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this evening we need to get to our jet tour of church history and basically what we're gonna do is is it's just finish up what we were doing two weeks ago or three weeks before all those no Sunday night Christmas and New Year's and basically it's this we left off with the Jewish Greek Roman world the Jewish moral philosophy the Greek culture and the Roman rule and we looked at all that and and what the world look like then Christians were being persecuted and especially I took you through the eras Nero that we've all heard of Trajan who expanded it across entire provinces Decius who took it by the Empire and then I told you about Diocletian who destroyed every building killed every pastor destroyed every known copy complete copy of the Bible so the Christians divided them up well that takes us to what happened and that's what really most Christians just need a kind of like a connection and basically the the connection is between this how do you go from James you know the early church in Jerusalem that we read about and Paul and and all of the come on back here James and Paul how do you get to from that to the Roman Catholic Church you read the New Testament epistles you see the early church in Jerusalem you see the church planning work of Paul how do you get to what we have with Constantine legalizing Christianity and merging it and basically that's why that bio that tagline was if you can't beat them join them because during these persecutions what happened is from the the early persecutions the more they ramped them up and intensified them the more people came to Christ in fact Tertullian who is a legal expert and came to Christ he coined the famous phrase he was a Roman that the blood of the Saints is the seed of the church in other words he said the more the blood was shed the more of the church grew from the ashes of the arena from the horrific if you've been in the news the horrible prison riots and murders and deaths that was going on in Brazil that is just a tiny picture of the horrors of the of the horrible martyrdom cruel animal eaten Christians innocently in the arena for sport but the more their blood was shed of true Saints it it just burst forth into by the fourth century people were coming to Christ faster than they could kill him and at what happened in Constantine he was the emperor in 313 ad and he was a very practical man and he was seeing he was losing his Legionnaires because the Legionnaires that bound the Christians and threw them into the arena the Christians that that were bound and thrown off cliffs which is what Trajan started they would just tie them up lead the town out and say renounce Christ will cut you loose don't renounce Christ for pushing you over the cliff now imagine coming to Kalamazoo Legionnaires tying up everybody on your block bring them to a cliff say renounce Christ or we're gonna push you over that's what they did systematically through the provinces and those Roman hardened soldiers heard the words of those saints whoo-hoo yes it's fearful to die but they had hoped beyond death and those roman legionnaires gradually through the collective testimony of so many martyrs embrace Christ to the point that Constantine says I'm not gonna have an army left if I don't do something and so that's basically what precipitated this well again we're we're fit into the the Apostolic age is the time from the crucifixion of Christ right here through John on Patmos the martyrdom starts under the the reign of Nero and it goes all the way through the beginning of Constantine's reign which is the three thirteen I've mentioned and that precipitates this time known as Christian rulers and it's right here that we would mark the beginning of the Roman Catholic Church right here in this time at the end of martyrdom and the beginning of these Christian rulers and that issues into what we know as the Dark Ages or the medieval times and then the modern era so what happened well this is a brief history of the true church what does the Bible say what does history record now if if you're into reading oh man what is his name the wheaton professor i'll think of it in a second he's one of my favorite church Earl Karns there we go Earl my favorite church historian Earl now this is for popular reading I mean there are as Kenneth Scott LaTourette and Philip Schaff there are many eighth volume exhausting treatments this man taught for a generation at Wheaton Earl Karns and he wrote a history of the Christian Church that's the title of his book and for anybody that I mean if you like to kind of really feel you have a good grasp of what happened the history of the church that was the textbook that that was used when I used to teach at the master College and and alluded to it although they used the exhausting books at the seminary so from Earl Carnes I'd like to give you what I would call a jet tour of church history and basically it would be this the New Testament was completed during the lifetime of John in 1896 and from that period basically some time right about here in the 60s all the way through eighty thirteen it's read because this is the martyrdom