A more in depth look at ThruLines™ from Ancestry.com - is it accurate?

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okay I wanted to do another quick video on through lines you know a day ago the lower day ago made a short video on through lines first impression was amazing and I'm still very very impressed with it and I wanted to just kind of really go over and ask the question how accurate is this and what can I get from it so now that you know we've seen that it's replaced DNA circles I can now check all of the people in my tree and look and see you know how these DNA matches are potentially matching up so let's just take a look at this in its entirety and we're just going to go through the list and see what it says so on the first one it shows you know my father well okay that's in my tree there's no DNA to him and this is where it gets interesting this one says private now at first I didn't know what this is but as we scroll down this is gonna actually prove to be a situation where it recommends that my father's wife okay because my mother my father you know they weren't married my father's wife could potentially write here be my mother but we already got my mother's DNA so I don't know why it's there but it has father potential mother even though my mother's DNA is in there so that's obviously a big fat error so let's go on up here we then it starts in the next generation it goes clarence all right so there's clarence and it's got a couple of matches over here under you know Larkins sister Doris and normally there would be more people in here because you know I've got all these other matches through the same brown tree you know you see this this first one that's the brown flag but notice that there's no tree no tree this one's actually on that other page unlinked tree no tree she's actually through a different node different node unlink tree unlink tree and this person is actually there and because they have a tree so you know there's the Tammy Escalera you know they don't have DNA and that person was on the other page with the tree so you actually have to have a tree and DNA in order to get to through lines okay so it has to be a tree and DNA to get there so we go up here there was clearance now this is his wife dolly and again we see the same three people and again there would be more people but you know they're not there because they don't have trees this one I'm not gonna click on it this one actually goes with this this is her father it recommends that I have a potential grandfather to go with this potential mother who was married to my father and I even have it on there not my relative at all that's why it's marked there both marked as potential you know because I don't have them flagged it's showing me that hey my tree shows that maybe this person that's in my tree you know for my father could potentially be my mother even though my mother has DNA on file and I've already flagged her is not related okay so in this one this one's kind of interesting too this shows is my maternal grandmother now my mother was adopted and her adoptive parents were Leroy David right and alpha horrible and so this shows that my mother who's alive potentially is connected to this person so that's kind of a fail because again I've got it very clearly I even double the triple sec before I made the video that you know I had it set up right you know in my family tree maker and online synced and stuff and you know it shows adoptive and so it's telling me that even though these people are adoptive it still treats the adoptive families as general parents and maybe that's so that you're gonna find these lines I don't know so we look at the next and William Alexander Brown now this is really where the power of through lines comes in I had to manually do this months ago in order to figure out who my father was and I've actually in my endeavors I've been matching all of the people in my DNA list to my tree and I started and I've gotten everybody that's over 50 sinem organs matched up in the tree so what I did over the course of the last few months through lines did for me just bang here's through lines look here it all is thank you very much I wish you were here months ago you would have saved me literally hundreds of hours but this is something that you'll notice on trees that are more likely to be accurate is that you'll see there's several children involved and under their two matches two matches one match here three here three here so that's you know there now here's my note and there are some anomalies and we talked about this in the centimorgan video see how low he is at second cousin once removed here's second cousin once removed 159 with ten segments 15 and one and here is the second cousin wanted to remove to 12 and 15 188 and 13 but I did check this out and this even though it's an anomaly we verified this in the cinema and video you know with the DNA painter it's a potentially you know it fits in the variation and after you know visiting with him correspondence getting his father's information the obituary from his mother and the census report from 1940 and 30 because she was alive there and going up here and matched with the census reports for all the brothers that I have here son of William it all fit and so that even though it's an anomaly at fifteen and in one case I talked about in this in a Morden video I have a second cousin once removed it is zero so you know the cinema Morgan's great tool to use not absolute nothing's absolute when you're dealing with family trees in fact paper trails are not absolute I've got a birth certificate that says I'm Jones I got another one that says I'm Basie and my true biological father is brown so you know all those that are saying hey you know if you can't prove this with paper it's not true well I Got News for you I can prove with paper I'm a Jones I can prove with paper that you know I'm AB AC I've even got video of Dwight basing my father on my birth certificate bringing me home from the hospital when I was two days old and the marriage with him before and my mom saying that yeah that's your father and no I'm even named after Dwight based