a graphic designer's apartment tour | prints, plants, funny man

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[Music] hello I'm Elliot I'm a Sydney Bas graphic designer and this is my one-bedroom apartment how about I show you around give you a tour of the place does that sound good I can't hear you I'm really sorry this video is sponsored by Stills more on that later so we start with this uh little hallway here uh which I don't really do much with you can tell um just ignore a lot of this this is just like you know I think everyone has like General space where you just put things we've got the kitchen here very standard kitchen um we've got a a rice cooker which is a very very good I enjoy that a lot other stuff the kitchen's pretty basic as well it's a kitchen what can I say biggest thing about this entryway is that you'll notice I have the apart from you know the rest of the apartment we'll get to all this you've already seen all this stuff but what you don't see is this little uh this this here this is a uh coat hanger that I got from or coat rack rather from Ikea I thought the the color was really nice and I was like you know what I reckon I reckon I could get a good good use out of a uh out of a coat rack and then the main reason is I wanted to put a bunch of my tote bags as you can see got a lot of tote bags and this plan absolutely backfired I think this looks awful genuinely hate this so much it it just looks ridiculous now but that being said I I I think these are some nice tote bags this is my favorite one this is my Fisk tote bag it has a a zipper at the top and a little front pocket on the inside every tote bag should have a zipper I'm a big believer in that uh this is one that I got from a jumbo press Kickstarter uh which has this beautiful little design on each side which I love walking around town with I really do love walking around with it uh and this one here actually I was given by my friends after hours studio uh go check them out they're they're absolutely unbelievably talented uh pair of designers and uh they gave this to me when we were both in New York at the same time which was very sweet and also don't don't forget guys when the mullet is growing you got to wear your bloody headband when playing a social net ball am I right am I am I right do you like it when I turn my head towards the so this is a one-bedroom apartment so this is the the main living area and then we've got a hallway down here that leads to the bathroom and the bedroom over there which we'll get to I'd like to call this a set you know so I put a lot of time in effort into and money of course into making this look very nice for all of you lovely people to look at uh when I'm filming my YouTube videos so we'll start with this little dining room here we have just a little circular table which is always sweet for these small apartments uh and these alternating color chairs which I think is quite cute nice little touch from me uh I really like these coasters uh they they've got these little different colored circles in between them lot of fun I always make sure to bring them out when people have uh have this is my Tide pen uh that I bought recently so I can get rid of stains whenever I uh am out and about because I let me tell you guys whenever I go to an Italian restaurant whenever I go to an Italian restaurant I I for some reason wear a white T-shirt a little key uh key look at this little look at this little keychain from KLA drawers isn't that the sweetest bloody thing that you've ever seen and this is my little key ball from uh Mason bllac the one and only at that's bllac with a zed if you know the brand you know it if you don't I sound a bit silly don't I uh that's where I ate okay I ate and I I scroll my phone this is a pretty new addition to the apartment in this blue shelving here it used to actually be uh this this was my um old TV stand and then I was like put the TV on legs and now now I have had an empty space here so I put that TV thing over here and then I got rid of it and put it here cuz I wanted a bit of elevation uh because I have this beautiful print here by my friend Rya dank AKA Narda on Instagram go check her out she is an unbelievably talented artist and I had been meaning to get a print from her for years cuz we've been mutuals on Instagram for ages and I was like I want to buy the biggest print she can offer and I kind of did I think she actually sells bigger ones than this but this one is like a a zero I'm pretty sure it's absolutely huge and when I bought it I was like I reckon I could put that up on the wall with like command strips and I don't think that I could I'm pretty sure that like I think if you got like three sets maybe three pairs on each side you could put it up but it's a rental I don't want to risk it we've got enough command strips going on the gallery wall so I just thought I'd get like something else to give a bit more elevation and I think it worked out pretty well so this is just some blue shelving from Ikea we have the first signs of some plant life this is a pely this is the first ever plant that I got It's Been to Hell and back let me tell you it's been moved around all over the city and it's somehow survived and is still alive and kind of growing this a cool little lighter that I got from Japan cuz I thought it was really cute uh these some eyes here that I was given by fellow YouTuber Ben Marriot uh we've got a collab video coming soon if not out already uh and he made these and he gave me them isn't that so sweet we've got a little candle here that