time and that's what we're gonna focus on tonight the time from Neuros first intense murder of believers all the way through the the Diocletian massive massacre of Christians and then the Christians becoming legalized it's kind of like legalization of marijuana you know if that's how radical it was for the legalization of Christianity because right up until the edict that he gave right after his victory it was the capital punishment crime to be a Christian and all of a sudden the executor says you're all safe it's the state religion that's how radical church history is so what happened is this is just an ancient Vatican painting of the event called the Milvian bridge this is something you can look up in history it's the turning point for Constantine and basically it was a 28th of October in 312 ad he's going up to the Milvian bridge and again another tapestry from the Vatican shows that Constantine had a vision a dream and and he was concerned because he was facing a rival to the throne of the Empire he was a general there was another general with his legions and they were coming and they were going to face off at this place called the Milvian bridge and so he was going to come and it was going to be decided in that battle who would be the Roman Emperor so he's in his tent his Roman tent here and and what he later said is he had a dream and it was this idea and he dreamed in Latin no less in I mean he should have use Roman that's a legal language in hoax signais Vinci in and Hulk means this sign victory so in this sign victory and so he took the sign to be the cross and he has a cross hastily painted on every shield of his army and the short of it is on that date at the Milvian bridge those with the red crosses on their shields the the sign that he saw soundly defeated the rival general and he assumed the Emperor ship and so he he made that known and actually the Roman Catholic Church you know accepted him and he of course waited for his baptism till his deathbed which is really a suspicious thing he kind of wanted to play both sides and be a pagan but he became a Christian in their terminology at the end now basically what this kicks into is and what I'm gonna focus on tonight is the prophetic side because if you know anything about the Bible prophetically you know that revelation 17 the 17th chapter talks about the global church that's in existence during the tribulation a one-world Church and and that the Anti Christ is worshipped and then the image of him is and and we all know that from chapter 17 I mean it starts way back in chapter 13 but the description of the harlot that's what the church is called a harlot that is drunken with the blood of the saints and drinking out of a golden chalice that has precipitated a lot of discussion who is the harlot and what's this global church one way of looking at the seven churches in Revelation 2 and 3 is this that not only was Ephesus a local church in Asia Minor Turkey now II was at a local church pastored by Timothy founded by Paul attended by John and Mary the mother of our Lord I mean it was a great church with such a galaxy of famous people it was not only a local church that Paul wrote letters to not only a church that the Apostle John lived there and and his epistles and his book of Revelation was sent there and printed and copied and sent out to the other churches I mean it was a great church but it was not only a local church it also apparently was speaking of an early era of the church that the church that that was right in the time of Christ onward and they were they were loving fearlessly Christ but they began to cool at the time of the persecutions the next church the second church in Revelation 2 and 3 is Smyrna and there was a smyrnaean basically from Nero's time through Diocletian where the the Epistle or the letter Christ wrote this one is about being faithful unto death and if you're faithful unto death I'll give you a crown of life and all of that you know that you're gonna be persecuted then comes this church and if you know anything about Pergamos and the purga might period it exactly poor just parallels this time period of the legalization of Christianity and the pagan ization of Christianity this time period is when the church picks up and flowing in through the Middle Ages the Thyatira period not only was this a local church smyrna pergamum thyatira sardis philadelphia late Asiya they were real churches but they also fascinatingly portray the history of the church if you remember philadelphia there's no condemnation to Philadelphia from Christ there's also no condemnation to Smyrna when you're suffering so so a key to having no condemnation from Christ is to be so bold that you're willing to suffer and to be so bold you're willing to evangelize because evangelism is what Philadelphia was doing and that parallels what we would call modern missions from 1790 with William Carey all the way through the post-world War two rush to the ends of the earth when when so many people in fact a lot of the those are some of the people that are you know down in Sebring Florida and those missionary retirement centers who went out and spent their life in