A Look ahead at October, EXTREME Cold on the way, MANY Arctic Blasts -Direct Weather Channel

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in today's video we're going to be taking a quick look at the month of October because today is October 1st we need to talk about the entire month we're going to be going over the upcoming storminess in the first half of the month the total precipitation and total snowfall during that time period we'll take a look at the near temperatures over the next 10 days and we'll also be taking an extended look all the way to the midpoint of November now first things first we could see the remnants of Ian a storm that is finally finally said and done here we can see this is located here over the Mid-Atlantic at this point I'm in Virginia this storm caused a lot of Havoc here and we're very far away from where the worst impacts were so that just shows you how strong that storm truly truly was we do have a storm Over the Rockies here and this is creating some snowfall here in portions of Wyoming and Colorado there as we move on towards October 2nd which will be Sunday we see that there is some storminess still left over from Ian but not a whole lot uh over the over kind of Rockies here in the four corner States we still have some storminess but it is going to be a quieter pattern overall and as I just move on with this we can see little flare-ups of storming this year this is on October 4th but for the most part it is going to be like I said mostly quieter here as far as temperatures are concerned uh now we do see that Ian has kind of went back over the ocean it becomes a little bit more like a nor'easter over time and this does lead towards some Coastal impacts here in uh very far Southern and Eastern New England we see that this uh trough here this is where the Jazz stream is located we're going to have a bit of a storm here that is going to pull this trough really far south and we'll see something more like this in just a minute so let's take a look at this Arctic blast pours in around Thursday Friday time frame that's going to be August 6th uh through or October 6th through October 7th time frame here we have these storms kind of uh horseshoeing around the jet stream here so we're seeing this as well at the same time there's quite a bit going on here with this huge huge huge Arctic blast that we have here in the eastern United States but overall the the storminess is going to be a bit quieter we do have another storm system kind of in the South here for the 10th 11th time frame but again nothing too crazy we can see there's a large large ridge here in the Western United States and then a big trough in the East so obviously the warm air is surging here and the cold air is blasting over here this Arctic blast into the eastern and added States now this this is a positive PNA pattern which means that warm temperatures are forcing the cold air to go around this big bulge and kind of head into the Eastern United States we've talked about this time and time again this year because it's been the main thing that has been causing us to receive colder temperatures in the East especially over the last month or so we've had you know maybe um I would say a handful to even a dozen Arctic blasts already they have been quick not the most potent but for this time of year I would say they were very very potent and we've had quite a bit of that going on because of this pattern now as far as total precipitation it really shows how quiet things are going to be which I know everybody at this point will take quiet so it's not necessarily A Bad Thing unless you're in a drought-stricken area here but we really don't receive that much precipitation over the next 10 days if you're anywhere in the whites we expect none matter of fact and the Grays we expect about a tenth of an inch or less of precipitation Your Greens will be a tenth of an inch to half an inch your Blues would be half an inch to an inch your yells will be an inch to two inches your Reds will be two to five inches and that's the highest we really get here we can see that a couple areas here in the Mid-Atlantic get those Reds and then the four corner States as well now total snowfall here if you're anywhere in the grades you expect a dusting if anything your blues will be two to six inches of snowfall your purples will be six to ten your pinks will be 10 to 20 and then your pastels will be 20 inches plus and we see a lot of this happening here over the Rockies so we're starting to get more and more snowfall in these regions as we're now looking towards the Midway point of October this is again of course only going to continue to increase and also look at this interior Northeast very far Northern woods here of our New England states and the northeast states receiving their first little bit of snowfall during this time period super super interesting stuff here guys definitely a sign of the times that we're really really approaching the winter time here now as we take a look at this temperature pattern we can see we're already in an Arctic blast here in the eastern United States but as we move on towards the second tomorrow we see cooler temperatures around again about for the most part it's a little bit less widespread the third though we do get more and more of this up and down the East Coast as you can see October 5th here it's the same story a lot of warmth for the west and the central United States with just this cooler air over the Eastern regions here it's by the fifth that we