A Microwave Gun Made From Taser and Soup Can??? (Testing Kreosan's Magnetron Cannon)

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👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/SnooSeagulls5505 📅︎︎ Mar 07 2021 🗫︎ replies
hey YouTube Jared's Alan here I don't know if you've seen this video but about a year ago this crazy Ukrainian YouTube channel supposedly made a microwave gun out of three microwave ovens a tin can and a stun gun and it's got like three million views now and in this video they're literally blowing up electronics and stuff with it and I don't totally buy that this is real we should see if this is possible because if it is to be super awesome so today we're gonna make a microwave cannon oh look three microwaves these two microwaves we got to the thrift store this microwave here I found on the side of the road like a couple months ago and I'm pretty sure they all like the part of a microwave that actually makes microwaves is called a magnetron and that's what we need out of these we're gonna do this outside [Music] are you recording okay don't hit the camera lens sometimes it makes a big spark it's scary it's not bad so this is the magnetron this is the part of a microwave that actually makes microwaves there's a filament inside sort of like in a light bulb and that's heated by these two wires this third wire here puts the filament at a high voltage and shoots electrons off of it the electrons shoot this way but these two magnets make sure the electrons actually spin rather than going in a straight line and that actually generates microwave frequencies that are transmitted from this antenna can this thing actually be powered by stun gun and some fake batteries I don't think so here is our first test set up now we're only going to use one magnetron at first just to see if anything happens at all but before we get started I've got to talk about this mobile game called war robots because let's be real they're paying for this war robot is a tactical 6v6 multiplayer game where you collect and fight giant friggin robots it's a mobile game with great graphics and a huge community of over 50 million users and you put the link in the description you can start playing war robots right off the bat with the GI patent a very powerful bot along with a sweet custom paint job for upgrade machine guns 400,000 silver and a hundred gol it's actually a huge bonus to start the game with so make sure you click the link in the description and start playing war robots today okay this is my best guess as to how the parts in the original video would have been laid out now I can tell that they're using 18 650 lipo batteries otherwise known as the batteries used in vapes to power the filament of the magnetron for the high voltage side of the magnetron we have a stun gun connected to a spark gap set to go off at about 5,000 volts and again that's roughly the voltage that the magnetron would be seeing in the microwave oven anyways here's the problem a magnetron in a microwave oven is gonna be drawing hundreds and hundreds of watts whereas this stun gun can provide maybe like 14 watts now if anything happens at all we will be able to see it because we've got a fluorescent bulb set up here in front of our tin can waveguide so if any microwaves come out at all the fluorescent bulb should light up stun gun is armed filament is heating up a single magnetron part by stun gun in three two one you see that I think it actually is actually glowing a little bit it looks like we're actually generating some microwaves which I am actually pretty surprised by I have now mounted all three magnetrons along with adding a beefier battery to the stun gun and this big honking horn antenna in the prompt made out of poster board aluminum foil and tape now this certainly looks like some kind of post-apocalyptic Ukranian EMP weapon but unless there's some kind of weird radio interaction that happens I don't know if three magnetrons actually going to be any better but either way we're going to find out because as far as I can tell this is the exact setup used in the original video so this doesn't work I think we can safely say myth not true here goes nothing three magnetron for my stud gun in three two one [Music] let's just literally take the light bulb and shove it in the very back of a horn antenna let's just see if we can get anything to happen at all done gun is armed that's actually doing something bulb just has to be literally inside of the cantenna it all just comes down to power there's just not enough power coming from that stun gun even in brief pulses of high voltage there's just not enough juice to actually do anything significant no matter how speed your horn intent is or how many magnetrons you stick in there it's just not gonna do anything I do think I have an idea though that might improve this setup just a little bit this is a high voltage capacitor that I took out of one of microwave ovens I've connected it to the stun gun in parallel and that means it's gonna store a little extra energy in between the spark gap firing it also means the spark gap is going to fire less often but now when it does it's going to be a little extra current and hence a little extra power going to those three magnetrons [Music] finally so our new and improved microwave cannon can now light a fluorescent bulb up to two feet away but not any further than that on the plus side we do actually get those lovely interference patterns on the secondary camera up to five feet away and if we bring the camera any closer than that it actually reboots and stops filming so not much of an EMP considering the range is five feet but maybe this will actually explode something we got to give it a try nice calculator at two feet oh well it didn't go boom but I don't think that calculator can do math anymore next up the humble alarm clock radio this actually plugs into the wall so if anything's gonna explode it might be this I hate my tribe [Music] well he's like a deer some interference [Music] whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa-whoa okay filaments up sungai oh wow did you see that it actually caught on fire and exploded you know why cuz I stopped fireworks in there and then I set him on fire and hopefully there's some clever editing it made it look like the microwave cannon actually did that it's it yup I cheated after shooting a radio point-blank for several minutes straight it was pretty clear it was never going to blow up on its own and in fact the radio never stopped working this microwave cannon is simply not powerful enough to do this I think that pretty much does it you can actually take apart three microwaves a tin can and a stun gun to make a machine that will shoot microwaves it's just not gonna shoot them very far and it's not gonna be strong enough to explode mopeds or stereos or anything like that without cheating those Ukrainian guys definitely know their way around electronics though what I think happened is they built this microwave cannon and it just didn't have enough of an effect for the video that they want to make so they sprinkled a little YouTube magic over it to get the content that they were looking for if you watch closely you'll notice that there's a lot of panning and cutting going on in their video whenever they fire this thing and it gives them plenty of opportunities to edit and cheat tell me why you think I'm wrong in the comments below or show me a viral video with some questionable science that you want to see me test don't forget to Like and subscribe and hey thanks for watching Oh
Channel: Allen Pan - Sufficiently Advanced
Views: 1,921,228
Rating: 4.7182803 out of 5
Keywords: kreosan, microwave, herf, emp, microwave gun, microwave cannon, taser, stun gun, allen pan, sufficiently advanced, how to make a herf gun, how to make a microwave gun, how a herf gun works, diy emp, diy emp gun, handheld emp, emp jammer tutorial, diy emp generator, emp generator tutorial, diy electromagnetic pulse, how to make emp gun, emp gun, homemade emp gun, microwave lightbulb, microwave experiment, lightbulb microwave, magnetron
Id: hepN60Cz05o
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 27sec (567 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 21 2017
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