A History of Ice Cream | A Recipe from 1789

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Corn & Cheese is a popular flavor of ice cream in the Philippines. The combination of cheese and sweetness can be pretty good. Come to think of it, Filipinos use cheese on a lot of sweet pastries like Ensaymada and Mamon.

👍︎︎ 18 👤︎︎ u/lordofbuttsecks 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

This video is why cream got added to the grocery list for today

👍︎︎ 10 👤︎︎ u/Niki-La 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

I can’t wait to see the facial expressions when Max tries it.

👍︎︎ 6 👤︎︎ u/[deleted] 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

Nice! Townsends did an episode on this too!

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/Zulmoka531 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

One of the artisanal ice cream chains (Salt & Straw if you're on the west coast) did a round of Beecher's cheese ice cream a couple years back (Beecher's being a semi-famous Seattle cheesery). Pretty darn good.

👍︎︎ 5 👤︎︎ u/DireTaco 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies


cheese in ice cream....

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/Algester 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

May be the most nitpicky thing I've ever said, but French R wouldn't be Guttural R to the upper class of Northern France until the late 18th century. When our Sicilian ice cream maker was in Paris, R still would have been an alveolar trill, IE: rolling your R even among the upper classes.

Oh also in regard to the French calling ice cream cheese at first, I'm interested in why the Dutch call peanut butter Pindakaas/peanut cheese.

👍︎︎ 3 👤︎︎ u/IndigoGouf 📅︎︎ Jul 01 2021 🗫︎ replies

I cant wait

👍︎︎ 2 👤︎︎ u/ManBearPig_666 📅︎︎ Jun 29 2021 🗫︎ replies

I made it and we paired it with slices of Bosc pears. The pears gave a nice sweet contrast to the savory ice cream. I thought the ice cream was a little strong by itself but great with the pears.

