A look back at memorable moments of past debates

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as we prepare for monday's debate in Hempstead New York we'll leave you now with some memorable debate moments from years past from gaffes to witty one-liners take a look I recall yet that President Kennedy had to go for days on end with very little sleep during the Cuban Missile Crisis is there any doubt in your mind that you would be able to function in such circumstances not at all mr. crude and I and I want you to know that also I will not make age an issue of this campaign I am NOT going to exploit for political purposes my opponents youth and inexperience [Applause] I'm sorry I could I just Paul did I understand you to say sir that the Russians are not using Eastern Europe as their own sphere of influence and occupying most of the countries there and in some and making sure with their troops that it sir that it's a communist zone whereas on our side of the line the Italians and the French are still flirting's I don't believe mr. Franco that the Yugoslavians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union I don't believe that the Romanians consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union I don't believe that the poles consider themselves dominated by the Soviet Union each of those countries is independent autonomous it has its own territorial integrity and the United States does not concede that those countries are under the domination of the Soviet Union as a matter of fact I visited Poland Yugoslavia and Romania to make certain that the people of those countries understood that the president of the United States and the people of the United States are dedicated to their independence their autonomy and their freedom Governor Carter after a response only the first place I'm not criticizing his Holiness the Pope I was talking about mr. Ford there y'all fact is that secrecy has surrounded the decisions made by the Ford administration in the case of the Helsinki agreement it may have been a good agreement at the beginning but we have failed to enforce the so-called basket 3-part which ensures the right of people to migrate to join the families to be free to speak out the Soviet Union is still jamming video feel free Europe Radio ready or Free Europe is being jammed we've also seen a very serious a problem with the so-called Sun and felt document which apparently mr. port is just endorsed which said it as an organic linkage between the Eastern European countries in the Soviet Union and I would like to see mr. Ford convince the Polish Americans to check Americans and Hungarian Americans in this country if those countries don't live under the domination and supervision of the Soviet Union behind the Iron Curtain we also have seen mr. Ford exclude himself from access to the pumping he hasn't had a tough cross-examination type press conference in over 30 days one press conference he had without sound he's often shown a weakness in yielding to pressure the Soviet Union for instance put pressure on mr. Ford and he refused to see a symbol of human freedom recognized around the world Alexander Solzhenitsyn Arabs have put pressure on mr. bored and he's yielded and has permitted a boycott by the Arab countries of American businesses who trade with Israel who have American Jews owning or taking part of the management of American country companies his own such their commerce had to be subpoenaed by the Congress to reveal the names of Burgesses who was subject to this boycott I didn't volunteer the information you had to be subpoenaed and the last thing I'd like to say is this this grain deal with the Soviet Union 72 was terrible and mr. Ford made up for it with three embargoes one against their own airline in Japan that's not the way to run our foreign policy including no national trade I mean to beat this drum until it has no more sound left in it but to follow up on Brit Humes question when you said that it was a hypothetical situation it is sir after all the reason that we're here tonight because you are running not just for Vice President and if you cite the experience that you have in Congress surely you must have some plan in mind about what you would do if it fell to you to become president of the United States as it has to so many vice presidents just in the last 25 years or so let me try to answer the question one more time I think this is the fourth time that I have had this question who think that three times I've had this question and I'll try to answer it again for you as clearly as I can because the question you're asking is what kind of qualifications does gangue quail have to be president what kind of qualifications do I have and what would I do in this kind of a situation and what would I do in this situation I would make sure that the people in the cabinet and the people and advisors to the president are called in I'll talk to him and I'll work with them and I will know them on a first-hand basis because as vice president I'll sit on the National Security Council and I'll know I'm on a first-hand basis because I'm gonna be coordinating the drug effort I'll know I'm on a first-hand basis because Vice President George Bush is gonna recreate the space Council now be in charge of that I will have day-to-day activities with all the people in government and then if that unfortunate situation happens if that situation which would be very tragic happens I will be prepared to carry out the responsibilities of the presidency of the United States of America and I will be prepared to do that I will be prepared not only because of my service in the Congress but because of my ability to communicate to lead it is not just age its accomplishments it's experience I have far more experience than many others that sought the office of vice president this country I have as much experience in the Congress as Jack Kennedy did when he sought the presidency I will be prepared to deal with the people in the Bush administration that unfortunate event would ever occur senator Bentsen senator I serve a Jack Kennedy I knew Jack Kennedy Jack Kennedy was a friend of mine senator you're no Jack Kennedy [Applause] pasta today I know such a wise you like that and a situation like we're only taking just a call in the joint wrong candidate that was really uncalled for senator you're the one that was making the comparison senator and I'm one who knew him well and frankly I think you're so far apart in the objectives you choose for your country that I did not think the comparison was well taken for the next 90 minutes we will be questioning