A Fresh Start. | Fruits of Literature Club Chapter 1 - Part 1

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the brutal urge clubs to explore there's a lot do you see so this Maxim you see blue it's like lighter blue I think it's it's vibrant more vibrant Norfolk agent a serious situations are not suitable for everyone it contains serious content playing the fruits large Club you agree that you're okay with being shown suppose the original game becomes being shown serious potentially disturbing content fruits of the literature club it's a bit tight of a title of its mod I didn't tell you the title of this mod that I know what are we playing right now so anyway hey guys what is up zero here and welcome to fruits of the literature club demo this is a mod created by my good old friend American Eagle on this score so I know him he also has a YouTube channel he streams sometimes yeah he's good man he's been working on this mod and he has a team and everything and even has a server and yeah I've been waiting for this mod so yeah I have early access the demo should be out by Friday I think so the link in the description I think we'll probably update if I remember to update it then it'll be out on Friday and if it's not Friday then the link will probably start coming soon but yeah so let's get started shall we new game and enter my name boom let's go let's get all help home box nuclear winter nuclear winter oh no say all right we have the giggles no the Morning Sun hits my eyeballs causing the squint shot having my experience I'm used to it nevertheless annoyed there's one a few times I wish I had longer hair block at the Sun for meeting my eyes unfortunately a mandated to keep my hair below a specific length oh that's actually I know I shouldn't think about it the rhythmic sounds of the train hitting the rails or may remain a reminder of where I am destined like out of the window that I happen to be sitting next to and look into the city the stories I've heard about this place when I found that I was coming here I'll tell you I left a sour taste in my mouth training begins to lose momentum signal signaling our arrival momentarily Digital sound emanating from my watch indicating the new hour that we've reached just as it does 23 other times a day the train comes to a complete halt the passengers around me myself included stand up to begin to depart our vessel whoa we're in a train train station hmm I'm gonna step out onto the nicely maintained cement I hear a voice calling out to me I don't know who this is maybe it's a or e00 knock my head slightly towards the direction of the sound and see a old man I get my old man voice zero oh oh they used to be an acquaintance of mine he's not my dad he's an acquaintance I expect to see you here old man before me as a man I'm 5 feet and 7 inches tall I was a nickname I cold pretty short compared to normal people I'm around his wrinkled face and squinted eyes turned to a genuine smile decided me same with you what are you doing here literally just got in town oh you here for anything special one of his eyebrows what's up nope I'm just here to go to school his face changes it looks as if he's surprised when is that face for old man never thought I would hear those words come out of your mouth zero second no you weren't so spry to go to school a [ __ ] you old man you're still question mark question mark question mark take this room and rows of a name that I was not but changed and I'm ready to go to a normal school for once his smile returns and he passed me on the back with an all too familiar pattern haha well that's great what are you doing here well I retired I came out here to live with my daughter and her kids daughter now there's something I didn't expect you to say well everyone gets old and needs to settle down eventually yeah I never thought you would I expected you to remain with the majority of us until you finally gave out well here I am do you have a place to stay yeah I have a house somewhere near the school eastern side northeast I know it need a ride well I didn't have any other plan yeah so you're gonna walk there pretty much where's your luggage and everything I owned in the bag I'm in the bag on my back and I point one of my thumbs to a black Kevlar backpack I've secretly I've securely strapped on me you always travel light don't you easier disappear when necessary you chuckles come on let me show you to my car and by-your-leave okay what this music oh it's hard for me to hear it's okay I'll turn it up higher for you just a little bit don't freak out there can you hear me no difference can you hear it yes wow it's fine the old man had a pretty stylish guard my father used to have one of these 69 Mustang hey she's a beauty isn't she that's how you spent your retirement fund oh no I still have a good half left so Hana the 800 grand they gave you you spent over a quarter of it already kids aren't cheap as well as the sexy of a car black Mustang accelerate into a Turnpike invention to a city street we departed the train station I expect it to be a short ride to the place I'm living at it's very wrong I know the train station is about a 15-minute straight