👍︎︎ 1 👤︎︎ u/Marzian83 📅︎︎ Jul 04 2021 🗫︎ replies
Chocolate peanut butter ice cream,    that is my favorite flavor and not what we're making today. No, today we are going back to the 18th  century and making a parmesan cheese ice cream,   so thank you to Wondrium for sponsoring this  video on parmesan cheese ice cream. Perhaps   Gene Parmesan's greatest disguise. "Geeeeene! Oh gene isn't he the best! This time on Tasting History. So it seems kind of weird, cheese and  ice cream, or rather it seems like   a flavor that would be made in some hoity-toity  New York restaurant like wasabi ice cream,   or garlic ice cream, both of which I have tried. But in the 18th century they were more adventurous   with flavors than Ben, Jerry, Baskin and Robin's  combined and many of the weird flavors of which   we will speak come from 'The Complete Confectioner' by the Englishman Frederick Nutt written in 1789   and that's where we get today's recipe. "Number 150. Parmesan Cheese Ice Cream. Take six eggs,   half a pint of syrup and a pint of cream; put them  into a stew pan and boil them until it begins to thicken.   Then rasp three ounces of parmesan  cheese mix and pass them through a sieve, and freeze it." It's actually really simple and  since it was written before the imperial pint was around I didn't have to do a lot of math to  make the conversion to modern American units.   So for this recipe I need six eggs, six medium eggs  to be specific because eggs were smaller back then   but if you are using extra large eggs use five and  it's not going to make much of a difference. Also   what does make a difference is they need to be at  room temperature. 1 cup or 235 milliliters simple syrup, 2 cups or 475 milliliters heavy cream,  and 3 ounces or 85 grams freshly grated parmesan,   and it has to be freshly grated because if you  buy pre-grated they usually add other things   to make it so the gratings or shavings don't melt  together, but that's also going to make it so they   don't melt in in the ice cream and that's  going to be gross. So first whisk your room temperature eggs in a medium saucepan, and then add the cream and the syrup and whisk to combine.   Then set it over a low heat on the stove  and don't be tempted to raise the heat   because you don't think anything's happening  because you'll end up with scrambled eggs.   Also once it does start to get warm you'll want  to start stirring it continuously so it stays   perfectly smooth. Now it should start to thicken  right around 170 degrees Fahrenheit or 76 degrees   Celsius, and you don't want to let it go too much  above that because again scrambled eggs. Now if you don't have a thermometer you can just do it  by taking a spoon, dipping it in the custard and   running your finger over the back of the spoon.  If it leaves a defined line your custard is ready.   At this point take the pan off the heat and add  in the parmesan cheese whisking until it's all melted. Then pour the mixture through a sieve into  a clean bowl and let it cool. And speaking of cool   nothing is cooler than learning, and a great way  to learn is with today's sponsor Wondrium. Your brain is going to love this place. Now if you've  watched this channel before you've probably heard   me talk about the Great Courses Plus, and the  team over there has taken the Great Courses Plus   and in the words of Walt Disney plused it they've  added a bunch of new stuff to create Wondrium.   It's essentially the Great Courses Plus + with  a well-researched catalog of short form and   long-form videos tutorials documentaries and  travelogues. It is the place to find out about   pretty much anything you've ever wondered about  hence the name Wondrium. I was watching a series on pirates, because pirates are awesome as long as you don't actually meet one in real life, and the instructor was talking about 18th century Swedish  pirates in the Baltic Sea. I had no idea that was   a thing, mind blown. So if you've ever wondered  about pretty much anything Wondrium is going to   be your new favorite place and they are offering  a free trial for the viewers of Tasting History.   Just click the link wondrium.com/tastinghistory  in the description below to start your free trial today. Now once your parmesan custard has cooled  it is time to freeze it. Now you can use an old   style manual churning and freezing technique,  or you can use a modern one. They pretty much   tend to do the exact same thing but regardless  of what you use to churn your ice cream go ahead   and hit that Like button, and as your ice cream  churns let me churn you up the story of ice cream. So iced foods and iced drinks are really nothing  new. The ancient Romans and the Greeks both took   mountain snow and put honey and wine over them and Athenaeus describes Greek ice houses to keep it cold. "In the island of Kimolos underground  refrigerators are constructed in summer,   where the people store jars full of warm water  and draw them out again as cold as snow."    