A Journey Home to Identity

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Cinthia Garrett is the host of TBN UK is the London sessions she calls it a walk show not a talk show it's the latest project in the life that's featured stops on major TV networks and inside an Italian prison as a little girl scindia Garrett had dreams of being on TV but she was sexually abused at the age of nine which left her broken and numb for many years in her book prodigal daughter Cynthia shares how she experienced true freedom from her past and how God opened doors for her career in television Cynthia Garrett is here with us now and we welcome you to our program today do you hear we just heard in that video piece that you were sexually abused as a child when something like that happens to a child the heart is impacted in a way that until you get inner healing you carry that through life don't you brokenness yeah yeah and I talk a lot about it because I think people need to have more of an understanding of how those childhood events and traumas can fracture the soul the heart yeah it was so interesting in your book and to read how you know you don't think about this sometimes when you meet people but how you had learned to set up kind of a wall for people you became sort of your own God in a way if you will determining who will and won't come in and out of your space and what they'll do to you but as strong as you had become you wound up marrying someone later in life that you'd only known what a month or three months oh sure and you know there's all kinds of reasons for that I I think I had set up so many walls to protect myself from falling in love with anyone you know you could I could be in and out of love weekly but it wasn't real because because when you are I was sexually abused within the family structure and incest is incest damages your ability to be intimate in a number of extra ways on top of the fact that you know as a child you're being sexually abused I was also raped as a teenager so by the time I to be in my 20s and 30s I just was you know I knew how to protect myself and so I think though you know I I fell in love had my first major heartbreak with my college boyfriend and really and truly I think in an effort to reclaim my self-esteem I just got involved with the first good-looking guy that came along that you know promised me a rose garden it's a crazy part of it to me because you stated and I think this is really true about your your person that you were not evict going to be a victim despite all these things that had happened to you but in that marriage you were a victim what was it about that relationship that just seemed to pour through or push through even the barriers you'd put up I had never experienced emotional and mental abuse in that way before ever but not emotional and mental yeah and and honestly you know a couple of times he was violent with me in the very short period of time we were married thank God the emotional the verbal abuse was worse than the actual physical abuse because you know it's funny I often say and I said in my book I became that girl that you look at in the movies and you go oh my gosh she's so stupid why is she staying with this man you know why doesn't she just leave I became her and then and for the first time in my life I really understood how so much of my neediness and brokenness from unconfronted issues from my past were really they had me in bondage well out of that relationship you wound up in an Italian jail I mean you didn't even realize that this guy was a major drug dealer and you got caught up and and really accused of being a part of the whole process when you didn't even really understand what was happening what was your first night in jail like oh boy man my first night in jail well you know here we go knew this guy a month in LA he leaves and convinces me in about another month on the phone that I should run off and change my life and marry him I run off to Paris and on my honeymoon we were married ten days all of this happened in the span of ten days and it was on our honeymoon we had gone into Italy I thought we were going somewhere else and I found him in the car trafficking cocaine and through a series of a long series of details when I was arrested with him that first night in prison I remember laying there thinking god I've known that you were real my whole life but if you're real I really need you to reveal yourself because I know they were at the time they were telling me I was gonna get 25 years and I I hadn't graduated from USC Law School only a year and a half or so prior so I was laying there thinking if this is the end of my life I need to have a supernatural encounter with a Living God you know your story is just such a wild crazy ride because here you are in this prison in Europe but your heart desire as a child had always been to do television and so God redeemed that dream for you and he gave you an opportunity to work in TV and you say that even as you became successful in that because you got out of the prison they gave you a reduced sentence you left Europe got back to the USA is very good country and and didn't get an absolution from that crime for ten years but then you you become the success in television but you said even at that point having had that prayer in the jail having God give you the desires of your heart you kind of put him in the back seat for a while that's not unusual we enjoy the blessing so much we forget the giver how did God turn your heart back you know I it's funny my heart was always for him even through this career because there was this thing that kept nagging at me going you're not spending time with the Lord the way you did when he first save you you know and it was like yeah saved but not surrendered you know and so when you're saved but not surrendered the blessings become the idol instead of the blesser and that's where I found myself what are you doing today well today I'm back I'm back in television which is really miraculous because when I got on my face and surrendered the prayer was really simple God take the car the friends the house I don't really care I just know that you saved me for more than this and I know that my young son who was the child from that marriage deserved more because he has a tremendous calling on his life and so God really took me on a journey of getting to know him on a different level as a mature adult you know he sent a man into my life who loved the Lord who became my friend and prayer partner and I did not know for the longest that he would become my husband and it wasn't until God audibly spoke to me and said this is your husband it works really well that way dear friend really it works really well that way there was zero attraction driving it it was all Jesus he could answer my questions and I want it to grow so much at the time of my life you know you talk so much in your book about the importance of addressing those places of woundedness in our lives those places have hurt those places where we've been made vulnerable and where where we're even still tender and and vulnerable because of that how important is it to living life the way we're told to live it in John for us to deal with these things it's Isaiah 60:1 and I think all all people need to understand that the part of Jesus's ministry that is so radical is when he says I came to bind up the brokenhearted and set the captives free that brokenness scripturally is referring to the fact that Jesus knew we'd live in a world where there we'd get our hearts broken there would be traumas and events that would break us that breaking of our soul only he can bind up and that emotional captivity that you're in when he sets you free from that you know that you are free you know it is the reason that Jesus came to set all of us free you can read more about Cynthia's life we have skimmed the surface believe me her career it's in her memoir called prodigal daughter it's available stores nationwide a lot of sound biblical scripture and wisdom and here if you're struggling in your life it's a must read thank you for being with us green to have you thank you
Channel: The 700 Club
Views: 1,976
Rating: 4.9024391 out of 5
Keywords: jesus, #sue573_cynthiagarrett_010918, 700clubclips, 700clubyoutube, identity, success, 700 club, 3play_processed, god's love, hd720, 700club, featuredclip, guest
Id: 8zxKeq6hMuQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 9min 9sec (549 seconds)
Published: Tue Jan 09 2018
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