A Great Hunt - Nickel Hunt and Fill #173

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I've said it before and I'm going to say it again and I mean it this time no long intros you know what we're looking for so let's get this hunt started hey everyone it's Rob findes treasure welcome back to the channel two boxes of nickel sit in front of me we're going to crack them open and begin the hunt we're looking for that 50d we'll take any of the three nickels we need for the side finds book of course we'd love to find some more Buffalo nickels or even silver nickels foreign coins proof coins or any varieties I have listed on my nickel coin hunts mat that being said I said it' be a short intro so let's get it going we're going to hunt these two boxes one at a time see if we have anything fancy on the top side of this box sure would be nice to get a nice silver Ender or a buffalo nickel Ender it's been a little bit but I don't see any of that although I do see some promising older Jefferson designs especially on the back half of the box I'll have to see how this box pans out all right hunt begins I'll bring you guys in when I have my first find and of course at the end of the hunt I'll show you the albums we're on R number eight and we have our first pre 50s Jefferson nickel a 1948 Philadelphia we also have found a 57 and a 58 both Denver well we're on Roll number 10 of box one and I have just found my favorite thing to find when hunting nickels just open up the roll flatten them down look what's peeking out the third corn in from the end the back of the Buffalo we're going to have a buffalo nickel minted 1938 down to 1913 let's see what we got here no mintmark decent detail hopefully there's a date I think I'm going to be able to get a date on this one I thought I saw 29 but let me just double check it again I think that's a 1929 there's some Gunk there let's put it under the scope yeah 1929 19 19 29 Philadelphia is a common buffalo nickel but it's nice that it's dated and it's nice to find one early on in box one we'll take it I'll probably wipe it down a little bit make it look a little nicer than that and get back to the hunt roll number 17 of box number one our first Jefferson from 1941 1941 Denver on this bad boy roll number 18 we have our first Jefferson nickel from the 30s a second year issue 193 39 hopefully this a Minit mark it be a key date 1939 it's going to be a Philadelphia the common one but we can definitely check it for any of the doubling on the back on the words 5cent and monello does not have that doesn't appear to be a heading nickel or weigh it up for making sure but we'll definitely take it 1939 Philly for the board roll number 22 our second Jefferson nickel from 1939 this one's a little more warm is there a mint mark there is not we'll just quickly scope it again and I do not see any other doubling definitely a Philly nothing going on there all right 2 1939 nickels starting to get some fins on the board although we're halfway done with the Box Roll number 34 is going to give us our first foreign find of the hunt a Mexican peso Los estos unidos mexicos and this one is a newer one 2020 3 still got some luster on it that's a nice one to find all right back to the hunt same role in the last coin of the role was a 1940 Philadelphia roll number 35 is going to have the world's ugliest 1949 Jefferson nickel 1949 might be a Denver let's take a quick peek yeah 1949 Denver and no I am not going to double check it for the D overs wouldn't be able to tell anyway we'll take it though damaged or not it's still another fine for the board roll number 42 is gonna give us a couple of fines I'll go with the one I wasn't going to show until I found the next one but this is a 1958 Jefferson nickel it does have some Gunk on it but it actually is in pretty nice shape outside of that and I flipped it around and there's no mint mark so it's a 58 Philly and that is definitely a lower mintage not a semi key date or a key date but really close and actually like I said it's in decent shape just has some Gunk on it we'll go and add it to the board and I bring in because we found right behind it our first nickel from 1946 of the hunt 1946 and that's going to be a 46s again not a semi keyate or a keyate Jefferson nickel but being from San Francisco 1946 that's definitely a lower mintage and even though it's not in great shape it's good seeing a couple of nicer older ones in the roll let me get back to the hunt and let's have another find well we finished that first box of this two box nickel hun hunt we didn't get any silver nickels we didn't get any key dat or semi key dat so of course no 50d but not a bad box overall we got a couple of better dates the 58p you guys saw the 46s and then we got a buffalo nickel from 1929 couple of 1939 and of course the Mexican peso outside of that 17 finds on the board is a little light but it's been tough with nichels lately hopefully we can get something better in this box maybe a silver maybe a 50d all right let's crack it open see how the top side looks see what we got staring back at us well no buffalo nickel no silver nickel staring back at us we're going to have to find out what's in this box the oldfashioned way opening up rolls you guys know what's next I'll rejoin you when I have my first find of box number two roll number 18 of box number two it's not a silver nickel we've got a nether buffalo nickel and this one looks like it might be older because it has a little more wear to it still a Philadelphia minted one and I don't know if we'll get a date on this one oh I don't think we're going to get a date I might have to actually nicadate this Buffalo Nigel and it has damage on it and based on what I see here this could be a 19 teens like 18 19 could be a teen that could be a one right there but I can't tell if it's damaged or not because we have lots of damage on it I think I will go ahead and nicadate it and see if I can get a date mainly because it's damaged so it's already worth not much B it's Philadelphia minted so again it's probably not a rare date and C it's going to bug me to not know the date let me nicod date it I'll do that really quick while I do that I do have a video on how to use nicod date on coins I'll post a quick