can see this next major Arctic blast rolling through so this is about to head down into the Eastern United States definitely definitely packing a punch by time we reached the sixth we can see that a a clear cold front is developing somewhere wouldn't be surprised if there's a low up there as well and this is just quickly blasting into the Eastern United States cold front is probably about here right now uh this is the true definition of an Arctic blast as this very very potent Arctic air mass moves in quite promptly as well and again positive p a here allowing for all of these things to occur this way a bit of an Eastern Ridge this is going to end very quickly though as this cold air is going to rush in as you can see by time will reach the eighth that warm air is gone and we have this big big time cooldown sitting over the Eastern United States again Saturday the 8th Sunday the 9th it's still around it kind of gets reinforced here by the 10th so we're seeing it cold still and that is the end of the model run but we see these uh continuous Arctic air masses moving into the Eastern United States it makes you wonder if this is going to be the trend heading towards the winter or if we'll see a flip at some point definitely something to look into and keep track of because that is a very interesting thing to think about now as we take a look at the extended look we're going to be taking a look at five day increments here and as you can see over the next five days we expect warmer temperatures here for a lot of these areas and then cooler temperatures here in the eastern United States so a lot of these areas receiving cooler temperatures um as we move on towards that next five day period here you can see that we do have again warmer temperatures in the west cooler in the East it just continues on this way so probably more continuous Arctic blasts happening through this time period as we move on towards the 10th of the 15th here so we're kind of getting beyond our previous model here at this point we can see that it is the same story a lot of warmth here in the Western United States and Canada for that matter at a lot of cooler air here sitting tight here for the Eastern United States still by the 10th to the 15th time frame definitely interesting to see how how long this is held on now by this point things get a little bit interesting we start to see a negative PNA perhaps which really creates the opportunity for a lot of this warm air uh to head into the central United States but there is still some cooler air here for the Northeast especially but really the entire Eastern United States it would be interesting to see if a pattern like this would set up if this was the case let's take a look at the 20th through the 25th and it's a lot of the same neutral or cool here in the eastern United States and the western United States and then pretty much warm in between there as we just take a look at the 25th through the 30th of October we can see it looks almost identical over here we have this cooler air here along the western regions of North America of the central plains areas are receiving mostly warmer temperatures and then again the Eastern United States receiving these cooler temperatures around here it's as we take a look at the 30th through the 4th of November that we start to get a little bit cooler here in the eastern United States again so we're kind of taking a look at an extended look at this point but it's interesting to me how quickly we turn back into a very cold pattern here by time reaching the 5th through the 10th of November this model full circle brings us back to this cooler pattern in the East warmer pattern in the west super interesting to see something like this set up as we take a look at the 10th through the 15th which will bring us to the end of this model run you can see we're neutral in the west but still cooler in the East can you imagine if we receive an actual cold fall time in the eastern United States I feel like it's been like 30 years since there's been a cold fall in the eastern United States but September started off on a very very cold note October so far looks to be cold and you know as long as late October and November cooperate it could be just a straight cold fall time really for a lot of the eastern half of the nation which is something that if you would have told me a couple years ago would be occurring I wouldn't really believe you because it's been so hard to come by as of recent Years anyway thank you so much for watching guys uh if you did enjoy this video or you enjoy these types of videos be sure and subscribe as I do upload weather videos daily be sure to like the video if you did enjoy it and leave a comment down below with your thoughts I'll see you guys in the next video
Channel: Direct Weather
Views: 432,366
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Keywords: Weather, Meteorology, forecast, Direct Weather, David Schlottheuar, Mbgc Combo, News, The Weather Channel, Weather Channel, Weather Updates, Weather Forecast, US Weather, Winter, Winter Forecast, Winter Forecast 2023, Winter forecast 2022, Winter Forecast 2022 - 2023, Winter Outlook, Winter thoughts #3, Tropical Cyclone, Local Weather, Local Forecast, Major, Extreme, Extreme Weather, Virginia, Hurricane Ian, Ian, Hurricane, Major Hurricane Ian, hurricane ian florida 2022 live
Id: n3T5wbcTjmI
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 29sec (569 seconds)
Published: Sat Oct 01 2022
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