A Genealogy of Liberty: A Lecture by Quentin Skinner
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Channel: Stanford
Views: 60,017
Rating: 4.9162874 out of 5
Id: PjQ-W2-fKUs
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 90min 59sec (5459 seconds)
Published: Thu Dec 01 2016
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Better link, skipping the 4 minutes of introductory waffle:
The concept of individual freedom is usually understood in negative terms as absence of interference or constraint. Quentin Skinner argues that this orthodoxy is in need of qualification and perhaps abandonment. Skinner will begin his lecture by noting that, because the concept of interference is such a complex one, there has been much dispute even within the liberal tradition about the conditions under which it may be legitimate to claim that freedom has been infringed. Furthermore, some writers challenge the liberal tradition by insisting that its emphasis on non-interference leaves us without any grasp of the content of human freedom. Skinner will go on to suggest that both these traditions of thought arguably fail to recognize the centrality of a different element in the idea of personal liberty. His lecture will conclude with an attempt to excavate this rival and largely occluded tradition of thinking, and with some reflections on its special importance in democratic societies.
(abstract taken from video description of Neubauer Collegium Director's Lecture video)
For those worried about the 1 hour of 'smart thinky talk' please be aware that Skinner is funny.
He makes jokes and you will smile or lol For some that is important and it can help if this speech is out of your element.
I.e. even if you don't understand everything you'll still enjoy yourself haha
What a fantastic talk! This is why I come to this sub. Informative, compelling, and entertaining. Thanks for sharing!
Thanks for the post! If anyone hasn't seen his genealogy of the state it's absolutely incredible.
I've watched this a couple of times. An amazing lecture by a brilliant mind.