A Life With 8 (!) Near-Death Experiences | Tasso Sou In Conversation

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when I was awake I saw my body from the outside I saw how the doctor cut the wires and inserted them through my wrist I looked at the monitors from behind I hovered around the operating table and watched everything slowly as if I were taking a walk I saw my feet from the other side from behind from the front then I saw my body and watched the doctor curiously as she worked [Music] it here s Mr Su you are a musician an artist and also a Healer and you have if I may quote you seen the other side eight times during which my body was demonstrably dead for several minutes thank you very much for your willingness to tell us more about your experiences I would like to start with a traumatic incident you drowned in the Black Sea in front of your friends at the age of 28 please tell us what happened then first of all I'd like to say that I'm delighted that you're here that we can sit together and talk about my experiences so in 1995 my girlfriend and I decided to go on holiday to Bulgaria to the Black Sea to the Golden Sands it was my first time flying I was quite scared of flying and the plane was anything but comfortable then we landed there and went straight to the hotel given the beautiful weather and our age we wanted to go straight to the Sea Brave as I was I went into the sea and swam out I enjoyed jumping over the waves at some point I was way out in the sea and one wave after another came many many waves I was a pretty good swimmer young anyway so I realized that I couldn't touch the seabird with my toes anymore my confidence was gone I was always afraid of the deep I have to admit the waves came I lost my footing and thought okay I'll turn around and swim back to the beach I turned around and realized I'm really far out of in the sea my girlfriend at the time was about 15 M closer to the beach than I was I started swimming normally but realized relatively quickly that I wasn't making any progress as I tried to swim to the beach the waves initially carried me a little way forwards towards the beach but the backwash of the Waves pushed me further away again whenever I moved forward 3 m I would go back 2 m and I ultimately had no chance of swimming fast enough but I decided to swim even faster to overcome the waves there was also a bit of panic yes of course then of course I panicked I had this strange feeling inside me would I have enough strength to swim to the beach is it not enough what's going to happen now is this really your last moment tesso come on swim my girlfriend at the time shouted tesso swim faster from a distance of 10 15 met in front of me I tried to swim sideways to escape the force of the Waves I didn't manage that either then I tried to crawl quickly but I started to hyperventilated I panicked crawling crawling I had no chance of moving forward because I realized that I was swimming on the spot the waves were too violent too strong and at some point it started pressure in my chest dizziness hyperventilation no more oxygen sometimes I had salt water on my tongue and I realized I couldn't take anymore then I realized that my arms were getting limp my legs heavy I felt a tingling sensation like ants all over my body from sheer panic and then I let myself fall and felt myself sinking then came the agony because I wanted to live then with the greatest effort I mobilized the last of my strength and pulled myself up like a sick chicken then I took another bre breath out there over the sea but I couldn't breathe properly because you can hardly get any oxygen into your lungs when you hyperventilate and then I realized I was going down at that moment it felt like death was imminent I thought or knew through the panic and hyperventilating that death was coming at the same moment as I felt this I saw my body above the surface of the water from above at first I didn't realize that it was my body I saw the body floating completely lifeless in the water motionless at first I thought there's a person drowning only later did I realize that's my body that's tasso at that moment a ball of light began to grow bigger and bigger before my eyes bigger and bigger and bigger and bigger until it was about that big then I looked into this light as if into another dimension I really saw a vastness in this light I suddenly saw it got bigger and bigger and then I saw millions and millions of beings of light they had no recognizable face they were without structure without Contour they were also not recognizable to me as relatives or acquaintances I saw this light getting bigger and bigger as big as the whole Horizon 360° it enveloped me there were millions of beings of light and a huge being of light appeared in the middle in relation to the human body it was as if this body in the middle was as big as the Empire State Building that's how I always compare it so huge hugely huge and then I Heard a Voice not the way we speak as humans with the Resonance of the vocal cords I felt this voice I heard it too but I felt it as if I was this voice and everything was speaking at the same time don't be afraid your time has not yet come look down to your body so I looked down to the body and saw that this body below sea level was also enveloped in this light as if in a ball of light a cocoon of light incredible then I saw that the body was moving and immediately I was back in the body I saw as if I had opened my eyes again this light there wasn't a drop of water around me it was just light it