A Long Term Review for the Creality Ender 3 S1 Pro

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all right what is up all you beautiful makers creators and designers out there my name is Aaron for Tatanka at the Tonka Enterprises and this is bullish Prince and this is the Ender 3 S1 Pro [Music] so this is going to be a very long term kind of review of the machine and I'm going to kind of preface this with this was my first uh 3D printer this was my first machine I learned everything I know on this machine and for that and with creality I'm very thankful uh I pre-ordered this machine when the pre-orders first came up was it almost man it was a while here oh well over a year ago I believe um you can check out my other socials talking about this machine and that'll kind of give you a frame of reference on time um and this thing has been a a blessing and a curse uh through the entirety of the ownership this one's slightly modified I'll have a little clip going on with it here of some of the things that I've done to this machine um I did get a file for this cool accessory holder up here one of the first things I did took ages because I was not really good at tuning machines but this is a lovely thing to have I'll see if I can find the file for this or if you have this machine I definitely recommend this it's very nice to have we've got the light diffuser up here which is also nice to have I printed that in some uh transparent petg this is just in some black pla I've got silicone uh spring replacements makes bed leveling a lot easier and then I put these aluminum adjuster wheels on there because they were blue and I feel I feel like they would be stronger than the plastic that they came with um I've got PC rollers on the print head and on the bed this is a bed Slinger after having the K1 and seeing the way the technology is going I definitely am no longer a fan of bedslingers but they do serve a purpose there are some slight modifications I will see if I can put the files for the things I have on here Down Below in the description there's also this Mount that I got that just kind of goes onto the front that was for it's for so you can mount the camera to it I did try to run some AI camera accessories but none of them really work too great for me and so I also greased up the uh the guide screws on the back very well so they are they are tight everything is nice and tight and well lubricated and like I said this machine is giving me problems from the get-go so it could be because it was a early unit which is very possible but even as I'm looking at it now the the belt uh that's supposed to like join the two guide screws is horrifically loose and has no way of adjustment um the belts for the bed and the extruder are okay those have been they're holding up okay they're adjusted probably about as far as you'd want to go but this machine has uh has not had a this let me let me rephrase that my particular example has not had the greatest life um I've had to replace the entire um extra the drive assembly it's all it's all one thing it's a Sprite extruder that was replaced under warranty and now even the new one is having the same issues as before where it just stops extruding I pulled this thing apart and rebuilt it so many times same with the first one they've been completely torn down like down to each individual component cleaned contacts cleaned up reconnected where I could lubricated the board cleaned up and hot glued where I can and it just it just stops extruding and it's it's so intermittent and random I don't really know what the problem is this is obviously well outside of warranty at this point and I don't feel like pumping more money into this machine after getting the K1 um let's see this front piece broke it just broke while taking it apart because I've had to disassemble listening so many times it's not even funny I've gotten multiple new beds like actual heat beds um the platform that the because of this reason that the flex sheet sticks to those have all torn apart like chunked up so I've got new ones of those I had to get I got a new power supply I got a new light just because there's just issues non-stop with this machine and uh they never really stopped it was a constant fight so when I was offered the Ender 3 Pro as a partial payment for a commission that was very appreciated so thank you for that and you know who you are so I got some use out of that this machine does have for all the problems it has had does have quite a few hours on it I was using it non-stop for quite a while but I did learn a lot about this machine I did learn a lot about 3D printing maintenance and processes so that I'm appreciative for um I appreciate that this thing came to me as a box of rocks and was nothing but problems because now I know a lot more about breaking into these things and trying to fix numerous problems um so this uh machine if it works the current plan is to relegate this this is actually another extruder I brought up the wrong box this is the one that came on the unit initial problems pulled apart rebuilt multiple times stopped extruding so this machine is now going to be once I swap everything over a dedicated laser it's going to be set up with and next the resin machines with that exhaust system I'm going to have another line come off to it to come down to this to catch and pull the fumes out for the laser but that's only if it works I have the entire conversion to put this to laser as well as the software and the firmware so if it works for that then that's what this will be if it doesn't work then I'm just offloading this whole thing so if it doesn't work someone local to me will find this for sale um as a parts or a rebuildable machine because everything about the extruder works so if you want to get an S1 Pro at a reduced price that has been modified and upgraded with a whole bunch of extra parts you might see it local on Marketplace now the culmination of this video I've had this machine for over a year it's done a lot of work for me a