Well how about that. Now further east in China during the Tang dynasty they were heating fermented milk   with camphor then letting it cool, and pouring it  over ice and in 4th century Japan emperor Nintoku   declared June 1st to be National Ice Day, though  he was using it mostly to chill his sake, but none   of these would really be considered ice cream like  today. The fermented milk is probably the closest thing. No the next real step in ice cream's  evolution which actually didn't involve cream   took place in 11th century Arabia and Persia.  They made something called sharbat or serbet,   and we get a detailed description of it  from Sir Thomas Herbert on his travels to Persia in the 1620s. "Their liquor is  sometimes fair water, sugar, rose water,   and juice of lemons mixed and sugar confected  with citrons, violets, or other sweet flowers; and for the more delicacy sometimes a mixture of  amber; his we call sherbet."    That liquid was then poured over crushed ice or snow much like a modern snow cone, and that is probably actually what finally made its way to Medieval Italy.    Now we don't know who actually brought it to Italy though it was most likely not Marco Polo even though he almost always gets the credit but when it did get there they called it sorbetto, something  the French would later call sorbet. Sorbet?! My kids do not eat sorbet, they eat sherbet and they pronounce it sherbert and i wish it was ice cream. But it was the Italians that did some  kind of crazy stuff with it. In 1558 Giambattista de la Porta described a wine slushie made by chilling diluted wine with ice and salt peter,   later on just salt. Now that combination had been  used in freezing and preserving foods all over the   world for a very long time but this seems to be  the first time at least in Europe that it was used   to make anything like ice cream. Now it's also  around this time that doctors began to weigh in   on the dangers of this cold dessert. Cold food and  drink had been taboo since Hippocrates and Galen.   For as the Byzantine physician Antimus wrote,  "The stomach grows chilled and loses its efficacy."  And later European doctors would take that  even further to claim that iced foods and   even just putting ice in drinks could lead  to blindness, paralysis, or even sudden death.   But even the threat of a Subzero fatality was no  match for the deliciousness of this ever-evolving frozen treat, and one such evolution came in  1692 when Antonio Lantini wrote a recipe for   what he called milk sorbet, a precursor to gelato.  It was flavored with lemon and pumpkin and frozen   with snow and salt, and it really only took one  more ingredient to make ice cream and that was eggs, and Europeans had been making egg custards  for centuries though they usually use them in   baking or just serve them kind of at room  temperature. They had names like cream almond   and crema catalana and surely someone making these creams saw what Lantini had done and said well if   he can freeze that I can freeze this, and thus  was born ice cream. Around this same time 1686 a Sicilian Francesco Procopio Cuto moved to Paris  and opened Il Procope which is believed to be the first Parisian cafe and ice cream parlor, and he kicked off an ice cream or creme glace craze in France, at least amongst the wealthy because  pretty much all of the ingredients were rather expensive. Ice, sugar plus fancy flavorings like  chocolate, anise, coffee, vanilla and some   weird ones like artichoke, avocado, asparagus  and foie gras. There's even one recipe that   calls for heart's horn which is like shavings or  gratings from the antlers of a stag a male deer,   and it gave off kind of an ammonia scent. It was  actually used later on in smelling salts but they   were putting it in ice cream and just like you  might add texture today with sprinkles or chopped   nuts they would add texture to their ice cream in  the form of dried rye bread crumbs which actually   kind of weird sounding but I bet it's pretty good.  So it's not that weird that our recipe today uses parmesan cheese, especially when you consider that  one of the early names in France for ice cream was cheese, fromage glace, not because it was  actually made with cheese but because it would be   frozen in molds. The same molds that were used to  mold cheese and I'm sure this is not the case but   I do kind of wonder was the first person  who added cheese to ice cream just making   an error in translation? All right then it says we just add a bit of cheese.   Cheese did you say? It- that doesn't seem right. Says right here fromage. I took two semesters of French so don't question me. Just add the cheese and let me go on  with my work. Frederick Nutt the author of our recipe today also mentions using molds to freeze  the ice cream though by the time he's writing   it wouldn't have been big cheese molds but smaller  molds that were usually in the shape of people or   animals or foods like mushrooms or pineapples. Now  you may remember I did a bit of a deep dive on the   "Art of Cookery Made Plain and Easy" by Hannah  Glass in the episode on everlasting syllabub   and in it I read some passages that kind of  sounded like she was talking down to her audience   and many people said oh she wasn't she was it  was tongue-in-cheek um and and I'm okay with that   but then I read her ice cream recipe and I gotta  question. Does she kind of think her readers are maybe a little dumb?  "Take two pewter basins... these  things are made at the pewterers" Do I look like an idiot. No. And recently a viewer sent me an early  edition of that book. I think it's from the 1760s   I'm not even going to open it because it's so  delicate. I want to have it rebound it's probably   the last time I'll ever touch it with my bare  hands but I just it's like having a bit of history   here in the house. It's just overwhelming so thank  you so much to Shannon for entrusting me with this   piece of art because that's really what it is.  So ice cream had become quite popular now in   England but were they eating it in the colonies?  well as early as 1700 we do have some evidence   that it was being enjoyed, but what really  made it take off over here were our Presidents.   While serving as ambassador to France in the 1780s  Thomas Jefferson became enamored with ice cream   and when he returned to Monticello he did so with  a handwritten recipe for French vanilla ice cream.   At the same time George Washington was falling  in love with the confection as he was known to   own two pewter ice cream pots, which I assume  were made at the pewterers,    he also had a 306 piece serving set just for ice cream.   And in the summer of 1790 in New York City he spent $200 on ice cream, that's around $5000 in today's money which coincidentally is the exact   amount that I've set aside for my ice cream budget  this summer. Then on inauguration day in 1813 James Madison, notoriously shy, had requested that First  Lady Dolley Madison avid partier arrange a small gathering. So of course she invited 400 people  over to the White House to enjoy what would be the   first inaugural ice cream social. Then in 1829 when  twenty thousand of Andrew Jackson's supporters   crowded into the White House to celebrate his  inauguration they tracked in mud and destroyed the furniture,   and had to be coaxed outside with ice  cream and whiskey which is a wonderful combination. Though despite the claim that I scream, you  scream, we all scream for ice cream it did have it's detractors. "Why needs any man be rich? Why must  he have horses, fine garments, handsome apartments....?   Only for want of thought... we dare not trust our wit  for making our house pleasant to our friend, and so we buy ice creams." That was the great Ralph Waldo Emerson who I'm guessing did not get invited to a lot of parties, and he probably wasn't too thrilled with the idea that ice cream was about to get democratized.    In 1843 Nancy Johnson of Philadelphia   patented a mechanical ice cream machine that sped  up the process of making ice cream so much that   it really ushered in the commercial ice cream  industry. Why she doesn't have a national holiday   or a place on Mount Rushmore perhaps, I do not  know because the woman should be a national hero.   Also what's cool is even though mine is  electric and hers wasn't the general idea   of how it works is pretty much unchanged and  I don't know if it's her machine exactly that   made it into the 1850 edition of 'Godey's Lady's  Book' edited by abolitionist Sarah Josepha Hale   of 'Mary Had A Little Lamb' fame but I love the  sentiment and so I'm going to read it anyway.   "We do not think that we can do our lady readers a  greater service than introducing to their notice   a recent valuable invention, in the shape of  an ice cream freezer and beater. Ice cream has now become one of the necessary luxuries of life. A party or a social entertainment could   hardly be thought of without this indispensable  requisition other delicacies might be omitted,   by substituting other articles in their stead,  but nothing can supply the place of ice cream."   Hear, heart! Take THAT Ralph Waldo Emerson! Now while  Miss Johnson was bringing ice cream to the masses on a large scale, the Hokey Pokey men not to be  confused with the hokey Pokemon were bringing ice cream to the masses on a small scale. Through the  19th century Italian immigrants, many of the same   saints that brought us pizza, traveled to places  like the US, Germany and Scotland and with them   they brought their own form of ice cream, gelato,  made with milk instead of cream. They would sell it on the streets from little carts and were called Hokey Pokey men because of what they shouted. Some variant of either "Gelati! Ecco un poco!" which meant ice cream here's a little or even closer to hokey pokey 'o que poco' meaning oh so little. Probably referring  to the price because it was dirt cheap. "Here's the stuff to make you jump Hokey-pokey, penny a lump. Hokey-pokey sweet and cold for a penny new or old." In the 1897 Old London street cries Andrew  Tuer wrote that, "For obvious reasons spoons are not lent. The soft and half frozen delicacy is consumed by the combined aid of tongue and fingers." He says that it could also be frozen hard as a brick and then wrapped in paper so you could take it to go,   something that clearly was not happening  everywhere because around the same time in New York City it was often sold by the lick. Outside  on the streets of New York you would get a cup of ice cream and then you would lick the ice cream out, and hand the cup back get another scoop in to go to the next customer. This was clearly before New York started their restaurant health board rating system. Unfortunately for the Hokey Pokey  men and probably fortunately for their customers   new refrigeration technologies and the invention  of the soda fountain ushered in the age of the   ice cream parlor and the drugstore soda jerk.  