A New Life In OZ

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Australia the land of sunshine surf and Barbies with its epic landscapes thrilling cities and endless beaches beautiful one day perfect the neck that's our motto it's no wonder every year 40,000 Brits flee our shores in search of a bigger house more exciting job and better quality of life [Music] in this series we join six brave families as they embark on the biggest adventure of their lives this time a family who've never been to Oz and never started a business before so it's a slightly scary Faden this life is scary because it's the first time I've been jobless since I was 16 try to bring the body beautiful hi guys odo to Western Australia will Kim here have a better family life we make time for each other oh there wasn't any point in coming here any [Music] meet the Richardson's dad Michael mum Elka and their daughter Mia Michael has a dream for a new life down under no bail Australia saw perceptions of Australians only what we're seeing on TV and stuff it's a challenge and nothing else as a family we we do like doing new things and we do like doing things differently from everybody else Michael is an electrician by trade over the last couple years I've stopped being driven at work and I don't like that feeling Michael's been training as a fitness instructor and he's taken his hobby to a whole new level I have a sexy guy I never thought I'd be at one stage in the power Trunks and that being out judging that it's not really my thing but I made cause I have a sexy body the couple met 13 years ago I joined the army on our 16 went to Germany that's where I met me future wife okay Allen Punjab a party after Michael left the army they settled first in Sunderland and then moved south to st. Ives in Cambridgeshire where they built a strong network of friends I definitely miss all off like the other mums and we went literally neighbors on our street and it's just you just popped out for a couple and see how you're doing and it's I'm gonna miss that the Richardson's are treading the idyllic village of st. Ives and for one of Australia's most far-flung cities Perth in Western Australia with its bear watch beaches chilled out climate and a notorious love of the body beautiful they are hoping it will be the place where Michael concern his bodybuilding hobby into serious money I've got a perfectly in me had already won a living a nice detached house and I'm far from the cost and were one our own gym business we want to be a family-run business to stand a fighting chance of running their own gym down under michael is investing heavily from the family savings were mere down a hundred and five thousand from the sale of our house so the maximum amount will wanna plug in the business is sixty thousand while Michael gets the gym business started Ilkka a trend physiotherapist will be the main breadwinner it's gonna be great and a swirlin for soap in that we wanna have as a family so it's not just his dream it's our dream it's the day before the family leave the UK for good and there's one person that Michael can't leave without saying goodbye to his old schoolmate from Sunderland Dean he's kidding down it worked for me so we've worn out each other down there to start with the start I would fitness journey off to go it is gonna be tough he's more like like the toilet race father than for mere lift his chest right at the end squeeze there nutshell I'm good like absolutely got it it's not like losing a friend it's literally been a part of me life for as long as I remember so we look after each other would know that if either of us need anything that the other ones always there without haven't asked so it is that's a it's been back to us relationship you know I'm secretly Hawk than that when they come off in October to visit them indoors that he's gonna move here and if I can set my business up and have a job there for him then it would make it easier for him last time in the gym zone last time the gym it's quite emotional actually like I don't know life without deigning it's gonna be hard without them like so I mainly talk about it I think it puts a brave face never Mike's find in harness not being able to Spencer especially dick but you always got to find new places and they new memories and meet new people I'm on a mission yet I don't always a minute okay Sam Tucker Kylie [Music] I can look good oh it's 5:00 a.m. on the day of departure and Michael's father is up early to see them off Eli hops really an accent even he'd be nice and brown I'm good about me Dad Maxie's on his own of call good connection so it is sad that you might not see some people again mayor you granddaughter I'm really really gonna miss our own or Blake possibly miss them both y'all was on the best way you kids didn't have a better life than what you've had miss he died like I'm happy for Michael to go over there and I know what for a fact that when he goes to Australia he won't come back [Music] it still doesn't feel a lot very like the limit so get more and more excited patrols that we get to the airport this is just that's it Michael's going to ours on a skilled migrant visa it's a much sought after visa because it gives him more flexibility to work in any trade he wants and when we get Australia fought this on get the business up and running just everything hundred-mile-an-hour I can just actually lie down and read the book for a change awesome excited of Australia Gold Beach yeah they've been nice to do like to live the dream these are one-way tickets we're not coming back after traveling 9,000 miles for over 20 hours Michael Richardson his wife Elka and their three-year-old daughter Mia have arrived in Western Australia start their new life in us you want to go Beach first first thing she said where's his son daddy Michaels come on a skilled migrant visa and the ambition is to open a family-run gym but he's never owned his own business and he doesn't have any connections here not but that's put him off they've picked paths to set up their business with its