A Good Beginner Metal Detector Under $130! - Kaiweets KGM01 Review

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[Music] hey folks as you just saw I wanted to be completely honest and tell you guys again that I got this detector free of charge I am doing an honest review on it my Integrity is worth a lot more than $130 metal detector that being said if you see the video and you are interested I do have a discount code down in the comments it's atc1 15 you can get 15% off there's one for their site and there's one for Amazon as well if you're an Amazon member you can use that one save yourself some shipping anyways let's get after it what is good folks all things country here and today I'm kind of excited uh this company here Kai weats went ahead they sent me their kgm 01 metal detector it's a base level model entry level detector for folks just getting started in the metal detecting game it came free of charge it is sent uh for review they saw my channel and they wanted me to put it through the paces I'm pretty excited because you know what I it's not too often someone sends me something for free and number two the ground is finally thaw and we're going to be able to get out and get some detecting guns so we're going to unbox this thing put it through its basic Paces get it set up and then we're actually going to take it out in the field and give her a try so for those of you that are unfamiliar with kaiweets as a company uh that's because they're more geared towards industrial applications I've used their temperature measurement guns as well as their handheld voltage testers before they both work really well really well for me in the past so hopefully this metal detector is no different so here's a little snippet of the correspondence that I had with this company now my favorite as of right now uh startup metal detector is the fiser F-22 and I'll go through some reasons later on as to why that is but I did mention that I'd like to put it up against the Fisher because they do have this item listed as a beginner's metal detector and they were all good with it with the pros and cons they said you know I'm more or less feel free however they did mention that if I get the thing of the box and it's complete total dud which can happen to pretty much anything from the factory to let them make it right before I went ahead and did the review I thought that was completely fair and that's why I gave this s the green light so without further Ado let's go through the Fisher and see how this thing Stacks up now my definition of what a beginning detector is it should be under $300 there's lots of detectors on the market under $300 so before you start saying that the the Garrett at is better than the fiser F22 or the M lab Vanquish is better than than the F22 I'd be inclined to actually agree with you but at the same time you're you're getting well over that $300 price range and I consider those to be mid-range detectors for $249.99 us to me the Fisher is the best bang for the buck it's very reliable it's got four modes a pinpointer metal discrimination it's completely waterproof the shaft is adjustable runs off two AA batteries however it doesn't come with any accessories which is fine I won't hold that against it because you're buying the detector not the accessories all right so let's take a look at the kai Wheats and how it lines up on paper versus the Fisher it's $139.99 us a for a discount that's significantly cheaper than the Fisher it has six modes to Fishers 4 it has a pinpointer has mental discrimination it's waterproof like the Fisher but it applies only to the coil whereas the fisser applies to the full unit including the display panel it's collapsable and adjustable so in other words the fisser is adjustable you can move the shaft up and down to adjust the length but you can't collapse the whole detector this detector runs off two nvt batteries which I'm not 100% sure I'm a fan of based on the fact that the Fisher runs for 30 hours on two daa that's pretty hard to beat 9volt batteries are pretty expensive but that being said this detector does have a backlight so maybe that extra batter battery power is needed to run that it does come with some accessories but that being said the this review is based solely on the detector the accessories I'm we're just going to consider kind of a bonus because really if the detector what doesn't work the accessories aren't worth anything anyways okay so let's go ahead and unbox this and take a look I'm super curious I mean I wear a size 12 work boot and I've had my work boots come in boxes bigger than this thing so let's take a look at what's inside not to hit our camera up there so we have a user manual this is one of the few user manuals that as a man I will actually keep and probably read here is part of the shaft here very very solid it's plastic but yeah you can hear very very solid a little bit heavy at that later it does come with some headphones with the Fisher does not which is Handy but again not judging based on accessories we have a carry backpack here kind of like a waterproof canvas Y type material that could be handy as well two 9volt batteries just hophazardly kicking around in the Box this did come a long way overseas as you can imagine so we'll keep that in mind cut it some slack here is the handle also plastic has a nice strap for your for your arm which the