UTOPIA | Omeleto

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[Music] [Music] welcome to utopia citizen departures 676. [Music] all right how you going 15 years ah great to see you frank welcome home jack courtesy note all fines must be paid before check-in thank you have a nice day [Music] i can't wait to see margaret so glad to be back home so what's been happening anything at all no nothing's changed what a beautiful day processing gps coordinates confirmed [Music] [Applause] [Music] so what on earth are you doing i'm starting the car what do you think i'm doing [Music] [Music] what's up did you throw out any rubbish no of course not is that yours hey it's my bandanna it must have fallen out of my pocket so what what are you doing i'm looking for a credit card a credit card what for the car won't start unless i pay the phone now you understand am i this one it's margaret's the car's in my name also margaret won't mind i can't believe we're walking you're living our way frank anyway who find you i didn't see any cops there are no cops anyone can find you gee things have changed a bit we hardly noticed margaret frank have you seen my credit card you left it in my car that's great just great why i just got fined can you drop it off to me i'm walking oh no not you too [Music] what are you looking for it's been there's no beer jack besides alcohol is bad for you you know my mother frank is that a camera new regulations there's one in every home in every room it's for our own good jack you've got to be kidding me are you telling me that alcohol is illegal smoking is illegal and we're all much healthier now and our insurance premiums are low this is madness what's becoming this country just keep your voice down why you gonna find me did i just get fined this is too [ __ ] much what the hell were you people thinking don't swear this is too [ __ ] up have you finished [Music] now i am follow me hey what the hell no cameras no fines take a seat so it's all come down to this no choice people started making their bathrooms bigger and nicer than the rest of their houses but the government and council caught on fast and set limits to the size you can build your bathroom is there anything you don't get fined for i'll have to think about that one what are you doing how's this work there's a government app on your phone you point and take a snapshot of any offense and the government gives you 10 commission from every fine you record i can't live like this sure you can we're creatures of habit you'll get used to it here have some food i don't eat in bathrooms [Music] tell him frank tell me what i'm sorry jake but you can't stay why two thousand dollars in fines jack what the hell were you thinking we also get fined because it's our house i promise to pay you back it's not just the money you've affected everything we do until we pay our fines we miss out on shopping discounts public transport bank loans everything i'm your brother frank i can't find it anymore jack we hate it too i won't just get up and leave the country we can't leave why we have a mortgage any debts big or small you can't travel outside the country simple as that all the changes started happening slowly after you left i did the protests but teenagers and hippies on the streets aren't convincing enough can't blame the people when your belly's empty you swallow anything they shove down your throat artists were supposed to turn a mirror on society but instead most of them turned the mirror on themselves and it became a selfie most writers artist poets sold out too scared to challenge in case they lost the corporate sponsor or some government grain i'm old now i'm tired now i've done my fighting i'd like to live out the rest of my life with a few freedoms i have left [Music] i'll leave in the morning jack just some advice if you help anyone with a red wristband you get fine too but whatever you do never ever pay for anyone else's fine hello hello are you okay why are you sleeping here i don't have a home why don't you sleep at a hotel they won't take cash so where will you live now here processing gps coordinates confirmed [Music] thank you have a nice day margaret nice to see tickets sir see you so your ticket and passport please [Music] i'm sorry sir but you have unpaid fines margaret please look i'll pay them another time i've got to get out of here so in order for your checking to proceed you need to pay the outstanding fines why are you doing this how much two thousand dollars your credit card please i don't have a credit card i've only got cash we can't accept cash marker please press some button i beg you fixed this i've got to get out this country please please move away from the counter if you do not move i will have to find you i don't care anymore [Music] sorry jack i know you are i forgive you [Music] have a safe life sir thank you thank you warning illegal payments detected do not move from your current location your cooperation is appreciated thank you can i ask you a question why are you always smiling because i'm free [Music] [Music] you
Channel: Omeleto
Views: 1,529,183
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: vJYaXy5mmA8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 4sec (904 seconds)
Published: Fri Mar 12 2021
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