a friend to knit with - episode 30 Matching sweaters!

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[Music] thank you [Music] hey friends Leslie from a friend init with welcome to episode 30. I've offended it with podcast today is September 15th the day before we're leaving for Spain to take Libby to Spain this is my daughter it is a channel mostly about knitting so if you like to knit as much as I do then you're in the right spot and if you're returning thanks so much for coming back I am glad we're friends to knit with so I just wanted to pop on here quickly because on the last several episodes I have talked about how much I love the daily pullover and that I was making it for Libby because she requested one for Spain so I did finish hers in time for her to take it to Spain and I did make a few modifications from the pattern so I wanted to talk a little bit about that but it is a top-down Raglan and it has short rows in the pattern on the neck and in the lower back and I didn't do those either of those for Libby so I think it worked out perfectly I don't know if it's necessary my neck does come a little bit higher than Libby's let me show you what hers looks like but kind of like that it's just kind of a little bit straight across the neckline there and mine comes just up higher here so I guess it's your preference but I don't think it's necessary if you don't want to do short rows you certainly don't need to and I don't notice any difference in the length on Libby mine can you adjust um yeah that's great like I don't see any difference in her length in the back it actually probably would have been too she probably wouldn't have liked it if it was longer on the back uh so short wheels are not but it's up to you the two dye Lots look really different on the screen I do okay here's something it's a lot darker uh but on Libby's I only used not even two balls I have this left of her second ball I didn't even start the third ball and I think that had to do with the short rows uh I hers is the second size as is mine so small or yeah I think it's extra small small so this is the small uh I love the detail in the neckline so much I did make it in the chestnut I think it's called No nutmeg uh but this is the nutmeg I love it let me just said oh my gosh you've made it in brown too I said that I want it in every color it is that good sweater it is the linen quilt that I used in both of these is just dreamy for a sweater uh it I don't know the temperature right now 72 here in Pittsburgh Pennsylvania and even this is not that hot yeah we're inside where I film without anything any air conditioning so feels pretty good it's great so she gets to pack it and take it with her for the next 10 months so I'm very excited very excited what's your favorite part of that um I just like I really like the length because I wear high-waisted jeans all the time and so it's a perfect length because I could tuck it in the high-waisted jeans but it also would work well with mid-rise jeans too um I really like the Simplicity of it because it can just be worn over and over again with sound in different ways it could be worn with a little blouse underneath it can be worn with a scarf a coat anything yeah and yes it is it's like lightweight um I like that it's not super heavy it's light it's easy to pack which is essential for for going to Europe for 10. so she's going for 10 months and they told them to lay all your clothes out and then that you want to take and then only take half yeah so we're just checking one bag and it's pretty much packed they're both pretty much packed that's why I was able to get her to come on this because I could help her back I did actually add length it there it is a cropped version this mine at I added or I don't know how many exactly I added but I knitted I knit 12 inches before I started the ribbing and with Libby's I did 10 inches so hers is a little shorter but we are a little bit different in body I'm like yes definitely have a short torso so um excuse me that is the bottom break that is what I have off of the needles uh the last episode I did tell you that I was making a Sophie scarf which I think Libby would love these over there too uh this is a little thin I I mentioned my hesitation in the yarn I was using the last time so it is a little thin I thought it was going to look like a neck brace I love it on a bag this is my fuel bag my friend Denise and I love it so much but so it is great tied on a little bag I'm gonna make I'm taking a ball up the camel yarn that I bought for another project that I frogged I'm going to take that and somebody suggested if I ran thank you so much for the suggestion if I ran a um mohair thread with this then that would probably thicken it and give it the structure that I want so that is a great idea if you have anything that's a little too flimsy and then and one other thing I was going to tell you what I was working on on the airplane shoot I wanted you to show your purse strap oh so I'm gonna have Libby run over and get her purse drop as soon as I show you one other thing and then you're gonna love the first strap for those needle pointers but I was watching Linda from for the fun of knit for the fun with knit I think it's for the fun of Nick yeah Linda I love your podcast and she you all know the vernaculous I haven't never made the vernaculous it is the most popular pattern on Ravelry I don't know my hesitation in it but if if you don't know it there it is it can be made in any yarn for any body and it is a one size pattern absolutely so great I don't know why I have resisted but I had some knit crate yarn out of one of my knit crepe boxes and Linda made it in white and I have she made it in our white Linda white linen and I had a white um Merino wool so that's what this is going to be I'm making it on uh so great isn't it yeah I really wanted a white sweater so great I love a white sweater I know so I don't have a white sweater I don't know why but I was very excited to have this in my stash and I'll be working on this on the airplane I did not have a magic loop and I didn't have a needle small enough in circumference so this is the very first time I'm using two size 10 needles the same length and for all of those who said that they do that I love it it's really great to only work on half the stitches so I'll be working on that on the airplane and I am expecting a special delivery my husband and I are after we drop off Libby drop her off we are headed to