a friend to knit with -episode 21 Libby Visits!

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[Music] [Music] hey friends leslie from a friend in it with welcome to episode 21 of friend to knit with podcast i can be found on instagram as lesliefriend i am friend of friend on ravelry and my blog name is a friend to knit with today is december 20th oh my gosh five days till christmas and it is a glorious day here in pittsburgh pennsylvania we actually have blue skies which we haven't seen i seriously don't think all month so this is dreamy i did spend the first 10 days of december in quarantine i did test for positive on the first of the month to test positive for covid on the first of the month my son was home for thanksgiving and went back and tested positive and then a couple days later i tested positive and then my husband tested positive so i really only had to spend two days like in my bedroom waiting for food and then after my husband tested positive we could kind of use the whole house so it really wasn't as awful as some people having to stay in like one room um because we had access to the house and then i could like make my own food and everything but i will talk a little bit about covet i have some things i want to share about that at the end of the podcast but if anyone's interested but right now i'm going to talk about what's off my needles i did not finish this while i was in quarantine but i did knit a lot this was finished probably at the end of the month it is the daily pullover by paula pereira and i cannot say enough about the combination of the yarn with the sweater with the pattern it's just one of those sweaters that yes i i it's so versatile i will wear it so often i it definitely will be one of my most worn sweaters it's just i think you can dress it up you can wear with jeans i will show it to you i did dress it up today because you know it's almost christmas so um i did put it on with a little skirt but uh it's just so easy sorry i'm a little taller i guess than when it is where the screen is but um i didn't make any modifications except for the length because it's a little more cropped so i added i think two inches i do have everything over on um my ravelry page if anyone's interested but i just love everything about it i honestly think this weight of this yarn and the linen quill which is so dreamy is it could actually be a all-year sweater it's definitely three seasons if you have a cooler summers it's you know it could be worn in the summer also especially like in the mountains or wherever you live but uh i bought this yarn because i was going to make another half and half triangles wrap i was going to use the nutmeg and the black kettle and i still think wouldn't that be dreamy but i love my half and half triangles wrap i am so happy i had the experience with it and i have worn it but i know i'll just wear sweaters more i just do so i want to put you know my yarn to use of something i'll wear so i'm going to make another one out of the nutmeg i have it i have my needles all still ready to go i had another phone call i really have to figure out if there's a way to block that because it seems like every time a podcast i get a phone call so um so here is the picture you can't see the body but it is cropped um if you like more of a cropped version and her v is a little deeper so i just wanted to mention if you want to make a less deep v then you just bind off a little tighter i did this in my one lovely sweater and i tell people because it can be a deep v like this so if that's a deterrent for this or if you want it deeper even just bind off looser so it really will either you know let this fall out or tighten it up so that is something you if you want to you know think about that you didn't like or you want it deeper whatever but i like a less deep v um just for probably warmth and yeah just because i do but you can sort of play around with the bind off on that to make that to your liking i don't think i did anything else with the length of the sleeves or anything i adore this yarn though the little white flecks i love that it's not just a you know solid black you can just see all of the linen it's not itchy i had a lot of people ask me that i am sensitive to wools especially rustic wools right on my skin for some reason the linen quill not at all i do i did hear some people like their half and half triangles wrap would bother their neck too so i don't have anything on under this except you know my bra but i think you could probably wear it layer it with a t-shirt or something if you really wanted to make it you were sensitive to wolves so yeah super excited about this sweater because it is definitely a daily sweater so all right uh this back here is my other off the needles during quarantine uh it is not exactly finished so that's why i you know i'm not even gonna probably try it on for you because here's what i have to do and i don't know i'm dragging my heels but you have to i'll show you over here maybe you can you have to go up through a stitch the stitch below and grab the loop and pull it through below and then that makes all those loops sort of lay down which i know i'm gonna like better i just haven't taken the time to do that so there are a lot of loops on here so that just it just became a little overwhelming for me but i think i um will love it my friend denise is making one in off-white and come on did he's get going so as soon as she finishes and i finish my loops uh we i will have her on the podcast a week and show you those because i love it what i love most though is the community that amy small creates with her knit alongs it's a nick collage knit along this was part of that there were i think five sweaters to choose from this is the loop it up and she just her energy is really great she creates this amazing community with her zoom calls she has you you know meet other knitters within the zoom call she offers yoga classes and i didn't do any yoga classes this year but i just i loved everything about it she really builds a community she has a spring one and a fall one i've never done the spring ones but the fall ones um i did last year and this year so we'll see if i do next year um i have to i guess love the love of pattern that she comes up with but i really really love this on the model and it's not a daily sweater but i think it would be you know sort of worn in lieu of a jean jacket and you know the fall or something more like a coat that's probably