Fisher does not Fisher does have a slot menu these straps are pretty cheap but nice that it comes with it um again this is very heavy hard Duty plastic the grips are nice and rubberized I like that that's cool all right so we cleared a little bench space you can see it also comes with this digging tool that's the top piece of the handle it's actually fairly uh robust again we're not judging based on accessories a handy little thing I mean I'm keeping in mind that say you would bought this for for a kid as an all-in-one uh present or something pretty neat to have something like that not sure what they do with the bottle opener but that being said open their soda the uh coil at first glance uh as a someone who's an experienced detector I don't like these really really large coils in fact I very much dislike them but that being said they're in necessity on these beginner detectors when we get out in the field I'm going to show you guys why as compared to the Fisher Fisher's a little bit harder to swing and this will be a lot easier with this larger coil on and again I'll show you why but what's most impressive is this GX connector this will actually pop into the the head unit over here and it's got this collar that you screw on and it won't come out most of these cheaper detectors don't have that feature so I think that's pretty awesome that this company gives you that that's fantastic and again there is your control panel there very very similar to the Fisher got your pinpoint in the middle on off plus minus to adjust your sensitivity and your mode and it has this here for your sound and your backlight so pretty neat again having the backlight features you know if it's something that you like this thing has it which is nice all right well enough jibber jabber about specs and stuff like that let's go out and do some actual detecting so we're going to start off with some iron nails and some tin foil the bane of metal detect everywhere then we're going to move on to a natural copper nugget and a brass casing see if we can get some differentiation between them then we're going to go to a clad quar a pure silver round and every metal detector's dream a natural gold nugget so we're going to put it through its paces and we're going to see if this thing can discriminate between all these different targets let's head outside so while this detector does have metal differentiation it features iron nickel aluminum zinc and two Silvers we're going to be running this detector in all metal mode for the purpose of this test all right guys so I got the kai Wheats here uh I turned it on everything fired up and it pretty much came out of the box set up I didn't have to do anything I haven't really tested it on targets for sensitivity yet but it uh I threw a chain link down it was able to detect that really really quick but one thing I really wanted to point out is how easily adjustable this thing is you just flip these little levers here and these things slide in and out like butter so you could actually if you were using this detector which I'm going to do later uh in this video amongst multiple people you could just put a Mark here on the shaft boom super easy setup would really help with the collapsing this is really nice this um being able to adjust this to where it catches on your arm very nice and this rubberized grip is awesome so we're going to put this through a discrimination test so let's have add her so what we have basically here I've sunk the cap from a paint uh spray paint can into the ground this is just going to enable me to switch my Targets in and out really really quick this is not keep in mind this is not a depth test we're going to put it through that later but the first thing we're going to try these iron nails so we throw them in the cap we going to put the uh little piece of signboard over top and we're going to see how this shows up on the detector all right so our first Target again is those iron Nails going to go over top here and you can hear right away that dull tone you can see that it's registering as Ferris and coming up as a two on the target ID again very consistent between a two and a four flashing that feris signal that's awesome all right so our next Target is this ball of tin foil every metal detector work wor nightmare God I hate this stuff when I'm out detecting but let's see how it shows up on the detector all right so let's give this tin foil a shot that shows up at a 57 and you can see that the aluminum is flashing absolutely perfect and also you can hear that you got that much higher tone awesome so definitely discriminated between the iron and the aluminum all right so that aluminum test went really well going to get rid of this foil ball and we got this natural copper nugget going throw that in there put our piece of sign board on top let's see how that turns out all right let's have a look at this copper see how that registers registers is a 70 and it registers in a zinc belt which this detector doesn't have a copper setting so that's fine having that extra number and telling you where it registers gives a good indication that it's definitely not iron or aluminum definitely something you dig up that's for sure all right so we're going to get our copper out of there the next thing we're going to try is this brass casing that's actually important to me because I do uh reload my shelves so