A Narrative Analysis of The Spider-Man Musical

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this video is brought to you by curiositystream get a full year curiosity stream as well as my streaming service nebula by using the link in the description i love failed media there's something so fascinating about it you know just being able to look at something that didn't work that didn't succeed and try to examine why why didn't it catch on why didn't it all come together why did this thing exist and how did it get this way it's not about hating the content no it's about appreciating the content breaking it down into its basic form to understand exactly what got us to this point you know those moments in kitchen nightmares where ramsay gets served a terrible tasting dish and then he uses his fork to break it apart and examine all the ingredients and how it was cooked that's me and these videos are my fork besides failed media though i also love musicals as a theater kid it's one of my favorite mediums of storytelling and i love superheroes always have probably always will so if you combine all of those together you can understand why i've had a decade-long fascination with spider-man turn off the dark spider-man turn off the dark is a 2011 broadway musical about spider-man that's incredibly incredibly infamous it was co-written directed by julie taymor notable primarily for being the director of several acclaimed shakespeare adaptations the lion king stage show and across the universe a movie that's good despite being obnoxiously urban outfitters bloated and budget hated by critics and plagued with several cast injuries it didn't take long for turnout the dark to become a punchline in the theater world with everyone in the early 2010s trying to do their best to come up with the best spider-man singers one of these days someone may even tell a funny one a lot of the buzz about turn off the dark around that time and since has been on its production woes trying to understand the history of how the show got like this and noting just how dangerous the entire production was these are all valid and noble ways to look at the show but it's not really why i'm here today because honestly that stuff is well asked and answered basically any expose around turn off the dark is going to spend a majority of its time focusing on that troubled production and laying out the history and very little of them actually get into the meat of what the show is even about barely even actually taking in any of the themes or the ideas or the quality of the narrative and in a way i get why this happens the story behind turn off the dark is fascinating it's really weird really dramatic and really wild it involves a lot of life-threatening stunt work and a complete retool and behind the scenes drama that's going to captivate audiences and reporters of course people are going to want to talk about it but furthermore for the longest time it was the easiest and at the time only aspect of the show to report on with no official pro shoot recording of the production in any form for the longest time the only way to experience drop the dark in any way was to either see it live which let's be real was not easy to do for most people or to buy the official soundtrack cd and let it be said that this cd is perhaps the worst way to experience turn off the dark and i'm not just saying that because the songs all sound badly produced in a way that makes them feel somehow both hollow but also overdone compared to their stage counterparts i'm saying that because not only does the official cd not have all the songs from the stage show but it doesn't even put the songs in chronological order with no liner notes or anything inside to give any sort of context to any of the numbers their role on the plot or their proper placement in the show young me had to rip the cd into itunes and create a playlist based off a plot synopsis i found online also side note but this is my original cd copy i got 11 years ago from best buy this was one of the last gifts my mom got me before she passed away and whether or not that makes me owning the cd sadder or funnier depends on if you have a dead parent or not anyway there's also the other reason why no one ever wants to talk about the plot of this play and that's because from the moment it was announced turn off the dark was treated like a punchline there was this sense both in comic fan and theater nerd circles that a spider-man musical was an inherently ridiculous and silly idea and that's always a mindset that seemed weird to me like we've had musicals about jesus christ the founding fathers and trains on roller skates but spider-man is where we draw the line on something too silly for the stage this is where we start entering the realm of critical elitism because of this there was a lack of legitimate critics willing to take the story seriously and definitely very little willing to engage at the work outside of the broader context of its production there are so many videos and interviews that are nothing but reporters badgering the actors in the creative team trying to squeeze as much gossip about the troubled production the behind-the-scenes creative battles and the onset injuries that was when they delayed us again i think i don't know when they announced that julie was i don't even remember something oh now what happened when they announced that julie was well we all kind of we read somewhere that she was being fired did you feel julie was betrayed by bono in the edge and do you feel that she had i don't know what you know what and while these things are worth reporting and i'd be lying if i said i wasn't interested in them as well it really is a shame that a work like this that clearly had a lot of effort and ambitions placed into it was treated with cynical surface level gossip reporting from a lot of critics and fans automatically prepared to call it terrible that bugs me not because the show isn't terrible it is but because i think people willing to call something bad should at least respect the material enough to engage with it first now here we are it's been about 12 years since the show did its first preview on broadway and it's been about eight years since it finished its last show in that time i have consumed more spiderman of the dark material than any sensible person should i have tried to do my best to watch and learn as much about the show as humanly possible and now i want to sit here and unpack it and analyze it and figure out exactly what makes turn off the dark not work okay so before we get too far into this there are some background things i need to clear up like i said i'm not going to go too far into the production stuff because a lot of it has been sad and it isn't really relevant for what i want to talk about if you do want to hear more about the production of turn off the dark you can watch an excellent video by weight in the wings that goes fully into it or read the novel song spider-man by the place co-writer glenn berger which was a big help in making this video and i will be quoting a lot but seriously if you like behind the scenes exposes like a disaster artist you owe it to yourself to read song of spider-man for now i just want to focus on the pure basics i need to make sure you understand spider-man turn off the dark was written by julie taymor and the aforementioned glenn berger the music was composed by bono and the edge from the band u2 a band that i theoretically should know songs from it starred reef kearney as peter perker and patrick page as the green goblin yes before hades town these two met up here once again as twink and villain the musical officially started its production way back in 2005 with teamwork signed on as director and essentially being the biggest creative overseer on the project taymor had grand ambitions for the play both in terms of its plot and also its set design and theatrics particularly she wanted the ability for spider-man to swing above the audience's heads throughout the theater and engage in large aerial stunts this may make sense for the character but this was a choice that ended up basically dooming the play forever for starters this inflated the budget by a lot like a lot a lot turn off the dark is the most expensive show in broadway history costing roughly 75 million for context for those who don't keep up with theater stuff the other most expensive broadway shows are king kong at 35 million and shrek the musical at 25 million and both of those also struggle to make their money back with a 1 million dollars per week operating cost turn off the dark would have to sell out consistently for like five years before it could break even we're talking hamilton levels of popularity the other thing is that the