beautiful beaches and 3,000 hours of sunshine a year plates the promised land for those in search of an outdoor lifestyle we did our research and speak in the different paper what it's like for families not perf seems like the best place to go [Music] for the time being the Richardson's are spending three hundred and twenty dollars a week on accommodation short-term rentals little garden villa it's fully furnished we've got a human need starting from scratch on the other side of the world certainly doesn't come cheap so it's a slightly scary fading it's like a scary thought because it's the first time I've been jobless since I'm 16 just getting their beloved family dogs choco and Missy over from the UK has cost them $6,000 with all the family reunited the next big outlay will go on getting around with limited public transport and a vast suburban sprawl the first thing a new resident needs is a car all right Flint focus on your vents honestly oh yeah yeah kind of weird man you'll love it MIT 30% of Perth's population weren't born in Australia and one in ten come from the UK payoffs great for families sand see sunshine us we're here for Michael and Elka are looking for a bargain but because the Australian government subsidizes its car industry a brand new model is know within their price range Elka has been seduced only a couple of run difference for like a brand-new car compared to was to a second home so the thought would pay the extra and get the car that twenty nine thousand four hundred and fifty dollars seventeen thousand pound I don't think he's going much left of our money in a week's time after such a large outlay of hard cash Michael really needs to get his business underway and the first thing to do is check out the competition I've been here for three days now and there what after a local gym and see what it's like [Music] Biagio can definitely back treinen searching yeah slightly so this is plenty for something as well is it this gym is a global brand that's been going since the 70s and it's one of the 1,300 gyms in Perth the widths and machines are set in non-life the gym has a loyal customer base and it's convinced Michael that there's a market for his vision it's a chair and they've got managers if my paperwork that you haven't got anyone those business it is when it's your own business and you're putting your own heart and silently you get a different feel I think I committed real go of it I know my gyms not going to be as big as that what the family feel the community feeling that it's gonna be a lot in my opinion gonna be a lot better I think I really made a push and get me Jim Orton is up with his heart set on starting an alternative to the big corporate gyms Michael's off downtown to look for equipment I said [Music] it's going to be his biggest investment so he's keen to get the best deal possible they all know just how much money he has spare to spend on premises I've worked out and they get around 30,000 pounds of equipment salesman seed sources equipment from all over Australia and has located the KITT Michael needs 2,000 miles away in Sydney if you could like hold it for a second might be I am gonna try and get premises as soon as possible if he give us deposit that's fine yeah if you can't if you don't give them as that's obvious if someone much deposit this well you usually we usually think at least twenty percent twenty percent yeah he's not a very popular item so they go quickly I'll have to speak to the wife first before I spend all our life savings but yeah definitely Syd wants Michael to put down a large deposit on the kit but before he commits Michael needs the green light from his missus money like well it's what we want to do we want to all go on business and it's gonna be harder we're not gonna see that much off each other when you're in the gym and I born do my job and Anton which for her as well but still got the weekends I got evening's and when you are so I've got no doubt that you're going to get people in and make a work place yeah [Music] it is scary but at the same time the dream outcomes to make the business work and when me is Alder we've got something to give to her back to the gone [Music] the next day Michael these 50 grand own and there's only one person in the world who'll be as excited as him about the KITT he's met Dean I met I met that I shredded like things have moved quite fast out here like I've bought some Garen already yeah I have a 50 grands worth a kit like and they kept me off and game and find some premises like oh just be a pile of metal I kind of get sleep my not notes I'm thinking of that many things it's all about picking the right location though I think you know I remain and when you've got your mir-2 believes in you and telling you doing that they even though we're not together we're still kind of pushing each other on which is good [Music] [Applause] fighting off on honey the Richardson's have been in Australia a week and already they're spending more than they're imagined the pressure is now on Ilkka our dream of all my own business kind of relies on me getting a job down there so that's a lot of dependent on this today in the next couple of weeks but yeah it's gonna make work today Ilkka has a job interview at a local osteopaths up and out of work for four years now so getting back into work takes some getting used to but do not new whatever the world I'm quite nervous about the very to see what's gonna happen have you gone through the registration process and stuff here are you made a fair start the registration process yeah and then I'm waiting to hear back from them okay so tell me a bit more about you okay love wingsuit Australia I've always went to those always been a dream of us firmly you know nobody we've never been we don't know anybody over here we just thought we just go for it make the move especially as well yes my knife work children autism and physical disabilities and so is that your area of special interest I do enjoy the work with Silverman's that may seem unlikely carry on I get in touch and