Japan and anywhere else they could go and went to the you know like like into the the jungles with Jim Elliot Nate st. and all those it's that time period when global missions was just mushrooming but then the post-world War two prosperity has led us to a very parallel condition to Laodicea rich increased with goods in the Western world and having need of nothing so there's a prophetic map and what tonight this time period is what we're looking at what caused this early church with all the zeal and the apostolic teaching that was willing to suffer for Christ how did they get to the middle age church the Middle Ages the dark ages the the the church that Martin Luther in 1517 pounds the theses for debate on the church wall well basically I would parallel that with a look at the seven reasons and this is my own personal testimony it's written out in the living hope book the seven reasons why I'm not a Roman Catholic and the seven reasons why I'm not a Roman Catholic is that the mass is absolutely unbiblical that Mary is attributed the attributes of God rather than the humaneness that she has and that she needed a savior that the Roman Catholic Church Trump's the Bible with their tradition in fact that's remember the big square I gave which I'll show you again that's that's the danger so much Roman Catholic doctrine is biblical but the deadly part are the traditions and and of course the paganism it's centered in the veneration of images the unbiblical attribution to sacraments of what only God can do which is the the the stowing of righteousness the Roman Church teaches that that the church infuses which is like an IV bag dripping into us righteousness to individuals through the sacraments purgatory unbiblical never mentioned the Bible antithetical to all doctrines of justification of course the paganism which we'll see tonight now you've already seen this chart many times Christ that on the cross God's Word was written the church was suffering and it was kind of a mixed bag Constantine legalized Christianity so a lot of people want to go along with the bad wagon and they join the church and the church began to be diluted and diluted not diluted diluted but the the gross error didn't really start until about the sixth century the first real Pope there is old string if you go to Vatican you can see all their names most of those men if you to talk to him in their day didn't know they were the Pope they were bishops of the church in Rome Rome always had a bishop had pastor and in fact one of the pastors went out met the the barbarians when they came and that's why they spared Rome they they sacked and took over the Roman Empire but they didn't destroy the church there because he came out and his white robes and talked to him and everything but the first real Pope was he's called Gregory the first and the first thing he did is he accommodated people that really had trouble either with their relatives who were pagans and didn't come to Christ or their own lives that were so non-christian and so he invented a place of purging / purgatory so purgatory is never in the Bible or the history of the church until the 6th century that is the beginning of this terrible move and you can see it in the big chart all the way down to the assumption of the Virgin Mary and the infallibility of the Pope and the Immaculate Conception of Mary Dogma which all our 19th century and onward things I mean it just keeps getting worse and if I would have kept this going we get to this syncretism where the current Pope is working on and especially the prior one Ratzinger that became I don't know all their names but Ratzinger the prior Pope was the head of all the doctrine in Tuebingen and and he is the most articulate and this new guy from Brazil is kind of charismatic but the former one was a doctrinaire and he began wooing back the Lutheran's the Orthodox the Episcopalians the broken off branches and they're in talks for reunification so that that's what happened let me show you why it happened and basically let's go into the Bible let's start in Isaiah 14 I just want to put some kind of little posts around to survey what we're talking about the first one is in Isaiah 14 and what it says in Isaiah 14 is the real conflict is not the Antichrist and it's not the tribulation and it's not the Pope and it's not you know Constantine on the Milvian bridge it all starts much before that in Isaiah 14:12 and this is the real problem and see that's why tonight I got an email I got an email Friday about a meeting tonight it's going on right now and it's over at Hackett or whatever the Roman Catholic school is called and it was written to all of the of the Christian churches of Kalamazoo and Calvary was one of them and it said please come to sit with our Roman Catholic Bishops and I don't know who all they brought to Hackett to meet with the Christian churches to embrace our unity in the gospel it's tonight at six o'clock that is staggering to think you know what they're doing they're planning to have it wing stadium a huge service to get every Roman Catholic and every evangelical Christian II can get packed into wing stadium and have a joint Communion and say