A healthy morning routine for LAZY girls.

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la la la la la it's a morning routine for normal lazy [Music] people I try to wake up when I hear the first birds chirping or by 5:30 a.m. whichever comes first false at the earliest I'm up at 8:30 in the morning and that's on a good day and by good day I mean that I don't think I've ever actually done that it's like 900 it's like 9 this is my morning routine and how I balance productive habits with accepting the normal lazy is beautiful person that I am good morning I like watching morning routine videos and I kind of will make one that's a little more realistic for people who aren't like addicted to green juice I don't think I'm journaling the proper amount apparently everyone's getting up first thing in the morning and just writing I've never seen so many people write by hand ever in their life let alone first thing in the morning as when I'm watching morning routines which brings me to the topic of productivity and anxiety when my anxiety goes up my productivity goes down and solving this has been the biggest game changer for me see and this brings me to a pretty accurate part of my morning routine which is like spiraling on something and then getting a little paralyzed so I can't get out of bed and I already feel like I'm doing something wrong so we're right on schedule the expectation of non-stop productivity can actually end up paralyzing you more when you eventually don't hit the mark my hack for when I'm spiraling is to get up and do anything with your body take two steps move to a different room very impressive if spiraling makes it hard for you to get going in the morning try removing the perfectionist standard accepting that it won't be perfect usually actually helps you get a lot more done when I greet myself in the mirror I like to begin by stating three affirmations of gratitude health and abundance false I scrub my face violently like I'm trying to remove it from my body and I apply various creams in an attempt to combat my body's inevitable Decay the morning routine is really just a cream routine applying my various creams I kind of feel like eye creams are kind of BS it's like oh the skin under your eye needs a special lotion that's different skin that's different lotion one of the biggest anxiety productivity hacks I've learned is how to break the cycle I'm an anxious person who already inclined to focus on everything I've done wrong the good news is that I slept with my contacts in last night for example I used to waste a lot of energy beating myself up for not being able to do a 500 a.m. wakeup time okay I put all my creams on I put various creams on my face but that guilt just made me more anxious more paralyzed and less productive the biggest change has been when I a set a more attainable wakeup goal and B accepted that I need a lot of sleep once I removed this unrealistic expectation for myself I started getting paralyzed much less often that's right now I'm beautiful to get my emotional and creative juices flowing I start with 15 minutes of journaling ideas memories and emotions flow there are no wrong answers wrong again they are definitely wrong answers and trying to use my brain first thing in the morning for me is one of them journaling first thing in the morning is really nice I have tried it but it just doesn't work for me first thing in the morning I am brain dead I I'm brain dead this look at this that's nothing that's nothing it's nonsense I can't Journal first thing okay that was nonsense instead I like to kind of mope this is usually my moping hour just like simmer in my own smell and I feel like I get like a similar effect from that I'm not kidding when I say that this time staring into the void is really important don't freak out when you're left feeling bored that's how you know you're working on your screen time limits boredom is the scientific prerequisite to ever having new ideas or creativity I recently deleted work apps from my phone and that was the most successful aim for boredom being bored is so important cuz it's in that boredom that I'm like forced to think of something else I might want to do light this candle literally every step of my morning is about Romancing myself sometimes I will pick up a book here's the key here's the key of a book you got to pick up you have to pick up a book that's mostly pictures because then you get to feel self-righteous but you don't have to read one of my favorites recently outside in interior's born from nature Brian pette I would definitely check this out so a new staple on my coffee table book you know what else is in my coffee table books most of my books are full of flowers I'm pressing I don't know if you can see that most of my books are full of flowers I'm pressing I'll talk more about that later it's when you're bored that you're going to be pushed to look for harder things doing a craft like going for a walk staring at a wallpaper remember how we used to all just sit on the toilet and like stare at the floor stare at the tile floor I couldn't tell you what any of my bathroom floors any bathroom floors look like anymore those are kind of sacred moments to me that I miss so to me the fact that I've caught myself feeling bored a lot is a really good [Music] sign [Applause] M rather than immediately filling my body with food or drink I start by honoring my body with an early morning stretch false I basically need to immediately chew on something much like a dog but [Music] I'm one of my healthiest morning habits is learning how to embrace my Cravings in a healthy way for