was a pulsating whitish bluish light I breathed without getting water in my lungs in other words the energetic light came through my mouth a deep breath and I felt the light enter me as if this light of soul of Eternity was breathing new life into me and then I had the courage to swim upwards again and then you experienced yourself in your body again I experienced myself in the body exactly I saw it quite normally from the body but at the same time I felt this tightness when I went back into the body it was very very tight I actually wanted to get out again I didn't want to be in the body anymore I had claustrophobia but then I swam to the surface from the last of my strength my heart was still racing and I was still panicking but I took a desperate breath I didn't think I would survive then I saw three lifeguards on the beach when they saw me they immediately jumped in but I had no strength left to stay afloat amazingly I felt two hands on my right and left upper arm holding me supporting me but there was no one next to me there was no one on my left or right I would have noticed I could still see The Rescuers coming towards me but only these invisible hands were keeping me afloat I had no strength left to swim back to the beach the lifeguards came to me and lifted me up they lifted me under my armpits and by the palms of my hands then they pulled me out of the water when I got to the beach I was still panicking of course I was still shaking and everything was as heavy as lead but people were looking at me really really strangely as if they were seeing a real Miracle a UFO or an alien I thought why are they all looking at me like that didn't they see that I almost drowned almost died they all know what happened the beach was full of people one man even made a stupid comment nobody should swim out that far the guy was stupid and it was his own fault he could have drowned this man has stayed in my memory and I still remember the faces of the lifeguards I never met them again later but I can still see their faces I still recognize all three of them my girlfriend was on the beach and our roommate from Hamburg we had met a couple was there too and then an emergency doctor and an ambulance arrived they took me to a doctor's surgery where there was an emergency room next door BN they did an ECG there took a look listened to my lungs my lungs were clear there wasn't a drop of water in them and I couldn't hear any wheezing then they took me back to the beach there were still our things keys and so on so we were back on the beach and I still saw these looks from people some even pointed at me our room Neighbors from the hotel said to me where have you been I said what where was I you saw everything you saw what happened I was too far out I barely made it back I almost drowned I didn't want to talk about the light I had seen it would have been too much for me at that moment I was panicking we know you were too far out in the sea but where were you for so long I said what do you mean for so long then I was told that I had been missing for almost 35 40 [Music] minutes I also heard that good swimmers swam out to look for me they dive but they didn't see my body anywhere and then I surfaced at a spot where they had already been looking for me then it was clear to me okay Tessa now you belong where you don't normally go namely the Asylum I didn't believe a word they said none of them I regarded everyone who told me that I'd been away for so long as liars and you didn't talk to anyone about what you experienced inside I wasn't in a position to discuss it it was hard for them to believe that I had been away for 35 or 40 minutes so they wouldn't have believed me anyway I thought to myself if you're not careful now you'll end up in a mad house here in Bulgaria I was really really worried and that's why I didn't tell anyone about it not only there but also later what was it like for you was this spiritual experience something completely new for you or something you were already familiar with because you had already experienced something similar at an earlier time that's a very good question because I also have a background in my childhood that's when the whole thing began that's when the first experience of light began I had a near-death experience as a 2-year-old boy can you still remember that not as a 2-year-old I remembered it later when I was 16 or 17 years old based on what my family told me I was able to find out afterwards what had happened as a 2-year-old I certainly wouldn't have been able to explain it even when I was born the doctors had to work very hard to ensure that this newborn could breathe in other words I didn't breathe I had to be resuscitated at Birth but these problems were not investigated or researched further in Germany in the hospital in blo and where I was born and so it went on at the age of two I had seizures with cardiac and respiratory arrest my breathing and heart stopped I turned blue my lips turned blue my little body slowly turned blue the patterns became clear but there was an aunt my father's sister who lived next door in the village in Greece after I was born we moved back to Greece where I stayed until I was 4 years old my aunt Despina had treated wounded soldiers during the war she knew a lot about resuscitation my mother used to scream for her in panic then she came and resuscitated me every time she hit me on the back and on the bottom then gave me heart massages and ventilated me at some point my body started breathing and living again it came back to life my sister