amount of technical resources really limited the amount of time the team could spend working on the show itself they weren't able to do out of town previews like most other broadway shows and most rehearsal days were spent simply configuring their way through various tech problems rather than actually running the show to the point where the first public preview night was the first time they ran through the show in full from beginning to end and if you were a theater kid like me then me saying that something's probably just sent you into a panic attack that first preview is nothing short of a disaster you can find audio of it on youtube all things considered the cast did a pretty good job holding their own and keeping the show together but the other problem with the large technical requirement of the show is that it was prone to error if one cog was timed wrong the entire machine would basically break down there were four moments in that first preview where they had to stop the show for technical issues tech issues would basically override the entirety of trump stark's preview period at best they would cause slight delays in the show at worst they caused cast injuries the most famous one being when one of the spider-man actors wasn't properly secured into a harness and ended up falling 30 feet into a pit after an extended preview period of several months critics began publishing their reviews which revolved scathing there was a lot of negative attention towards snow of the dark and because of this the producers and other creatives involved on the project decided to essentially do a coup and fire julius haymore they were also going to be throwing out the original version of the play that was shown in previews which is most commonly referred to as version 1.0 and revised the show to make it work however they possibly could this version of turn off the dark called 2.0 made its debut in june of 2011 and ran until january 2014 when turn off the dark was closed for good so now that we have a basic understanding of our players how we got here and the multiple versions of the show we have to work with i also want to just establish something else so like i said there isn't an official pro recording of turn off the dark in any of its forms because of this i'm basing my views of the play on what i'm able to access that being the original script for both 1.0 and 2.0 as well as several audio and video bootlegs there's a channel called turn off the dark archives which i will link below that has been doing it's best to compile as much of the play as humanly possible and it's a godsend i'm just giving this as a disclaimer right here because there are some things i simply don't have access to there's not a public high quality version of 1.0 yet just to give an example so i just want you to know that i'm basing this off of what i do have and that in editing you might see things like footage from 2.0 meant to represent 1.0 or a mix-up of actors and performers on stage at a given time simply because well i have to work with what i have with that in mind let's go ahead and unravel turn off the dark 1.0 first by starting with a simple question what happens in the play the musical begins with an action opening of spider-man trying to rescue mary jane from a giant cutout of green goblin the scene is interrupted by your narrators coming in a chorus of four comic book fans named jimmy sixx grim hunter professor cobwell and gigi and if three of those names mean anything to you then congrats you're a [ __ ] nerd these four are called the geek chorus get it and they're currently coming up with the story that we're being shown sort of like that one episode of batman the animated series or that one segment in gotham knight they argue over how exactly this spider-man story should start when the girl of the group gg which is short for girl geek interrupts to inform us that spider-man wasn't the first person given spider powers she then begins to tell the others about their lord and savior jesus christ and i'm just [ __ ] with you she begins telling them the story of the greek figure arachne as we get our first actual song of the show behold and wonder arachne was apparently a woman so good at weaving tapestries that she was challenged by the goddess athena herself her acne still managed to make the best one and athena angered at losing to a mere mortal got mad and did something which caused arachne to hang herself in grief because she couldn't loom anymore and then as punishment for her vanity and for trying to be better than the gods arachne was cursed to become an immortal spider by athena we then cut to a high school where it turns out peter parker is giving a report on arachne he's a nerd he's peter parker he accidentally reminds the teacher to give them homework and this angers flash thompson whose crew then beats the [ __ ] out of him in our second song bullying by numbers while a bunch of girls make jokes about peter jerking off once that's done we get our third song no more in which peter sings about how he wishes he could be anyone else he meets up with mj who exchanges some awkward flirting banter with him before she joins in on the song to vent about how awful it is with her abusive alcoholic dad peter meets up with uncle ben who asks him how he's doing while mj's dad yells at her peter talks about how he wants to beat up the bullies and uncle ben tells him that he needs to rise above them peter does the you're not my father thing and then leaves we then cut to norman osborne his wife emily oh [ __ ] that's me i would be doing you a disservice if i didn't say that norman is described in the script as ted turnerish anyway norman and emily are currently trying to combat climate change by doing experiments that would modify people's genes to be able to survive it which sure he has to pause his work however as a bunch of high school students come in for a field trip peter mj and flashbang amongst them the students observe two spiders having sex while peter describes how female spiders put out a sex alert into the air and this somehow segues us into our next song diy world where norman sings about how genetic modification is going to keep mankind alive in any catastrophe while this is going on the female spider escapes and bites peter we then cut back to the geek chorus who talk about how cool it is that the spider chose peter at random before gigi interrupts to say that peter wasn't chosen at random but rather that he's special and that his destiny was woven by the three goddesses known as the fades we then cut back into the action as peter wakes up in his bedroom to see that he's bouncing up and down off the walls and the next song called um bouncing off the walls he goes to school and beats the [ __ ] out of a bunch of bullies and decides he needs to buy a car to impress mj the gate course talk about how excited they are now that spider-man is going to debut in his costume before gg says that it's unrealistic because teenage boys don't know how to sell we then see peter enter a wrestling stage in a shitty homemade costume he has a fight with an inflatable bone saw and wins but on the way home decides not to intervene when flash gets his car stolen but then uncle ben walks into the streets to stop the car for some reason and ends up getting run over and dying this starts the big damn hero song rise above as peter sings about the wisdom uncle ben passed on to him before arachne appears overhead describing the red and blue colors of the spiderman costume and what they represent and telling him to rise above finally spider-man appears in the instrumental track ny debuts swinging above the crowd and interacting with the audience and saving a woman's baby as she yells out my baby [Music] next we're at the daily bugle where j jonah jameson is mad that spider-man is getting positive buzz when peter parker comes in offering pictures of spider-man for sale cut to the ozcorp lab where norman is looking at the paper seeing the coverage of spider-man and putting the pieces together that it's connected to his research the us military who is apparently funding his operation pressure him into stepping his game up to combat the sudden competition he has with spider-man in the song pull the trigger and point the finger pull the trigger throw them off your trail you'll get yours eventually meanwhile peter is telling mj about how he takes photos of spider-man now and mj reveals that she has a crush on spider-man she talks about her dreams of being an actress and asks if it's silly especially as they are about to graduate high school peter begins to reassure her about their future in the song picture this or not so far away in the script version as they imagine their features together peter is about to tell