being able to spot them would be really really cool let's see what how it goes okay so let's give that brass casing a shot so that register is a again in zinc with a 68 so right around where copper would register which is kind of what I would expect there's a lot of copper in that material and it differentiates it from the iron and the aluminum which is really all I need it to do that's awesome all right so far very very impressed but now we're starting to get into the more valuable stuff we'll get this brass casing out of there I'm going to throw this Canadian clad quarter in there see how she goes all right so let's give this Canadian clad quarter a shot comes in at 66 registering in the zinc belt which makes absolute sense again what's most important is this detector has separated the junk from anything that may be worth something so again the aluminum's gone the iron is out we know that at a 66 that's a target of value awesome all right so we've taken her Corridor out and we got this bad boy 100% pure silver drop that in there man I'd love to find that in lights out in the field wouldn't you so here goes our pure silver round and that comes in at an 88 and registers in high silver just like it should all right the final test now I'm not going to be disappointed if the detector doesn't pick this up cuz it only weighs a gram but we have a 1 g gold nugget here place that in there put our sign board over figures cross let's see how we do and see what it registers all right so let's see how the gold does keep in mind that this is not a gold detector so I would expect a gold like this to detect somewhere in the iron belt maybe up near Nickel but definitely on uh between uh 0 and 60 oh it picks it up really well but it does register as iron and register is between a two and a four so very very low on the iron scale [Music] interesting all right so we're in my favorite shooting area we're going to be looking for brass casings and whatever else we find we've got two beginning detectors to te test out and I figured what's the best way to test out two beginning detectors than with two beginning detectors and here they are on my right I've got ATC Jr and on my left giggly over here ATC Junior we're going to be uh testing these detectors trying to find some brass casings and stuff and then halfway through I'm going to have the boys switch As for me I've got my uh digging knife and I've got my handheld pinp pointer so Dad's on helping and digging Duty so let's get after [Music] it [Music] all right so we found a few Treasures we haven't been out here very long uh the boys each found a pile of 22 shells an old shotgun shell of course got this old cannon can lid the two coolest finds of the day we got this bottle cap here we're going to wash off we got two pieces of metal we haven't identified we're going to get a better look at those and EMT found this Penny I have no idea what year that is we're going to wash that off and take a look at that as well all right so we're back we checked our Penny out uh the boys got to try both of them what did you guys think what did you think of uh the new one well I thought it was actually very beginner friendly because if you look on the uh monitor thing that they have it actually shows all the different types of metal which I think is a good thing EMT what did you like I got the same answer same answer yeah it is really beginner friendly the the interface is really easy too what did you dislike about it versus the Fisher I dislike how heavy it was and how big the end was cuz it was hard to actually like detect sometimes but I mean it did the job so yeah see I am it's getting frustrated cuz all three of us have the same answer right it's it's really heavy compared to the fish the Fisher is so light so if you had to swing one all day you definitely pick the Fisher but you like the interface on the new one better yeah it shows you what you're detecting too right not just the metals but the actual stuff awesome and EMT found that cool Penny and it was it detected pretty deep eh I think it detected like that Penny was down what about 8 in yeah cool well there you go folks all right so let's talk about the pros and cons of this unit for the pros obviously the price point with the discount code I've got listed below in the video's description you can get this bad boy for around 120 bucks and that's almost downright theft for detector of this quality the Discrimination really good again for a beginner detector all you can expect is for it to take out the trash targets that's your aluminum and your iron and this thing did that very very well ergonomics and adjustability probably I don't think I've ever seen an even higher end detector as adjustable as this one as far as where it sits on your arm how long the shaft is really really nice I love the pistol grip with the rubberized the coating on it fantastic compact storage obviously is a big plus if you want to throw this thing in the back of your car and have it handy because metal detectors are actually really handy things to have around you know if you're doing a job outside and you lose a bolt or a screw Etc it's really nice to have them around and you know you never know you get targets of opportunity you're driving by or you got an hour to kill somewhere and you see a beach or a a place a park or a soccer field where people may uh you know drop coins