everyone thinks is a glass of milk that's pretty funny pretty funny how you guys think that so fetched my favorite Pokémon I got this in a little gacha machine of course in Japan there's so many little gacha things around we just got some stickers here from Carla drawers uh kala is incredible there's a bunch of col draw stuff in this place I've been getting into cooking recently uh because I think that's I think it's an important skill and I want to get really good at cooking so I bought a bunch of cookbooks and they're kind of like three different difficulties I would say we've got easy uh medium and hard I haven't even tried Matty meeson's one but the cover is absolutely beautiful and I think they just look really good here as well how good is the Molly baz cover unbelievable and that's my mouse for some reason this is where I cap my fist FK mouse pads um I have three Fisk mouse pads two I've bought one was gifted to me they very kindly sent me this one here it's a collaboration between Fisk and ghostly I love it I've kept the Box the box is so clean as well and this is where I keep my little SD cards when I'm traveling because I like to film things on this camera this is a clock that I was gifted sent to my PO Box would you believe um by tdf the designers Foundry a very cool Studio they've sent me a few things before which was very generous of them to send this clock my way I thought it was quite aesthetic and it looks pretty nice here next to um my nadota print so I'm pretty happy about that going down we have my casify collection that I keep here uh because none of them fit my phone would you believe uh and yeah I I don't know this is just a fill space I don't actually like displaying them that much but they're pretty cool got a little Nintendo 2DS that is definitely not absolutely jailbroken and has every single game on it definitely not the case and a little Journal that I bought in Japan and I wrote one thing in it journaling maybe this is the we start journaling everyone who knows I'd always wanted to get a copy of popey uh this is popey magazine uh the magazine for City Boys and uh this Edition specifically focuses on interior design and people's apartment so I thought it was just perfect for the space we've got a print over here saying blow up Rio Tinto that is of course the mining giant Rio Tinto not the city uh and that's a fun little print that I need to find room to put up and another print of mine behind there too that I haven't put up yet and then down here we got some more stuff we got some Lego we've got some uh Lego Nintendo stuff from Japan uh these are two of broo M's poster books that I haven't unwrapped yet because I'm keeping them in mint condition cuz I'm just such a big fan and then other things just you know an old camera and headphones to just to fill the space you know you buy a big thing like this and you're like oh I actually have to fill the space otherwise it looks silly you know okay this is my ringer date calendar too uh that as you can tell it says the 31st of December it is absolutely not the 31st of December I really tried to like make a a good effort at putting the new date on every day you miss one day and suddenly The Habit dies and you go oh well it looks cool just there anyway so I really like it the yellow is nice I wish I could hang it up but you know I don't know rental got to be a bit scared of doing things I got this Monera like I think 2 and 1 half years ago and it is absolutely thrived in wherever I've been um I love this plant so much this is a brand new Leaf can you believe it just unfilled isn't that beautiful look how green that is we got this cool little orange support beam in there as well that's keeping it from uh absolutely toppling over because let me tell you it's a bit out of control this Monera they are uh they grow they grow really fast I can't remember the name of this plant but I've had this one for a little while now and this one has grown like double the size in about a year I think um beautiful plant I'm pretty sure it might have like uh not spidermite uh it has some kind of pest but it doesn't seem to affect it too much I I try and get rid of the pest got a lot of pest to talk about but um it's doing okay I love this plant a lot and then tucked away down here underneath this monstero actually if you get rid of these leaves uh we have some little secret little little spots here uh first off we got a tiny little Miffy there that I got in a little gacha machine a few other things from some gas behind this beautiful sun uh jewelry container that I got from a store called hands uh if you're in New Town ever and you see the hand store go out of your way to go into the hand store you'll leave with something let me tell you what a beautiful store this is one of the latest additions to the place this is a little clock here from Nicholas Baker from his little object Studio called uh almost object and it's essentially like this elasticy band that I just like you can you can strap around anything and I saw this white pot and I was like that would look perfect on the pot and it did I think it's absolutely perfect positioning however I think it's out of batteries ran out of batteries very quickly so it's either the batteries or I broke it and I'm leaning towards the ladder this is a print that I've got leaning against the couch here uh this is a dingy be print that I got ages ago and it's on a very thin black frame it used to actually be up on the wall where uh that blueprint is uh but it fell once because like I put command strips on that frame