her he's spider-man but as this is going on back at oscorp norman has decided to start experimenting on himself in order to accelerate his research against the wishes of his wife it ends up backfiring and his dear wife emily passes away may i rest in peace after the machine explodes and norman is transformed into the green goblin which looks like this i'll let you take it in for a second okay moving on we then move back to the daily bugle offices where news reports are coming in that the green goblin has been attacking military bases with pumpkin bombs and he's kidnapped 15 scientists off screen and then more news comes in that spider-man rescued everyone off screen we then go to the top of the chrysler building where the green goblin has situated a piano so that he can sing a song called i'll take manhattan not that they might be giant song though the goblin vacation also turned him into deadpool apparently as he's breaking the fourth wall and shooting this [ __ ] with the audience we then see that spider-man was apparently drugged and forced up there by goblin who then offers him some champagne goblin tells peter that he can call him dad since he birthed spider-man he tells peter that they're special better than anyone else and ask spider-man if he's read nietzsche goblin continues to pressure peter into giving into the act of killing and doing super villainy alongside him as his boy wonder when peter rejects the offer goblin says he'll go with plan b at this point the geek course interjects and needing to come up with a plan b decide that mary jane is now tied to a gargoyle nearby goblin and spider-man have a climactic air duel that has them swinging over the audience before the geekers interrupt again to try and figure out how spider-man saves the day they decided that green goblin ended up getting roped up in his piano somehow and he and it fell down from the chrysler building to his death peter rescues mary jane and swings off in celebration as arachne looms overhead and so ends act one i hope you are following all that because act 2 is where [ __ ] really starts to get um a bit off the rails the geek chorus steps onto the stage and go through a checklist of the spider-man story troops they need to hit deciding that they've done it all then gg interrupts and says that they haven't had spider-man faces ultimate enemy yet but nobody is quite sure who the ultimate spider-man enemy is they have what is described as a quote super villain fashion show as lizard carnage craven the hunter electro swarm and new villain swiss miss who gigi comes up with on her own strut down a runway for consideration as the role of the big bad as this is going on in the world of the play peter is struggling to take down all the new super villains as well as dealing with his professional and personal life apparently being late to all of his jobs and classes and dates with mj as peter passes out from exhaustion oracle emerges from the astral plane and sings the show's title song turn off the dark the song is essentially her singing about how she is both fear and desire as she elevates peter from his bed and sings about how she wants to [ __ ] him right before she kisses him though peter gets a call from mj and falls back down waking up peter suddenly begins talking to the geek chorus for some reason the first and only time any character in the show has directly acknowledged and interacted with them who asked him if he's really going to meet up with mary jane after he just got spiritney he stalls and says that what happened was just a dream peter ends up missing mj's performance of a musical version of the fly which god i wish that was real the two argue about peter always letting her down as they sing a duet called i just can't walk away say it now peter frustrated literally says to hell with spider-man and throws away his costume giving up being spider-man so he can have a normal life much against the wishes of the geeks arachne descends down from the astral plane with her army the furies angry that peter has given up being a superhero she sings the song think again all about how he's wasting the gifts she gave him and that she needs to do something to change his mind meanwhile at the club peter meets up with mj and tells her that he loves her before they kiss as they kiss however there's a blackout suddenly footage of the green goblin emerges on the club's tv monitor this surprises the geeks who aren't sure what's happening and how to undo it only to be told by the fury is that the story is under their control now scaring the geek course off and out of the show back on the tv monitors the green goblin states that he and the sinister six well sinister seven in this version are not actually dead anymore and that they're taking over the city the sinister six have a number called cinestereo in which they destroy everything in peter's apartment mj and peter eat canned food and talk about what to do about the blackout in the sinister seven then they snuggle and flirt meanwhile in the astral plane arachne is reading the daily bugle and is angry that none of the mayhem she's caused is being covered in the papers she's also mad that peter isn't falling for her what follows next is the best moment in musical history one of the most infamous moments from does that the show jane have that i don't have two legs and a pair of shoes [Music] i have eight legs and get me the shoes spider-man is mine that girl can rot we'll see who gets to tie a knot [Music] in the song deeply furious arachne orders her furies to steal shoes from all over new york the reason for this varies depending on what version of 1.0 you consume in one version it's so that she can descend from the astral plane and go to the daily bugle office and try to convince jameson to print her story about the sinister six she does this by wrapping her eight spider legs around him as he moans out in ecstasy in other showings of 1.0 arachne wants the shoes so she can impress peter parker enough that he'll marry her even staging a wedding with him though it's unclear if that was something happening to the real peter or just an illusion i'm still not sure while this is happening in the corset clad spider furies sing about wanting to tie you dress you and stuck you up it's the best scene in musical theater history peter wakes up from the wedding nightmare mj comforts him singing the homestuck amv song if the world should end about how she'll love peter even if the world ends tomorrow and then she quickly gets kidnapped by craven peter freaks out and sings the big damn hero number boy falls from the sky about how he needs to believe in himself and be spider-man again so that he can save her and everybody else he fights the sinister six before ending up at the moment from the start of the show with green goblin throwing mary jane off the bridge as peter jumps down to save her he lands on what the script calls the world's wide web of arachne peter is surprised to see that arachne is real as she explains her plan the sinister 6-7 were never actually brought back to life people were never killed these were all illusions she made specifically to bait peter into being spider-man again and to notice her senpai she talks about how much she wants to [ __ ] peter but he keeps asking for mary jane she gets mad and releases of spider pheromones which causes him to forget about mj momentarily arachne now tries to determine whether or not peter is strong enough to be her husband love me or kill me a rack me sings over the song's final number saying that peter needs to either abandon mj and love her forever so that she may ascend and stop being an immortal spider or he needs to kill her so that she can ascend and stop being an immortal spider as the two fight though arachne realizes that peter will never kill her and never let go of his love for mj and she decides to let him go be with her this apparently shows that she still has some humanity however which lifts her curse and lets her die and she ascends into heaven on the rope that she hung herself with and then the play ends there it just ends there spiderman turn off the dark okay so i have some thoughts let's start off with some general simple observations um the performances i've seen are pretty good obviously without a definitive pro shoot it's hard to pinpoint exactly who each performer is and what exactly they're doing but patrick page brings great energy to green goblin and if you're a hades town fan you owe it to yourself to look up footage of reeve carney in the show because he brings the same himbo twink energy to peter parker as he did to orpheus i guess i kind of had it but i was trying to that makes sense i didn't know it was the old polish butt booth though nice he hit it that's hard man