the candidates following a format designed and agreed to by representatives of the two campaigns however there are no restrictions and the questions that my colleagues and I can ask this evening and the candidates have no prior knowledge of our questions by agreement between the candidates the first question goes to governor Dukakis you have two minutes to respond governor if Kitty Dukakis were raped and murdered would you favor an irrevocable death penalty for the killer no I don't Bernhard and I think you know that I've opposed the death penalty during all of my lives I don't see any evidence that it's the deterrent and I think there are better and more effective ways to deal with violent crime we've done cell in my own state and it's one of the reasons why we have had the biggest drop in crime of any industrial state in America why we have the lowest murder rate of any industrial state in America but we have work to do in this nation we have work to do to fight a real war not a phony war against drugs and that's something that I want to lead something we haven't had over the course of the past many years even though the Vice President has been at least allegedly in charge of that war we have much to do to step up that war to double the number of drug enforcement agents to fight both here and abroad to work with our neighbors in this hemisphere and I want to call a hemispheric summit just as soon after the 20th of January as possible to fight that war but we also have to deal with drug education prevention here at home and that's one of the things that I hope I can lead personally is the president the United States we've had great success in my own state and we've reached out to young people and their families and been able to help them by beginning drug education and prevention in the early elementary grades so we can fight this war and we can win this war and we can do so in a way that marshals our forces that provides real support for state and local law enforcement officers who have not been getting that kind of support do it away which will bring down violence in this nation will help our youngsters to stay away from drugs will stop this avalanche of drugs is pouring into the country and will make it possible for our kids and our families to grow up in safe and secure and decent neighborhoods mr. vice president your one-minute rebuttal well a lot of what this campaign is about it seems to me Bernie yes to a question of values and here I do have on this particular question a big difference with my opponent you see I do believe that some crimes are so heinous so brutal so outrageous and I'd say particularly those that result in the death of a police officer they were those real brutal crimes I do believe in the death penalty and I think it is a deterrent and I believe we need it and I'm glad that the Congress moved on this drug bill and have finally called for that related to these narcotics drug kingpins and so we just have an honest difference of opinion I support it and he doesn't Who am I why am I here I'm not a politician everybody knows that so don't expect me to use the language of the Washington insider 37 years in the Navy and only one of them up there in Washington and now I'm an academic the centerpiece of my life was the Vietnam War I was there the day it started I led the first bombing raid against North Vietnam I was there the day it ended and I was there for everything in between ten years in Vietnam aerial combat and torture I know things about the Vietnam War and better than anybody in the world I know some things about the Vietnam War better than anybody in the world and I know how government's how American governments can be can be courageous and how they can be cowled and that's important that's one thing I'm an Insider on all you got to do is go down Union Street with me and Wilmington go to Katie's restaurant or walk into Home Depot with me where I spend a lot of time and you ask anybody in there whether or not the economic and foreign policy this administration has made them better off in the last eight years and then ask them whether there's a single major initiative that John McCain differs with the President on taxes on Iraq on Afghanistan on the whole question of how to help education on the dealing with healthcare look the people in my neighborhood they get it they get it and they know they've been getting the short end of the stick so walk with me in my neighborhood go back to my old neighborhood and claim on an old steel town or go up to sprint with me these people know the middle class has gotten the short end the wealthy have done very well corporate America has been rewarded sometime we change it Barack Obama will change it cover say it ain't so Joe there you go again pointing backwards again though you preface your comment with the Bush administration now doggone it let's look ahead and tell Americans what we have to plan to do for them in the future you mentioned education and I'm glad that you did I know that education you are passionate about and with your wife being a teacher for thirty years and god bless or her reward is in heaven right I say too with education America needs to be putting a lot more focus on that and our schools have got to be really ramped up in terms of the funding that they are deserving teachers needed to be paid more I come from a house full of school teachers my grandma was my dad who's in the audience today he's a schoolteacher had been for many years my brother who I think is the best school teacher in the year and there's a shout out to all those third graders at Gladys Wood elementary school you get extra credit for watching this debate education in America has been in some sense in some of our states just accepted to be a little bit lacks and we have got to increase the standards No Child Left Behind was implemented is not doing the job though we need flexibility and No Child Left Behind we need to put more of an emphasis on the profession of teaching we need to make sure that education in either one of our agendas I think absolute top of the line my kids as public school participants right now it's near and dear to my heart I'm very very concerned about where we're going in education and we've got to ramp it up and put more attention in that arena
Channel: CBS News
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Keywords: video, live streaming, live video, cbsn, debates, presidential debates
Id: KQrxsh1HQCs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 51sec (891 seconds)
Published: Mon Sep 26 2016
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