Hot dog! That was George Bailey from 'It's A Wonderful Life' who was a soda jerk and if you've  never seen that movie it's one of my favorites   and you should watch it. It's a Christmas movie  but watch it anytime it's just so good. Anyway,   these pharmacy ice cream shops became a crucible  for some real ice cream ingenuity: banana splits,   parfaits, and the classic ice cream sundae. Now  several cities claim to have originated the ice cream sundae, and I will not weigh in on which one  is correct though Ithaca, New York is the first   to provide some written evidence from 1892  but regardless of where you go the story   tends to pretty much be the same. Supposedly  due to the Blue Laws of America at the time   and still in some parts of America today. Selling  ice cream sodas on the Sabbath was seen as sinful   so some smart alec soda jerk decided to circumvent  the statute by substituting soda with syrups and   whipped cream and then bedighting them with a cherry thus the cherry sundae. These ice cream parlors remained hangouts mostly for kids and teens as the Chicago Tribune put it, "Only little girls and dudes drink ice cream and soda." That is until the 1920s  when Prohibition made alcohol illegal, when all   the saloons closed then the pharmacy got hoppin. Ice cream became cool with pretty much everyone   as it should be, and it allowed nimble brewers like  Anheuser-Busch and Yuenglin to stay in business by   switching their business model from making beer to  making ice cream, and then it switched back in the 30s. Now from there the story of ice cream really  blows up because it just takes over the world and   becomes popular absolutely everywhere and so I'm  actually going to leave it there for today because   I can't do the rest of its history the 20th  century, real justice until maybe I do another form of ice cream sometime in the future. Though I will put a link to a wonderful book on ice cream in the description, it's by Laura B. Weiss and it's really, really interesting so you can you can read that if you just can't wait, and speaking of not waiting I'm not waiting any longer to try this parmesan ice cream.  So once it's churned and frozen then  it's ready. Now you can eat it rig,ht now it's going   to be a little bit more like soft serve but they  would have eaten it like that at the time though   he's not specific and he does mention freezing it  in molds which would make it quite hard so you can   put it into the freezer for a few hours to kind  of replicate that. It's probably going to be more   like ice cream that you would get at the store  today, but for me I can't wait so I'm eating it now.   And here we are 18th century parmesan cheese  ice cream. It is getting melty pretty fast which   actually matches a lot of the descriptions  of 18th century ice cream so that works. I can't tell if I smell the cheese or not. I really was worried that   it was going to be like overpoweringly  smelly but let's let's give it a try.   o_0 In the words of Montgomery Burns I know what I hate, and I don't hate this. In fact it's really good. One second.   It's so smooth and creamy and sweet, and  the parmesan is there but it's not   if I didn't know it was parmesan, I don't know that  I would know that it was parmesan. It's like this   interesting savory flavor but it doesn't taste  like cheese and it's not like overly salty or anything. This actually may be my favorite  thing that I've ever made on the channel.   Like I think I'm going to eat the entire thing  that I've made, not in one sitting, but I mean   ice cream stays. It's delicious. This is  very, very good. This is very, very good.   One of my favorite comedians Lou Costello  his dying words were "That was the best ice cream soda I ever tasted." And I don't know that this is the best ice cream I've ever tasted   but it's up there. I mean I'm still  gonna go with chocolate and peanut butter but   this is really, really good. Like shockingly  good. Anyway you should you should definitely make it. It's not that hard. So make sure to follow me on Instagram and click the link in  the description for your free trial of Wondrium, and I will see you next time on Tasting History, a few pounds heavier because I will  have eaten all this ice cream by then. Cheers! ^_^y you
Channel: Tasting History with Max Miller
Views: 1,103,194
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: tasting history, food history, max miller, ice cream, ice cream recipe, ice cream history, history of ice cream, sorbet, parmasan ice cream, parmesan ice cream recipe, 1700s ice cream, hannah glasse
Id: BR7fywQ-vUE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 21min 27sec (1287 seconds)
Published: Tue Jun 29 2021
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