link up here for you guys while I get this done all right we finished nicod dating it I had to leave the nicod date on a little longer than I like to make sure I could get a date hopefully you guys can see it it's 1924 hard to see because of uh the damage to the coin but definitely a 1924 and it's a 1924 Philadelphia so 1929 p and a now nicked 24p we do have lots of rolls left though so let's get after them rooll number 75 of the hunt bow was is my last find at least one that I could film we've got a 1940 Jefferson nickel from San Francisco here figured I'd show it to you roll number 76 of the hunt figured I'd film it just in case we've got a pretty nice Denver minted Jefferson nickel peeking out and it looks like an older strike so uh let's see if we can get lucky here Denver minted beauty doesn't have any steps what year is it oh it's a 19 1960 man it's got nice toning it's a beauty it had the 50d look on the back but it's a 1960d we'll still take it it's a beauty back to the hunt roll number 81 and I think we might have our first silver nickel it could just be a discolored Jefferson nickel but that kind of looks like it could be silver as well figured we'd expose it together oh yeah 1943 19 that's a pretty nice Jefferson niichel for being what is that 81 years old now 1943 holy cow and it's a Denver 1943 Denver Jefferson silver wartime nickel is a tough date I think 15 million minted and that's a pretty Nic looking one to boot that should definitely upgrade one of the albums I believe our first silver wartime nickel is a tougher 43d in great shape I will definitely take that silver on the board Buffalo's on the board 50d not on the board yet roll number 89 I decided to show you another 50s nickel because it's just too nice that's a pretty nice 1952 San Francisco slightly better date in decent condition for sure we'll add it to the board and get back to the hunt and hopefully that's a good sign of something fancy in those last 11 rolls roll number 92 of the hunt and we're going to have another War nickel I'm pretty certain I just splashed out the roll and look what I see I believe I see a mintmark a Philadelphia mintmark peeking out had a feeling it was going to be a wartime nickel by The Edge but when I set these down they just splay out perfectly for me let's take a look at it definitely a Philadelphia common is 43p I'm going to assume it's a 43p and it is 194 43p we do want to scope that because there's two different varieties to look for the 43 over 42 over date and I don't see the 3 over two and there's also a doubled eye a second eye on it but we don't see that on this one probably not nice enough condition to see it either way 43p to go along with a nice 43d so now two Buffalo nickels two silver nickels some better dates eight rolls left roll number 94 is going to have two fins and just like the last time we found a 58 Philadelphia in decent shape as you can see here we also found another one from the 40s right behind it kind of odd this time a 1948 and that's going to be a 48 Philadelphia we'll definitely take that two more finds to the board running out of rolls though well that's going to do it for that two box nickel hunt and uh yeah second box was light on fines as far as total quantity only 13 additional finds in box two to go along with the 17 we had in box one 30 finds on the board but it did give us a silver nickel it did give us a buffalo nickel I'm definitely okay with that box overall up here is the common stuff I don't think anything up here would be an addition or an upgrade to any albums we have the best finds down here the Mexican Peso from 2023 two nice 1960 Denver uh nickels probably not upgrades but definitely ones I'm going to keep we had two 1939's that's pretty common nickel but anything from the 30s I always hold on to we got a better date 46s a better date and better condition possible upgrader 52s 2 58 Phillies that are low mintage both of them are nice this is probably the nicest of the two not going to be an upgrade either but still nice seeing them two Buffalo nickels one I had to nicadate unfortunately but it didn't come out that bad 1924 P one had a date 1929 p and then the silver nickels a common 19 1943 Philly but the star of the show is a really nice 1943 Denver it's a lower mintage and it's in really nice shape I'm sure that will upgrade something or at least I hope so what's next to do is compare all the finds to both albums see if we have any upgrades let me do that and I'll bring you back with a look at the books and some final thoughts on this two box hunt all right I have compared all of today's finds to both albums surprisingly not a lot of upgrades to report but we were able to take the 43d that we found today and we slotted it right here in the series two book we took that 43d out plugged it into the series three side finds album and took that one out and have it ready for the silver jar the 52s in both books are in great shape surprisingly so yeah don't need to upgrade those so only one upgrade in series 2 of 43d and one upgrade in series 3 of 43d 208 box boxes searched still missing the 50d 141 boxes searched for Series 3 still missing the 50d as well as the two San Francisco minted 30s Jefferson Nichols well I know we didn't get the 50d today but man that was a fun two box hunt I'm hoping you guys had fun along with me if you did I certainly would appreciate that Thumbs Up And as always everyone happy hunting and thanks for watching a little more silver for the 2024 silver jar
Channel: RobFindsTreasure
Views: 18,890
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: buffalo nickels, silver nickels, coin roll hunting nickels, coin roll hunting, coin, nickels, coin collecting, coin hunting, nickels to look for, nickels worth money, silver nickel years, key date nickels, rob finds treasure nickels, hunt and fill, rob finds treasure, coins, valuable nickels, 1950 d nickel, coins worth money, rare nickels, buffalo nickels value, buffalo nickels worth money, rare coins, coin searching, silver, rare buffalo nickels, coin roll hunt, nickel hunt
Id: uROKacfuw5w
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 13min 37sec (817 seconds)
Published: Mon Feb 19 2024
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