drive on the freeway it won't seem like much for a driver if you're walking Microsoft what I've taken as long as three hours the convenience of a freeway allows drivers to get across great distances at a greater speed at normal roads so I'm installing ashley's detail the idle yeah I've done a long time ago triple from up nope just as much as I could bad so in short you are needed anymore pretty much bummer bummer I don't socialize well with others especially with a teenager with a small degree of popularity with even more hormonal to teenagers it sounds to me that you got into some drama with this girl I don't know what you're talking about I like bad tourism got a little glare into his face oh come on don't tell me you didn't try to get with her you serious no good you know that isn't a WoW Lana I don't only have any need for any type of relationship right now all right off I really look at it you'll eventually doubt it remain quiet for a few moments keep thinking of my comments about a relationship like I don't want that in the position I'm in a lot of unnecessary stress every day like I'm just reading a little normal life day by day every day is a small amount of repetitive attentiveness with it that's another story we're almost there again I appreciate the ride you should stop by one day for dinner I think my daughter would love to meet you huh why is that well my eyebrows Adam because you're basically like me when I was younger she's always nagging me about Ted about telling her about my younger years you haven't right of course not I know better I was about to say don't lecture me on policies I live by for 30 years zero my page comes easyness old man I still think I could take you okay old man you wanna [ __ ] go about that kick yes I can maybe not I think be beating up I know I'm in a lose-lose situation if I lose to an old person then everyone's like you lost to an old person if I [ __ ] beat them up I'll beat up an old person [Music] and this can't end well basically yeah that would be interesting I still am active you know Elsa granted the man was old but we still had a pretty fit body she's just many get older especially I come from they tend to just let themselves go they say screw it I worked hard these years and I earned this just let their body space with alcohol tobacco and junk food I choose a self-declared ice teach a self-defense class downtown well that's one way you should pop by give some of the ruffians in my class a little reality check why is that because you and I both know who knows - never underestimate an opponent okay so listen she does have a fight okay it could be just as clever and ten t'v aware and more skilled than you ah the old 1x4 rule exactly I forgot this is a DDL seem odd I was told busy into this only while we're playing different visual novel yeah then here say Ori was running down the street or we're going to a club yeah he says those words we turn us just speed corner and find ourselves in a pretty nice suburban neighborhood that's it yeah this is it I pulled a Polish metallic door handle and next to the car like back at the man and give my last gesture a farewell thank you Jeff his name was Jeff what a stupid name you show me no ill people up there named Jeff are like no it's okay all the Jeff's out there you guys are cool this Jeff actually this Jeff seems cool to all this joker you got it for switching gears and leaving he gives me one last mile in well then let's check this place out look around the neighborhood and notice of the suburban block is the same architecture for almost all of the buildings they take a look at the spacing between the house I'm living in and the one next to it on both sides I check the integrity of defense and look at that borders thisis drank I take stroll around the perimeter of the house take note of the number of windows the position on the structure and their height from the ground second-story windows what should be fine take note of what looks to be the balcony in the back door so walk across in front of the house I noticed a girl walking down the street probably say or II just rang a counterpart the uniform was given for school she must be going to the same school as I just somewhat of a skip in her step her blue eyes look up at the sky and that flower she passes by her hair of a coral pink color she was a bright red bow on the left side of her hair it looks sloppily positioned sounds like Yuri I realized was I swear I see her whoa my girls seem to just emanate joy I scoff at her and turn myself to the door kid kid will learn the world isn't all sunshine and rainbows like you see unlock the door and enter immediately I'm greeted with a short hallway around three steps before the kitchen opens to the right kitchens rather modern and well furnished I check the fridge and nothing I chuckle on myself not knowing what else to expect place is furnished I was just curious it goes fridge and look out in the living room which Ward is it hey it's this living room I like to always like this one hmm I take a look in the living room and out of the windows I look and see if I can see the space directly below the window I can't across the