also told me recently that she fed me once and I collapsed during that cardiac arrest again no more breathing then she shook me my sister also brought me back once by shaking me vigorously she was in a panic but the interesting thing was while this little body went into cardiac arrest and stopped breathing I saw myself and the scene in front of me from 3 to 4 met away I saw a woman resuscitating or treating a small body but I saw that it was an adult soul the soul was not young then or had yet to mature no I Was the Same Soul that I still am today the age of the person and the shell didn't matter but I watched and thought to myself I still feel it lovingly and a little sadly at the same time the little body the little guy there is dying when I saw that the body was breathing again I was back inside of course I can't remember any details of what it was was like when I was 2 years old only one thing that I cried for a very long time afterwards I cried like a little child I cried for a very very long time this cardiac arrest and this respiratory arrest this death it took a few minutes it didn't just take 5 Seconds it took a few minutes each time until they resuscitated me I saw it from the outside every time the whole thing happened six times according to the reports of my mother and my sisters who were there and at what age did you realize that you saw yourself from the outside at the age of 16 or 17 I came to this realization I saw everything so clearly as if I was experiencing it all over again I always saw this light in front of me even as a little boy yeah but my mother was desperate and my father was in Germany my sisters were desperate and wondered what the little child was doing there when I was four years old my mother heard that miracles happen in a certain Church of St Gregory if you visit this church the prerequisite is that you sleep at the altar in this church once St Gregory then comes in the night and you give him a pair of shoes either sandals or slippers it is said that this saint walks around all night and the next morning these shoes are already used the church sells these shoes and receives donations to maintain the church my mother heard this and bought some shoes I think they were metal shoes or shoes coated with aluminium I can't remember exactly it's a gray area in my memory in any case the shoes were something special then my mother took blankets with her and took me to this church when I was four years old my mother sat down at the altar covered herself up took me in her arms covered me up too and then she fell asleep from exhaustion just like that gone I had a strange feeling pressure in my chest again the symptoms I already knew were back I felt dizzy I looked at my mother and wanted to tell her mom I'm not feeling well but I couldn't do it I suddenly saw myself floating in front of the altar again from above I saw a mother with a four-year-old child in her arms and the child was very pale had blue lips then I thought okay this child probably won't make it this time because there's no Aunt to save it I saw it all from the outside there is no Aunt no sister the mother is asleep this time the child won't make it the next moment all I could see was the altar the steps to the altar this woman with the child and a new dimension opened up all around everything was full of light beings but I didn't see any large like beings the beings had no recognizable faces they were beautiful vibrating bodies of light Spiritual Beings all loving and they were all looking at this child and I was too a being of light walked up to this child and embraced it then I heard this voice you say that voice it's not really a voice like when you're talking to someone it's something completely different it's as if all dimensions are speaking at once including yourself it's as if God himself is speaking to you and you yourself are God that's how it feels it's a harmonious vibration a gentle harmonious voice I heard a beautiful soft music in the background indefinable I'm a musician myself but I couldn't find any instruments to play like that of course I looked for it and it's smelled of Basil a wonderful scent of Basil fresh basil I will never forget that to this day I always have basil in the house even in my room I'll never forget it it smelled heavenly Heavenly Divine and then I heard this voice go back your time hasn't come yet I know that I was immediately back in my body the night had passed I didn't realize that the night was over it was light the church was visible again the Sun was shining through the windows I looked at my mother who was still fast asleep she was exhausted and I waited patient ly for her to wake up then she finally woke up I was so happy that she opened her eyes and said Mom how are you son mom I saw God I looked up at her then she smiled and said yes okay come on my child let's go home then she picked me up and took me home that was at the age of four yes that was at the age of four but I still saw the scene in front of me that light I looked back at the church we were walking away from I rejoiced as if I was communicating with that light it was still there I looked back and rejoiced even as a child I remember that emotional joy that Joy of light that Divine joy and the tears in my eyes I felt it when I was 4 years old I gave thanks by looking back at the church saying thank you thank you that must have been God this feeling these images have stayed with me to this day today you are aware of your childhood experiences partly through personal memories but also through