when you've got a bit more of the registration come back because I would be very interested definitely it went really well I'm just looking for my son's therapist and especially with a lymph drainage qualification so I'm glad it was a bit nerve-wracking going into somebody but I feel a lot better about when now and I'm I got me started [Music] meanwhile Michael is also on the hunt for the perfect location for his gym to the south is the port of Fremantle with its trendy galleries and restaurants to the north the suburbs sprawl four miles of plenty of parks and open spaces host prices here tend to be higher Michaels hoping that setting up a gym here will pull him punters with cash to spare his limit is $30,000 for a year's rental of apremilast kind of things yeah we estimate that at 12 and 1/2 thousand per annum and then an asking price of twenty six and a half thousand per annum plus GST what is just the abbreviations and stuff in Austria GC goods and services tax most properties will be lit all sold here plus GST Michael hasn't considered the Aussie version of V 80 and it turns out this unit costs a lot more than he expected you need admitted viable you know you don't commit money see your livelihood sore got a wheel barley options on his favour the accounting [Music] meanwhile there's news from Elka's recruitment firm right well thanks for letting me know any our John it's a very unlikely that I'll get the registration with the Australian for this therapy board because I haven't practice in the last five years it'll cure breaks the news to Michael help me to registration process but and here this morning he was quite keen about getting my massage scope not as great as I was hoping for though alright we've had arguments over this I was wondering why I get all my qualifications done and I had to revise and do the test my tests to get old visa sometimes of course Twitter's how laid-back he lives and stuff but she will try hard and try her best and she I'm sure what she will put it out at the bargain get some things LLL kiss her there's a vacancy going for a masseuse if she gets the job it will only be part-time at $27 an hour but until Michael gets the gym up and running it's better than nothing unable to afford premises in the north of the city Michael's still looking for the right place to set up the gym get lots of people in get everyone fit and healthy and make lots of money what do you think [Music] [Applause] Cloverdale is a suburb east of the city it may not be the posh north but rents are cheaper I know it's not like the ideal area but we need to go over budget and repetition for ourselves and give ourselves time to succeed yeah love straight is the next one on the left do you think people love this rate hopefully people love the GEMA over the next couple of days Michael considers the location people probably think the critics will come and form like a nice village in Cambridgeshire the pen and all over the windows when it get up in off like and we're like comment somewhere like this that there thinks a bit of run-down how yeah someone smash the window on their roof once fix it on that as well [Music] okay I will not eat any chewing gums or sweets after an interview at a local massage club Elka is expecting a call [Music] hello miss bacon yeah thank you very much soon yeah happy new boo boos see didn't turn out to be such a bad date and it is it's nice for me to have my life back a bit so I'm not just money and wife I do the household I like I'm back to work i'm milca again yay but good isn't it Bonnie can spend more time with Daddy now [Music] so before michael finally decides where to put his gym he's daddy daycare the time we've had together has been awesome we've got some stressful times ahead I'm glad that I got the journey and I'm glad that we've moved in a place where it's very family orientated and it's cheap it costs nothing to come to the park the best things for kids we're free they just want you to run around and chase them and spend time with them quality time so that's good hey clever girl fans that I've made my choice up now [Music] the Richardson's are in Perth Western Australia home to the highest number of self-made millionaires per capita in the world who's got big muscles they've taken the plunge and put money down on a premises to set up their gym deer the deer we're going to get their building hopefully new life new job new new everything we can't go on the beach now look what the new gym I'll show you're gonna get your pocket money tidying up the gym they've gone for the unit they're so on love Street in Cloverdale south of the river it's one of Perth's oldest suburbs and it's being redeveloped at $20,000 a year it's good value a mixed business sense the desert this is a gym I think I really met go over there and I can't wait to meet all different characters you know and I think we've got a better chance here my mind it's not one of the nicer areas it's right next to the airport you've got the highway behind it not what made ilk has been working part time at the massage Club but it doesn't pay the bills so she's found full-time employment in the city and he's bringing in $1,000 a week got a new job working in an office and Nomar said it's administrator it's nice to have a new job I didn't expect to come into Australia and working in an office over here I'm the one bringing the money in for the family while he has a chance to set up the business wow what a good helper it's an exciting venture for the whole family and it's all hands on deck to get the gym ready for opening might as vision he knows what his gym is gonna look like what equipment is gonna go where I was always on her opponent that is I'm excited I'm I'm not gonna forward to say what it looks like I know it looks bad and it looks a bit minging now because of the floor and stuff like that and there's nothing in but this will be transformed next week it'll look totally different michael has asked Elka to take care of finding carpet for the gym I went to the other shop to compare didn't buy