room and open a small white door leads to a laundry room then with a washer and a dryer luxury I'll definitely be easier than manually washing and drying my clothes I close the door and head upstairs immediately on the left of my bathroom and across from it is my bedroom seriously enough sparing expensive the decor my bedroom was a closet dresser bed desk in several miscellaneous items to make it look lived in taking what's placed my backpack on my bed surveyed the area from my window yeah you know like that coat hanger makes it really look like someone lived here I'll never understand that coat hanger [Music] once I get a good understanding I walk out of my room next to the stairwell is a sliding glass door at least to a balcony we have a balcony oh [ __ ] oh well fancier fancy boys gone with a medium-sized to cement balcony coming forward on the law before I'm supporting me and look out into the neighborhood I see some great school-aged kids playing with a jungle gym some well-funded parents purchased they're gonna see an old man petting his dog in his front yard every watchman here right to my left and knows that that same girl so earlier in her room I realize I looked so close to her through the glass window she was I was behind that notice are moving around from the left side of the room to the right she's moving something just like a change of clothes stops for the window facing the side makes me faces she's confirm my initial theory is correct he's looking into a mirror she undoes her red tie pulls off her gray jacket on but her white undershirt oh god no yep I turn away from the view and return inside okay good we have morals or a good man oh okay oh whoa give us a little date that was cool oh okay okay now watch beeps indicating there now twenty hundred just eight o'clock till midnight it's a twenty hundred twenty o clock I'm awaiting an important call doesn't bother me much since I have gone days before without sleeping what the [ __ ] all [ __ ] I accidentally skip something using a few hours for one night isn't going to kill me kick my feet up on the opposite end on the couch and lean back I came to read the book to have in my hands a church on the news earlier and a general idea of the community here I've made it a habit of mind always check the local news to scout out the area okay so apparently we like move alive from what I can tell what there's a high crime you know a crime political activity by usual not a big fan of politics but knowing the debate I hope you understand the people better wasn't going oh it's on my phone when all sends a shiver down my spine it isn't the sound that sends that feeling to my back it's the reason for it answer the phone call who is it what no what was it hmm seasonally jumps the next day now I'm curious 6 o'clock it's and I'm already ready for school no one person not used to wearing uniforms the schools off it does seem a bit excessive since I've been in uniforms all my life doesn't something to me okay now that they're playing on the old D DLC music this is [ __ ] loud geez take a look at myself in the mirror for a quick medical check no wounds or scratches overnight what why what what happened what what would we have scratches or wounds what do we do we have monsters yeah oh this guy's shady our main characters shady I need to know more [ __ ] about him dick he seems like a good man though drink of water and playing on my day I'll follow my normal school schedule and on my way home I'll stop at the grocery store and becomes a foods and hello once again homo go on a run to get me further familiar with the area oh nice a group that's done I'll be on free time I take a last look in the mirror and treat my back oh look at this I think there's one blue skies still it's nice I like this giant go on Jenning Blue Skies is a different way I remember I drew the gates of the school I noticed a congregation of students in the courtyard so a little groups of students helped them around each other all doing different things some on their phones is ignoring each other some are running around acting like children some are socializing each other like normal people knocking on them all there isn't a reason for me to talk to any of them one backpacks chapt around my shoulder I entered the large white concrete building myself towards the school I've reached my first classroom school itself wasn't too large I've definitely been in much larger compounds wasn't the problem to find my locker my first class in the lunch area students passed by me all casually talking complaining about everything every day things I silently laugh to myself about some of the petty things using inexperienced people complain about okay what is our guy done is you like a ninja mercenaries yes asset for hire to find out is he a bodyguard I don't know cuz they like actually something I don't know you ever complained on my phone having a micro crack or that I didn't get the money to go to the latest movie stupid things like that slightly irritate me bell rings ahead to the classroom their period is ended and it was now time for lunch notice that the girl who lives next to me was in my class I had overheard