the stories of others but you really became aware of your own experiences at the age of 16 or 17 was there a particular reason for this there was no particular reason but I already had the feeling that something was different about me compared to my classmates even later in my apprenticeship and so on you enter puberty at 16 17 or earlier as a young person you have different ideas about life you want to experience things and do all sorts of things but I realized that what the others were doing wasn't important to me the others went to the Disco more often that was okay for me too but it wasn't important to me I always felt this light I always felt that I knew things that I had never talked or read about I always felt that I was in contact in my dreams almost every day I saw this light and these scenes that I experienced when I was 2 years old or in the church when I was four they kept flashing up they wouldn't leave me alone I thought what is this now am I going crazy now am I losing my mind I was still afraid to talk about it with others I didn't want that in my family either I was afraid that friends acquaintances and relatives would label me and think I was an idiot didn't you talk to your mother about it either no not at that age I didn't dare either to be honest not with my father anyway the relationship with him wasn't spiritual at all he didn't get involved in that kind of thing at all my father barely noticed that he had a son he wasn't interested in that he went to work went home went to the pub that was it for him my mother did everything with the children that's how it was back then and as I said I always sense different circumstances I have different trains of thought I started advising my comrades and buddies even on things I didn't know the details of for example if someone had problems with their girlfriend I could tell them your girlfriend has someone else he didn't believe me but that's how it was but I wasn't even aware of what I was saying I just said it like that I was playing with these abilities I was trying to make myself important but I soon realized that I wasn't important the others had a completely different idea of Life they did impossible things even pranks they did all sorts of things and I wanted to be there I didn't want to see the light I wanted to see material things the people the Buddies fooling around chasing girls and so on that's what interested me at the same time of course I always played my music on the keyboard I went to music school in the meantime and studied music for seven years that was also an anchor for me and absolutely important for my life it interested me but this light this energy that came out of me it was alive in other words I felt my shell as a young man I felt my strength but I also felt another Power a spiritual inexplicable power I had an inner strength that was atypical for my age we did martial arts and arm wrestling there were people who were much older ER three times as tall and more muscular than me but they had no chance of beating me at arm wrestling just as an example you have to mention episodes like that it's part of being human and people were amazed how can this slight little guy develops so much strength I realized that this light gives you a different kind of strength I was sensitive anyway excitable even as a young man then it went on I got older and older then I started to talk to sad people friends girlfriends when they were sad for example when their grandmother had died their mother was Ill their partner had left them I asked what was going on because I sensed that something was wrong I could feel the energy of people who walked past me without speaking a word to them I knew immediately if someone was depressed unhappy real like a book that passes me open and gives me information without words and then it went on then I started counseling people not just for fun but I wanted to do it I really wanted to help but I didn't know what I was doing I had no idea why I was doing it I didn't think I was anything special not a Healer not a medium not a doctor not anything I was just the sensitive tesos Su who likes to help but at the same time I was a mystery to myself I struggled with myself inside why am I helping what is urging me to do this the light has always been with me but why am I doing all this am I really different from the others I saw all my fellow human beings the same as me they had the same characteristics the same emotions the same feelings the same desires everyone wants to be healthy get up in the morning feel fit have a healthy family live the day be stable have something to eat earn a good living that's what everyone wants in this respect I also felt like a completely normal person so you have always felt the light as a constant companion did the new death experience in the Black Sea change anything for you was that the most intense contact with light yeah that's what that's what the that's what on there yes that was awesome that was the point at which I finally knew who I was that was the experience that let me know for sure here we go there's no turning back now it wasn't until a few years later after the experience in Bulgaria that I got all my questions answered after the years it took me to understand this I knew who I was only then did I Feel Complete what does that mean I knew who I was I knew that I was the soul and that I had a body I realized that it's not me the body who has a soul but I am the soul and I have a body and so of course I was able to observe this body and see what it does