we're all Christians we all serve the same Lord Jesus Christ and we're gonna have one United voice in Kalamazoo how can you have a united voice if you don't even agree what a Christian is and what salvation is about but that's what's going on right now they're 51 minutes into their meeting it started at 6:00 it's not about the Catholic Church it's about this Satan wants one thing he wants to deceive people into thinking there's a broad road that leads to heaven and and all the churches are on it that's why the Roman Catholic Church regularly has interfaith meetings in Assisi with Hindus with Buddhist with the Dalai Lama with the Moslems and with all the Protestant they even bring in Oklahoma witch doctors you know medicine men from the the tribal areas they want one kind of voice of religion it's not the Roman Catholic Church they wouldn't be thinking of that it's Satan and what he said is look at verse 12 how you were fallen from heaven this is where Satan came from Oh Lucifer son of the morning how you were cut down verse 13 for you have said in your heart this is God telling Isaiah to write down where Satan came from Satan was the highest created angel of all he was the head of all God's creation until he said this in his heart I will ascend into heaven I will exalt my throne above the stars of God remember it says in joke all the stars saying that it's talking about the angels the messengers of God he is going to be above all the angels the stars of God I will sit on the Mount of the congregation on the farther side of the north I will ascend above the heights of the clouds but look at the end of verse 14 this is a proof of inspiration if man would have thought of this if humans would have written the Bible we would have said Satan would say at the end of 14 I will be greater than the Most High but Satan knows no one can be greater than the Most High because God is greater than the sum of everything he's made and Satan knew he was made he was a creature he's not self existent God but all he want to do is to be like God and when he thought that the Lord says verse 15 you shall be brought down to Sheol to the grave to the lowest parts of the pit and on and on it goes the same event is recorded parallel in Ezekiel 28 only it tells there this is the inside thinking the pride this is the mechanics that he was the anointed cherub and reflecting back God's glory that is paralleled to Revelation 17 now turned the other end of your Bible revelation 17 because real quickly you see the twin plan that Satan has always had from the beginning Satan hooks people in the world one of two ways he gets them away from God in Revelation 17 by religion and all religions God does not found or invent religion God gives revelation religions are ways that people have invented under Satan's supervision and what Paul said all the idols of the nations are demons every Buddha is a demon the Kabbalah in Mecca is demon that's why the more devout a Muslim gets the more dangerous they get why because they're listening to the founder of Islam who's the founder of every religion in the world there's only one founder of religions and he is the one who finally has a global religion in chapter 17 and here it is it's in verse 5 and on her forehead a name was written Mystery Babylon the Great the mother of harlots and the abominations of the earth and I saw the woman drunk with the blood of the saints that's the Old Testament and the blood of the martyrs of Jesus that's the New Testament so what we see in 17 is how religion has always been opposed to Christianity and true followers of the true Living God religion religion starts with Cain right back in the Garden of Eden States as Cain didn't want to offer a blood sacrifice that God required he wanted to offer his best produce in other words I'm gonna give what I want it's self wilt its self designed religion Abel was willing by faith to just do what God said and what did Cain do to Abel y'all know sunday-school stories right kill them that's the beginning of religion religion has always been opposed to the truth always and so in seventeen here's the global religion but what's 18 what's the other if Satan can't get you in hooked in religion of any kind whether it's you know witchcraft or if it's tribal religion or if it's a theistic religion or if it's you know scientific religion or just anything in between what can you get you with chapter 18 and chapter 18 is verse 3 all nations have drunk of the wine of the wrath of her fornication and they've committed fornication with her and the verse 3 the merchants of the earth have become rich through the abundance this is basically chapter 18 is the end of Tyrael ISM the end of living for money the end of this this whole materialistic world God ends or in chapter 18 all of the commerce I mean you can read it it's the luxuries in verse 17 erver 7 verse 9 the luxuries everything verse 14 you're so long for all the things that are rich and splendid are gone so Satan has always led a global rebellion against God since his fall and God in Revelation judges his rebellion of religion and materialism that's basically a prophetic view of the conflict of the