Portugal and I have a special delivery coming there so I can't wait to see it and I'll tell you all about it I might do some stories uh well no it's not really a surprise but I just want to make sure the yarn comes and that everything goes as well but I think it's going to arrive in Portugal when I'm there in Porto and it's for the Robina sweat I think it's Robina sweater by Ann bensal and it's her newest design and I it so my friends over at uling I think that's how you say it I had the yarn that it was needed and I have a special delivery coming so I'm very excited about that so I'll be working on this until that arrives and maybe yes Sophie scar so we'll say great all right we'll include that one again okay so we're back I did want to mention I know I'm talking fast today I think because we have some more things to do and the video was just sweet enough to join um I did also forget that this is called kettle black the color um but obviously the dial ups are which is so fun this is fun exactly like totally exactly and when you're traveling this is what I like to do I like to put it in two bags or purse bags or a little bag so that's my project uh on the airplane just keep in there super exciting so all right I made Libby go get what her summer project has been yes so um I have been working on a purse strap um this summer and I'll go ahead and show you so my aunt yes I've been needle pointing I'm not sure if you've talked about it maybe in here but my aunt my mom's sister is a very talented needle pointer and she got me into needle pointing um earlier this year in a friend of mine did as well shout out Katie Bray um so anyways I've been working on this um needlepoint purse strap that says my name says lovely friend let me friendly friend lovely friend um anyways my aunt she is so talented and charted out my whole name and all the letters and so yes I picked these two colors because I thought they were neutral and good and great to go with everything yes our favorite camera block and so yeah I have just a little ways to go I've got about that much to finish up and um once I do hopefully I'll be able to somehow get my hands on it finished when it's in the dirt maybe maybe not I might need to wait until I come yeah it comes over because she's a flight attendant so she might come over on a layover and bring it to me then give it to her and then she'll finish it so then what happens is uh a finishing Stitch Goes On The Edge it's called The Binding Stitch and it goes along the edge and then Libby can my aunt my sister will take it back and have somebody put leather on the back with the Buckle and everything so it'll look completely you know professional and it'll just look like that I don't know you're gonna do a camel binding or black oh whatever it would look better with the whatever leather it is maybe black I don't know I think you're I think you might want a camel soap pronounce the letter oh true oh yes probably now looking at it if I did Black I would just blend in with the letters and they might look a little bit long yeah so if you have any suggestions yeah Knitters yes whatever you think Knitter yes if you hear it I think a hot pink yeah that's very true so I'd love to hear your suggestions in the comments yeah and my aunt she has she loves her needlepoint store she got me the cutest little bag from her needlepoint store in Orlando called the black sheep so and it's clear so you can see your project you can we love that she has another little project in here wow yeah so that's called a um Stitch and zip it's a project that's already finished so you just stitch on it and then you don't need to get it finished or pay for it to be finished done and ready to use which is really nice because in Spain I'm not sure what's in there um with the needlepoint situation is like but anybody knows about that either comment below store somewhere right I bet I don't know does anybody know do people needlepoint a lot yeah I don't know but I'm sure things in Spain I do have some friends to knit with in Spain right that have left me some nice comments somewhere yarn shops are and Madrid and for those of you who don't know Libby's going over to teach English yes she's a school teacher second grade school teacher yes but this year I will not be teaching second grade will be teaching k through eight so it'll definitely be a change for me but uh very exciting forever I can do but you will have lots of visitors yeah right yes right yeah Mimi's uh needle pointer she's gonna come and visit me my brother's going to come which is very great my dad is going to come hopefully all my girlfriends yes be grateful for all the visitors and busy traveling so it was fun to get her on this very last time and um until she gets back next summer maybe you can come give a recap yes or if we get any chance to film and it's red whatever are you sure we should do a little Vlog yeah a little Vlog just checking in or if we find a yarn store we can go and go in and vlogs for sure so you guys thank you so much for stopping by as usual and for all your lovely comments I appreciate every word that is typed with your fingers and because they should be knitting it should be like on the needles instead so I hope you love your projects as much as we do and yep just just keep on going so until next time yes bye Knitter chat with you remember you'll always have a friend in it with take care bye hey guys forgot to mention that Tina and I are going to do a live on September 23rd for the summer of strikes cow that we held this summer which ran all summer long I can't believe the Summer's almost over but the good thing is as we get to Don all our woolies that we've been knitting all summer so that is fine but if you've you know played along we so appreciate it and if you're interested in if you want a prize or not be sure to join us we're going to announce five orders and yeah that's it so thanks so much for knitting stripes we had fun hope you did too and yes I'll see you soon all right take care today is 15 15. hey friends Leslie from a friend in it with welcome welcome to episode at 30. okay okay should we turn there no you're just talking to nervous once you get started every time okay
Channel: Leslie Friend
Views: 7,301
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, a friend to knit with, the daily pullover, purl soho
Id: 3AoQ5H-mh9M
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 16 2022
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