several classmates that teacher callers say re the name instantly engraved it's often in my mind the hesitation students load up from their desk and departed I stand up stretch quickly and grab my bag and leave the classroom I approach my locker and greatest was out in the books before I can even touch my lock I hear someone grunting Ed perks up a little and I head towards sound was on the opposite side of my locker I turned my head around the corner oh let's see uh [Music] I see that same girl those in my class and live right next to me having trouble with her walk seems to be genuinely be having a hard time with her walk having trouble they're having trouble there aren't you all right bill my stalking around the corner what no I got it you sure look like you're trying to initiate the release mechanism but you don't have the right code in it's hard to do this thing and walk next door and touch the lock how's the combination uh what we're going to steal your textbooks they happen to have the exact same copies - no okay fine it's 9:00 27:17 Lock clicks there you go look what you got it that fast I'm very familiar with these types of locks I show her how to properly orient the block combination lock how does how you unlock these thank you now wave my hand or a locker and turn around hey wait hmm turn on look at her near that new guy in class today yeah I remember seeing you else while I was talking talking home I think talking walking something was walking on well I came home yesterday oh yes I remember you do names zero zero I like that name what I was given my parents clearly hated me they wanted to know that our son could never be divided by you never be divided by [Laughter] who says they like the name zero besides me name I decided to go but thank you and say goodbye I turn it from sorry again I returned to my locker where are you going I'm going to put away my stuff and go eat don't forget what I showed you okay thank you No vonabell sick signals signifies the end of the school day I grabbed my bag into part down the hallway I walked down the hallway I passed by two girls so we're gonna debate about something I didn't care too much to notice something about manga oh it's not ski now I had a schedule to stick to so I didn't stick around the paying attention them to their frivolous conversation nah man I guess we'll probably meet her later maybe I was reached to get to the school I hear a voice call after me zero wait up I turn on you meet Lane prepare for someone to charge me but I've only met with the sight of say are you running to catch up with me zero what do you want also why are you shouting you're gonna draw attention is something bad is happening woman oh sorry anyway I had a question for you a question it's something I can answer yes you're gonna ask so I know you're new here and all and I don't want to overwhelm you but have you looked in any of the clubs you over here at school loves elaborate please well we have a little groups of students who participate extracurricular activities are finding to get experience for college okay what is your point of asking me this well I was curious to see if you'll join mine the other Club yep I'm the vice president the literature Club literature club so just breathe books and write all afternoon that is pretty mean and blunt way to put it well excuse me but doesn't really sound very attention caching I think I'll pass on that run that proposition for now not even if I asked nicely no meanie I've been called worse so I flashes a pouty face towards me a couple of times to attempt to break my resolve unfortunately earth I'm very efficient in keeping a straight and professional face when needed every morning afternoon and evening I always had a friend who would pay our class of visit and make sure we were all professional anyway I'm going home you enjoy your club okay I turn away from her and head home we're dick guy seems really weird he seems like a little what's wrong with him he seems like a good guy though but it seems like there's something that's hit this man's past is an enigma yeah like he seems like he's like a really like like he's part of the government he's undercover as a loss of steak on the portable oven grill I occasionally get sort of the homework I was given an old English and social history subjects are a breeze for me however math was a different subject I agree math I normal use in life is much different than this general principle they teach in schools in short they're two different ball games but begrudgingly I continue to finish the work taking a few bricks times and can you make my meal so little and lean cut up meat cook it medium-rare with asparagus and rice I'm hungry now buy a nutritional value and are very filling I took several stakes and repaired different portions of asparagus and rice for later meals Wow that's smart now we need it later in my opinion that is I used to do in my old school I live in a dorm with about 80 other students made it real easy to wake up but signaled quickly and get my morning hygiene routine done i sled my homework into a special folder I've designated for work I need to do all home finish making