his two brothers Larry and Duane okay and I'm Larry doing Jones so paper trails you know I get it folks we want to double and triple check before we propagate bad trees but I'm gonna tell you just straight up and it may be a bitter pill for some but if you you have paper trails and that's all you've relied on and you've not verified it with DNA you're probably propagating some mistakes yourself so you know that being what it is so we're going to go back and look at the through lines and we looked at William and this is where it's kind of cool we'll see this a minute with the wife Caroline the same you know two to one three three as we had with her husband which is to be expected and so now we're going to go to the next husband and wife pair so this is James MacFarlane and we see three here to here three here one here okay and this is really okay remember one three two three Bert now we're going to look at Larkins wife which was Caroline Orsini Sara Adeline Taylor and now we've got three two three but the one over here is not there so is this a mistake in through lines well no actually this is a very very accurate through lines and very helpful in fact you can see here you know here's some matches there and some more here I've actually again like I said if it's over fifty I've matched him into my tree already but on this line is this is the one that's not shown in the other one Cora is actually a daughter of James but by a previous marriage okay so James was married before he married Sarah Taylor and so these three were with Sarah and Cora you know was with James and that's what I think is really important for us to understand when we're looking at through lines through lines is a different way of looking at your family tree because it's looking at a person and your biological kin and another person and your biological kin so in this case Cora Eleanor dolly and Yura are all children of James and when you go to the wife you've got Eleanor dolly and Yura are all kids of Sarah and that's accurate both of those are a hundred percent accurate and that information alone tells me that there was a previous marriage and in fact you know that did prove to be the case okay so now this is where it does kind of get a little frustrating again there's no DNA here okay I think it this is that adoptive line for him and his wife and you know it's saying a great-grandfather great-grandmother and it is I mean and this is how I was raised this was my grandmother's parents my great-grandparents I remember meeting them while they were still alive they died in 72 and in 70 so you know I do remember meeting him and you know bless his heart my great grandfather Charles Harbaugh when he got old and alzheimerís and used to tell the same joke over and over railroad crossing look out for cars can you spell that without any arse and of course I would try to spell that sentence without in yards in it and he'd laugh said no tha T and he'd tell it again and again and finally I go grandma you know grandpa keeps telling me the same joke over and over can make him stop she came in there and of course I was so young you know at nine almost ten years old did it I just didn't understand the whole Kong the concept of Alzheimer's understand his disease but he told that joke over and over and over he'd laugh and then he'd tell it again and he'd laugh so I can say this I kept I kept him happy for at least a half a day one day as he told me the same joke over and over bless his heart so again while he is my great grandfather on a paper trail he's not really a biological grandfather and you noticed that when we looked at these there's no DNA people in there so that that's your big clue so John W Brown now this is where through lines is really in the if you yeah you know some of them are accurate some of them are not accurate and some of them are iffy and so here's an iffy one so we've got a Francis Brown which I know to be a sister of William Brown and here's somebody that says that their tree goes up to here that goes up to Everett Doyle and then you know the ancestry information matches the Burleigh that I have in my tree with this Everett Doyle and on down so I believe that to be correct but what I do see there were 13 kids here and so I don't see all of those and so that's you know we're talking to the second great-grandfather and so I want to be cautious about that you know saying that it's not right because remember we showed that you have to have a tree and you have to have DNA so these people may not have had their tree they may not have been able to track it back to a second great-grandfather or they may have put you know Bill Brown or Bill a or W a or anything that didn't make the connection on so this is good I need to investigate you know this look at you know there's a census report probably 1904 so I can probably find this in a 1940 and make that connection and if I can I can probably email them directly and get this information and add that to the tree so this notes potentially right it's noticeably missing more than what I do and even though this says you know 12 matches 11 of them render the William Alexander Brown that we already know this nodes correct okay so but when you go back up there's only two nodes and I would think that I would see more so maybe that person just has their tree documented you know to the wrong tree I don't know I mean they didn't because it stitched it together but it still something's not well right there I go to the wife Nancy I see about the same thing so let's look at you know John Clark and and them so look at John Clark there's only one node and there's none that come over with DNA matches it still just goes down to the Caroline 20 Clark which was you know the basically the node that we'd verified from before so something's potentially odd about that John Clark node and his wife you know Caroline 20 you know same thing obviously so you know that's really kind of suspicious and we're gonna go and look a little further down let's find you know maybe the next node up there so come up here look at the Clarks or something in the fourth great grandparent level here's one let's just look