anything yet no no we're all the same with so much to do everyone is under pressure and the cracks are beginning to show listen if you keep coming back come on we just go out and buy this stuff I think what drives might around the bend is I'm not the most organized person Western time she's just rising in spades she's at work tomorrow so she can't sauce anything else sometimes I don't think you realize how much I actually do he can get very nasty with his words and oh yeah I'm useless and hopeless and no yeah it's just our descent ain't no lon she's got jobs to do much other than one there I'm sick of it to put the stresses behind her Elle curry stealing a few moments away to reflect she's at Pelican Point a natural bear that stretches along the Swan River coming over to Australia and being together 24/7 and he spent every minute of the day together there's a lot of stress on us as a family to be nice to explore all the please little places take me I don't have a little walk and just to get to know the area better and that is one of the things I wanted to do yeah yeah I've seen five dolphins it's and let the things I get excited about I might be happy so definitely happy days [Music] Michael's got one week to get the gym open to the public I'd said it Mick but his kits being shipped from Sydney and he's held up in transit 2,000 miles away by met you'll have to try your best because you promised is it [Music] not be like then one hour Gordon that will be done he's put down $10,000 deposit for the equipment and has paid the rent six months in advance so every day now is costing money it does yet in when you're not saying progress but you've Nate just remember I was part the four session eight get it done and it's just frustrating you too but when you're feeling down don't under there's only one place to go we always quite mindful luck we came here to have a better family life make time for each other oh there wasn't any point in coming here really right I'm coming I mean okay yes I got the beach quite a lot spark in Sunderland but it's freezin it wouldn't have been any good for me so it's somewhat of a like dome will more often [Music] so we're gonna get the stuff into dear lives yeah exciting yeah just two days before the opening Sid has finally arrived with the equipment but some parts are missing no handles or anything for the key ever cross over come on there come with the machines today trust me no I'm all for pockets too are there aren't many gyms in Cloverdale so it could be a challenge to appeal to the locals it's going to be like a bodybuilding gym like weightlifting the nut coming I'll give you a free trial unlike a lot of the mainstream lines are getting a bit too big at night yeah yeah that's what we're looking for like we've got cardio equipment treadmills bikes it's something for the community and you have to great that's what we need thanks very much they're the ones that were going to keep you afloat and pay your rent and pay your wages well your pension is actually I've never thought of every just price for pensioners that's maybe something I need I have a lot guys I want to create atmosphere where everyone's welcome makes I had no schooling all right like going to plan I push it so far so good Michael's feeling hopeful with the gym looking shiny and new there's only one person he wants to show it off to Dean give you a little walkthrough talk for are you ready there's the dumbbell rock got me PEC deck and rear fly got your hammer strength chest press and I definitely [Music] it's the big day westcoast physiques is open for business with a bit of elbow grease this $80,000 startup is now ready for action and raring to go I've worked out and they get 44 members a month to cover the costs of their rent and stuff like art and Ollie and mayonnaise for $65 a month keen gym bunnies can access an array of Michael's machines from single weights to a trio of treadmills be nice to get a few people in to spread the word it doesn't matter how many people come even just one person currently training about one person is coming to train and they can tell people and so far the enthusiasm they've met hasn't materialized into members in fact it's looking quiet I met I'm not expecting like hundreds turn off today two people join the gym [Music] Michael may be a walking billboard for fitness but running a business is new to him invested a lot of time and effort in the building of the nice pot of money if we were to let that dwindle away I feel like I'm letting myself and my family down [Music] over the next couple of weeks they're pulling out all the stops and leaflet and adir and trying to drum up some their interest are not some people come over to Australia in their xpecting come over at the same level that they're at and I haven't come over a lot mentality attitude but we are see it is I take one step back to take like God knows how many forward it's gonna be tough but they're stepping up their campaign and Michael has dreams of going global with his lifestyle message favorite meal of the day and work along with social media YouTube videos and videos from his site on nutrition however it aids some sprouts and some mixed veggies and it's cheap round have a look to the person train side of things not the time to sit back and maybe start a part in the back it's the time to get on and graft still [Music] news of their gym has sparked the interest of a local radio presenter DJ Viper this is NC Viper for the smash crew on on our radio and we're here at the west coast physics with the owner Mike it's a little bit about yourself yeah me name my name's Michael Richardson I'm here from England in the yoke here the reason I picked this type of setting is because I wanted to be in a community style setting and somewhere in the heart of their community and what mick is doing is definitely unusual it's hard to a lot of people around here and they aren't exactly into fitness and all that kind of stuff most people when they do look at Australia you do think of golden beaches but a lot of Australians