A full day of eating in SWITZERLAND - How expensive is it while travelling? (Vegetarian)

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[Music] good morning I hope you're having a wonderful day speaking of wonderful days look at this day so we're in a little town called interlaken if you missed our first video where we discovered where we were going it was booked entirely by a company called take me anywhere travels and they'll book the entire trip as a mystery so you actually not only found out they were going here like half an hour before we checked in for our flight Wow oh my gosh I'm so so happy to be here this place is incredibly beautiful oh yeah that's good ok so today what we're doing is a food and culture to us so we're gonna be going to a farm I do believe and sampling some cheese and some chocolate which I'm very excited about considering today it's a food and culture - I thought it'd be a good idea to start talking about the food here in Switzerland and how expensive it really is to eat while traveling Switzerland normally when I'm living in Japan and I'm just living in general life I have a vegan diet so when I'm traveling just for the ease of travel I generally go with a vegetarian diet and I'll try to just be vegan whenever I can be so like this morning where you went to the grocery store we just bought like a whole bunch of groceries the stuff for the grocery store wasn't too expensive although it kind of it looks cheap that's because the conversion is deceptive basically we bought a whole bunch of groceries for about 15 francs which wasn't too bad it's not not crazy expensive definitely a little bit more than Australia I would say so far holy crap this town is so beautiful ah just a little quaint town and surrounded by these massive mountains with these big clouds all around it it's just so nice and the air is fresh and clean [Music] if kids in this [Music] I like microphones on oh really it's a lot more casual this man but so this is all to a guide Alessandra I Hey so what is the first thing we're gonna we're going to today we're gonna go to a traditional Swiss cheese store Swiss cheese we're gonna eat cheese excellent fast means jeez like French yeah so much cheese when you walk around Switzerland or like interlaken in general at the moment you see loads of cats okay and most of them get milk which means we have an overload of milk and to conserve it we actually make cheese out of it because it lasts you a lot longer okay oh it's very smooth but the name of this one again I'm not very good I'm really bad at pronouncing your famous ready come by come by I'm a really terrible like food review of but it's good cheesy now that's not weird at all actually yeah guys what's better much like stroke so the next one is chocolate but who wow oh wow that's a lot of chocolate I can sit down if you want to sure [Music] first one is Lindt chocolate 27 percent cacao and the rest of it is unhealthy stuff booze is made with cream don't milk interesting neo tip well Jim Barnett for attention yes sister dan doujin day journey don't like errr car what the Coweta millimeters uneven Tuscany an elaborate cooking I can just edit in there they saw state such a guinea what totally not Oh God Oh then eat more chocolate flavor mmm how can I say Tom tasty in Swiss German its Fame I don't [Music] [Laughter] [Music] crap [Music] [Music] apparently these these are all around the town in Switzerland listen interlaken and it's all water fresh from the alps and it's a really really fresh and amazing and they're everywhere wow so cool [Music] [Music] Wow I think this is my first time of a beam at dairy farm or I don't know a cow farm like this I imagine that this is very very very different to the kind of industrial farming that we would get in other parts of the world which is the main reason why I am vegan most of the time [Laughter] [Music] [Music] [Applause] while the tongue is so rough cute oh my gosh you are so soft you are the softest cat [Music] [Music] oh my gosh now we're going to hide a comb it's called top of interlaken like a lookout peak at the top of the mountain yeah I'm really excited [Music] so it's about a 10-minute trip to the top and it sounds cheap in dollars if we say Oh $25 if you can about that to Australian dollars it's like like $45 that's a little expensive but we aren't going to a really really high top so you can see an amazing view at the top and I'm so so done keep saying I'm really excited that's because it's exciting country everything's beautiful [Music] [Music] Wow I think this is probably probably the best view I've ever had I think so yeah and I can finally share it with someone all the ways filming at the moment yeah [Laughter] [Music] [Music] my goodness there is absolutely no video that can do this you justice this is a unbelievable Oh every time I look at it it's like I like have to audibly gasped me as it's so beautiful Wow and it's not even called here it's amazing holy crap [Music] [Music] [Laughter] [Music] so Yoshi and I have come to a fairly fancy looking restaurant because we wanted to try some traditional Swiss food so Yoshi got a pasta dish which was it became at like a buffet salad and veggies antipasto kind of thing and so that was like 26 francs and I got a veggie rusty which is a traditional Swiss like potato pancake kind of thing and mine was 18 francs excited for some food hungry [Music] oh it's really good yeah it's like a it's like a a squash hashbrown so it's actually day 2 right now but I forgot to sign it out yesterday so I hope that you would vote in their their bit I hope that you enjoyed my video yes I hope you enjoyed my video yesterday I'm so completely bought in a way about how amazing this place is already so I'm really looking forward to what we're about to do right now and we're just like a crazy huge mountain so yeah please look forward to that and until then if you like this video give a thumbs up if you want to see more stuff like this please subscribe to my channel also Yoshi cuz his channel he'll be uploading videos from Switzerland as well so go and check it out and I will see you next time bye you [Music] [Applause] [Music]
Channel: Currently Hannah
Views: 89,511
Rating: 4.8740768 out of 5
Keywords: Switzerland, interlaken, food in switzerland, swiss food, swiss cheese, swiss chocolate, expensive, budget travel, europe travel, cheap travel, travel tips, travel vlog, switzerland travel vlog, switzerland drone, dji mavic air, canon 77d, swiss bread, how expensive is food in switzerland, how expensive is it to travel switzerland, harder kulm, food and culture tour, switzerland travel
Id: 71uXPxvgroo
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 14min 12sec (852 seconds)
Published: Mon Oct 15 2018
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