age of soap where did religion take on the form we see it today especially the paganism of their own Catholic Church right at the Tower of Babel that's only from Babylon where do we have idols there are not idols prior to the Tower of Babel and that is the beginning it's the idolatry the Babylonian mysteries and organized religion all starts at Babel now how did this start well what we have is the cemre amis this is the name you can look up in history who is known as the wife of captain of Genesis Nimrod and it says Nimrod built Babylon and a cat and a lot of other great cities and but it doesn't mention his wife but history fills in the details she became as he was Nimrod this mighty conquer and city and Empire Builder kind of the beginning of what we see in the Assyrians and the Babylonians and all that while he was militarily conquering she became the religious person in charge of you know all those ziggurats and all that worship in the idolatry and basically she with her son Tammuz were worshipped as a divine mother and son now we're talking about Genesis 11 and religion around the world always has a common element pagan religions they have a mother and a son a mother Ashtaroth you hear about her in the Old Testament and Bale you've heard a bale you know the priests of bale you've heard of Astaroth it's a mother and a son Egypt you've heard of Isis mother Horus her son Aphrodite I mean there you go you read any Greek mythology and Roman you know writings and eros I mean mother and son Venus in the Roman world and Cupid there's Valentine's Day right before our eyes it's the Sun Jupiter's the you know the fat little naked baby is Cupid and Venus is the statue the the one when you go to museum you go like that the mother son in all of these it's a fertility immorality pagan but it's always mother's son and so all the way through history we have a mother son among the Assyrians the Phoenicians the Egyptians the Greeks the Romans they all have this mother son and what was the original story just real quickly with I mean I'll give you a snapshot of um let's see how do I get this no I don't want to go back I want to go forward I don't want to go that far come on back up there we go I haven't done this in so long I can't oh there it is okay simmer amis simmer amis the mother has a son he's out fighting Semiramis her son Tammuz is out hunting like his dad Nimrod a wild boar attacks him kills him dismembers him and mom feels bad and she picks up all the pieces of Tammuz and she puts him in a basket by the river for forty days and mourns and on the fortieth day he rises from the dead what a story and that interesting that is the backdrop a form of that is in every one of these religions if you read carefully the hieroglyphics in Egypt Isis has a son who dies and becomes through Osiris in the the netherworld comes back to life a mother given back her son to hold and it's a mother deity and a son deity but the mother is the dominant and the son is the lesser the same thing happens with Aphrodite the same thing happens with Venus especially you find this in the Bible Old Testament in all of the when when Jezebel imports her her bail worship from Phoenicia through Ahab it is a mother son sensual resurrection of bail from the dead after forty days so that's just I mean the whole world is is immersed in this now what happens is first we're gonna instant if we turn there tells us what Paul's warning was let's go to first Corinthians 10 and basically Paul said watch out for skinny ins 10 starting in verse 19 he says and what am I saying that an idol is anything or whatever's offered idols is anything rather that the things with the Gentiles sacrifice they sacrifice to demons and not to God and I don't want you to have fellowship with the demons verse 20 you cannot drink the cup of the Lord in the cup of demons you can a partake of the Lord's table in the table of demons what was he talking about well particularly these Greek and Roman gods had temples Aphrodite was the one that was on the hill above Corinth this letter the highest point of of the whole plane that that Corinth sits on is this gigantic acro corinthis this mountain and the top of it was crowned with a temple to Aphrodite and the people were saying oh the Christians they're saying those gods are nothing and and pulses no they're not they're not real those are people there is an Aphrodite woman there's an eros son there isn't a Venus in a cupid those are all fairytales they're their mythology what's behind him look at verse 20 the things the Gentiles sacrifice up there at the temple of Aphrodite or Venus they sacrifice to demons and not to God what he's saying is behind every religion every false religion every Idol worshiping religion whether it's the new tribe they just discovered in the Amazon with the drones and it's the Stone Age tribe they never knew was there they have their religion and they have they venerate their little images behind every image it says right here there is a demon so lurking out there and religions are demons so that's all I want to say now we have one form of idolatry from this Tammuz simmer amis thing that starts showing up by this term