A Life Changing Graduation Speech (Full Speech) - Brian Nhira

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now today let's welcome our student representative from the class of 2014 organizational interpersonal communications major Brian Nero Brian there's a famous Nigerian proverb that says it takes a whole village to raise one child the meaning of this proverb is that the upbringing of a single child is an effort that can only be successfully completed by the collective efforts of a community of people sowing into the life of the child Shanee training the child in their ways of the village and even disciplining them so they can grow up to be successful and independent human beings everyone in the village gets involved in this process of raising the child moms and dads siblings cousins grandparents and even neighbors everyone in the village carries within them something that the little child is going to need in order to successfully grow up in the same spirit of the African proverb I want to submit to each person sitting here on this momentous occasion that it takes the whole oru community to raise a whole person my name my name is Brian Neera and on behalf of the Oral Roberts University class of 2014 I want to thank each person in the oru community who has helped us come to this point in our lives well we have the opportunity to walk across this stage having finished for rigorous years of preparation dr. Wilson thank you for stepping into this role and inspiring the student body with your humility and earning desire to see young people turn the world upside down for the cause of Christ and whatever feel that they've been called to Board of Trustees and chair of the board Rob Hoskins thank you for constantly working to place this university in a position where we can grow and see the founding vision expanded faculty thank you for constantly presenting us with content that has challenged our minds I'm fully persuaded that there is no other university on the planet that has faculty who are as in love with their students as you all are administration deans vice presidents your tireless work has paved the way for each and every single student here at oru to have the best experience possible now it would be easy for me to stop the thank-yous right here and move on with this speech but I would be completely remiss if I didn't stop and thank the ladies in the post office who works so hard to make sure our care packages from mom and dad are successfully delivered to us or or or miss Val and miss pansy come on now for making our saga experience the best experience for the last four years Oh miss los zetas who sits desk through the night in EMR in an EMR to make sure her boys stay safe all of the janitorial and grounds crew staff that makes sure our university stays clean and aesthetically pleasing thank you to our parents to our parents who have constantly encouraged us with their words of affirmation and most importantly their checks to financial aid every single year to lifelong friends who have been made it's because of you that this or you experience has been one of a kind you see without the help of each group of people who are just named it would be impossible for each graduate to be sitting where they are today it takes each and every single person in the oru community working together in unity to raise a whole person each person is invaluable on the quest that we have been on for the last four years to become whole persons and though where we haven't reached the pinnacle of wholeness just yet I can assure you that because of the training and development and love and relationship that we have received we have been adequately equipped to walk out the journey towards being whole persons to the class of 2014 when Jesus was hanging on the cross before he breathed his last breath he spoke three words that will forever reverberate through the sound waves of history it is finished when Jesus proclaimed those three words and hung his head it was not just a signal of his death it was a cry of victory when Jesus said those three words and hung his head and breathed his last breath the ground began to shake stones began to split and the veil of the temple was torn in two giving us access into the family of God by his finished work upon the cross ultimately altering the course of history no ultimately altering the course of eternity forever there is power in finishing by completing your respective degree programs and ultimately being obedient to God during this season of life you have opened up the door for God to use your life to make history Romans 8:19 says that creation waits in eager expectation for the sons of God to be revealed class of 2014 let me tell you the world is waiting for us Nelson Mandela said that education is the single most powerful weapon you can use to change the world class of 2014 let me tell you the world is ready for us to come with every tool we have been equipped with during our time at oru it has searched and searched and searched for the answers to its problems but soon it is going to have to search no more because we have been equipped to bring them the kingdom I'll leave you today with the words of Harriet Tubman every great dream begins with the dreamer always remember always remember always remember you have within you the strength the patience and the passion to reach for the stars to change the world father god I thank you that you have endued the class of 2014 with power from on high to be your witnesses in Jerusalem Judea Samaria and to the other most bounds of the earth may we go with boldness amen
Channel: Brian Nhira Music
Views: 319,020
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Keywords: Commencement Speech, College, University, Oral Roberts University, Oral Roberts University (Organization), Graduation, Class of 2014, Brian Nhira, The Voice Viral Graduation Speech, Viral Graduation Speech, Best Graduation Speech Ever, Viral College Graduation Speech, Motivation, Life Motivation, Student Motivation, Valedictorian, Salutatorian, Best Graduation Speech, The Power of a finisher, Life Changing, Life Changing Speech
Id: iq9NHg4iJ9U
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 13sec (553 seconds)
Published: Sun May 18 2014
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