A most impressive display of card handling..
Video Statistics and Information
Channel: Doc Eason
Views: 297,910
Rating: 4.4973893 out of 5
Keywords: Worlds Hardest Trick, Card magic, Doc Eason, bar magic, cutting cards., expert, card handling, skill, superior skills, Tower Restaurant, Stonebridge Inn, Snowmass (Ski Area), amazing, magic, magician, Artisan Restaurant, Tricks
Id: 85T88xn1Sg8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 11sec (311 seconds)
Published: Fri Jan 31 2014
Please note that this website is currently a work in progress! Lots of interesting data and statistics to come.
"the cards were shuffled" I kinda dont like that line in a video performance.
In a live performance its an ok lie I guess because the observer is there to decide for himself if the cards really are shuffled or did the magician switched to a pre ordered deck. In this video it feels to me too much of a plain lie.
The stack of โthreeโ had four cards...
I love his befuddled old man affectation, it really enhances the smooth and precise card handling. Like I don't know if he intended to knock those cards around but if he did it makes the act even better.
I would've probably watched the whole thing but that background was messing with my eyes. Needs to be less blurry. No idea if he's good or not.