i i still have trouble with that note or he went screamo on that this might be controversial but i don't really like the visuals of the show they're usually the one thing it's praised for and i'm sure that they're more impressive when actually viewed live and not seen over bootleg or promo video but so much of the visual design here doesn't really work for me the stunts are cool some of the sets are cool but it also really seems like it's trying too much for style where it really doesn't need it which as a result gives it the unintentional effect of looking actually really cheap the sinister six costumes are notorious for this looking like bad theme perk outfits and halloween costumes but i want to point out bone saw being a literal inflatable like why just get a chorus member and a t-shirt and then there's the scenery and props which i get are trying to look like comic drawings but like come on this is silly look at the bed look at these desks this looks less like an intentional style choice and more like a high school production who couldn't afford a bed because the director spent all the budget on a golf cart so instead a parent had to come in and draw a bed on some foam board he brought in from lowe's it actually reminds me a lot of english hulk weirdly enough and attempt to emulate the style of comics without really understanding why the medium makes the choices that it does the music is variable the songs generally range from good to fine and most work okay within the context of the show if not entirely memorable at its worst it's um but most of it is serviceable rise against and boyfriends from the sky are too generic of music numbers to really appeal to me but the two big goblin songs pull the trigger in diy world are fun times no more is a good scene setter and technically fits my role that every musical needs to have a we live in a [ __ ] musical number then there's i just can't walk away which i'm gonna be fully honest here i i think it's an outright great song a damn good musical number and a damn good ballad admittedly i'm a sucker for a good romance song they remind me of my relationship with my husband the green goblin but i also think the melody and lyrics of this really work conveying a sense of romantic longing as well as lingering sadness i love the double meaning of the main lyrics i just can't walk away works both to convey peter's inability to quit being spider-man as well as mj's ability to fully give up on her love of peter the songwriters had three minutes to capture what makes the peter and mj relationship complicated and dynamic and engaging and they nailed it in my opinion if you're like me and grew up watching the raimi trilogy the song does a good job giving off the same vibes as a love story there in fact if you're familiar with the raimi trilogy you might have noticed that this play pulls a lot from those films the first two in particular the first act is basically a redone version of spider-man 1 with the origin story and mj being the initial love interest and next-door neighbor with even bone saw appearing the second act takes from spider-man 2 with the whole spider-man no more adaptation and the subplot that peter might be losing his powers though it's unclear and turn off the dark if he's actually losing his powers or not i think it depends on the version green goblin's backstory is essentially doc ox from spider-man 2 as well the whole guy does a science experiment to improve humanity and ends up killing his wife and going mad thing if you're wondering why they gave norman osborne that backstory rather than his spider-man 1 origin well julie taymor just didn't find that storyline for norman interesting and like knock ox origin more so yeah separating the main movie plots into both acts is interesting because we can get down to it both acts essentially act as their own narrative rather than one big continuous one kind of like into the woods the first act is all about setting up spider-man and the second act is all about breaking it down showing the complexities of being a superhero whether or not this works is well you see there's some narrative issues with turn off the dark things that seem a bit strange um the [ __ ] am i trying to bear the lead for we gotta talk about the [ __ ] spider we gotta talk about peter parker [ __ ] a spider arachne the greek mythological figure arachne made famous from the classical poem metamorphosis arachne why is she here i mean i know why she's here she's here because julie taymor saw the first page of ultimate spider-man in which norman osborne talks about arachne meaning like most things in the world it can all be traced back to brian michael bendis it was apparently this page and the idea of merging spider-man with the myth of acne that caused her to agree the project in the first place arachne is instrumental to this play from the ground up it was made with her in mind which is buckwild to think about when you consider how out of place she feels here like on its surface turn off the dark is a basic retelling of two well-known spider-man storylines from the comics and movies it has a very conventional expected character arc for peter in which he has to learn about the importance of responsibility and how to be a hero mixed in with this story about him needing to [ __ ] a spider so that she can die and go to heaven but okay i need to take this seriously obviously she's an important integral part of this plot i just have to figure out why so let's break down arachne's arc okay so arachne in this play is essentially a woman out for vengeance and revenge she was a simple artist whose talent led to her downfall and as a result ended up cursed to become a spider the first spider to be exact it's implied that she is involved giving spider-man his powers that she chose to give him this gift to see what he would do with it and to accomplish her own goals there's a certain parallel to be seen with her and peter certainly both were mortals blessed with powers powers that could be viewed as a curse peter spends act 2 willing to rid himself of his spider alter egos that he can go back to being a normal person much like how arachne wants to rid herself of her spider persona and move on in life but of course it goes a bit deeper than that because the myth of arachne is about hubris rackney was turned into a spider as a form of punishment for daring to believe she was better than the gods the idea of transcending beyond mortals is a huge through line in turn off the dark goblin starts off with a goal of improving all of humanity before mutating and realizing that he has ascended beyond everyone else comparing the non-goblins and spider-man of the world to ants and saying that puny little humans keep getting in the way this is what connects the goblin and arachne section of the play despite how disconnected they feel both want peter to abandon the identity of peter parker and embrace whatever their image of spider-man is in goblin's case it's being a fellow villain and criminal in arachne's case it's being a lover and a fellow god of of men wait hold on hold on i think i have something here i think it's all coming together this is how the geek chorus tie in right because the whole thing is that we're seeing the version of the play dictated by four comic book fans each with their own interpretation of who spider-man is and what he represents and how he should behave they bicker and argue over what exactly should play out in the story because to them spider-man means very different things this also ties back into the arachne angle once more greek myths are quite a fluid thing with so many versions and interpretations of the events depending on the orator arachne is a simple story and yet there are so many variations of it somewhere acne lost her contest with athena somewhere she wins somewhere she is killed by athena somewhere athena curses her out of anger somewhere athena curses her out of pity and perhaps most importantly somewhere arachne is a hero and somewhere arachne is a villain everything is up to the interpretation of the storyteller and the narrator at a certain point in time the lesson of don't disrespect the gods might have led to arachne's fate feeling more justified but also from a certain perspective brackneys for example it could be a tragedy how will they tell your story the how will they tell your tale and will anybody even care this is why arachne and the fury is taking control of the story from the geek chorus which obviously is our stand-in for the greek chorus in act 2 is so meaningful it is arachne allowing herself control of her own narrative for the first time in her life the problem is however that arachne has lost sight of her original goals and ambitions at this point she is