a horror novel so scary i almost dnf'd...

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hi i am 70 pages into this book and i would die for all of these boys so there's that so this is the start of another reading vlog um it's like something o'clock at friday night i don't know um i'm doing what any single girl would do on a friday night in the middle of a global pandemic i'm reading a horror novel in bed by myself because let's be real i want to read about gross happening on a secluded island because why not i guess i don't know um i've heard some crazy about this uh andy basically sold me on it cat uh from paperback dreams absolutely talks this book up so much and it is like it's doing things that are really good and i'm excited for it which is awesome um but i have a feeling this is gonna be like a horror book that ends up like ripping my heart out at the same time you know what i'm saying it's about this secluded island where these boys are on this like boy scout trip with their scout leader and it's following everything that has been going on in their lives and it's very personal and it's very familial and something bad is going to happen and i know some of the stuff that happens in this book and i am just not prepared even a little bit so there's that i will check in later [Music] so [Music] go [Music] okay i think i said earlier that i really like all of these boys shelley can suck a dick i don't like him at all he's creepy so there's that i just wanted to give a brief update i'm now 122 pages into this book i have a feeling i might finish this in one sitting who knows we'll see how it goes catch you later okay whoever had this book before me has been writing little notes in it and it's just like 9 30 9 45 and it's freaking me the out i don't like it it's weird i've heard that this book makes your skin literally crawl and a whole wee it's gross it's so gross but it's written really well i just i just i just i just yuck big yuck gonna move on gonna move we're trucking we are literally like halfway through the book i think already i have the audiobook too and i was planning on like listening to it tomorrow i don't think that's gonna happen i think i'm just gonna binge this because holy it's intense yuck let's keep going big yikes big yikes good morning it is saturday i have the day off and i have proceeded to clean my room and i'm not done yet i still have quite a lot of laundry to do but i also kind of hate my shelves nowadays um i let me show you i started doing this kind of flipped book thingy um everyone kind of stopped and then this one is just a catastrophe i kind of don't like the funko pops anymore i want something else to display them on because they're getting a little much and i've actually put like a whole bag of them aside to actually have this much clear so there's that um so far today i've been able to edit and upload the most recent vlog so go check that out if you haven't watched it already i kind of go over what happened earlier uh in the month and so there's that i did want to film a video today but i don't know if that's gonna happen just because i do have to clean um because my best friends are coming over tonight i need to go get groceries and we'll see we'll see the video i want to do is not really that intensive and i do want to do it in november because it's about writing so there's that um but yeah basically that's where we're at oh i did not finish the trip last night i got a total of let's go over here a total of 219 pages into this bad boy and um it's creepy as i definitely am feeling the spooks so to speak um i hope to finish this today i do have the audiobook so i could probably listen to this while i am cleaning but that's just too much organization on my part so there's that um and i don't know if i want to be like doing things as well as reading this because it's it's wow it's written really well the characters are incredible they're creepy as and things are just happening that make me uncomfortable so to speak um but yeah so there is your reading update so far i am going to get back to cleaning yeah talk to you guys soon bye so it is like four ish i've got a couple hours before my friends get here got some food in the slow cooker and i picked up ow how many times have i hit myself in the face with a book in one of my blogs it's been too numerous to count but i am 240 pages into the troop and this book y'all is absolutely disturbed and up and just in general all of the things that just are not great um and albeit it's beautifully written but if you are squeamish in any way i would not recommend it not even a little bit but uh i'm going to try and finish it before my friends come over so that i can be surrounded by happy-go-lucky and fun things so i don't think about worms going into orifices that they shouldn't go into so there's that i will give you an update later all right so we are about 300 pages into this and it's so creepy because there are these anecdotes from obviously the future when everything is done said and done and it's terrifying to think of the human condition of how outbreaks can occur and instead of like what we're dealing with right now where people don't even want to put on a mask they will quarantine a whole island it's just intense and um yeah so there's that it's it's just like a terrifying exposition regarding human condition and preservation of life at expense of the few to die like just yeah and also the one percent suck yikes big yikes so i'm done it was absolutely amazing like what the absolute i am pretty picky with the horror that i read and that i really enjoy um by the way i don't think i really talked about cosmology of monsters or whatever but i didn't like that it turned into like a kavos like uh immortal fairy thing it was just bad i'm gonna do a wrap up i think soon just because i do have some thoughts on some stuff that i've read recently but the troop hands down really impressed me this does a really really really good job of being realistic and i think that's the big thing that i want in a horror novel that doesn't have supernatural elements and this dealt with so many very serious topics that were explored in the genre of horror and specifically masculinity that you know toxic and just in general just ways people try and be strong when in the face of something that is not defeatable and is almost unseen and an invisible enemy that you can get by just touching someone or breathing the same air or being in the same water as them and it's just and incredible absolutely incredible i don't think i'm ever gonna reread it i'm just gonna be clear with y'all um it was very very well done but it will be one that i recommend with a whole bunch of caveats even if you read a lot of the same stuff that i do i wouldn't recommend this necessarily it's gross i'm gonna read something like deadly education now because it's um it's fantasy it's more my like uh i don't know what i'm doing right now it's more my speed that's where i'm going that's where i'm