Day in the life of a 4th year Medical Student | First day back

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foreign [Music] good morning it's currently 3 58 a.m on a Monday let's start the day [Music] [Music] foreign [Music] foreign [Music] while I was planning to film myself I'm right now [Music] okay let's go [Music] so lovey what is considered first line treatment with generalized seizures [Music] well one of those I think okay let's see it's sodium valparais but carbomazepine Coastline for focal features so it's not bad at all nice we're here at the hospital right now what time is it right now Lavi 7 23 a.m in the morning and this is the hospital [Music] foreign [Music] how are you feeling about your first day back at medical school as a fourth year apprehensive but I'm sure it'd be fine once we get back into the swing I think what about up how do you feel I'm very excited to be back had a great summer and I'm ready to go I'm excited to get back into a routine and feel like I have something to do I'm feeling a bit tired but it should be good it should be good yeah thank you currently we're just waiting for our placement to start I'm too embarrassed to like put it all up and we're just waiting for our placement to start what time is it it's right 45 so yeah 15 minutes left I'll keep you guys updated there's the room that we're going to be in we're just waiting for the doctor to arrive right now [Music] foreign [Music] Caleb morning was good I had some good teaching um I was very hungry so happy to be on lunch good morning really interesting teaching with the diabetic nurse and a lot about insulin and all of that that was interesting panda [Music] thank you I just went to the toilet but now I can't find my way back to the library one of the fifth years helped me find my way to the toilet anyway and now I can't get back to the library hiya hey sorry do you know the weight of the hi sorry do you know the way to the library that way thank you [Music] foreign [Music] how was yourselina it's okay [Music] I need to be more professional Caleb how was your day day was good A bit chaotic being in the first day um it seems like the hospital isn't used to the amount of students but I'm sure they'll get accustomed to it and so will we yeah exactly you're more hopeful on the camera than you are off camera that is accurate yeah why are you telling the people which employer could be watching hello [Music] [Laughter] tiny Hospital compared to Cornwall but even if it's like shiny no it was so tiny it is so small but there's really interesting cases how was your day wrestler your first day back at med school finding my way around a new hospital was a bit tricky at first but I had my partners to go with so that was quite nice okay and now we're going to little to do some shopping and I'll see you guys there and she was like going into so much detail about anatomy and stuff not showing off our knowledge but like kind of showing off her knowledge [Music] um keep going keep going I'm not gonna get any shopping done [Music] [Music] stop following me oh my God it's even there with you [Music] the reality of student eating if you ask me especially on the same table but if I sit there I would not be able to see because of all the crap in between Caleb was so good my new placement partner is like the best person ever hey he's so comfortable with me yeah of course all of you are hello it's currently 8 42. I've had such a long day but I think it was a good first day back at medical school so we had an endocrinology clinic in the morning I got to see patients with different hormone related problems like thyroid hormone diseases or adrenaline hormone diseases and I got to examine a patient with a goiter which is like very big swollen neck her thyroid gland which is the gland that sits on your neck was very swollen and examining her was very helpful for my learning in the afternoon though we didn't have any clinic so I was just in the library doing practice questions for my upcoming exam but the worst thing about having to commit three hours a day for my Hospital placements is the fact that I come home so late and I don't have any energy or time to do any work before it goes to sleep and that is the situation I'm in right now I'm just gonna go do my skincare and get ready for bed if I feel awake enough then I might do some work but I'm not gonna force myself because we'll need to be driving at 6am tomorrow morning as well so let's see how I feel [Music] okay in the end I did some practice questions on Endocrinology for like half an hour but I hope you guys enjoyed my first day back at medical school if you did consider subscribing and liking this video and I'll see you in the next one bye foreign [Music] [Music]
Channel: Zeliha Akpinar
Views: 4,069,120
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Medicine, Zeliha
Id: a44ohQeIuO8
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 11min 32sec (692 seconds)
Published: Sun Oct 02 2022
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