motivated primarily by wrath and basic kernel emotions she is a woman who has been denied and deprived of everything she loves and her own agency and she wants to take things into her own hands for once even if it means stepping into the villain role to do so love me or kill me arachne belts out to peter in the final song and truly these are the only two options to her either receive the praise and adoration that she wanted and feels like she deserved back in her original life or fulfill her other desire and let her die in no peace but these aren't things that can happen can it batman under the red hood is a popular and well-loved 2010 direct-to-dvd film based upon a significantly less popular and loved comic of almost the same name the film is about batman trying to investigate the murder sprees caused by a mysterious new vigilante by the name of red hood who appears to be killing off mobsters and knows a lot of personal info about batman red hood turns out to be spoilers for 20 years of comic history jason todd the second robin who years earlier was beaten to death with a crowbar by joker it's a fine enough movie some great voice performances and a pretty good script distract from the generic dc direct-to-video animation style that i've honestly never been a fan of and the fact that once you've experienced one jason todd story you've basically experienced them all but overall i think it's a good film and the main reason why i think people remember it as fondly as they do is because of the strength of the final confrontation scene here red hood now fully open about being jason todd has revealed that his entire plan was a gambit to get his hands on the joker he leads batman to this abandoned building and gives him a choice either batman kills joker jason kills joker or batman kills jason to stop him from killing joker either way someone has to die this creates a moral dilemma for batman as batman he can't kill that's his whole thing he can't kill joker and he can't let jason kill joker otherwise he becomes just as bad as joker himself he also has to take out criminals and murderers and make sure they're brought to justice and jason is now a criminal and murderer but as bruce he can't hurt jason jason despite everything is his son and he can't let jason fall down the same route of vengeance that he fell down but he knows that he can't really justify this not to jason because jason will not listen to him and any answer he gives or any action he takes is only going to hurt him he loves jason but he cannot love jason right now with how he is it's a battle of human emotions versus overall morality i bring this up not only because i have an incurable condition where i can only see the world through batman comparisons but because theoretically this is the same conflict at the end of spider-man turn off the dark right jason at this moment is basically telling bruce to love him or kill him to show jason that he truly cares about his pain and torment and that he's willing to stick by him or to just kill him and let him be put to rest and much like the way peter rejects both offers bruce walks away refusing to play jason's game and finding his own solution and much like under the red hood peter can't accept any option it's a conflict between his identity of spider-man and his reality of peter parker the spider-man doesn't kill the last thing he wants is a death caused by his hands to allow himself to kill would be to allow him to give into the same selfish impulses that led to his uncle being murdered spider-man has the power of a god and he cannot use that power indiscriminately but at the same time loving arachne is impossible because well peter parker loves mary jane that's something that cannot and will never change to love arachne would be to leave his humanity and perhaps most importantly his love of mj behind and much like jason todd arachne doesn't realize that she became the very thing she was once against in this conflict she has assumed the role of an omniscient god wanting to punish peter for defying her will for not properly appreciating her gift and taking away his agency and trying to deprive him of the thing he loves much in the same way athena never properly respected her she doesn't actually respect peter seeing him only as a being that should worship her and assist her in the things that she wants but then we get to the resolution of this conflict which is similar to another famous musical phantom of the opera there the phantom kidnaps christine and raul william forces christine to choose either be with him or he'll kill raul in the end when christine shows him a bit of compassion he folds remembering his humanity and respecting christine's agency and wants lets her go similarly arachne realizing that peter will never ever abandon his humanity and will always love mj lets peter go showcasing that somewhere deep within arachne hasn't lost for her humanity it's an act of kindness and grace that allows her to be free of her curse and move on thus putting peter back in control of his own story free from the chorus free from our acne as he makes one final swing and we get our last image of the show a mural of spider-man showing at the end who this story is about y'all is is spider-man turn off the dark actually good wait what the [ __ ] am i saying of course it's bad holy [ __ ] what i just did was an exercise in tunnel vision when you get in so deep with analysis or the creative process you can see connections and thematic qualities and once you get in there it's easy to view it from the perspective where things all click into place and are working the way you think they work but at a certain point you have to step back and see that things actually don't arachne doesn't work in this play because the play itself doesn't work these ideas all sound good in theory but only in theory the type of theory that you get when you've spent years and years of your life contemplating it and stuck in the mindset of trying to figure out what place arachne has in the show arachne doesn't work here because there's not enough balance in how she's handled she spends all of act 1 basically as a background character and then gets an incredible amount of spotlight in act 2 without much in the way of a proper introduction to why exactly she's here and what role she plays on the plot and what all she can even do like they had all summer to figure this out and they never actually figured out what arachne does it's a rare thing of a character getting too much time but also far too little time the final twist that the sinister six didn't really come back and that this was all of rakney's illusions doesn't really play well when it happens at the last minute with such a little fanfare and not much in the way of explanations for how it worked like if the chaos was fake and no one actually died and the sensory sticks weren't brought back to life then what happened was the blackout real were the people panicking real does it even matter what and what's this with her curse being lifted like it's it's not explained why it happens or what reasons or what the conditions of the curse are like there's nothing that makes it seem like this is a beauty and the beast situation at the start of the show and any parallels in arachne and peter's arc don't feel meaningful because these two characters don't really have any personal connection like peter doesn't know that arachne is even real until that final confrontation imagine the ending a phantom of the opera there's no music of the night or anything like that the two characters never met christine is just like oh no it's some guy from peter's perspective arachne is someone he did a school report on and then saw in his dreams a few times it's like he did a history project on alexander hamilton and then a year later hamilton is in your room grabbing you by the shirt collar and saying you have to [ __ ] me or i'll die it's not much of a dramatically weighty choice is it a large part of the reason why the dynamic and character parallelism isn't there is that the songs from bono and the edge fall into the trap that a lot of amateur musical theater writers fall into where the songs are basically almost entirely solos with a few duets thrown in you see these a lot in productions where the songwriters don't have a lot of musical theater experience because well it's easier to write solos and it's what a lot of people's instincts are going to guide them to this character gets a song then this character gets a song then maybe these two characters get a love song and listen it together especially when you've been composing for a band for like 30 years that's gonna be the mindset that you approach a project with and basically all of these are feel songs where