and it was it wasn't like like a third of the command strip even like a quarter of the command strip was on the actual frame so it was a matter of time before it fell and it did fall and uh but it survived the crash so now I just lean it here and I think it actually looks quite good leaning there this is my star logo that you might see on my channel um a friend made this rug for me handmade very cool I've got a few of my stars around the place that you'll see and all of the stars have you ever see this star it's been gifted to me which is very sweet I've never gone out of my way and made it myself people are just so nice people are nice and thoughtful yeah and then on the the the plant is sitting on I believe this is called the combinability uh which is an old Italian design uh little piece of furniture here and uh I had always wanted one and I got it in this nice little cream color that I think fits the space very well yeah it's pretty cool if we quickly turn away from this uh little section over here before we get to the catch and Lounge area um there's actually a little fridge here that I keep some cool things on so I've received a few like um prints that are not like you know they're they're too big to be a sticker and they're too small to be up on the wall so I was like where do I put them and then I decided I put them on the fridge and they're all kind of up here on the fridge with these little Mario little Mario magnets we've got some prints from Jumbo press that one's jumbo press jumbo press jumbo press uh jumbo press they all come whenever I buy something from Jumbo press I get a bunch of little rizos included which is very sweet of them uh this one is from yuck fun who very generously included this one when I bought a tote bag from them uh these are from a friend Valerie Nelson on Instagram absolutely insanely talented illustrator and designer this one here says williot which is very sweet too can highly recommend checking out Valerie this is one from Fisk and ghostly when they sent me that little mouse pad which is very sweet uh this is a from a friend Lil Emily an incredibly talented type designer who this is like kind of like displaying one one of her fonts which is really sick you should check her out she's just launched her web store which is really cool and this is from Carla drawers who once again generously sent this among a bunch of stickers that I bought from her um and that's her and her little dog isn't that so cute I want to make some of these things I want to make things like this I would I just spat on the L so this is the main living area uh we'll start over here with this little bit of Cabinetry uh we've got two plants up the top here these plants have been doing very well again this pot like I said if you see the start you know was gifted an unbelievably good secret santa present right here Legend who got it for me this is a uh from honey TV who are a super cool brand I think based in La uh I bought a bunch of shirts from them like years ago and then they released this uh big Potter gold honey kind of guy honey it makes sense honey TV you know do the maths guys it's very simple how do I not realize this is my book corner with a bunch of books that I haven't read yet or have read some of them I have read some of them I haven't my favorite thing here is probably this little bubblegum volume 3 book here which I can show you a little bit inside of uh this was a book of Rizzo that jumbo press did on a Kickstarter a little while ago I've supported I think two of jumbo press's kickstarters now they've done some really cool projects uh getting a bunch of like really talented artists and illustrators together to make these like Rizzo books and stuff very cool jumo press is so cool this is Dr toothy Dr toothy is an invention of coral the brand that made the legendary dog mat that I featured in a bunch of the videos the dog mat is actually in the bedroom we'll get to him later this is actually an incense burner too which is sick you can take off his head and you can burn some incense in there which is cool so we've got that lying down here I never actually burned any on him I just like him kind of there on his own with a removable toothbrush as well and that's one of my prints behind there on each tier of this um this cabinet I've got like uh one of my prints they're kind of tucked away cuz I don't like displaying my stuff too much cuz I I don't know that's like I made that in like 2020 so my style has changed a lot uh and I don't really like it that much but it is there going down to level uh we have some more things we've got some little extra stickers that I've got to put up somewhere soon uh another one of my prints a Fisk water bottle of course this cat clock that I got from hands as well we've got this beautiful little vintage uh phone thing that's a that's a that's a phone over there and then this is a little chalkboard which I haven't changed in years hello sweet apartment has been there since like 2020 little Snoopy that I got from uh uh a gacha machine in Japan this year is a small little card I was given from my friend Oscar uh he did a collaboration with his mate Jesse no plan Studio on Instagram they made a little collaboration together and they gave me a little print this is a beautiful little tribute piece paying homage to the one and only dog mat made by my friend Miranda who is one of my awesome twitch moderators you might have seen their name in the twitch chat if you're if you're in a design shift stream God I love this little dog so much and look at those