how i will wear it but yeah i think i'm gonna love it and i absolutely love the color it's ink and it has this little gold thread that ran through it which really secured the yarn i thought i had a problem with my last knit along like the roving just sort of split some and i'm kind of pulled it i'm a little bit of a tighter knitter um so this did not at all just really held it nicely together so i love that and isn't that color i love it so anyhow that came off the needles and then libby i think i told you during the last podcast i know i did that she asked for a red christmas sweater so i ended up finishing that also this is the hotline sweater by woolen the gang and this is my third hotline sweater so i knew this would be a very quick knit i have one and i made her another one and then uh she loved she actually loves this style so much so i knew she would like this so it's just a front and a back two sleeves and just this sort of slouchy turtleneck effect and i'm gonna have her on in a little bit and she can tell you all about it she agreed to come on and meet you guys i'm so excited so i guess those are my three bigger knits off the needles and then i just started working on christmas gifts i am never that organized and don't really have that much inspiration until like the two weeks before christmas and then i start to like think of everything i want to make all my people so um it wasn't a lot i haven't made a lot of course i made toast and toast is always something i make i have another couple pairs that i made that i've already sent out but you've seen me talk about these before and i cannot love these more i am going to give you the pattern for free um so let's toast and maybe you'll still have some time to make someone use let's toast over on ravelry at checkout and it uses one skein of i don't know how many yards 130 i think of a worsted weight yarn i'm sure you have something in your stash size seven needles so they go very quickly and they truly add so much warmth to everything yesterday i had a coat on that just kind of had big sleeves and we were outside walking downtown and i was so happy to have the toast because otherwise the wind would have been gushing up my sleeves so these are a little tighter than most because i made these in florida on size six needles but so size seven so you can do a size six if you like them tight like this or if you have a really small framed person you're making them for but um i usually make them on size seven and my favorite yarn for these you guys is uh woolies for that you can get it join fabrics for michael's but it's uh lion brand woolies and i love it because first of all the array of colors is great and secondly when you give them as gifts they can wash and dry them and you don't have to worry about them you know ruining them you don't have to give them something some fussy washing instructions so i absolutely love that about that yarn i'm using that yarn and some other christmas gifts i you know this was one of those things i didn't think about till you know the very beginning of the month but this is the savant double brim hat i think is the greatest hat ever i uh love so it's double brim so it's really warm and you literally are knitting the entire time you uh fold it under and knit the one stitch with the cast on edge and then you just continue knitting and then run the yarn through at the end easy peasy you could have these made in no time i bought my pom-poms from um barrett wool company susan b anderson's rule company and they are detachable pom poms with you know a little snap and i thought it would be really great gift to give them um a couple choices so give them a couple pom-poms and then they can change the look of their hats okay let's see what this one looks like uh but she is they're out of stock right now cute right so her this color palette of you know the more natural like earthy tones i guess she has some bright pinks and reds and other things available right now but this palette is gone which really bummed me out because i this all came together and i wanted to give people choices so i have i've been doing a little research and i found someone etsy i don't know if i'll have them in time for christmas because i haven't even ordered them yet but um so this year they might just get one pom-pom but i think it's so great to give them a choice you know so i have it started in black and i'm making another black because i had all of this yarn in my stash now this is the woolies chunky which has been discontinued but wooly's replaced it with hugh and me like h u e hue and me and um oh yeah thanks for all the invisalign love too yeah i really appreciate all of the encouragement you guys gave and a lot of people have been through it a lot of people are going through it so i'm just forging on and trying my hardest to wear them as long as possible every day uh but anyhow human me has a great array of colors also it's the woolies and yeah it's just this these are i swear you could have these finished in like how long uh four hours i'm not kidding you so you could get you could get a lot done and i know that some of you knit for at least six hours a day so you could have lots of savant hats double broomed hats made so okay so i have one more of those to make which will definitely be finished before christmas and i might not get together with my girlfriends till after christmas anyhow so that will be great okay my other gift knit is for my husband all right let's talk socks i have made socks before for myself i haven't made anyone else any socks except like some like i've made kit my kids socks uh but you know not another foot that my kids didn't have to be perfect i don't know my husband i just want them to fit in really well so i have this yummy yarn that self stripes from my friend maureen that she sent me i don't know five years ago probably thank you so much maureen i am loving this yarn so much i think self striping yarn is so great because you know it just you know it looks like you put a lot of effort into it and you really didn't you just kept knitting so i'm getting ready to pick up you know the 17 stitches along here set the gusset i can't remember what that's called but i've done the heel flap and you can tell i don't knit mini socks okay i have knit myself socks before but here's the problem i don't really love to wear them because i feel every stitch on the bottom of my foot when i'm stopping when i'm walking and i don't know is that