A Full Day In The Life Of A Mayo Medical Student

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[Music] what's up youtube welcome to another day in the life of a medical student if you're new here my name is j.r smith i am a second year medical student at the mayo clinic and have a busy day today so i wanted to bring you guys along it's about five in the morning i just got done journaling asking my two normal questions that i ask myself in the morning what am i thankful for and how will i grow um it gets me in a good head space as the caffeine kicks in um i have about almost 700 hockey cards to get done before i have to head up to campus which is in like two hours so let's see how much of that i can get done and i'll fill you guys in on the rest of the day in a little bit [Music] [Music] all right guys it's a little after six in the morning been working on anki for um about an hour you guys can see [Music] i've done 280 cars in about 50 minutes you can see i still have a lot left to go i try to do them in under 10 seconds per car so we're moving a little slow today but that is life that's gonna be okay um i'm actually gonna hop in the shower try to get ready as soon as possible and then crank away at some more honky carts before i have to head out and i'll see on a little bit [Music] all right we are dressed almost um essentially ready to go i'm going to crank out like 20 more minutes of anki literally every minute counts um and then i'm gonna head up to campus and we'll get going on this day let's see how much of this anki i can get through [Music] [Music] all right guys it is about seven in the morning even when i try to make sure i don't have to rush i still end up having to rush but you can see one thing that is good about this morning is that we have gotten it to under 10 per second we've gotten about 350 done still about 350 to go but we're gonna make it i'm gonna finish getting ready and head to campus [Music] what's up [Music] i knew road [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] uh [Music] oh we made it guys um it is now 7 54. i just got home from what you guys saw was quite the busy day um essentially on campus from 7 to seven today which is fine some days are like that and it was all good things all fun things um you know from class to outpatient to the um ortho night so it was a really really good day one thing that i definitely want to fill you guys in on is something super exciting happened to me today in outpatient um and so i actually had the opportunity to give a patient a corticosteroid injection into their knee um like i gave the injection which was absolutely crazy one of the most exciting things that i've experienced this year and so you know you kind of progress through different things that you get to do as a medical student from seeing your first patient from taking your first physical on a real life patient not a standardized patient but a real patient coming in for something to actually performing procedures on patients today was absolutely incredible my doctor essentially asked me um you know after i went and i said that this patient you know would probably benefit from um a corticosteroid injection in their knee um my doctor that i was presenting to was like have you ever done this i was like no he's like do you want to i was like yes and so he kind of walked me through exactly how he would go about it and then he let me do it and it was awesome it went super smoothly uh and it's as somebody who's interested in orthopedics you know this is something that i would be doing quite a bit of you know in residency and in practice and so to be able to do that now as a second year medical student super exciting super super exciting um and so and then that transitioned into an amazing ortho night where we got to hear more about the orthopedic program here from faculty residents hear about different opportunities we have as medical students and really just what we can do as medical students who are interested in orthopedics and you guys probably also saw that i was doing quite a bit of anki throughout the day and i still have about a hundred cards left of anki um and then i'm done so i'm gonna crank out those anki duke plays their first basketball game of the season today when i'm recording this it is tuesday so duke plays kentucky in college basketball coach k's final first game of his career of his glorious career so gonna watch that at 8 30 have about 30 minutes of cranking out these anki and then we're gonna finally finally call it a night but i hope that you guys enjoyed this video this day in the life a busy day um but medical school can be like that sometimes we have class clinic responsibilities interest group meetings um and studying and trying to get as many anki done as possible throughout the way um super fun day but super busy day if you did enjoy this video make sure to like and subscribe if you haven't already and as always keep evolving and i'll see you guys in the next one you
Channel: Evolving Medic
Views: 205,414
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medical school, med school, married in medicine, Mayo clinic, med student, medical student, minority in medicine, black doctor, surgeon, premed, usmle, mcat, premed student, black men in medicine, minorities in medicine, med school advice, premed advice, keep evolving, evolving medic, advice, tips, strategies, Mayo Medical School, Medical student day in the life, medical school day in the life
Id: 8otM8WgnAPU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 12min 40sec (760 seconds)
Published: Sat Nov 13 2021
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