colors God God have a look this is my home wow that guy really want shut up about his apartment wait I'm literally that guy and you know what I also can't shut up about highly curated design oriented imagery specifically from Stills now I've already told you how good these images are you should already know about the incredible selection of artists on stills and how much their work can elevate your design projects but one of the features I haven't spoken too much on as boards and no I don't mean boards is in the slang term for rebounds in basketball although I did get six in my last social League game I'm talking about being able to curate your fave imagery into mood boards that you can share directly with clients this year is Elliot is a board a place where I showcase a handful of images that I find particularly inspiring at the bottom here Stills is very smart and shows me some images that I might also like and I can add them directly to my board from there I can then send my board directly to my clients and we can finally license the work that's in my mood boards yeah Stills is more than just a plain old photo licensing site it's a really good photo licensing site I said what I said up for your free account now using the link in the description of this video this apartment was empty when I moved in so the first thing I bought was this couch uh this was my uh a taste of what was to come I guess I don't really like the couch anymore but uh for for the first piece that I bought I was like look at me I'm buying a cool orange couch and I thought that was that was pretty fun but uh yeah I don't know I I think a I think a more neutral color would look really good in the space now yeah we got some fun pillows as well we've got yellow blue and this nice little orange a lot of Orange going on here we've got this um ottoman that matches the it's like the exact same shade as the orange there which is really fun too uh the pie the resistance of the apartment is this rug here this is my Broly omato rug who made it in collaboration with this very cool rug Studio company called uh Sula I got this like two years ago and it has lasted pretty well I think it's done pretty well uh I was really really scared for like the first two months of getting it dirty so it was like a real no shoes policy when I say 2 months I probably mean like a year and a half honestly I've only pretty recently gotten around to being okay with it getting a little bit dirty that's the beauty of furniture you know things get dirty it's okay it's fine this is my new Macbook I now work on a MacBook uh every so often this is getting prepared for my move so I now have the laptop so I can get rid of my computer when I leave here uh I am obsessed with it I'll tell you what with the MacBook guys like I got the mac and then I started using Chrome for a bit and it would just chew through battery and it was actually quite slow and I was like oh no what did everyone say cuz it's got like the M3 and everything I was like everyone said it was so good and then it wasn't and I got scared and then turns out it's really good with the Adobe Su I put in Premier like editing these YouTube videos on that thing I get it now so I get all you Mac uses I I understand this here is a noob chair that I got secondhand from a place called shagger Relic which is like this curated vintage Marketplace this person kind of goes around and finds these really cool vintage pieces uh check her out on Instagram very sick uh I love this chair so much I love these little Chrome legs that it has and it's got a real nice shape if you kind of check out uh behind it it's got this kind of like Dome shape at the bottom which kind of looks really comfy but it's it's probably the least comfy thing I've ever sat on in my life this little cushion here was made by a super cool cushion maker uh Taye who was very generous and and and gave that to me and I it it just works so well there we've also talked ages ago when she first gave it to me about like selling these things if you're interested let us know all right what you want one of those let me know I think they're cool you want one few little things over here uh we have this is a beautiful pot designed by Joshua space who's this really cool designer based in Melbourne it's a recycled planter uh made out of this like plastic like a bunch of recycled plastic and stuff turned out so well the image online like cuz you know all the different uh plan is they differ um depending on what plastic is used to make them uh and this one was I got so lucky with this I'm so happy with the colors like it's just it's stunning it's an absolutely stunning plan this is a little Ikea table as well that's holding up these two we just have a very basic terra cotta pot which I thought was nice for this bird of paradise that has yet to flower but one day it might and a little uh portable lamp from uh hey also got this this green Ikea box that a friend was giving away uh and that stands that gives it a little bit of extra height so you can see the planner but it's it's like cool even though even though you can hardly see it like it's there and when you see it I think it's and then this is my umbrella tree which I have such a LoveHate relationship with it has grown so well and it has grown so big and tall it's like pretty much doubled in height since I got it uh but it has scale in like the last few months it's developed scale which is like a a a pest I spend a solid 15 minutes every week picking off the scale on this thing and I spray it with everything I can I do my best