characters sing about their emotions which isn't a bad thing musicals need these there's also very little in the songs that actually progress the plot and further the story along you could remove the songs and you wouldn't lose anything here okay you can remove most of the songs and you wouldn't lose anything here the songs tie into a larger problem the rackney's role and by extension the show as a whole arachne's arc overshadows peters especially in act 2 where she gets three solos while peter gets one if you want an easy demonstration of the issue when peter quits being spider-man we don't get a song to show how he feels about it but we do get a song on how arachne feels about it peter's arc gets lost in this whole thing because it feels like the play just doesn't really care much about him compared to iraqi when you hear these songs for peter parker they're they transcend spider-man they're they're songs that that really are deeply from bono and edge's heart side note but this is also where the raimi films work so well because raymie is enough of a weirdo to make the villains compelling but he also cares enough about peter parker and is an empathetic enough filmmaker to not lose track of peter's storyline and struggles throughout there's also just the underlying ways the whole arachne plot undermines the idea of spider-man they even sort of joke about this in the show the idea that spider-man could be anyone and that's what makes this story meaningful before it gets disregarded to introduce our acne stuff but story lines about peter parker being a special little chosen boys suck it sucked in the amazing spiderman films and it sucks here the moral isn't or shouldn't be that peter is a great hero above the rest it's that he was an ordinary kid from a bad neighborhood who was given a gift by chance and used it to become a powerful force of good a lot has been written about arachne being a self-insert for julie taymor and there's certainly stuff to look at there famously when presented with the idea of arachne being cut from the show julie apparently once said if all of you think the cut is such a great idea you can do it without me because that isn't a cut it's a mastectomy which is a very charged response to wanting to cut the spider woman from your broadway show glenn berger directly draws a parallel between the two of them in song of spider-man on screens less than three months before julie had prospero lament to her daughter how she was deposed and they were sent into exile by conspirators to cry to the sea that roared to us and every night at the fox woods audiences watched an artist brought low after her artistic creation was destroyed arachne was punished for remaining true to her art whispering wretchedly to peter in the title song i am the queen of dreams banished to a shadow prison almost six years before i asked julie why did arachne try to kill herself after her tapestry was destroyed instead of the explanation found in most versions of the myth that arachne hung herself from shame over her conduct toward athena julie said arachne made the noose because her artistic impulse had been thwarted in fact julie said arachne wasn't punished for thinking she was more talented than the goddess of weaving she was being punished for actually being more talented in other words julie had unwittingly reinterpreted one of the most iconic myths about hubris as not being about hubris at all was that a symptom of hubris or was it simply one artist sympathizing with another i think the thing that pulls me into this quote though is rather than looking at it from the perspective of is this julie taymor self-insert i'm thinking more of is this a reflection of julie taymor's view of art tamora took the tale of arachne and by extension the tale of spider-man and turn them into stories in which someone is incredibly talented and skilled in ways others simply cannot understand and thus get mistreated because of it with arachne it's her work being destroyed in her curse to be a spider with peter it's the way the musical emphasizes his poor reputation in the bugle and from jameson it's interesting that around the time major creative work on turn off the dark was being done tamora was dealing with the release of across the universe a movie for people who wished grant had more beatles songs in it the release of that movie was infamously chaotic with taymor and studio executives at war to see what version of the film would be the final cut before the studio deliberately sabotaged the release labeling the film of flop and getting tamore the reputation of being a prima donna director here was a woman who poured her heart and soul into a project a project that a lot of people mainly teenage girls going through a british shrink phase liked a lot only to have her work disrespected by those who didn't understand her vision and wanted to undermine it and villainize her throughout the process and this attitude is reflected in the show despite whatever implications the ending provides the show mostly focuses on the idea that arachne and peter and norman are figures literally above normal people whose actions will never be understood by those lesser which is a really depressing moral actually both for a superhero and an artist of course all of this explains the arachne angle but there's still another angle left unexplored why is this place so relentlessly horny like why does this plot revolve so much around sex especially between peter and arachne where does jerking off come up so much why is there so many moans and weird spider fetish [ __ ] i mean according to the edge we should interpret the final fight between arachne and spider-man as follows it's a fight to the death but it's also a mating dance it should feel intense between peter and arachne like they belong together and yet at the end of it peter demands to know where mary jane is it's like calling out someone else's name during rough sex you know yeah this play is very sexually charged apparently it was going to be even more so according to glenn berger and the original treatment they were presented there was a scene where norman osborne flirting with the disguised arachne strokes arachne's shoe remarks on the delicacy of the foot beneath it there are more where that came from she remarks whereupon another foot probes his crotch reducing him to peroxisms of ecstasy more and more legs emerge and twine around him and his song of ecstasy becomes a whale of terror yeah this play is horny incredibly horny horny to its core and why is that well the answer is simple julia taymor was trying to emulate another popular play of the era spring awakening was on julie's mind teenagers are lining up they think it's gonna be hip and edgy and sexy yes spring awakening the play about a bunch of repressed teenagers going through puberty with songs about masturbation spring awakening which shares the same audience as spider-man yeah i can see why 1.0 didn't take off 1.0 ran for a few months before it was decided that it was in need of a substantial retool it was always being retooled in some way shape or form it was still in previews technically but with critical and audience reception being so bad it was clear that there's a lot of work that needed to be done especially with simplifying the plot and making the show more approachable 1.0 was ambitious sure but it wasn't working more than anything it was alienating its primary audience there was one section in burger's book that stuck with me it was december 20th we were in the middle of act two i couldn't bear to watch the show in the auditorium so i was watching it on the monitor in this stage manager's office downstairs and maybe it was the monitor or maybe it was my mood but act 2 was sure seeming oppressive i wandered to the men's room and as i got there i saw a mother escort her boy from the bathroom back toward the theater the look on that boy's face changed my life the boy didn't look eager to go back into the auditorium in fact he had the look of a boy who had come to the theater that evening full of excitement and minute by minute we were letting him down he wasn't feeling the buoyant feelings he usually associated with the nimble-minded upbeat superhero he adored where was that spider-man why did the world seem so dark maybe his face wasn't actually saying any of those things maybe he just had a stomachache why did he need the bathroom in the middle of the second act but it didn't matter i saw what i saw i drifted back to the stage manager's office convinced we were failing all the children coming to see our show our problems couldn't be fixed with a few clarifying lines our problems were deeper they were systemic in all the greek mythology and intense sexual desire of 1.0 the appeal of