Plowing Snow on a Beautiful Day
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Channel: JimHowDigsDirt
Views: 102,127
Rating: 4.8738966 out of 5
Keywords: snowplow, snowfighter, blizzard, JimHow Digs Dirt, DOT, plow truck, Western Star, six wheel drive, snowstorm, winter, icy, slippery, trees, wires, snow, salt truck, Nova Scotia, Canada, North of the Border, Pictou County, roads, highway, dashcam, DOD, postcard, beautiful, scenic, satifying, soothing, relaxing, work, tranquil, meditation, FPV, First Person View, Driving, Country, Rural, North, Secluded, Perspective, Driver, Operator
Id: iNCcSVjsKyw
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 24min 3sec (1443 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 11 2016
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