I've tried a bunch of different things the scale keeps coming back but you know it keeps growing like once I realized it had scale it started growing cuz I could like tend to it but the scale does come back which is frustrating but it's a beautiful plan and then of course we have my gallery wall this wall was empty for so long and then I just put up this one print and then it was just that one print for so long and then I was like you know just get on with it put the rest up and I'm so happy with how it looks it's got a nice little you know nice little Arc to it so going from left to right this is a uh broo Amato print that I got in a mystery tube of posters that he was selling for a while uh they got three prints that's one of them that's another one and the third one is I think behind the couch because I haven't you I don't know where to put it yet but I got so lucky like I love this one so much I'm so happy with this one I mean I love all of his work I'm kind of obsessed with broo M's work um but this one is so sick this year is a print by Tristan Miller that I got on drool Tristan is a typical uh Sydney based designer and I think that absolutely suits it it kind of matches this one too which is fun you can see there's a general style that I kind of go for I really like these kind of abstract designs uh and I think the black frame looks really good too uh this year is one of many dising be prints that I have I bought a few prints from ding be and he sent me a bunch more because some people are so gener that's the thing I think my favorite thing about like doing this being doing being being being an Instagram designer being like a content creator kind of thing is that like you may like I'll talk to the people like I've I've pretty much all the people that I I've bought stuff from I've been able to like chat with them which is really fun and so people are so generous people are like people are ridiculously generous like they're just like chucking a few stickers chucking a few little things like it's so nice and um do be send me like four other prints included when I bought like two from his site so people it's it's cool it's very cool shout out to the artist of the I had this tiny little space in between here that I wanted to fill with like a little small print and I found this one by ISU Kim on room 50 the only thing is this shade of yellow does not work well with my uh color grading that I do all the Lut Luts whatever you Luts Luts l l kind of like glitches out a bit so I have to mask the light but I think it it still shines through which is really nice and I It just fits that space perfectly what do you think of the spacing around all these prints as well I think I did an okay job do we put something there maybe this is watermelon Cat by Angela Kirkwood uh I don't think you can get this print anymore so I feel pretty pretty pretty blessed to get this print because uh a lot of people have been asking where I got this print from but Angela Kirkwood is like one of the coolest most talented just like go check out Angela Kirkwood seriously like you have no idea how big Angelo cook is going to be like I'm dead set like such a talented artist and uh this is this is sick the cat is literally in the cat is the cat is the watermelon and this is another print that I got from Disney EB that I just love uh it's got that blue yellow and red combo that I just simply adore and these blue frames are fun too colored frames real cool they work really well in this face anyway so that's kind of that and this is my little sticker wall that I've got here where I've got a bunch of a bunch of stickers all put up and let's go through some of these stickers because there's some real cool ones I have bought and been gifted a lot of stickers in the past I always wanted to do something with them and I thought it would be like a real cool space to Chuck them up here so any of them that I got I would just throw them up immediately I've got one from above the clouds which is a just a clothing store don't know why it's up there but you know now it's up there it's it just has to stay up we've got some from some very cool places if you ever see an elephant you know it's from Jumbo press they've sent me a whole bunch uh we have some kard drawers we have some Elliot snowman we have some honey TV some let Brock some H Gallow which is a cool like Ceramics company I also don't know what to do with this when I move like do I just like take the piece of wood move it to New York with me or something I think that would actually be quite fun that's the thing with stickers you kind of have to accept that they're going to be permanently up there yeah permanence it's an interesting concept uh I you see all of this on camera right this is where I shoot all of my videos uh what you don't see is when we turn a little bit to the right here and we get to see the the other half of the room which isn't as pretty but I don't know I think i' I think I've done a pretty good job with it I think it's I think it's okay this is my little TV Corner uh I've got this uh TV on legs uh it's the Samsung the frame so it changes the photos and everything which be fun got some Keith hering stuff going up right now which is a bit of a nice pop of color in the room here we have uh another cow piece this is a candle boy from cow so cow sell these tiny little uh candles that look just like this a lot a lot smaller though and then they released this chrome version of it uh that's actually an incense burner again so you actually like light the incense through here you