going also i've completely wrecked my room i'm probably going to get rid of another like 50-ish books because reasons there might be an unhaul coming at you guys soon but uh yeah right now i'm gonna go ahead and crack open a beer because my friends should be here in like an hour or so so thursday checking later good morning it is sunday and it will be the start of a regular work week for me i will now work sunday through thursday and sundays are supposed to be very quiet i'm very excited for that because my friends and i did stay up quite late i do want to clarify something um my two best friends came over and we played mario party it was not like a big party party just so you know please socially distance and keep your mask on we are gonna get through this but if you're having big parties it's gonna make it really difficult to be able to leave our house until like 20 30. so just want to make sure that everyone's on the same page you know um but yeah so this work week i'm hoping to be productive on nano i think that i'll probably be able to get some words in while i'm at work maybe and then i'm going to be reading deadly education i got about 47 pages into this when i picked it up and i am really excited about reading this and the reason why i'm excited is because i happen to like the writing style a lot of people did not like the writing style and i do know that the problematic passage about uh dreadlocks is being taken out which i think is absolutely imperative like if you're getting criticism from people that you know the sensitivity readers or beta readers didn't catch you should take it out even if it is the the first edition of the book um and i think that's that's good that's a step but i think that the book also gets a lot of flack for being heavy and really nerd like the the let's be real the main character narrates everything and exposition dumps everything a lot of people don't like that i happen to not mind it i think i'm only 50 pages in so we'll see if that changes but yeah so i will give you guys another update probably won't take you with me to work just yet but maybe at some point i will check in with you later okay so it is after work on sunday and it was a very very slow day um but now i'm home and i have a reading update for y'all i got 180 pages into deadly education and i'm getting why people do not like the writing style now like initially i was enjoying it because i happen to like heavy world building but the way that this is written it's so intrinsically connected to the main character she'll ask like somebody will ask her something and then the character will go on this meandering explanation about stuff in the world and then you'll go back to that conversation or she'll go off and do something else and i'll just be like reading and i'll be like world building wait what what are we doing i'm super confused um so it's a lot denser than i think it probably needed to be i was watching mereness's uh review which i'll link down below where she basically said that it definitely feels like in this book that there is a lot of world building that the author created but didn't necessarily need to put in the book for us to kind of understand like there's a part in this book so the school that the main character is going to is in this like void so that they are semi-protected from these demons that are trying to kill them at all times and there's this really long explanation about how this one kid basically pushed another kid into the void so the other kid could take over his room and it just went on for a really long time and a lot of the book is also incredibly repetitive but it's the world building that's repetitive to the expense of the side characters and the side characters are all from a lot of different cultures and obviously i'm not from these cultures but i just feel like it's a little disrespectful to be you know having your character who's kind of like l main character is kind of like not like other girls but like it turned up to 11 she's like not like anybody else she doesn't like anybody else and she just is kind of obnoxious most of the time and her motivations kind of are all over the place like she's definitely like oh yeah i need to protect myself and i need to get into an enclave so that the demons that want to kill me don't come after me and my mom but then she does everything she can to like be on the enclave's bad side all the time and it just doesn't really make a lot of sense but i am enjoying her relationship with orion the hero character i think it is kind of funny to watch them bond and they're kind of like fake dating or the school thinks they're dating but like orion is like just trying to be a good friend personally but yeah it's definitely more of a slog than i was anticipating but yeah that's that's where we're at with that um i don't really know exactly what my plan is tonight i think i'm just gonna relax and chill i'll probably be wrapping up this vlog a little bit sooner than the previous one um because i know that the i can't remember anything the new poppy war book comes out on tuesday so i'm going to be picking that up and i'll be starting a vlog for that so keep that in mind um and yeah so there's this one that i'm getting through and then i'm going to be trying to get through black chalk as well around the burning god i think that's the right title i don't know apparently i am checked out if you couldn't tell but i may check that again later talk soon bye hello it is like four-ish on wednesday not wednesday it's monday i don't know what the world i'm living in um but last night i got through to page 212 in deadly education and then watched three episodes of american horror story season nine so there's that i just did a quick edit of all the footage that i have oopsies i did a quick edit of all the footage i have for this vlog so i'm gonna just go ahead and end it now so that i can get this up for you guys and tomorrow we'll be reading the burning god so that means i have to finish this on top of probably trying to clean my room again because i did some work on it on saturday and then did not get to it but maybe come this weekend there might be some other vlog content that'll show you what i've been working on in there so far um but yeah so that's the end of this vlog definitely go ahead and leave below your current second favorite emoji we did it we had fun with that last time so second favorite emoji leave below in the comments what are you guys reading right now i am very excited to continue these vlogs if you are enjoying them give them a big thumbs up i'm gonna go now guys like subscribe the good stuff bye
Channel: The Book Pusher
Views: 963
Rating: 5 out of 5
Keywords: books, booktube, booktuber, bookish, book reviewer, bookseller, horror novel, the troop, deadly education, dark academia, reading vlog
Id: cg9R9VvwBoA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 9sec (1149 seconds)
Published: Mon Nov 16 2020
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