A Mysterious Fighter With Evil Intentions!

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What a wild story, that picture of his wife ringside was heartbreaking.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Adept_Carpet 📅︎︎ Aug 28 2020 🗫︎ replies
this two-time world champion has established a remarkable record of 26 wins d6 wins coming by way of knockout [Music] when they meet [Music] meet Edwin Valero one of the most dangerous men to ever step foot in the ring he had the fire the passion the power everything it took to be a legendary fighter born and raised in the rough streets of Morita Venezuela Valero was different from the other kids play fighting with friends often turned serious he had a raging uncontrollable temper needed guidance and thankfully by the age of 12 he had found a way to channel his aggressive energy the box Valero's intensity punching power and abnormal stamina had some of the most highly regarded boxing trainers in venezuela left completely breathless and overly excited about what this young man could do in the ring the techniques of this youngster I can see his ability I can see the power actors CD the instinct 80% and this youngster and it was a matter of maybe polishing that raw talent and and building a superstar at his kid Valero was a standout amateur throughout his late teens he had a record of 86 wins with a staggering 57 knockouts an unusually high amount for a young man standing five foot six and weighing no more than 120 pounds it was said that while competing in regional championships he often knocked out men that had never tasted the canvas before using his punishing style to close the gap at every second never giving his opponent a minute of rest he's part mother or to know how hard it is everything took a drastic turn for the worse on February 5th 2001 when Valero now aged 19 was involved in the severe motorcycle accident in which he was not wearing almond he fractured his skull and had surgery to remove a blood clot this injury was sustained prior to him launching his pro career and it created roadblocks to major bodies sanctioning his fights Valero claimed that his doctor cleared him to fight on January 17 2002 and he turned pro that July with a first-round knockout [Music] [Music] in this freeze-frame you can still see the shaved hair where the huge scar lies on Valero's head from the surgery a man with such injury should clearly not be allowed to fight but that didn't stop the arrow from obliterating its next 17 opponents all in the first round [Music] [Applause] [Music] Edwyn falero he's strong he's fast he's explosive he's undefeated he's got all his wins by knockout because he's the best prospect to come out of Venezuela in 30 years did you really believe that yes I believe that because they're just vicious I mean but it was game up Oliver's Bob a big step up in class in 2006 saw Valero who now went by the nickname dynamite travel the Panama City to take on WBA super featherweight champion Vicente mosquera who is having his homecoming after recently winning bolero came out like a man possessed and knocked down his opponent twice in the first round but unlike the rest Mosquera got back to his feet and battle Clark and to the delight of the fans balled Valero into a knockdown [Applause] this was the first time Edwin had ever been into the third round and it wasn't looking good for him at this point but he bounced back like a true champion and punished a Panamanian landing big right hands after big right hands and finally in round 10 he got the stoppage that he [Applause] [Applause] will arrow now featherweight champion with a record of 20 and OH with 20 Kos was regarded as one of the most dangerous men in boxing he caught the eye of superstar trainer Freddie Roach who called him over to share a few sparring sessions with the rising pound-for-pound star Manny Pacquiao there was no footage of the contests but it's easy to imagine they were very competitive and explosive to watch at the time Pacquiao's biggest rival is mexican super featherweight champion Erik Morales who held a victory over the Filipino a year prior his team also called up Valero for a bit of sparring and this time it was filmed showing Valero beat him down of breaking his nose in the process we can see the improvement you can see the talent you can see the boxing ability whenever he knocked out an opponent he was always thinking and by later came back to the corn he said children come on I said that says just love it so I'm just play with well you know what daddy went out there he tagged it's rare sparring but I've been watching sparring for 15 years you know what I mean like you know out here I've never seen yet I've never seen a sparring session have to get stopped because somebody got hurt until that's far assessment Lisa I think that he'd recently Jackson back in the ring Valero dominated and knocked out his next four opponents while defending his super featherweight title before moving up to lightweight to take on Antonio Pitts Ulua for the vacant WBC strap Valero's improvements over the last couple of years became very apparent and he knocked out his opponent in the second round showing once again his ferocious style as he landed 16 unanswered punches in a row he must force DeMarco to deal with this kind of pressure tonight it could be the difference February 6 2010 a 28 year old Valero entered the ring for the last time his opponent for the night was Mexican and Tonio De Marco who is coming off a string of impressive victories and did his best to negate Valero skillset in the opening round as he used his 4-inch height advantage to keep the venezuelan at bay with his jab midway through the second round De Marco sliced open Valero's faced with an accidental elbow causing a massive amount of blood seeped from his fortune [Music] [Applause] pants down [Applause] punch [Applause] [Music] [Applause] made [Applause] the blood only fired up Valero and he started to completely take over the fight landing vicious combinations that eventually wore DeMarco down so much he retired on his stool to tell the world you haven't seen me [Music] boy is here 2017 Oh twenty-seven consecutive after his impressive victory Valero announced he would be moving up another weight class to take on some of the biggest names in the sport but before he had a chance disaster struck former lightweight boxing champion edwin Valero has been arrested for allegedly his wife 28 year old is a household name in Venezuela police have said he was arrested after they found the body of his wife and hotel with a couple was de Valera was arrested after police found the body of his 20 year old wife Jennifer Vieira bearing three sons in a hotel room in Valencia Valero allegedly had told hotel security personnel that he committed the crime the police official said that Valero used his own clothes to himself in his jail cell early this morning [Music] Valero left this earth pleading his innocence but I find it hard to believe after all he should have been convicted on multiple occasions for assault charges on its wife his cherished position in his nation of Venezuela gave him a pass time and time again he was friends with the president and could do no wrong in the eyes of the public but his vicious ways caught up with him eventually and he took it a step too far destroying the lives of his wife's family and leaving them with no justice as he took the easy way out just a few days later or did he say Castillo him to him and then he said yeah he did it but you know according to him he did do it they killed him thanks for watching fight fans if you enjoyed the video please leave a like on it and subscribe if you're new around here until next time this is boxing legends TV signing off
Channel: Boxing Legends TV
Views: 16,903,363
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: edwin valero, Mysterious, highlights, documentary, training, tribute, antionio demarco, manny pacquiao, full, wife, record, power, greatest hits hbo, movie, bltv, Antonio Pitalua, Erik Morales, Vicente Mosquera, Floyd Mayweather, motorcycle
Id: RNRJls-dC2E
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 21sec (681 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 19 2017
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