can like Chuck in a little bit of incense pop it in there H and then if you tap its back then it will blow smoke rings which is so funny uh so look at that absolutely shining some beautiful colors going on there in their Reflections I love it I got this rug from the same place I got the Bro rug I think it's a funny little like parody of having like one of those real animal hide rugs that are so ridiculous so I think this is like this is cute just sitting here kind of lounging also always wanted a cat but um my balcony is definitely not safe for a cat so uh this is like my way of having a cat in here got a cat in here and then I got a dog in the other room yeah got a a bunch of a mess ofous thing going on back here we hide it with all these plants and this uh Christmas tree maybe next month maybe March is the month we get rid of this eh I need to replace it with another plant cuz I've got to PO that that's the issue you know what AM IU we have the little YouTube pla here because of of course uh you know when I'm playing Street Fighter on the couch I need to look at this and remind myself Elliot why are you playing Street Fighter you've lost the last 10 games in a row it's time to make another YouTube video so it's a nice reminder yeah uh does it actually work probably not it it it reminds me to take a uh 20-minute Street Fighter break to reward myself for all the hard work I did to get to this point it's an awful system this is by far my favorite plant that I have here this is my fiddle leaf fig uh it's it is quite an incredible plant um when I got this plant I actually like uh brought it into the elevator of my apartment building and someone kind of like saw it and was like is that a fiddly fig and I said yeah and then they were like keep an eye on it at all times and I was like why and they were like I blinked once and it lost 10 leaves and I was like Jesus Christ okay cuz I know that like it doesn't do wind very well but my apartment gets quite a breeze coming through so I was a bit worried about it it's lost like one life in in a year and a half this thing is sturdy this is a very sturdy plant and it's a it's recently started developing like a lot of these are new which is really fun too it's really liking the the the warmer weather yeah you can usually see it better as well when the Christmas tree isn't here but this is another recycled planter this one is from design by them uh which is a city based design studio and it is absolutely adorable it's kind of like the inverse of the Joshua space one but yeah super nice we love a big planter this is one of my favorite pieces I've ever got this is from like an object making studio called uh Fon based in I believe I want to say Byron Bay like up the coast somewhere and and um they do these like aluminium pieces uh and I've got two of these chubs one is in the bedroom this used to be one of my bedside tables but I thought it deserved a bit more love love I I wanted to look at it more so I I I brought it out here and Ed it as a little stand and I think it works really well especially as a stand for this guy uh which is my little uh Michelin Man camel I got this from a place called JLo uh which is a Ceramics object kind of company they do some really cool stuff by some very cool artists and he's he's also got these little uh candle holders as the humps never put candles in them but I think he'd look pretty cool with some candles in then we've got a little saluting cat here just for the sake of that's a that another cat that I got in a little gcha uh machine and uh who are we saluting to do you reckon get in focus focus on the cat anyway there's a saluting cat there and this is where the magic happens this is the desk oh God I hate this place so much uh this is a like kind of a relic of streaming past back when I used to stream like four times a week which is why we've got the camera set up on this like dense kind of Arm System back there this light over here that you can turn on at the like the the Press of a button turns on and off which is fun we got a you know webcam a bunch of just random gear everywhere I don't know I don't like sitting here at all I really really don't like sitting here uh it's a standing Des which is fun so when I stream I can kind of stand up and move around uh that's us right there say hello every that's hello can't figure out how to do look at that look at this size of that lens isn't that ridiculous just what yeah so we've got like some nonsense like this is a go XLR so I can control audio stuff uh this is some stream deck so you know we can when I when I stream if I'm doing like design Chef or something I've got like all these little buttons that tell me what to do to zoom in and stuff makes it really easier to stream uh we've got this fidget spinner which I really like probably my favorite part of the desk this is new I got one of these little hard drives that I can put in this computer and then move it over into that laptop this is my third Fisk mouse pad it's this one is in Black so it doesn't get as dirty the blue one got really dirty really quickly but the black one has done pretty well and then we have a little cat Mario Amo over here who is wishing me good luck whenever I work which is real fun uh he's going H good good for you Elliot you know that's what he's saying good on you let's a work that's what he's saying let's a design baby is what he's saying we also got this mic around here that kind of comes out on this arm which is great for very very good for streaming and for Zoom interviews God it's very fun doing