the final steak which I plain eat tonight until to purchase just a down the table I eat silently during this time just clear my mind and finish you my food at a fast pace just a couple enough meditation for me as it is the others back in my old school is very hard to remain focused while eating since we only had about ten minutes tea or food Oh God 10 minutes oh my god yeah that includes getting till the hall grabbing our food and getting into a sea and then eating why thank who's getting there what mm-hmm that's how it was at my old public school you have very little time but we had third year like 40 minutes for lunch yeah so a lot of schools do like have 40 minutes like my the one that I have now does and like public suppose I've been to before do and but like that one was amazing just didn't my god like we still had time to like eat and then like stand outside if we wanted to like just hang out I mean in class all the time you make it through the line you already lost five minutes exactly so eating fast as paramount was during these times I've learned to focus only on eating I cleared my head it was much easier on an oddly calming hey I grab done that at some point I've like sitting in silence and actually very nice I'd gained quite an appetite after my run around the block earlier now have a good idea of the ins and outs of the neighborhood so I'm a asked why I do this the answer is simple yeah they're way out of any situation never know when Union and media escape okay what are you what happened I'm prettier those guys are you an assassin is this man superhuman was he trained in martial arts they see Batman this meds [ __ ] Batman later I hear a ring the bat-signal that's what happened when you got that important call those Commissioner Gordon it all makes sense he's actually I was attorney for my run I saw Siri arrived at her house I had the opportunity to say hi but I dismissed it there's no reason for any involved over that girl or anything for that matter I wish even asked me to join her club a couple of possibilities she's lonely just tracked the demand she's looking for a way to get to know me more versus just inherently friendly and bubbly I think it's the third one yeah yeah I think it's turbo might be the cycle one but let's just hope it's the third one so I'm trying to go for now Rob maybe all of them probably what's the first one she's not possibly yeah he'll be Oliver my series not lonely she's in a club with three other girls maybe she's maybe she's boy won't put such a question someone you only just met went very well as a young child since then I'm always cautious about where I am and do I meet so when even a simple looking at say or I can an evil past exactly she's a joker Batman one that we cannot run from I shake my head working myself out of these thoughts finish my dinner long ago quickly clean the dishes and put them away I like these these are cool yeah that was cool I like it I like the [ __ ] luck that was good demonic screeches lunch period is arrived and I do my book exchange is normal once I close my locker here another grunt from the opposite side probably say re IP round the corner and sure enough she was she looks like she's struggling with her lock again before confronting her and I watch it carefully definitely trying the way to someone walked in a shorter yesterday so that's good I guess I'll let you carefully and see if she's successful click lock releases she opens her locker with a happy smile that's an around return to my Walker before I could really do anything I would do anything I hear Thank You zerah she saw me dan just good peripheral vision no problem I call off from my locker close the silver colored door and turn around and oh so Sarah is right behind me Jesus Christ woman he hi major parents are tell you another sneak up on people like that he didn't notice me rock walk right past you evidently not oh I'm sorry not like you intentionally intended to scare me and if you did I would have to fight you what I'm just joking with you that isn't funny I come from the type of humor just the tip of the iceberg anyway what you want well I was gonna ask keep you thought about the later Club Dean II asked you yesterday this again pretty sure yesterday I told you now well it was worth the shot I guess anyway miss I'll talk to you later leaving so soon huh don't give me those puppy-dog eyes they're run away at a simple rejection in life you're gonna face a lot of it I just run away from them Plus so eating lunch alone yesterday you did yeah there's something to eat with today baby she is bleep but if it is all forever please yeah need someone to eat what today no you're probably is gonna be a meanie again I'm not being mean I'm just telling you the truth truth is not always easy to hear still okay I'll join your literature Club say or II really know here so me your son yeah you say that to me every time that's exactly what you said to try to pussyfoot around the truth I heard some more Oh God rather than I denied your then to lie to you later I don't like this listen and when we go eat now you don't ask me to join the lucha club again I won't be a meanie I make quotes