A Flying Fish | What Sam Sees

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did you know there's a fish here that can walk on the ocean floor [Music] I've been scuba diving since I was 15 years old and every time I go it transports me to a different world the calm turquoise waters loading like an astronaut treasure hunting for lost objects and searching for unusual species and I'm always ready to gear up for the next adventure this time I'm at the National Aquarium looking for the flying art it has been that kind of look like wings I'll be diving with Halyburton and the Atlantic oil retail it's 13 feet deep holds 335 thousand gallons of water 100 species that are found in the Atlantic Ocean absolutely awesome in here there's a school of blue tang fish swimming together so gracefully the tanks are also known as surgeonfish because of the sharp spines [Music] I better move over for this made guy in the tarpon nicknamed silver King because of the bright flash that reflects from its body [Music] up there it's fine you're not [Music] Wow [Music] they really do look like we so beautiful and when the wings collapse does look like a frog from the side a gurnard you grow up to as much as 20 inches I don't want to scare it away so I'm not getting too close it likes to hang at the top of the tank with a little bonnethead shark [Music] come on Holly's giving us the sign to get out let's go dry off and toss Holly in the dive Locker where all of the diving equipment from the aquarium is cleaned and stored Holly so we saw that really awesome fish that was kind of up towards the top of the water and a little bit of a winged life feature right yes that fish was called a flying Godard probably about a foot long the animals really interesting but it'll do and it's oftentimes at the bottom you'll see the wings spread out it was really bright and it was right on the edge of its wing and it was so beautiful well he expanded it right now it looks like a wing but it's actually called the pectoral fin okay so getafix itself a figure two predators and you typically see those animals sort of walking along the bottom and that's when all the time to see those 12 pins flare out in that horizontal and flatten ours has a little bit unique behaviors it really likes to stand for the water it's not like they won't get up and swim just like you're seeing ours in our exhibit but they really are the lower benthic lower so you know in a coral reef system [Music] they'll more than likely eat more bottom-dwellers powers in the exhibit will eat small pieces of fish we call mixed cut because it's a mixed variety whether it's shrimp Kaitlyn Spellman [Music] I've heard that they'd like to make noises what exactly do they do or how did they make those noises that sound you're going as it is a crunching sound [Music] is for attracting other guitars just like all the fish like the moray eels we spotted in porcupine fish Nevada heads they all play a part in what I would call a puzzle they're part of that diversity of a reef systems we want that what an awesome adventure he had it's a national aquarium I saw some pretty fantastic fish like the flying gurnard that look like giant wing [Music] you [Music]
Channel: National Geographic Kids
Views: 136,239
Rating: 4.6740742 out of 5
Keywords: what sam sees, scuba diver, scuba diving, national geographic kids, nat geo kids, kids, kid, for kids, national geographic, nat geo, animals, making stuff, educational, ocean, fish, A Flying Fish, Sam hangs, Sam hangs out, the bottom, the ocean, floor, m of the ocean floor, he bottom of the ocean floor, search for a fish, fins, look like wings, episode, the bottom of the ocean floor, PLQlnTldJs0ZR56MScVzlbeucr3brcHb-e, PLQlnTldJs0ZQHiJtBZwH91UMHdXPB3elF
Id: ioTQpCqIzeE
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 5min 59sec (359 seconds)
Published: Wed Feb 28 2018
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