example first thing in the morning I want to chew on something I crave candy and sugar and I know that's not going to make me feel good long term but I don't want to completely ignore that feeling so that it's the only thing I'm thinking about so instead I usually at eat dates dates offer sugar calories and chew satisfaction without fully leaning into a candy craving that will start my day off poorly no thank you my other Staples include a variety of liquids some that are good for me some that I just freaking feel like it electrolyte drink because I'm dehydrated coffee because I get too hydrated we got to bounce them out is it psychotic yeah it probably is but like whatever something in the morning has to be stupid and this is one of those things basically everything in my morning routine is trying to figure out the middle ground between like my worst impulses immediately candy sleep till 2:00 p.m. and like accepting also what I need what my body needs and not trying to force myself to be some other person but still like push myself towards habits that make me feel good like sleeping till 2: p.m. and eating candy first thing in the morning don't actually make me feel good I really believe in this to me fighting all of my impulses all day long is not actually a healthier better morning cuz it means my mind is excessively preoccupied instead I try to negotiate that balance between acknowledging my cravings and moving towards healthy habits here's another part of my morning routine which just constantly pulling hair off of my body like hair hairs from my head they're just everywhere I have two major systems that help me with work productivity the first is around texting I find texting throughout the day to be so disruptive and it drives me crazy so instead I set aside a few minutes first thing in the morning to reply to text for the day and another block of time later in the afternoon but other than those times I only reply to texts if they are time sensitive and anything chatty and not time sensitive we'll have to wait for the morning block or afternoon block my other system is using the pomodora method I did not invent it it is very basic but it works miracles it's working in 25-minute increments with a 5minute break throughout the day it sounds simple but it makes a huge difference so you set a timer on your phone I set a timer for 25 minutes I do 25 minutes of work and then do a 5 minute break all through my work period 25 work 5 minute break 25 work 5 minute break the keys are this the 5 minute break like you have to get up and do anything physical it doesn't have to be a workout but just like don't just be sitting and looking at your computer at non-w work stuff for me it's the most helpful when I'm doing an editing day an editing day could mean 5 8 10 14 hours of staring at my editing screen and then by the end of the day I want to murder people and I feel horrible and there's like no recuperating and I'm in a horrible mood but when I do the 25 on five off I actually usually can put in more work hours in the day and I'm not homicidal I really recommend trying it it's a tiny thing I've recommended it to so many people pr5 on five on the thing about working in 25-minute increments is that it's really short it almost always feels like you could easily keep working and that's the key you stop before you burn out before you turn to violence and then you know exactly where you want to pick up again after you return from your break I like to do something light usually like a chore so by the end of the day I've gotten a huge chunk of chores done and I have continually re-energized my body through the day it sounds simple but trust me whenever people try this it blows their [Music] mind I never sit in this chair I don't know maybe I should just be sitting sitting alone in the corner of my room more often I don't usually get dressed in the morning honestly that's not part of my morning routine I'm not usually getting dressed till like 300 p.m. but I'm going to skip ahead and talk about clothes for a second because this episode is sponsored by thread up I just got like six different dresses for spraying from thread up I'm going to show freaking some of these dresses cuz they're so cute oh actually this is I got this shirt from thread up this is from Alo yoga which if you haven't looked at aloe yoga it's like like a million and then I saw this perfectly in my size normally $95 I got it for $39 wow wow wow wow I really like this dress this dress is from LSP space this dress in retail is usually $127 I got it for $43 yes yes yes I've already worn this on several date nights I really like a dress like this cuz it's like extremely extremely comfortable like I can put sneakers on it or do the heels I have not had chance to wear this one yet but I it's I think it's the one one that I'm most excited about pedal and pup usually $76 I got it for 27 yeah I feel like if I get an invitation to like a beach party a party on the beach this is the one if you don't know about thread up girl where you been it's the largest online thrift store consignment store you can prioritize shopping secondhand they had so much to choose from I feel like I found so many pieces in just a few minutes I got this little bag Boy originally retails for $49 I got it for $116.99 I wore it on Easter with a little pink sweater blue heels little dress 16 bucks what the hell what the hell yes yes please this is also from LS space originally $127 I got it for $ 34 okay I really like a little baby doll I also really like doing like um a pop of a different color shoe I feel cute I don't know if I look like a