and so I understood where I came from it made me understand that it is the energy the divine power that makes us exist as human beings and then I started advising people intensively making appointments and also gaining some energy in return and that was also good for me because you don't always earn very well in this world nevertheless everything is material but I never did it for commercial reasons to make myself important it gave me pleasure I wanted to help people if they just gave me a smile out of gratitude that was like nourishment for me like food it gave me positive energy it did me good and the better people felt the better I felt the more strength I could draw on and then I carried on I now had a few hundred appointments and then the professionals became aware of me psychiatrists psychologists alternative practitioners shamans Reiki practitioners they also came to learn from me I even had two real gurus who visited me once out of curiosity they happened to be in Germany that was interesting it was a very interesting experience I said to myself tesso you know who you are light please don't let me down now I have Professionals in front of me these people know their way around did these experts also have other intentions there were a few people there who wanted to know what kind of stupid things I was talking about did doctors and Physicians will come to you yes doctors too Physicians even Consultants they wanted to know is there any truth in what this chap is saying they had heard positive things from other people who had been with me they just wanted to find out who this tassos Su was is HE capable is he anything a chatterbox a fantasist is he crazy and what did they find out they were simply speechless that I knew things about them that I couldn't really know they realized that the energy was real that I wasn't playing the big man that I wasn't putting on airs they also recognize my humility especially the spiritual people who are with me recognize that nevertheless I can imagine that if someone is critical of you perhaps even prejudiced they may be convinced of you as a person they will not immediately change their own convictions their worldview I don't demand change I do what I do without compromise I don't want to change anyone and I don't want to change myself for the sake of others that means you can attack me as much as you like I will continue in this way without wanting to change the attitude of others do you feel that you have experienced fewer attacks after these contacts no being attacked is standard it happens every day attacks come from everywhere but I always think to myself I don't know this person but I'll send them a bit of love a bit of light then they come to their senses and at some point they might realize that Tessa just wants to be nice and heal and if not that's okay too I don't want to convert anyone and I can't tell anyone what they should think or feel let's come back to your near death experience which you had at the age of 28 you didn't talk about this experience with others for a long time was there a particular event later on LED you to make the decision now I'm doing it now I want to talk about it I wasn't really scared having not dared to talk to people about it back then but I didn't want to get involved in this discussion I didn't want to start this War I didn't want to be attacked by others I didn't want to be vulnerable but then about 3 years ago I wasn't feeling well I got high blood pressure and had to go to accident and emergency by chance given my blood pressure hadn't gone down was far too high a consultant told me I should have a cardiac catheterization after having had hundreds of ECGs my whole life I said there's nothing wrong with my heart then the examination was carried out and it was discovered that one coronary artery was 99 99% blocked from birth they then inserted three stance and that brings me to my last experience I had an out ofbody experience during the treatment during the operation yes that means I saw my body from the outside as it lay there I watched the doctor the body wasn't anesthetized I was awake in the body and then something really really strange happened for the first time I saw my body from the outside while I was awake I saw the doctor cutting the wires and inserting them through my wrist I looked at the monitors from behind I hovered around the operating table and watched everything slowly as if I were taking a walk I saw my feet from the other side from behind from the front then I saw my body watched the doctor curiously as she worked I also saw the blood spattered on her bib I even recognized the colors of the wires but there was always a light by my side accompanying me like on this walk it seemed like 2 or 3 minutes again I later found out that I had been on the operating table for 3 and a half hours instead of the plan 40 minutes and why because there were complications with the coronary artery and I smiled at this body strangely enough during such an experience I had a connection to this body for the first time I knew immediately this was my body which wasn't the case before but in this case I knew it was as if I was holding my body by the hand and walking around the operating table it was very very strange you were awake nevertheless you did not have your conscious experience out of the body but towards the body so to speak yes towards the body from the outside but while awake the body wasn't under drugs or propol or anything like that the body was awake and that's when I saw how the doctor did it all