at this one marks so again we'd come down here and we don't see any nose fit again this is fourth great-grandmother that means that in order to match that there had to be some people stitched together trees that match that but in there's twelve here so we expand this now I'm seeing what I would kind of expect to see I see multiple nodes and I see you know one match down through this node I see two matches down through that node I see a singular one here you know I'm here but there's eight more matches and it would kind of blow that up if I if I did that so this actually looks like it's potentially you know correct and so that's pretty good third great-grandmother the merry pickings that actually you know goes up above the the David Dylan Taylor because the David Dylan Taylor I don't see these extra nodes like I would expect to see okay I do see him at the Sarah but at David I don't but at Mary I do and so that makes me think that you know this could potentially be the right one now I say potentially I've got all the senses through documents and and got some you know land deeds wills and other records that show that these are deed correct in fact Catherine marks being married Pickens you know parents it's very well documented and all the you know records it doesn't show it here on on this but on my personal records I've got all the census reports and she lived with them I mean so there was no question that basically from the moment they were married the husband was Wilson Taylor as moment Wilson and Mary were married the mother-in-law Catherine marks lived with them from that day until the day she died why because she inherited land from you know the ancestors participating in the Revolutionary War got land grants and you know she was alone husband had died and so they stayed there you know with her Samuel Brown now here's one that this was a tree branch that I was suspicious of because this is actually one above the John Brown that we said didn't look quite right this is one above it so we looked at the John Bryan and we said you know there's one here but I expect to see more nodes but we go to the Father or Samuel and now we see four nodes and not only do we see four nodes we sees 26 matches in these four nodes okay we see three matches in this node and we see five in this node and this node was completely dark to me I had no idea about this node or any of the people in it and so this is all potentially new information for me and it's you know documented stitched together and I'm gonna just go out and live I believe this is probably going to prove to be correct okay just based on the looks in the distance that's gonna be you know looks to be correct so you know twelve under the John that we suspected so you know the Lorenzo there's only one under him but we got the three nodes there with three under there three under there are two into there so this looks to be correct with you know some extra additions here and this looks to be you know pretty good so since Samuel was John's and with this looking you know the odds of John Panny now are gonna be pretty strong I feel I mean I I think that that see is I'm gonna call it a breakthrough in the sense that it seems to match together and while I had you know John in my tree as a potential father who I believed and I won't get into the whole process of how he did it but I found one census report and the way I found it was as I looked at every single census report that had John Brown until I found the one that it had to be trust me every John Brown and the United States was long task took me about three months to pinpoint that this had to be the right one okay by eliminating all the rest and that's how much effort I put into verifying each node in my tree and and it's important we do that but in doing that Samuel there was a Samuel Brown on the same page of the census report and in the prior to the 1850s a 1940's and stuff I was able to match the number of kids in the household to the number of people at the certain age brackets which gave me strong belief that the there was probably Samuel but I had no conclusive evidence I still have no conclusive evidence but now with through lines and with that match you know I come up here and I see these matches in these different nodes all coming up here that's that's pretty indicative that this information is going to pan out and so I say that is a huge win for through lines because you know while you know the step parents the adoptive you know family that's obviously an heir these were right these were right this is right again adoptive parents that were in ere this looks to be right because you know that was below the Samuel which looks to be correct so you know we're looking pretty good in here for a lot of this again this potential in my case these potentials are on this family line that is for the adoptive family and that's I really think that they should fix that now here's the Wilson Taylor you know this was the one we talked about you know his wife was Catherine the mother was Catherine marks Mary Pickens and so again Wilson Taylor David Dylan you know there's eight matches that I've got under Sarah I come back up you know this is you know a descendant of Darla Cinda James Henry I know this is right I know James Henry had a daughter Margaret and so I believe these also to be right and I believe this to be right so again I called this a huge win for through lines and accuracy stitching those trees together that I didn't know and I didn't have before you know this tool come out they did not show up on family tree circles so this is actually you know looking really really good so let's go to a ram fuller so we're pulling out here again we've got three DNA matches here and we've got ten matches over in here and this looks like it you know it's probably going to pan out to you know we put some research specifically into these areas we're gonna do it now there's only two under here but you know when we look at this you know this is looking to be you know like it's gonna pan out I'm pretty confident in that one a lot of quote breakthroughs there a lot of confirmations there you know but we're gonna