like a little work call on this setup actually because it's like the the background is really fun it looks it looks really complete it's nice and you can they go oh he's definitely a designer let me tell you and then they say the chair am I right go we've got of course the Herman Miller Aon here because I need that back support I need to be a true designer I need a Herman Miller and yeah it's definitely uh it's one good chair let me tell you that and then here are the the famous Eliot is Cool Guy glasses would you believe uh these are from Bailey Nelson and when I was getting them I was told that these are the ones that every graphic designer gets so I said give me gimme and now I wear them and I actually do need them I used to have um blue light filter glasses and they didn't have a prescription then I got an eye test turns out I need them when I sit at the computer so yeah good for me I think that's everything in the living room that's pretty much it what you say is what you get I I you know I display this a lot in all of my videos and I'm I'm trying to get as many angles of it as possible whenever I film a video oh actually this lamp is really fun too this is from shagar Relic this is a a vintage Oslo lamp uh so you've got the two lamps there they've got smart lights in them because I like being able to go hey Google turn on all lights and then it will go like boom tur on Five Lights thank you Google please turn off all lights all right turning off Five Lights you like the kick that I get out of that let me take you to a place that you haven't seen before which is just down this hallway so this is all cupboards we I've got an insane amount of storage in this apartment which is really like I feel like hard to get in Sydney like for a one bedroom apartment I got very lucky with the amount I mean there is like an elevator like through there so you hear the elevator going up and down which they didn't tell me about when I signed my lease we have a bathroom in here it's just a bathroom I don't really want to show you much of the you know there's nothing much to show I like the tows and then we come in here and this is my bedroom everyone this is where the magic happens and by Magic I of course me getting around 7 hours of sleep a night probably couldn't get that upd I like my bedroom a lot I think it's very simple uh I wish that I mean you've got so much empty space here which is such a shame I really want to put stuff up but I kind of I kind of like how empty it is I mean you can tell that like the tenant before me put up a TV there's like a a hole that they've covered like somewhere up there on the wall which I will definitely end up having to pay that's my other big chub there we've got it in yellow which is I I love that as a bedside table uh we have a foscarini bich light here which I had always wanted and then I found one on Facebook Marketplace for like a quarter of the price and I was like give me give me this duvet cover and pillow sheets from a place called Gata which is this like South Korean bed bedding and linen company and they look so good I love the yellow Square on the pink such a simple like pattern and design but it's a real nice accent would love some kind of feature pillow as well but the the two yellow is kind of nice for now this is my bro M throw rug that I got from Sula again because I love Poo's work and I just what what was I meant to do not get this bloody thing I've never used it because uh it doesn't get cold enough so or I get I guess I think I don't get cold enough I I run quite warm I would say these two pillows are here because they're too big for the couch I really thought I could make it work but I think they actually look really good at the foot of the bed for some reason we have of course the dog rug this is my corcal dog rug and he is just resting so gently um I wish I could kind of put it at the foot of the bed I think that'd be cute maybe if it was like a really thin like pillow or something but it it works for now we have my second Monera here which is growing super well again it's got another one of those cool little uh stands this one's in a nice little cream beautiful looking plant God bless with that little green pot down the bottom there works really well in the room I found this table from a real talented designer called Billy furniture on Instagram and uh I I knew I had to get one as soon as I saw I could not get enough of the the flower shap I chose this nice orange color I think it works really well in the room very happy with it looks really nice we've got the little Google of course because you know when you you got have one in each room so this it's my alarm works really well uh and then this is my little uh SEO clock that I like as well so you can see that it is 12:04 time for lunch guys this is the smallest plant that I have and by far the hardest one to take care of it's gone through it it's gone through everything like I've brought this plant back to life like three times it needs a trim I need to get rid of these Dead Leaves cuz like Jesus Christ it's kind of on its last legs right now but you know there there are signs of growth let me tell you but it has spy to and then outside you can kind of see my final two plants um one of them had a bunch of aphids on it yellow aphids check out this photo let me tell you quickly about aphids actually because because that plant had so many aphids on it that what happens with the aphids is they the adults will mutate and develop Wings only if there isn't enough space on the plant for more aphids they will