the realization that this coronary artery is so highly uded from birth was a key moment for me so I realized this is why I have these seizures that's why I had cardiac arrest and respiratory arrest as a baby This was later confirmed by a diagnosis I then also found out that I was in hospital for three days as a baby surprisingly I only found out about this four days ago from my sister so I've lived 54 years with this blocked coronary artery which would normally only have been possible for two or three years that is a real miracle for me personally and after this last experience you decided to talk about it right then everything came out the time is now ripe I felt it like a command from the light tesso now say it tell your your fellow human beings they deserve to hear the truth they deserve to hear about your experiences they deserve to draw from your energy from your light that you can pass on when I touch a person and pass on the light to them I can feel it flowing through my body afterwards my body is pretty spent and exhausted then I always need one two or 3 hours to recover you have had your own deep spiritual experiences throughout your life how do you relate to religion how did you experience religion as a child and how do you experience it now that's a very good and important question I was brought up Greek Orthodox of course I was confronted with the Greek Faith with the story of Jesus with everything that exists in the Orthodox Churches but I didn't agree with it I don't want to talk about biblical content now and explain everything in detail for me everyone can believe what they want any religion you believe in is fine with me everyone should believe what they want personally I have a different opinion a different experience I know that there is the spirit of light the creation of all existence and that we all belong to it I know that every soul regardless of nationality or faith has the energy and I know that we are only given a shell to be able to experience this Earthly existence to experience the adventure of this shell and to enjoy it even to Bear the suffering I feel the soul within me I feel the light where is the light the paradise is it here where is the Hereafter the Beyond is here it is in us and around us it has never been anywhere else you don't have to travel far to get somewhere it is right here I am not the holy man who wants to present himself to others that's definitely not me I'm also the fun guy I make my music pull a lot of pranks I make funny videos I tell jokes sometimes really stupid ones but I need that because in the light I also feel this humor and this smile there is also humor in the light we are not all holy beings who just float around and spread Holiness no there is a life there just like here only in a different way you also have friends there to come back to Faith for me there is one Faith the light of Eternity and love that is my faith many Anders experience a major change in their lives as a result of their experience but they are afraid to talk to others about their experiences after all these years what advice would you give to other near-death experiences after a near-death experience many people initially have the problem that they don't want to talk about it or are afraid to talk about it that is still the case it has got better people are now coming out more and more with the truth but it's still a taboo subject for many how do you feel after a near-death experience many people have depression nightmares anxiety and even panic attacks after such an experience because they don't know and can't assess how to deal with the energy I was lucky or unlucky to have spiritual experiences as a baby of course I couldn't interpret them but the experience was there I'm now an old hand in the field of this light and near-death experiences only today after several decades do I have everything under control this new energy this change in life you have to master it first it doesn't make you Holier or a better person no a near-death experience teaches you how to deal better with life and your fellow human beings it is always a guide so don't worry you can talk about it you can say it you should also let it out within the family not keep it inside that only burdens our bodies and ourselves as souls and if someone has the feeling that they have no sympathetic contact person then you should look for opportunities like Thanatos TV and simply report on your experience there because speaking out helps a lot it releases energy you should talk to people including professionals you should also go to a psychologist or psychotherapist or behavioral therapist you should explain it let it out Dear people that's my message if you've experienced something like this then you've seen the other side for me a near-death experience is direct proof of this then let's hope that all near-death experiences find good contacts Mr Sue thank you very much for your openness thank you very much for the interview I would also like to thank you and wish you good health and all the [Music] [Music] best [Music] yeah [Music] the [Music] [Applause] a [Music] the [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] n [Music] [Applause] e [Music] [Applause] [Music] w [Music] woo
Channel: Thanatos TV EN
Views: 17,948
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: life after death, afterlife, near-death experience, Tasso Sou
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 49min 34sec (2974 seconds)
Published: Thu Feb 01 2024
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