lot of commissions a lot of products on the Etsy Shop which you can see down below a lot of products for friends family products for just stuff around the house it is done a lot do I feel like I asked too much of it no because I've definitely been working the K1 Hard 2 and that thing has been a treat for the most part the mid length review for that will be coming in the coming months do I recommend the end of three S1 Pro there's been newer Ender threes that have come out since there's been fives that have come out since I don't think there's been another S1 I will check and confirm as I edit and upload this ah overall it's going to be a no depending on price I'll have to see what the retail is for this right now because I know the retail for a lot of core XY printers has come way down and those just blow bed Slingers out of the water in my opinion when it comes to speed quality and reliability now on the reliability front most of that is based off of other creators and other makers out there that I've seen that have been using these machines Non-Stop and they seem to last a while and last well but if let's say this is down to 250 right now MSRP if it's not your first machine I say go for it if you want something that is upgradable which the under three is obviously known for and these types of machines are very known for not as much as a war on but still the Ender 3 is known as the you know the tinkerers machine if you can get it for cheap and it's not your first one and you just want to have fun with it I mean sure of course go for it if if that's what you're into but if you're looking for your first 3D printer and you want to get into this whole ecosystem this whole Community this this whole industry I do not recommend this printer at all now core xy's are coming down let technology that is within these machines is growing constantly if you're wanting to get into the 3D printing space and you only have 150 bucks my guidance to you if you're not a tinkerer if you're not a modifier if you're not into tearing down Electronics very sometimes complex electronics and figuring out how they work so you can make them better or fix them or whatever save your money save your money for something like the bamboo lab whether it be the p1s p1p out I mean between the p1p and p1s I'm leaning more towards the p1s X1 if you can't afford it don't jump in too early because your budget's low and you just want to get in on it because this was over five hundred dollars when I bought it and it was nothing but issues I got probably close to 500 worth of parts from creality under warranty because of all the issues with this thing and then all the time and effort that was put into this tearing it down multiple times let's try to get it to work it's truly truly truly not worth it get you an enclosed preferably for me so you can do more exotic materials ABS isn't even exotic and it still works better with an enclosure and spend I think the K1 is right around 500 bucks right around what I paid for this get that um look at the um I mean you can start getting into the prusa but they're just more expensive in general but you get what you pay for with apprecia so if you're not into tinkering and just tearing everything down try to figure out how it works you just want to plug it in and have it work day one with very limited issues or if there are issues they're super easy for your general person to figure out spend more money save your money get a better machine and that's pretty much it that's where I'm at this thing has been such a pain in my ass that it is going to be relegated to not what it was designed to do but it's capable of doing and be a laser cutter and engraver it's got everything I need for that if it doesn't work then it doesn't work and then this will be sold for parts or what have you and everything will go with it so if you know what you're doing when it comes to 3D printers and you can pick this up on a cheap check it out because it was a pretty big leap when it comes to Ender threes and with creality the touchpad is nice it's relatively easy to update you still got to pull it apart to put the thing inside but so it's not the greatest Wi-Fi enabled machines are very clearly Superior in that fashion but if you get one already upgraded hell if you're getting this you should in my opinion already know how to update your machine so that shouldn't be an issue it was cool it did a good job it's got the Dual z-rails the bed is very firm and quick and it was relatively fast at the time and I will throw the specs up over here so if you are at all curious about one this will be directly from creality site as well as with the price for it but like I said I had a lot of issues there are known issues with this cable um I don't know exactly what it's something to do with this connector here they just they just go bad and it's not worth in my opinion the effort unless this cable is like five or ten bucks if that's my problem I might end up replacing it to make sure the laser module Works other than that if you're looking to get into 3D printing do not start here find you a core XY that is reliable and good bamboo lab creatively K1 anything in that area spend at least five hundred dollars on a core XY printer with Wi-Fi capability and a good slicer creality slice is actually very nice so thanks for watching and let me know in the comments below what you think about not only the Ender 3s1 Pro but core XY printers versus bed Slingers and maybe creality as a whole because I know they're there's some very spicy content in that world as well we'll see you all next time thanks for watching once again my name is Aaron for the talk and to talk Enterprises and this has been the long-term Ender 3 S1 Pro review on bullish prints
Channel: Tatanka Enterprises
Views: 110
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: y9l9ssZy97k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 15min 37sec (937 seconds)
Published: Sat Aug 12 2023
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