now let's go to Jeremiah 44 this is fascinating and the I don't think most people realize that these chapters this is kind of in kind of the long book of the Old Testament a lot of people don't make it through but but in Jeremiah 44 look at verse 17 and it says but we will certainly do whatever has gone out of your mouth to burn incense to the Queen of Heaven to pour out drink offerings to her as we've done we and our fathers the kings and our princes on and on but verse 18 since we stopped burning incense to the Queen of Heaven and pouring out our drink offerings we have lacked everything and been consumed by the sword in the famine verse 19 Queen of Heaven Queen of Heaven Queen of Heaven then you go on to Ezekiel and you find and let's go over to zekiel 813 so I say it Jeremiah lamentations Ezekiel we have this clean of heaven and now Ezekiel 8 and verse 13 he says in turn and look at the abominations my people are doing Ezekiel 813 they brought me the door of the gate and to my dismay the women were sitting there weeping for what is verse 14 say at the end was it say in your Bible oh the Queen of Heaven is named as Tammuz so now this summer amis thing has morphed into Israel calling this this Babylonian mystery religion the Queen of Heaven has a name and it's all tied to this Babylonian worship and God says it had infiltrated Israel and what infiltrated Israel was the mother and the son only instead of it being summer Anna's who was the high priest of this whole thing it became Tammuz and Bale and they just made bail the Sun and they called Tammuz the queen of heaven you say oh that's kind of interesting history ok now let's fast-forward to Roman Catholicism nearby just south of us in Mexico this this is directly this is you can read this in any history book this is Mexican lore mythology it is believed that our lady that's code in the Roman Catholic Church for Mary Our Lady use the Aztec now now who I told word Coe at lacks cuckoo whatever I can't pronounce it which is pronounced quatl oops a and sounds remarkably like the Spanish word Guadalupe you've heard of Our Lady of Guadalupe what is the big deal why do Roman Catholics revere that koa meaning serpent Allah being the noun ending which can be interpreted thee while so pure means to crush her stamp out so our Lady of Guadalupe was calling herself the one who crushes a serpent now you've got into biblical territory what is genesis 3:15 say that the promised seed of the woman who is Jesus Christ Jesus is the one that was going to crush the head of the serpent and the serpent was going to bruise his heel what did paganism introduce to the church that our lady the Queen of Heaven is the one that crushed the serpent see what has happened in the error of Romanism is that Semih ramus and Tammuz came right in when Constantine in AD 313 legalized Christianity there were a whole bunch of Semiramis Tammuz people who had this whole mother son and the son dying and the mother mourning for him for forty days have you ever wondered where this event in the Roman Catholic Church came from Lent what is lent lent is is 40 days of mourning you know it starts after Mardi Gras right Mardi Gras Fat Tuesday then you go into Ash Wednesday and you're into Lent for forty days which ends at what Easter resurrection the the pagan forty Day morning for the slain son by the wild lore percolated through Egyptian Greek Phoenician and Roman and Babylonian religion permeating the Roman Empire and when Constantine couldn't beat the Christians he had an entire empire of paganism a church the Roman Church the pantheon that collected every Idol of every God and just had him on the shelf and there was everybody was equal and all Constantinian has put his cross in there and merged the pagans with their Lent with all the Roman practices of burning candles and beads investments and miters where in those head things you ever wonder where you watch proceedings in Rome and you go what are those headdress things we're Dec what chapter is that it you know it says women are to cover their heads the word word this men wearing these pointy things and how did the Pope get the the name you know what the Pope is called Ponte sex Maximus do you know what that means Pontus Pontus is a bridge so he is the bridge building big one that was the name of the priests of this whole babylonian they were called the bridge builders they built the bridge from the gods to the people and when Constantine legalized Christianity all of the pagan practices from Fat Tuesday to Ash Wednesday to forty days of mourning culminating in the the rebirth of the son that died from the mother that was to be worshipped the mother son all of that got folded right into Roman Catholicism not overnight but just slowly crept in so basically there's seven vital reasons why I'm not a Roman Catholic if you examine the doctrine of salvation and compare it to what Romanism says salvation by Romanism and salvation by the scriptures you would come up with seven reasons because what the early church did so here's the cross of Christ in the early church and this is a chronological view of what's happening the first thing that the church bumped into