in my fingers than that we should be fine okay no he would say already sorry not make away launch room it's a gym size multi-purpose room that's been riddled with several rows of wooden tables definitely enough to fit the number of students eating lunch in here they get our food and sit down a nearby table Sara and I begin talking about each other by each other I mean her so tell me about yourself zero there isn't much to tell well certainly there's something why did you come here to go to school I went to another school far away and then decided I needed a different than you start oh why is that just felt like it just felt like it is sang we sang we used in my old school for don't ask about it you don't need to know I was just about to say that just felt like it [ __ ] there's more of it yeah there's more reason why what about you why are you here well start to go to school here when I came with my family and that was 12 years ago and you're how old I'm 18 no super no much spent all your life here yep interesting so what'd you do for fun sorry Oh lots of things I like to draw I like to read I like to run around and play and I like to play with animals so overall you're pretty random yeah well then what about you yeah what do you like to do read this is a me read is that it well I Dec served that a hobby of mine you need to maintain a level of fitness at all times exactly for the Batsuit there yes the fit inch I'm still not over that you might be Batman maybe like hums vampires a vampire hunter something man huh why just feel like it okay anyway we're doing lunch let's go back to our lockers okay I closed my locker no classes the rest of the classes books in my bag thank you for reading lunch of me zero no problem oh um you love come with me after school today me why because we also live right next to each other so it just works out I walk alone oh come on Oh fine yay but there's one thing I catch new it I decided to walk with her home I knew she had something hidden usually when someone asks you something there's a motive behind that question I don't seem surprised to say Ari huh what is it you have to come to my literature Club what I told you no but you said you liked home in me and I walk home after the literature Club I can very easily change my answer to a profound no but I promised the other members that I introduce you today don't make promises you can't keep they're all really exciting to meet you one memory is that you would bake cupcakes oh how many of you are there in a literature Club no in general you feel those few females are goddamn persistent quite annoying I'm really pleased zero I really mean a lot to me if you did I don't really care if it means anything to you you used to use the rather sleazy tactic to persuade me to join your club you don't have to join at least stay and wait for me to finish you can meet the other girls like Club to that we aren't bored Jesus Christ woman you don't let up do you fine I'll wait for you yay Siri does well hop while cheering boot Oh women really annoy me they constantly nag at you even when they do on the right - no woman tells me how to eat my food or when the shower or to do pretty much anything goes in my own mother she earned that authority over me only reason I let a few men order me around is due to seeing your seatback seniority over me once you're out of that chain you no longer can control me one of the reasons I was on the top of my class at my old school I think of it it was other women who could order me cuz one other woman who could order me she's gone now I'll see you later today zero sure it tells me the room number the literature club before trotting off to her next class I shovel towards my next class okay but we're gonna stop it right here I just don't know what the [ __ ] is wrong with our character what did he do yeah he like had like he was like in a school where I was like the equivalent of boot camp or something soldier is he a soldier maybe he's an underneath ok he's either like an undercover like soldier or he used to be a soldier and he's like retired he's like a retired soldier or he's Batman my money stolen Batman he works at the government my money's still on Batman though but anyway this episode guys I hope you enjoyed I would say if you want to play it links in the description but if it's already been past Friday then the link is in the description and you can play it for yourself but if not then jaw joint enjoy the discord if you want what else is in the description my donation link if you want to donate go ahead they'll be very appreciated and don't forget to slap a like on this video and don't forget to hit that Bell I'm never doing those anyway that's the end of this episode guys I'll see you next time this is zero peace one day you're gonna do my outro
Channel: AfroZer0
Views: 73,905
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: DDLC, Doki Doki Literature Club, Sayori, Monika, Natsuki, Yuri, Zero, DDLCMods, Fruits of Literature Club
Id: iQhw35gqXZc
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 40min 27sec (2427 seconds)
Published: Thu Oct 11 2018
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