the nylon is there a yarn that a different yarn i should be using maybe um i i don't know if anyone has any tips or maybe other people are that sensitive too but i would love to know if there's a yarn out there that it's just but yeah so that i don't know that's why i don't wear socks or make mini socks but maybe he won't be as sensitive and hopefully i can have this finished before christmas i did also [Music] follow some videos on youtube i will link them below her name is roxanne anyhow everything will be in my description box below and she has some great how-to's she had it has a very you know measure of the foot it's a very detailed sort of way to go i measured my husband's foot and then you take all the measurements of all the you know from the ankle the ball of the foot cuff the heel and she has a formula on how to get to where you need to be for a perfect fit so hopefully i am trying to follow everything and hopefully these will fit steve we can only hope and hopefully we'll have two socks on christmas day and not just one all right so i have a amazing product to review with you before i talk about copen it's just gonna be a quick little review i am not getting anything for this review the people at benq reached out and knew that you know this would be a great product for knitters to use and they were right because i have loved it i have a very hard time seeing black or dark colors at night i usually try to save those projects for the summer and the bright light uh my husband always giggles and says you know do we have to have you know are we perform performing surgery in here tonight and so he likes it a little moodier to watch tv and i love it super bright all the time uh so this has been super helpful and i love it it's a very sleek modern lamp for your desk or anywhere but i have been using it while i've been knitting on the couch i love that the arm tilts up and down so you know i can really focus the light under on top of my hands you just touch it to turn it on it filters through all of the types of light so it goes from you know warm to cool and then you can dim it on each uh temperature so it sort of gets ever i don't usually even use the blue light but there's the blue light you know it's a very cool light i like the bit of a warmer light but over a desk you know you might like the cool light anyhow i am loving it and my husband is too because we are both getting what we want at night and i am yeah just able to see and then you know i don't have to have it on all the time i can you know flick it on i like the array of lights it gives and it dims so and i can really focus the light where i want it to be so i am not getting anything i'm not affiliated with them at all like i said yeah i just wanted to share in case your eyes are struggling as well and you're looking for a solution to that very annoying problem all right so okay yeah before i grab libby i wanted to just talk i don't know why you know it's not more well known on what to do when you get sick so my mom not only taught me everything in knitting but she taught me everything you know that i do now for when you get a cold or flu or which i we haven't dealt with for a long time or coping so my mom always had her sort of you know things that she learned along the way that were so helpful and i'm not sure why but it's really not these things really aren't talked about a lot if you get covered you know what to do at home to just take care of yourself so her number one thing is drink a lot of water you want to drink so much water that your urine is just clear that's it you cannot have any tint at all if you do just keep drinking more water so every hour drink water just just make sure you are drinking water stay extremely hydrated uh her second thing was which nobody says doctor we called her doctor none of these were like even adjust change your toothbrush it's so easy change your toothbrush my mom used i changed it every two days and had my husband change his every two days and uh my son but my son probably didn't even do it but i keep a lot of really inexpensive toothbrushes around just for that so change your toothbrush and do a rinse with listerine or whatever i used thieves young living thieves essential oil mouthwash and but whatever you have that's great just rinse and change your toothbrush uh at least every two days the other thing was don't swallow your mucus no spit out your mucus whenever you get any up spit it out just go to the bathroom spit it out uh get a tissue whatever you need to do but you don't want that running through your body people never tell people that you know it and it's it's very it makes a lot of sense uh the other thing is is you know eat really well because you already have all these toxins in your body and you want to get rid of them you don't want to add more toxins to your body so just eat as clean as you can fruits vegetables you know broths lots of liquids try to eliminate any inflammatory foods eliminate dairy processed foods things like that the other thing of course is rest just you know thankfully we're all knitters and we like to rest we can rest uh so there are those people that can't like my husband he he didn't really want to rest ever uh he was actually hanging christmas lights out in the house but i was great recipe um let me think the other one and final one is thank your body for healing because it's doing a great job so just always constantly thank your body for healing and taking care of you and working so hard for you and yeah those are pretty much my mom's nursing tips for everything you can get the cold the flu and uh the things i did take the supplements i want to share these are i think pretty much online um were i took zinc i took 100 milligrams of zinc and i took uh 5 000 milligrams of d3 and i took three packages of the emergencies you know the powder and just a little shot you know just a small amount of water i did those three times a day so c zinc and d3 anyhow i hope everyone stays you know safe and healthy and if you happen to get copied and have very mild symptoms i am so wishing that for you and that you remember those little tips all right i am going to go grab libby and have her put on her sweater i am also i think going to do this little wardrobe change right now because i have this christmas sweater that i made i think it was back in 96 and uh yeah i just thought it would be fun to put on i showed it to my friends nate dean and christy yesterday and yeah they