have focused effort and that really to me is the greatest thing about this as through lines is gonna give focused effort to the areas that need to be researched rather than as well I said before I literally spent three months looking at every John Brown that was born within a ten year variance which is twenty years in the United States in every state in the Union until I eliminated the possibility of it being any other John Brown than that one I mean it was crazy and it it was hard to eliminate I got down to four and I had to find descendants and each one of those lines and connect trees down in order to prove that okay here's a tree and it's not really here's a tree and it's not related until there was only one tree left and it was related and I was able to prove it was related it was very frustrating very long and now through lines is doing that for me it tells me look here and Larry look right here there there's stuff to be found right here right now so we look at burn twenty Everhard twenty okay we've got you know only two nodes there and you know comes here okay this is what I expect but we looked at Caroline twenty we've already verified this line that one looks a little suspect I'd hoped to a see more there's a sister which I've documented and they go to the sister okay that's that's potentially correct I don't see anything there and I don't have any further confirmation there so I put this one in this suspect category there's not nearly enough there to make me excited but again we're talking about a fifth great-grandfather most people don't get that far in their research so I wouldn't find it too unusual not to do it in fact it was pretty anomalous that we had that many you know there with with her so you know we looked william Lewis thought Meyer who could we potentially look at we just pull up that right here the lot of these potentials are from that you know line that just isn't right let's look at this Thomas Taylor okay this is actually going to be a really good one I think oh no well I'm proud of you through lines because I know on line there is a propagated error for the spouse of John Taylor John do believe John Taylor is the father of Wilson Taylor but every single tree that's on ancestry.com has his wife erroneously every single one and sorry if you're related and you think you had the right person I'm just gonna say no I do not believe she was 78 years old when she had Wilson F Taylor okay you can say you think she does and I'm gonna look at you and say she did not get pregnant at 77 and have Wilson at 78 your tree is wrong okay and this tree is propagated so many places if I do a research on it it's going to show you this aired wife if you want to check it look up this John Taylor 1782 1872 you can see the wife the people had Peggy Smith I think is Peggy something I think it's Peggy Smith as the wife of John Taylor no it's not okay so but the good thing is through lines isn't looking at the spouses it's not saying hey these are the two parents and I think that is really really smart because as we showed in the earlier one with John McFarlane he had four kids one by a previous marriage and then his wife it shows she had three kids which is right because it only identified to that one person and so I think through lines really took a smart Avenue there because that eliminates a whole lot of information and you know for people that have questions about this thing propagating errors looky there that did not propagate the known error you know there's the 1320 trees I don't know how many there are now people just copy and paste and copying and pasting that in Craig information and I'm gonna tell you every single tree on ancestry for John Taylor has the incorrect spouse there is not one that has the correct one unless you believe the spouse had John when she was 78 years old and if you think that you know get with me we'll talk offline now and I'll explain to you why that can't possibly be it's not right all right so you know we go on here and let's look here at John Clayton now John Clayton potential ancestor is this gonna be another one on that adoptive line no actually it's not but we come here here's a you know person five generations down Sara Clayton his daughter okay we got a couple of nodes here we got two nodes there all right that's that's not too bad we got a couple of nodes on this one not too bad and then we get down to our known node that's right so that tells me that this John Clayton potential ancestor that I don't have in my tree it tells me that this could be the father of the Sara Clayton that I do have in my tree I have Sara or Sally because I found documents that say both ways so I don't know which one it was so put Sara or Sally but it actually matched it up with John Clayton not from this person's tree okay this person went all the way to here but their tree evidently has Sara and Evan so through lines made another breakthrough there and I feel pretty confident that that one's probably right so that's actually really good and I'm and like I said there's a lot of really good potential things in here that I'm excited about seeing let's see if we can find another in here we're up in this area and here's a Thomas Taylor okay Thomas Taylor as a potential father for the John Taylor which we were talking about before I know that you know the John Taylor has the error and the wife but again kudos to through lines for not propagating that error by putting the wife here and everybody wanting to copy and paste and then you know for those that have the wife you notice the wife wasn't there for me to see there wasn't a Peggy Smith next to him at least I didn't see it if it did I'll show you how there's an error there's Thomas Taylor and so yeah Thomas Taylor there's no Peggy Smith there so it did not propagate the known air kudos to ancestry and through lines for whatever their algorithm said 78 years old they don't buy it either so thank you for that David Van Hook is this potential well okay we got three connections under this node and four connection into that node that have gone back to a fifth great-grandfather that's pretty good none that William and none