super nice to have these handy the accessories well we said we weren't going to judge the detector based on the accessories but let's just throw that in as a pro because they are nice to have especially that backpack and the headphones are actually pretty high quality and as you saw if you're going to detect out in public you don't want everyone to have to listen to those tones all the time having those headphones is a big plus the backlit screen is not something that I'm into but I know a lot of people are and I know it's typically only offered on higher-end detectors and this one at this price range actually has it so to me that's a really good thing and of course the easy setup a beginner detector's got to have that easy setup I took this thing out of the box put it together made the adjustments so it swung properly and away I went it detected straight off the bat you know they had it comes from the factory set with the sensitivity right in the middle awesome stuff now for the cons I mentioned it multiple times it is heavy the Fisher weighs in it a little over 2 lbs this bad boy comes in at around six and you know because it is made mostly of plastic the plastic is very heavy duty and to get plastic to be heavy duty it has to be heavy plastic so at the end of the day that's the price you pay for you know being able to get this thing at a cheaper price the other con is the 9volt batteries I'm still not sold on that only because you know what the Fisher like I said runs off three doublea everyone's got Double A's kicking around the house 9 volts you know what you have maybe one or two for changing your smoke detector batteries once a year honestly you know I would have liked to seen it run off aaa's but as I mentioned earlier maybe it needs the 9 volt to power that back L all right guys so we put this thing through its Paces one thing I wanted to mention while we were here I hadn't touched back on the uh the extra large coil why this is good for beginners I actually kind of ended up it grew on me um no pun intended but uh this circle part here is the part that actually does the detection it was super easy to get used to where this thing's targets were and where it was detecting really enjoyed that but reason why this is good for beginners when you swing this back and forth you're supposed to swing a metal detector like that you're supposed to keep it completely level with the ground with the smaller coils people tend to swing like this and the more more you you swing on an angle the further the away you are on from the ground and the further away your targets are so this really helps the beginners keep it nice and flat to the ground and like I said it grew on me now the question is which detector would you buy would you buy the Kats or would you have bought the Fisher well that question is not that simple honestly speaking if you if I had two detectors in front of me I had this one and I had the fisser and Money Was No Object and and I could just pick one and walk away well I would pick the Fisher to be honest with you but it is so close the two of them are neck and neck the only thing that puts the Fisher ahead of this detector is the weight and you're actually spending well over $100 more to lower that weight is it worth it well that's really up to you but I'm going to tell you what I would do if I was somebody that only had $300 or so to get into metal detecting I would buy the kyats instead of the Fisher and I'm going to tell you why because I would also invest in a good digging knife and a handheld pinp pointer those things make metal detecting so much nicer so much more enjoyable and if you really get into it and you really enjoy metal detecting and you want to get into a higher level detector well you'll always have that pin pointer and you'll always have that knife and the kai weeks could be packed in its bag stored in the back of your truck the trunk of your car and you can have a metal detector anytime you need it believe me having a metal detector on hand has been super helpful for me in the past whether it be to help find car keys uh we were out in the woods and a friend of mine once shot a deer and lost his his knife we went back to the location I had my metal detector I was able to find it and you know what sometimes you just may be near a beach or see a place where you want to go it's like prospecting I keep my pans in my truck cuz you just never know when you have a spot you want to try so honestly speaking for the price this thing performed fantastic the Discrimination work great couldn't be more pleased with it there's a discount code down in the description you can get 15% off bringing this detector down under or around $120 it's almost a no-brainer to be honest with you so hopefully you guys enjoyed the video hope hopefully you guys uh enjoyed watching whatever detector you choose get one get out there it is a super fun and rewarding Hobby guys cheers check out that discount code we'll catch you on the next one hope to see you on my next [Music] adventure
Channel: All Things Country
Views: 717
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: #metaldetecting, #findingtreasure, #findinggold, #coins, #preciousmetals
Id: kqIvhdTCrfA
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 23min 29sec (1409 seconds)
Published: Mon Apr 01 2024
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