there i do need to uh live up a bunch of trees that are up you know up sort of close to the power of the power lines i got to drop the trees but there's a couple limbs that i want to bring down with the pole saw first and then i'll use the excavator to direct them to where i want them to go and then i can finish my trench i can dig the rest of the trench over to that second pole rip the stumps out and just throw them off to the side for right now and uh because we're getting that underground power run tomorrow i got my electrician lined up for tomorrow we're gonna run the conduit which i have in the trailer that's behind me right now so it's crunch time it's crunch time it's uh it's one o'clock one o'clock right now it's gonna be close to two by the time i get there and then get set up and all that stuff so yeah all right so here we are we are at the homestead and this i dug a couple days ago and man oh man everything on this property is just water water water and more water if i would have known there'd be this much water i would have tried to have like slammed out the trench in the morning i probably should have i guess we're running the new um hydro line the new underground power line tomorrow morning but i had a lot of prep work and i wanted to get it ready so that when we came we could just start slamming the pipe down because it's 160 feet plus what's got to go up the pole and uh anyway we're going we're going to be in some water issues so although i'm going to get a pump and i'm going to pump it out or i'm going to dig a little trench right down here not too far because i don't want to go too far down my field and you know dig a little hole so that we can work in a dry trench and then you know fill it back in and the water can just seep away slowly or whatever but right here i didn't get any footage but right here all these trees are laying there was four scotch pine and the one like look at this i just did this and already there's water in here um the one this one right here the power line and the communication line was right tangled up in it basically so i had to use my pole saw which is now put away and i had to put up a ladder and cut a couple limbs by hand and then i used the excavator to break a couple branches off and once i got it to the point my only concern was there was a couple limbs that was on this side but if i tip the tree over because i can push with my excavator if i tip the tree over that limb would be going up and catch the line and take it down so obviously i did not want to do that so once i got it beyond the point where the limbs wouldn't catch it then i put a notch in it and gave it a shove with the excavator but there are the four scotch pine right there so now we're clear sailing clear sailing uh the trench is ready to go for tomorrow morning i left this dam here because i didn't really want all this water in here i'd rather leave that dig the trench off if that's what i'm gonna do and get rid of it but anyway guys that's just a little bonus footage of uh what's going on here at the homestead so the snow plow we went as as good as it could have gone honestly last night and that there's two big tree limbs i had to remove from the fiber line that went pretty good all in all i was going there for one ended up doing two but you know whatever it all worked out so uh this is the last big sort of underground or or you know groundwork project that i have for this year on the homestead and then i can get back to focusing on other things obviously i'm still very very hands-on on what's going on here there's still tons to do but uh for now that's gonna be it so i'm gonna finish doing this power line tomorrow fill this back in after it gets inspected will be which will be sometime next week and then uh it's i just can't wait to get you over here honestly i can't wait to be over here oh anyway i'm babbling so until next time take care stay safe and we'll see you then bye
Channel: workplaytv
Views: 7,270
Rating: 4.8842974 out of 5
Keywords: CyberLink, PowerDirector18
Id: stPTFGbS-mo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 41min 16sec (2476 seconds)
Published: Thu Jan 07 2021
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