literally like they shouldn't grow wings but they will grow wings if they need to move on and I found them once like I could not get rid of these aphids and one day I was away for like a weekend came back and like half of them had grown wings and I was like this is ridiculous so anyway got rid of them in the end I figured out but they uh they're they're that's a that's a tough bug to deal with and then finally this is my mirror fit check cool you know I got my bbery Crocs on guys yeah uh this is my Joshua space mirror same guy who did the one of my recycled planers in the other room this is one of his void mirrors you can get it in like some different colors on the on the border but I chose this cream one and it looks so damn good I love this mirror I think decorative mirrors are like real tricky to find you usually just find ones with crazy shapes but I love the like putting a pop of color on a mirror so sick lot of storage as well lot of empty like it kind of looks so like there's just nothing here at but then you kind of turn around and go oh bit of pop of color it's simple it works um I like coming in here just to sleep you know this is the point of this room was just like when I'm in here go to bed so that has worked I've made this very much my sleeping room so that's fun H and if you're wondering where second Elliot lives he lives uh in this little box just at the end of the hallway here which I think is quite cute hey everyone nice to see you uh I don't think you I wouldn't say you've moved in I guess I made you and then found room for you to live in here but you you seem I think you enjoy it right yeah it's definitely cozy haha but it works for now I think so I'm pretty happy yeah yeah exactly so we we have fun you know we kind of like what do we do what do we what do we get up to in our kns off we have movie Nights every so often we watch Dune the other day if I remember correctly yeah we watched that one the other day that was good uh we D together and we play some video games yeah a little bit of games a little bit of Smash Bros a little bit of straight fighter yeah Elliot's a huge Jamie M which is odd unfortunately second Elliott is a GU man and if you know uh if you know anything about straight fighter you know that's going to be a that's going to be frustrating to play against H but we have fun we have fun yeah we have a bit of fun I guess yeah that's um that's a that's a that's us I guess and I'm pretty sure that's all there is to it that's my apartment I think it's been really fun kind of like finding my style in terms of interior design and like what I like and what I look for when it comes to getting new furniture and new knickknacks and stuff like that uh I don't think there's like one color that kind of like shines I think a lot of people have like an accent color in their apartment and I think mine's just everything which I think is is fun too but it all works together like I think that's my kind of the best thing that I've learned is that if you just get things that you like then the style is like things that you like I think some people get things to match like a certain aesthetic and stuff but like if you don't like looking at it yourself then what's the point so I think it just you just got to trust that it will work if you get a bunch of stuff that that you think won't fit like there's been plenty of stuff that I'm like this won't work at all and then it just does because everything else doesn't fit too in a way do you know what I'm saying when I say is anything I'm saying making any sense this video I've gone without a script this video that's weird I feel very doing that it's been ages it's been like a year since I've done a video without a script so uh yeah yeah I love this place a lot it's really fun and it's awesome and it's Elliot you know I think it's I think it's just so Elliot which is nice so hope you enjoyed the place and uh can I finish with Something Beautiful Something profound can I just finish with something like that all right let's give me let's give it a go um a house is not a home until what is an apartment with without a decorative chair what is if the kitchen is spotless then I have I assume I have a lot of work to do in my personal life that'll do it anyway thanks so much for watching the video guys that's so cool of you for doing that sorry it took so long to get out uh it was the easiest video I've ever made I could not explain why it took so long to get out uh but that's part of the fun of what I do uh the next video I've got coming out is a th000 logos in 1 th000 minutes I'm being dead serious about that I've already filmed it it's going to be insane I feel like a new man since doing that all right um would you like to watch another video there's a few on the left side on the sidebar take a pick which one will you pick today uh
Channel: elliotisacoolguy
Views: 149,833
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: adobe, adobe illustrator, adobe photoshop, art, australia, australian graphic designer, comedy, day in the life of a graphic designer, design, design chef, design humor, design trends, design trends 2022, design trends 2023, design tutorial, elliotisacoolguy, graphic design, graphic design beginner, graphic design portfolio, graphic design tips, graphic design trends, logo design, poster design, adobe creative cloud, canva, canva tutorial, adobe firefly
Id: AnES-R_o7d0
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 38min 53sec (2333 seconds)
Published: Thu Mar 21 2024
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