was the Roman merging with the church Jesus Christ started the Holy Catholic universal Church and they come up here and as they round the corner they get all this paganism which is works based and then they they move along until Luther and Calvin and Zwingli and the whole crowd and Husson and all they have the Reformation and so the truth keeps going because remember Romanism it's 90 plus percent truth we get a higher percentile you know 98 percent truth here but they didn't get rid of all those traditions why do you think infant baptism perpetuates this day in the in the reformed church is because Luther didn't clean it out because Luther was a Roman Catholic monk and he was so happy he got as much as he did he didn't want to ruin everything and so then we get down here and we have our traditions and now you see where we are with the the excesses even both of the evangelical church with all the you know health wealth and and Prosperity stuff that fold into the renewal or charismatic church but this is what we measure everything against God's Word by the way someone asked me last time when I said Calvary is right here they saw this little word Arminian I was just saying that there's a divide between the evangelicals between those that are Augustinian Calvinistic and Arminian that the Tulsa Bible Church would be right here in the box anywhere so don't worry about that I wasn't trying to say anything the mass is unbiblical we don't need to talk about it Mike Gendron will Mary is given the attributes of God she is prayed to like she can omniscient Lee here and everything and I'm the presently come and omnipotent Lee help you they take their traditions over the Word of God there is the veneration as in Our Lady of Guadalupe they don't worship them they just venerate them and pray to them there is the unbiblical dispensing of grace infused through the sacraments which the Bible says is absolutely untrue there is the false lie of purgatory that you can live like the devil died and have your relatives pray you into heaven as if they could do such a thing and then there's the accept by the church of all these pagan customs and I won't even go through all the apparitions and Guadalupe stuff and even proclaiming that this Pope Pius the ninth our pious as they like to say proclaimed that Mary is the mediator between God and man and what does it say in first Timothy two five and six for there is one God and one mediator between god man and the man Christ Jesus who gave himself so Jesus offered himself once the mass is repeated so that's in a nutshell how we got the paganism of Romanism through the merging of the church in 313 ad and the gradual bringing in of Lent and then a purgatory and then of the sacraments and then of transubstantiation in that long decline but at 7:15 so it's time to go so let's all stand basically this I would encourage you next week we're having a special conference that is going to focus completely on how to share the gospel with these 50 60 million people that live around us that are Roman Catholics and we have a Roman Catholic evangelist former Roman Catholic studying for the priesthood his name is Mike Gendron he was here four or five years ago or more he's coming back and doing two morning services and the evening service and of course we'll have our normal communion in the evening service but he's going to come and actually equip us for this year of reaching out especially as Kalamazoo is preparing for a Reformation day October 31st you know 2017 they want to have the Wings stadium thing and say that we're all Christians it will help us prepare to know what the gospel is and how to share and how to lovingly tell people hey you ever read the Gospel according to Peter and Paul in the Bible I'd like to share it with you and that's what we're called to do let's bow together for word of Prayer father thank you that our hope is the one who gave himself for us by one sacrifice forever we have been sanctified justified and freely forgiven we thank you Lord Jesus for what you did for us I pray that you would guard us from and also keep us from the smugness of thinking we know everything we don't were forgiven sinners and we do know one thing that we were great sinners and Jesus is a great Savior and he only saves us by faith not by us working our way through the sacraments in the church to heaven and I pray that we would lovingly share the good news of the gospel and the precious name of Jesus we pray and all God's people said amen god bless you should go
Channel: DTBM
Views: 11,537
Rating: 4.9152942 out of 5
Keywords: Bible, God, Jesus, Christian, teaching, biblical, teach, sermon, trinity, church, lesson, traditional, truth, true, divine, theology, freedom, guilt, testament, pure, interpret, spirit, holy, John, Barnett, christ, father, heaven, hell, doctrine, doctrinal, sinful, forgive, forgiveness, history, teachings, chapters, verses, discover, the book, ministries, dtbm, Dr. Barnett, controversial, repent, helpful, sin
Id: JbZl3H1Dcko
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 47min 30sec (2850 seconds)
Published: Sun Nov 03 2019
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