they thought it was kind of cute so i'm gonna go put it on for you guys all right i'll be back i am back with my girl libby hello and libby is 24 and living in denver as a second grade school teacher and i'm super grateful to have her home for christmas break you're here until the first right yes to the first yes so and libby knows how to knit you were how old were you started knitting um i don't know how old was i little remember charlie was knitting at the pool with the girls yeah maybe like first grade second first maybe yes somewhere around that age and i taught libby and the boys her brothers how to knit and yeah so everyone at least knows how to knit and libby got into knitting last year uh right at this time and made one sweater and ordered yarn was very aggressively ordering yarn for lots a lot i was gonna make every single one of my friends so better now that's getting a little ambitious how's still in the process very much so but you are working on one yes i do have ones better well kind of working on it you don't you can finish this in no time yes it's a little cropped what's the name um the patterns in here it is the trafan trapamp truck and sweater yeah and yeah i do have to do the sleeves still but it's a little crap it'll be cropped so it'll be good with high-waisted bottoms so cute do you have a layered can you pull up that unravels sure because i think the picture is really big and we let's print that to waste all the ink but the yarn actually feels really soft it's made out of uh a super bark bulky wool and libby's using well in the gang i mean not well in the gang she's using another ball oh yeah so this is should i show it to you this is the sweater it has a couple cool details and yeah the sleeves are kind of a little um three-quarter sleeves yeah trying to this is a good picture of it yeah that's cute there you go so and literally this is the thick and quick by bullies so machine washable and dryable for her friends if they can just not have to really care about it and um and this was the same yarn i use right for the [Music] oh yeah monsoony sweater that i made she made them on suny last year in about three days yes she was absolutely addicted so ambitious about making one for every single one of my friends so well maybe who's gonna get this one um i don't know i think i originally was making this one for myself but it could definitely be a friend sweater we'll see yeah no you don't really have those sleeves will take you like you could finish the cement day yeah you definitely could for sure it looks great i love it me too it's gonna be cozy it is so squishy i love this yarn probably cute with a little um a layer underneath oh yeah even even uh and then something longer hanging out yes very cute sweetie uh so and yes here so here's the wool and the gang sweater that libby wanted yes i requested this sweater to be made well she wanted a red sweater for christmas yes and i don't know if i mentioned that this was lipstick red by wollen yang in there take care of mohair and it's literally a front in the back and two sleeves and then you just seam it all together with this little i like that it's not it's like a slouchy turtleneck a mock neck yes if that's the term i think that's great and i am wearing something that is very old and i pulled it out and like i said i showed my friend nadine and christine yesterday on a zoom call and they were like i think it's really cute and i'm like it is kind of cute right so i made this in 1996 when charlie was a baby and here's the picture i found the pattern like i always put yarn with my label band my ball bands and put it in the sleeve with the pattern then i put it in a notebook so it was really easy to find um it's kind of scratchy it is so sweet it's very thick it's a um they call it the classic wool by ballet valley bray i don't even know if they're still in business but it's 100 pure wool it was out of a vogue knitting it was number 13 out of one of the vogue knittings which was winter of 96.97 and yeah it's my only christmas sweater i ever made i love it actually and i think i'm going to wear it this year on christmas maybe maybe i should wear it on christmas the colors the off-white two and the greens and the greens and i loved this little detail they had to cast on don't you like that yeah i do so they had you cast on with the other color and then immediately switch to the new one so it gave this little braided effect i like that very fun do you want to borrow it maybe i might you know it's not cute when you ask your daughter if you want to borrow something they're like i'm not sure i'm not sure so anyhow you guys this is really fun oh we brought um some cookies over because when this was even before libby was born my mom and sister and i would knit in jupiter florida and the public's there it was the only publics that made these mexican wedding cookies and then they so we would get cookies you know periodically it was her big treat and my sisters and mom and i would sit and knit and eat these amazing cookies and then they discontinued them so i my sister and i and my mom baked the uh the baker at publix for the recipe and she kept saying i can't make it any smaller because it's this big huge commercial amount and so she whittled it down and came up with a recipe and i will link that below too but they are the best they really are knitting cookies and i have my invisalign you can use my hair i forgot it's actually so so flaky too and buttery do you like it of course so we'll leave those that below but yeah libby and i just want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and happy holidays yes to those who don't celebrate enjoy your holiday season and we hope that you have something really fun on your needles and yes just enjoy the time okay bye everyone nice nice joining in nice meeting you all right and remember you always have a friend to knit with and now you have two friends together all right take care everyone bye which i love honey oh my son andrew just popped in all right you want to come say hi i'm gonna go with the balls okay hi all right sweetie here let's fit here
Channel: Leslie Friend
Views: 12,411
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: knitting, a friend to knit with, the daily sweater, wool and the gang, benq e-reading lamp
Id: rvmVtCa3N2k
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 35min 27sec (2127 seconds)
Published: Wed Dec 22 2021
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