A guitar players fast guide to ohms.

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hey guys today we're going to talk about bones mm you know he's gonna make the joke oh okay this is gonna be a fast video and you will be omus masters within minutes so from now on all I want you to do is picture tube amplifiers as car engines in that analogy then speaker cables are tires and speakers are the road now if that's true imagine won't happen to your car if you took it on blocks and floored it well it would burn up the engine because it didn't have any resistance that's the road the road is the resistance puts pressure puts resistance on the tires right tires going to push against it okay so two men fires meet resistance because without it they go out of control and they burn up in other words just think of the RPM so just get really really too hot and they melt down so we know we need resistance okay well how do we know what ohms to pick here's the rule that you'll fit forever hopefully remember forever pitch your ohms as sumo wrestlers if an amp has a 4 ohm output it says it's looking for four sumo wrestlers well it needs that minimum of resistance for well that means eight would be good and 16 would be good as well because it's saying it needs at least four sumo wrestlers so more sumo wrestlers the better because the more resistance yeah the less the the engine gets to put out in other words you can't go as fast and there was an amplifier you can't get as loud but you also can't burn it up which is what we're going after in this scenario we're not trying to destroy our amplifiers so the rule is if it says it wants four sumo wrestlers you can do four sumos eight somos or sixteen sumo wrestlers if it says eight you can do eight or sixteen and if it says sixteen what's telling you it needs an army at sixteen it needs sixteen sumo wrestlers so you can't run it into four because it's not enough resistance and the amplifier will burn up because it's going to run too hot so that's pretty easy to remember right just remember that the more the better now the last thing you remember is happens if you're at a gig or in a certain situation and you don't know what the cabinets rated at and you don't know what to do with the head and you have a switch on the head I always find it safe I'm never blown in half in 27 years always pick 8 out here's why because it can go into 8 or 16 so you've covered 2 of the bases on the on the cabinet which is good and what if the cabin is 4 well it's only by half so therefore as long as you don't push the amp too hard and too long your amp should be safe again it's not an ideal situation and I'm not telling you it's ok to do that I'm just telling you that in that situation that is the best option so that scenario always run your amp and doubt 8 out if you're really in doubt and you don't know what's going on otherwise always match them up 16 to 16 eight to eight or four to four or you can always go more so you know one of the benefits of going more in other words taking an 8 ohm output and putting in the 16 inch our 16 ohm cabinet is that because of the more sumo wrestlers the resistance the amplifier it distorts a little more gets a little darker and your amplifier you can actually turn your volume knob up a little higher and get less output because it's got more resistance but that's okay because the amp likes it it doesn't mind the resistance again don't think of it the other way around it's not it's not bad so the more sumo wrestler is the better which means the more ohms the better alright guys as always thank you for your time and know your gear
Channel: Phillip McKnight
Views: 61,936
Rating: 4.9064994 out of 5
Keywords: mesa boogie, marshall, fender, ohms, tube amps, cabs, how do, stratocaster, lace pick up, victory amp, 8 ohm, 16ohm, 4ohm
Id: 8GuuiIerVqs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 3min 38sec (218 seconds)
Published: Sun Mar 06 2016
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