spider-man had been lost making a work that couldn't properly be enjoyed by the audience who would benefit the most from having a good spider-man musical kids of course damore disagreed and disagreed and character as the green goblin for some reason don't you get it boy the audience just wants high flying stunts and fun forget the story we want to tell they ain't interested so if making it shorter is your way of solving the problem maybe you're right who are we fooling with spirituality mercy compassion transformation resurrection elimination and [ __ ] but i mean some plot streamlining needed to happen that's something i think anyone agreed on regardless of their view on the show as a whole and if you're in charge with streamlining the plot which currently has an issue of too many villains and too complex a narrative who would you keep in the play green goblin spider-man's famous big bad an ensemble darkhorse played by broadway darling patrick paige who is funny and charismatic and entertaining and has a big choreographed fight scene that's a showstopper in one of the few points of critical praise or acne the not comic canon villain who has had three actresses at this point whose main plot was horny and depressing and confusing dominated peter's story and caused the play to end on a weird anti-climax it's a tough decision anyway 2.0 was underway the play stopped previews in april and went through extensive rewrites julie taymor was fired and a contentious coup as the producers began to become more hands-on with the project comic writer roberto aguirre-sancasa was brought in to rewrite the script and if that name sounds familiar it's because he would later go on to create riverdale because every pop culture thing you're into all comes back to turn off the dark 2.0's goal was to make more of a blockbuster show that everyone could enjoy which meant making things more accurate to the comics and the films lightening the overall tone and drastically cutting down the runtime from almost four hours to two yes it is incredibly similar to that other superhero project with a famously troubled production i won't go as in depth on 2.0 plot at 1.0 because it's honestly not needed they essentially took the goblin stuff from act 1 and extended it into a whole show it's very similar especially early on now the plot is very much the raimi films peter high school spider bite wrestling gets overwhelmed fights green goblin quits being spider-man gets pep talk back into it in time to beat the big bad who has kidnapped mj who finds out peter's identity at the end before he swings off to save the day again it is way more simple and more what you'd expect as far as any changes well the geek chorus are entirely gone no sign of them in the show at all they were one of the most complained about parts of 1.0 and definitely one of the weirdest so i totally get that uh there's no blackout in new york anymore so mj instead sings if the world should end near the start of act 2 on a bench as a way to comfort peter and confirm her love but it misses the context that they literally thought the world was literally ending literally and perhaps the big one arachne to say she's gone from the show would be a lie she's still here i mean they paid a lot of money for her costume and she sings the title song you can't just cut her but her role is dramatically gutted no longer is she the main villain or even a character really peter gives his report on her towards the beginning where we still get a bit of her origin and beholden wonder she appears in his dreams to sing a part of rise above and reappears again in a dream to sing turn off the dark her role has gone from tragic main antagonist to out of nowhere generic spiritual guide it feels somehow weirder than when she was the main villain because if you didn't know the production history of the show you'd think that there's just a random spider woman in this play for no reason whatsoever of course with her not being the main villain anymore her two villain songs think again and deeply furious got cut entirely i know rest in peace shoe song what could possibly take their place though well now that the goblin is the main villain he needs a goblin villain song so they retooled a section from deeply furious into a freak like me needs company the only new song composed for 2.0 and the best thing i've ever heard a freak like may needs company is a flamboyant coming out anthem for the green goblin who in this version has just kept mutating himself more and more after his wife's death and has now kidnapped military agents and transformed them into the sinister six it's really important to note here that despite being a villain song the official recorded lyrics for a freak like me needs company don't actually mention any villainous acts at all instead about being broke and being weird but giving up your straight life and gathering up a bunch of your fellow freak friends and dressing hot and hitting the town it is a gay anthem and we will be welcoming the green goblin to pride i also wouldn't be doing my job if i didn't reference the incredibly awkward letterman performance of this song that later got parodied on comedy bang bang there's so many things about this performance that are so legendarily uncomfortable but i'd like to nominate the line that makes us sound like craven [ __ ] animals sometimes a little too much a freak-like maintenance company is really the high point of 2.0 it's bombastic it's out there it's energetic patrick page carries it with a lot of charisma and energy and funny jokes legit funny jokes but it's the high point the rest is 2.0 is a more functional musical it looks more like what you'd expect a spider-man musical to look like and comes off way more competent as a result but the weird thing is is that despite the simplified plot the shorter run time and the funnier script 2.0 felt way more boring and exhausting to sit through than 1.0 did both reading and consuming whatever bootleg material i had of it there's sort of a thing where licensed musicals are usually um bad is it rude to say that the 2010s would be especially awful about this a lot of movies and tv shows and media properties would get licensed for stage musical remakes and for every heathers or beetlejuice there's a well me and girls the musical i had an entire video like i wrote about that shows that are just painfully generic and add nothing to either the medium or to the original work that run on broadway for a year or two and then get tossed aside to be cursed to the fate of national tours and high school productions i know i made the comparison earlier but 2.0 really does remind me of justice league in a lot of respects it's a course correction and probably what the project should have looked like from the beginning but the revision is so sloppily trying to stitch together conventional material to its unconventional origin in a way that makes the generic aspects of the revision stick out even more and then becomes a question of what you'd prefer a flawed ambitious messy author driven piece or a technically polished piece of art made by a commission that is at best functional i think julie taymor herself said it best when the revisions were first pitched to her once you open that door they'll want to do it and then forget it it'll be a theme park show this is how shows die when people start abandoning the vision that got us here and the thing is they did abandon that vision and they abandoned julie to do so giving her the reputation for being a terrible controlling irresponsible woman and maybe she is but the fact of the matter is that they gave julie taymor 65 million dollars to fulfill her vision of the show and then panicked at the last minute when they realized she gave them her version of the show she was always pitching tamor sincerely tried to do something here and for that she got fired and has essentially been kept away from any major theater or film work since then she went from being a critical darling and creative force behind one of the most profitable musicals ever to in industry pariah love her or kill her as they say turn off the dark is such a weird [ __ ] show a messy thematically confusing and weirdly horny piece of art it went down in history as broadway's biggest flop critical and financial failure it's been a punching bag for over a decade now and will still continue to be a punching bag and yet i can't help but feel some form of admiration and fascination with the original version of this show with what it once was and what it was trying to do the play was bad 1.0 isn't some hidden gem it was definitely in need of revisions and work but it was this weird strange ambitious project that was far from an act of corporate cynicism the general public and its