at Minerva Lots here but again you know we come up here to find three over here and four on this side that's actually it's actually pretty good I think that you know what do I have in in my tree I think I have to go over here so my trees here I've got four matches that go under me I think there's I'm gonna find three more matches here I I think that if I look around I'm gonna find Robert and William were brothers and be able to take that node down so this is one that I definitely want to investigate some more so you know we come on down here how it goes out it looks like to the fifth grade grandfather again like we talked in the centimorgans video once you get to a certain point ancestry doesn't show you a match it only goes to six sentiments so people that are matching you on these I mean they're out there at the very borderline of error okay and so you know you'd probably a lot that you're going to want to research before that let's look at this George Wells that's as far away as it gets George wells Elizabeth Carter and notice there's no DNA matches in here this is purely off of trees and what do we have here that's my adoptive grandmother my mom's you know adopted mother and so there are no DNA matches but I would go out and say that you know my grandmother that I knew who was raised as my grandmother I know where's my mother even though you know it was adopted there I bet that this is the family tree for her so for her portion of my tree I will probably go up there and update that because I like to keep it you know write these I know or on the adoptive line bond is I just know that because I remember my grandmother's you know lineage a little bit and now here we got some DNA matches under fuller under Abraham we got to over here okay we got some matches there six under here we go to the you know van hooks okay we had the mail van hook we pulled up this is under the female mother was you know Caroline fuller so you know this has potential to add some value to my tree so all in all I would say that you know it stands true about forty percent of the time you're gonna find some very valuable potential breakthrough information and again nothing's solid until you prove it but it's going to tell you look here and it's gonna be very easy to prove or disprove in probably a pretty short order because you're looking for something specific so if you're looking for something you know that specific you're gonna be able to tell one way or the other pretty quickly and then it's got what I'd call the era ones and that's where you have the adoptive families you know Pitino it's an adoptee family actually that wouldn't even adopt you family my father's wife it suggests to me as my mother even though my mother is on my ancestry DNA match list right here mad this is my mother 3471 centimorgans there's no questions about it and then give me another potential mother I'm sorry you know yes right no yes yes no no I understand it it's a doctor thing yes yes yes yes adoptive adoptive yes yes yes yes yes yes you know yes yes so adoptive adoptive adoptive adoptive yes yes yes let's look at this one I don't even know who that one is it says it's got something above that but with no name so we'll call that one a no because there's nothing of value to be had there yes yes yes yes I don't think I pulled this enough for you but I will pull it up so you know this one's got a little bit of value there and then you know we've already proven this one so that one's got a little bit of value there I think that one's gonna pan out so I will call that one a maybe a couple more there's adoptees no we already went over those yes I don't know let's look at this one it says Martha Patsy Madison is James's mother but there's no other you know if I come up here there's nothing to prove that and then when I come to him there's nothing you know really for him he's got the daughter here and there so maybe I probably but I don't know you know it does match there now under the James Larkin you know these yes that's that's right that's accurate so I'd call that one a mostly or probably you know there's some stuff to look at so all in all again I think you can say 40% of it's right you're going to probably pan out to be right I mean I can't declare it right until I check in but 40% is gonna probably pan out to be right 40% I'm pretty sure as raw 20% you know it could it may it may not don't really know some of it may half of it may so you know I think we got 40 yes 14 oh and 20% in the middle that could go either way on a case-by-case basis and even those maybe 5050 well that's the evaluation I have of through lines you know looking through my data I'd be interested to know you know when you look through yours what you saw and if you have any questions or comments leave them down below and if you don't mind if you like the video click the thumbs up if you don't like the video click the thumbs down let me know why down below and I'll see if I can improve and not do the same thing next time and if you don't mind subscribe to the channel that always helps you know only a few subscribers now but if enough subscribe I know some people that are you know think the voice is good the content is good and and may actually give me a little bit of coin for doing this I'd appreciate that it'd help pay for you know the computer and the hard disk drives where I store a lot of my DNA stuff and who knows if you guys can get a little money for doing the family tree research anyway thanks a lot for listening and I will talk to you later
Channel: DNA Family Trees
Views: 11,235
Rating: 4.8923078 out of 5
Keywords: thrulines, ancestry thrulines, Thru LInes, ancestry.com, thrulines ancestry dna, new dna beta tools, new ancestry.com Beta tools, ancestry, Using DNA to verify family tree, mytreetages, Centimorgans, DNA, DNA research, Family tree, Geneology, genealogy, DNA family tree, new and improved DNA matches, improved DNA matches, How to, Beta, ThruLines™, ancestry dna results
Id: Y2V9YTb4AsY
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 33min 40sec (2020 seconds)
Published: Sat Mar 02 2019
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