little Amish but I I really like I love the neck on this I think this is a dress that my sister Elizabeth would make fun of me for cuz she says sometimes I dress Amish but I think it's so pretty this brand is Millie which I'm not familiar with but I think I we'll look at them more now now I understand why people always do this this this pose I have to show their shoot right otherwise it's just this that's not ideal so I feel like I have all my spring summer dresses covered I have like casual comfy sexy and formal SL beach party if you like some of the dresses I showed I saved a bunch more things on my favorites list on thread up I'll put the link in the description and use code Caroline you can get 35% off and free shipping on your first order you can shop the other looks I liked I actually bought more things than this but the rest aren't dresses so I love clothes I'm not a good cook this is welln I'm not interested in cooking please don't teach me how to cook but I do still try to make something that will be nutritious and good for me I like fresh things I'm making myself an egg in the hole bread egg butter it's simple personally I find that I need both protein and a starch to keep me satiated and energized throughout the day I always include both in every meal that's a personal preference do what you need to do dog I have to call call this upholsterer fabric upholsterer to answer some questions about upcoming subscriber Room Makeover y'all pretty excited about this hi um this is Caroline Winkler I got a call from youw but like you know what Nu are like a dub no I mean not in the terms for fabric right so there's okay so there's these Reaves that go up and down side come in yeah see how it comes up a little nubby a little nby oh okay so totally fine with the Nubs a okay on the Nubs so railroading it means second let me Che okay thank [Music] you hello you sounds good thank you cool all right have a good day bye you too Nubs okay on one of my 5 minute breaks I like to go for a little walk even if it's just around the block everyone says you're supposed to nope listen walks are good for you and I don't know what my problem is but I can never actually motivate to go for a walk in the middle of the day sometimes but it's it's not that often Instead This is my favorite five minute nature alternative okay one of the things that I'm doing during my physical breaks I talked about taking like a 5 minute physical break while I'm working I really like redoing my flower arrangements I have them all over the place this is the Teeny tiniest little baby vase my brother made out of Walnut my brother made this my brother made this are you kidding me I I'll link his um Etsy Shop he's a whole Etsy shop where you can buy his tiny vases he also made that giant wood vase back there right here but not only am I like rearranging my flowers which I'm always doing but I'm now pressing my flowers like almost every single book in my house in my apartment is full of pressed flowers I have no idea what I'm going to do with them but I'm just obsessed with pressing flowers now like here some I pressed a while ago then I just framed them and what's great about it is that like you put the flowers in a book you completely forget you ever did it and then like 2 months later I find them by accident and I'm like oh my God a craft like instant craft it's done let's see this one has some in it a wow like I would instantly put those in a frame I love these anyhow this can take a bit of time but I'll do it throughout the day in like 5 minute increments these are pretty ones I like that cute are you kidding me are you kidding me [Music] w [Music] wow so pretty wow so pretty I love it [Music] yes oo my shirt is eating me that's my morning that is my morning yeah I feel like the thing that's just not super helpful about some of the morning routines presented when it's like super disciplined and well curated and Screen free and la la la it's like yeah some people can do that some days but most people can't do it most days or definitely not like the majority of days and so it can get a little tricky when you get this idea implanted that like that should be the standard it's like no that's like a that's like a very accomplished day but not every day has to be like that maybe that's not even an accomplished day maybe that's just like an annoying kind of day I don't know what I'm saying anymore I wish I was disciplined enough to like take myself out for walks sometimes I am usually I'm not but to me it's been important to figure out what are the ways I can make the day survivable like oh especially a work day and not want to end my life at the end of it or end someone else's or throw my screen out the window it's pretty rainy today and I think it's making me lazier than I should be or maybe it's making me exactly as lazy as I should be wow think about that I usually get up around 8:30 and that brings me to the only thing in this video that is going to be a lie it is not 8:30 right now it's 10:40 and that is because it takes me a while to wake up in the morning and the one thing I'm not going to do is film Ain't No Way whoa remember you can shop my favorites on thread up and use code Caroline to get 35% off plus free shipping on your first order make your Cur see your blessing rip your sht a second you'll be coming
Channel: Caroline Winkler
Views: 253,518
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: decor, interior design
Id: GOIlAhsjuKQ
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 19min 50sec (1190 seconds)
Published: Thu Apr 18 2024
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