A Great Journey Inside Your Mouth

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come one come all I just baked a fresh pizza look at that gooey melty cheese your mouth is already watering I see hey don't be afraid try it while you're enjoying that slice we'll take a quick journey with it to see how taste works your mouth isn't alone in this project it also needs the nose specifically your sense of smell to taste all the food you eat together the combo consists of 80% smell and only 20% of taste itself meanwhile the journey doesn't start in the mouth so let's rewind it all starts when you just walk into a room with food every time you breathe in you inhale everything in the air and in our case it includes small particles of pizza floating in the air yes there are millions of microscopic pizzas flying around well sorta but have you ever noticed how hot food smells more that's because hot temperatures make those small particles of food travel longer and faster so more of them can reach your nose you might not even be in the same room and that scent will reach you and carry you into the kitchen straight to the source now as you move the pizza slice up to your face even more particles fly up your nose but stop right there most of them won't get past the first barrier grab a mirror tilt your head back and you'll see that obstacle it's your nose hairs you might think they're gross but those hairs also keep bad things floating in the air from getting into your body like dust whoo this is a thick jungle watch your step it's wet here don't worry it's supposed to be finally we made it through and hit the jackpot see that patch right there that looks about the size of a postage stamp that's where your olfactory receptors are it's home to around 6 million cells that help you incredible human detect more than a trillion different smells if you think that's a lot maybe next time we'll journey into a dog's nose they have 40 times more of those cells now those teeny pizza particles you just breathe in are dissolving in the nose mucus hence why it needs to be wet in here have you ever noticed how airplane food tastes weird well it's not the food it's you the air in the cabin is drier than the Sahara Desert that low humidity air dries out the mucus making our sense of smell almost non-existent and remember without smell you don't get much taste the microscopic pizza particles have dissolved and this creates a chemical reaction it triggers the many olfactory receptors that can detect what each chemical reaction means this information travels up a route like system of nerves and into something called the olfactory bulb Congrats we're now in the brain yeah it was right on the other side of this wall the whole time the information about that special chemical reaction is passed on to other parts of the brain for identification one part is sent to the limbic system it has to do with consciousness so you're not saying mmm pizza just yet this part of the brain just identifies the smell and sends the information to the other organs like your liver and stomach says get ready guys pizzas coming that smell information might also trigger the part of the brain that influences emotions and memories that explains why we have such a strong connection between smells and certain moments in our life like how the smell of freshly cut grass takes you back to summer spent mowing grandma's lawn actually I hated mowing the grass anyway it's time to head to the part of the brain where consciousness kicks in now the thought comes to your mind I smell pizza all of that happened in a fraction of a second by the way your mouth starts watering before you even try it it's those microscopic pizzas doing their work in your nose the smell senses send the information to your mouth as well so when you finally take that first bite your mouth is already prepared and ready to enjoy every second of it plus your mouth is where digestion starts your saliva starts breaking down the pizza getting it prepped for the stomach but back to taste with a mouth full of cheesy goodness the saliva picks up those small pizza particles and helps it move all around your mouth reaching and triggering the taste buds in there oh yeah they're not only on your tongue they're all over your mouth that being said you still have that mirror from earlier open up wide and stick out your tongue those little bumps on it aren't your taste buds those are called papilla some but not all contain several taste buds further down within their walls in other words you can't see your taste buds one taste but contains from 50 to 100 taste cells they can pick up salty sweet sour bitter and umami or savory tastes now what if the piece of slice you've bitten into was too hot and burnt the tip of your tongue does it mean you'll never be able to taste sweet things again oh no well I'm referring to that tongue map thing the diagram showing the tip of your tongue taste sweet stuff the rim picks up salty the sides taste sour the back detects bitter and savory receptors are all over well it's not true all the taste buds on your tongue have receptors that can pick up these different tastes certain types aren't isolated to certain parts of the tongue also lucky for those of us who just can't wait for our food to cool down taste buds regenerate every one to two weeks so even after you've burnt your tongue really bad you'll start regaining the sensitivity after just a few days now just like in your nose those small pizza particles create a chemical reaction in your of each chemical reaction triggers one of the taste cells and taste but the stimulated taste cell sends this information on to the nerve cells the nerve cells try to make sense of this data compile a report and send it to the brain just like smell the information goes to two parts of the brain one part understand what the taste is and sends that information to the stomach and liver this way all the organs are prepared for the incoming food and the conscious part of the brain creates a thought whoa this pizza is amazing or this pizza is pineapples but all this works only together with the sense of smell smell is 10,000 times more sensitive than any of your other senses mostly because it's directly connected to the brain and doesn't need to travel through the body that can also explain why food tastes so bland when you have a cold a stuffy nose doesn't let you smell the food cutting away 80% of the taste and that's why we spent a majority on this trip in your sniffer so who's up for another slice of pizza or five yeah
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Keywords: bright side, brightside, bright side videos, good news, cool human body facts, crazy human body facts, human body fun facts, human body facts for general knowledge, human body facts in English, human body facts brightside, human body, human body facts, facts about the human body, vital organs, the human brain, human anatomy, nerve cells, how taste works, how tastebuds work, tastebuds youtube, how do we taste, how we taste food, how we taste and smell, how do we feel taste
Id: V-Pe0UhnQNQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 7min 16sec (436 seconds)
Published: Sun Jun 21 2020
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