producers seem to want to paint it as some may say that a spider-man musical was always a cursed idea that there was no way something like this would ever work to that i say nah i mean look at it this way tom holland spider-man is incredibly popular with teenagers especially the tumblr crowd and that tumblr crowd also is really into high school and teenager focused musicals like be more chill and dear evan hansen a version of spider-man that draws from the holland version and sounds like rita's showman would probably do gang busters as for turn off the dirk i highly doubt we'll ever see a production of it again after it closed on broadway they announced that they were going to try to open it in vegas where it probably should have always been to be honest before those plans got changed into an arena tour that also never ended up happening the problem with spider-man is that unlike other underperforming license shows like shrek or spongebob it's not easy to simply put it on tour or license it for schools or whatever because it simply requires too many elaborate and expensive technical effects to properly work as written and this isn't even getting into the fact that in between the development and premiere of turn off the dark disney ended up buying marvel and disney definitely isn't going to let an infamous failure like this out of their grasp not anytime soon they're on the suing daycare center's level of brand control and i doubt they want to have any more attention placed on an expensive critically panned flop and considering that no one seems particularly attached to the script in these songs not even bono in the edge of themselves if there's another spider-man musical production it'll probably be a completely original thing i don't think disney would let them carry the musical it julie taymor begged for a prayer recording of 1.0 to be done before the retool and it didn't happen any professionally shot footage of it made for documentary purposes are apparently locked behind legal issues probably never going to see the light of day which is a shame i guess that's why it's up to fans to keep spreading around whatever clips they can backing up whatever recordings get placed online reading the script and passing around info about the show it can't truly go away as long as we still talk about it turn off the dark is a complicated musical with a complicated legacy but i think it's one that deserves to be remembered it's this weird complex ambitious mess that i've been obsessed with for years and i hope someday gets more attention and respect either as an important failure in broadway history or as a flawed but ambitious piece of art in which peter parker has to [ __ ] a spider to death this video talked a lot about supporting creators and giving them an outlet for their work did you know that there's a way you can do that right now while also experiencing my videos early and without ads i'm talking about nebula a streaming award nominated service built by content creators for content creators get to experience exclusive and ad-free content from some of your favorite online essays like maggie mayfish princess weeks sarah's at that one creator whose body i sometimes possess and well me it's the best way to watch content from creators you know as well as discover exciting and cool new ones and thanks to a deal with curiosity stream if you go to curiositystream.com lady emily you can get an entire year of curiosity stream and nebula for just 14.79 a 26 discount if you don't know curiosity stream is a streaming service focused on documentaries and non-fiction content this video focused a lot on greek mythology which is always a fascinating and endless subject if you want to learn more about greek mythology in a non-spider-man context then perhaps you'd be interested in checking out myths and monsters a documentary series that goes over famous greek myths and explores the history of these stories and analyzes why they have endured for so long paired with some incredibly amazing artwork it's a fun time especially if you also grew up with a greek mythology face for some reason and find the stuff compelling you can watch myths and monsters as well as thousands of other excellent documentaries on curiosity stream and the best part is that so long as you have curiosity stream you'll also have access to nebula once you use the code to sign up for curiosity stream you'll receive an email from nebula granting you access so go to curiositystream.com lady emily to get a year of curiosity stream and nebula at a discount and enjoy the hours upon hours of content there is to choose from i'd like to once again thank my patrons for the contributions and help making all this possible i'd especially like to thank and hopefully pronounce correctly nine arachna i said that wrong i'm sure of it adam ellison aidan isaacs agatha ale alex alex to ask us alexander reagan allison the purple ally e alt f4 games alice in the middle amanda eusk anarcho-art annabelle anselm irif hassan arpeggio average sylvania shipper azure squirrel bend holland brendan buck brett kozak bruni seasporn caleb guthrie cappuccino carmen j chad horton charlotte ozil christopher patton christopher spiller son mcgowan reviews chair baker clara m comrade ap critical ham daisy hind dan connell dan pierce dana diana carrier darren aust david portnov david rose doc trancy donovan campbell dragners dustin c ela maxima elijah siddiqui elizabeth v haste elliott berry emery love floor emily taylor emma emma k emeline fenga executive nerd faye gregory frederick ostrom freidborg gamechamp 3000 gavin daphne king john carlow gsv sleeper service the sea may have to become as stone or steel the sky too gwen wafer hello sugino hamish steel hayden heckamon hunter goldstein hunter car i'm doing a great job isaac smith isla edmund ivory jb james rule jane delmonico jan the final girl j marquez durst gerard highfield jess jessica lane just jester gambit john logan jordan tullis josh sanders k nakamura katrina katrina leona donkeys kay burris kelsey hoofer cooch hustinator i hope i said that right otherwise i just called someone cuckoo life in the black my dry bread mark kent mason barber matt swanson maxine maxine chiplin md the dude megaton tarantulas oh i'm sorry megatron tarantulas michael freytag michael kellett michael thompson micah mike williams mimi mr bones molly shaffer mr schmidt myriad nazarene nathan y nick scahe nadka nora's sola not horses orbital hippie orlan the dog oxnard montalvo peter from denmark oh [ __ ] sorry i said [ __ ] denmark like a few videos ago peter pie man the third quitar ramona montagne richard pryor riley o'neal richie's high robert jones rosedale rusty kelly sabrina saffron c sam wade samantha cinder samuel snapp sarah zad saxon fox scare bank sean hamilton sean lane cephus seven goblins in a trench coat simon welsh scary earth human skyler conlon smitty mcgratsmeet sophie uppercase sound effects madison sovereign conscirus spoop nudie stadomo steve reynolds stephen fan tanner methuen dao tara the lair of lore the numbers game third to the left tim delegate tobias luchney tommy litola trajone dunkley tarendo tyler p unicorn harrison ursula major void spooler woody sims yo fine york yuna yunaweira zack gruten and zara brill thank you once again for your support um sorry once again if i um mispronounced any names i just i i i i i'm bad at things um but your support really helps a lot and uh these credit sequences get really long but um it's honestly it stuns me each time how long they get uh and it's incredibly exciting okay so now for the real reason i made this vid so according to the turn off the dark merch store one of the products that was offered was an officially licensed turn off the dark blanket and i have wanted one for over 10 years of course the official merch store is long closed so i've had to look secondhand but so far i've never found one for sale i know they have to exist somewhere someone bought this [ __ ] blanket i have been having trouble sleeping and i really think what would help would be the warm comforting fabric and brace of spider-man so use the hashtag get emily the blanket to help me find an official turn off the dark blanket and finally get a good night's sleep that's hashtag get emily the blanket this is the most important social cause of our time i cannot stress this enough hashtag get emily the blanket
Channel: Lady Emily
Views: 222,044
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: spider man, turn off the dark, musical, bad, video essay, sarah z, across the universe, green goblin, arachne
Id: VjqSCnPd3wU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 60min 1sec (3601 seconds)
Published: Thu May 05 2022
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