even us indigenous people do get you know diabetes thought - so I want indigenous people to live a healthier lifestyle and it starts here true to his word DJ Viper comes back with a couple of raw recruits flamin drugs on paper learn and start making without realizing it michael has put the spotlight on a big problem in the community and with his help maybe he can be part of the solution the Richardson's have been in Perth Western Australia for six months now and their business is finally beginning to take off stressful it's really hard work and I'm not where I want to be were the members but we've got more personal training than I expected and that's kind of why I enjoy doing anywhere good one all away is to it this one chase buddy Michael Elka and Mia are taking their first holiday since arriving here they're flying nearly 3,000 miles to the Gold Coast to meet up with Michael's longtime friend Dean and his family we've just flown in from the UK before they head off to explore the rest of Queensland the families are having a few days in Brisbane to catch up Michael's not letting go of his long-held ambition to persuade Dean to move to oz what I think I'm not doing quite well so I know I'd love it out here enjoy it you know as a payday and I trust him and I thought we could work together why I'm secretly hoping that he's going to move here he's planned a boy's trip away to Byron Bay almost 500 miles up the coast no palm to the hippies in their hair day it still has an alternative vibe which the boys a king to soak up John get laughing I missed him like instantly really ty say it's everyday everyday but I'm getting on which other Sawyer it's been it's been a massive change when they're not exploring the local town steeped in counterculture tradition they're out in the bush getting to grips with Aussie slang shows I saw what you call and then I was like flip-flops what made sense cause you flip and flop so you've got thumbs on your feet now I have thongs on my feet now like Dean's family holiday in Ozzy's drawing to a close but there's one thing that Michael still hasn't asked him do you reckon do you think you could see Sal out there obviously you would have worked in the gym enough it would be like awesome scenario I'd be surprised if it wasn't a conversation that we were gonna have it's not an easy decision definitely could see myself living here yeah this hard to survive to like everyone you know it's much bigger step to sin yeah I couldn't live there and then actually living that's quite a big step nice to savior software but I think the decision of movie is still along way where yeah it's been good like next time we're gonna miss you met my fingers crossed say without let's put our give him a nudge in there every time you speak like tell them how great it is yeah bye but it's not the time twice come on back home in Perth and Michael's finding going solo isn't so bad good well done damn fast right come on SEM again come on as word about Michael spreads it seems the Jim bug is catching like come on SEM again come on drive drive drive I've been at the gym for the last three months I've lost 16 kilos that's nice and straight drive come on I couldn't even pick up a dumbbell or walk on the street more 14 minutes when I started I created happen for working with me because he never gave up our people we died really young of heart attacks and strokes five good this gym has changed my life it's not just Michael who's having an effect on the community Elka has got a job working with kids with autism in the local area I'm really happy that I've got this job that's something I've enjoyed doing back in England and someone let me get back to over here so it's nice for me to have and - but he's doing something he really enjoys doing so it's nice for both of us to have our own thing thanks everyone for coming this evening and I guess tonight's a bit extra special we want to say thank you guys moving to our area and putting up your business here Elka and Michael came to Perth with no friends nor contacts and no knowledge of life going under helping us live our lives would be better enjoy learning about good food and just having another family to the community so thank you very much they had a goal of creating a community gym and within a year the hard work has paid off to get us excited about making those lifestyle changes I think you know there's great potential the warmth I guess when you walk in is something you don't really feel going anywhere else you feel really comfortable he doesn't realize how much he's impacted people's lives and we're very fortunate for both of them to be in a community their hearts in the right place and they've got passion and we're all gonna work together for you know a bit of a better future for everybody yeah it's exciting we're very lucky and I hope that Perth treats them well so they stay they hit the ground running in pursuit of their Australian dream and it's teamwork that's got them to where they are now nice to other partner believes in the end too soon yeah it's brought us closer together I think we're doing well together we do much enjoying each other's company more there's like two deer make you realise exactly why we move to Australia well this is just the weather I'm iliza that we wanted we're we're here for the long one I don't think never gonna leave Australia that lovely out here next time a modern who's mad about animals with my friend fat Louie and a hard grafting dad I work all the hours I can but try to provide from a family trade west country village life for the wildlife of Western Australia this is the dream yeah definitely [Music] you
Channel: Michael Richardson
Views: 21,132
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: vegan, bodybuilding, veganbodybuilding, veganfamily, wanted downunder, poms in Aus, a new life in OZ, plant based, perth, emigrate to Australia
Id: CL-_6UnUOa4
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 43min 36sec (2616 seconds)
Published: Fri Nov 09 2018
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