A FATHER LOST FOR 37 YEARS Fox Mobbed (Full Episode)

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tonight on mobbed a life-changing moment for decades in the making I'm 37 years old and I've never met my dad I need your help do we know where his father is right now we're trying to locate him a search to unite father and son launches Howie on an epic cross-country journey this is absolutely crazy and for the first time oh my god we let the love he wanted to surprise you but I thought it would be cool if we surprised him but will turning the tables you thinks he's auditioning for us but we're actually mopping yeah said the mob up for a catastrophic failure go go go go go go you gotta get fast [Music] my name is arch seeker I'm 37 years old and I'm from Atlanta Georgia I've never seen my father never met I've never seen a picture of him I want to just unite with my father as a little kid I hoped it would go cried to my mom wondering why I didn't have a dad I'm not passed away in 2008 [Music] my mom won't be around to see anything like this this is a big deal to me and and I'm scared I've always just wanted my mom to be proud sorry it's been 37 years I'm Manning up now I want to find my dad I need your guys's help Wow it's awesome it's a great story do we know where his father is right now we're trying to locate him so he doesn't have his father's phone number or he doesn't have an address he has nothing correct we're gonna base a show around someone that let alone we can't find our accomplice doesn't know where it is so now we just need to agree what is next we're gonna reach out to him next thing we have to do is we have to figure out how to find out where that if this mark is even gettable if this father is gettable I think the key question and we all all ask it does he dance to grow up with never ever seeing your father is just you know unlike ant even fathom what that's like but the fact that we have the opportunity to maybe show him his father and then hopefully have it work out in a positive way it's pretty cool I have an awesome family you know loving family family that I that that I just adore oh I've got me what I love about being a dad is that I get to be a hero and I get to do things that I never had [Music] I've never called anyone dad I've struggled with that my whole life I don't know what it is about that that makes it there's a unique bond between father and son but there just is something there and I never had I never celebrated Father's Day you know I didn't have a dad there to celebrate there were a lot of sad times as a kid and I've been able to bury them for a long time I'd like to not I'd like to not have to have them buried I'd like to be able to move past that and just just put that chapter behind meeting my dad will change forever Who I am as a person okay I have been paged to the office right this way Toby's office come this way [Music] some news you hired a private investigator I'm an excitement I love this so have we reached out to them or we just know where you have an idea and this may be crazy but why don't we flip it would it be possible to talk to arts father about surprising him like what if we tell art we can't find his father or we don't and then we have his father show up and that would be a like a huge surprise to heart okay so do we call him do do we call well you know what there's a lot at stake here why don't why don't I get on a plane and why'd you show up at his door with a camera crew unannounced ready you'll get a camera crew and will show up at the door I forgot to ask where is this that's far that is far but I'm going we're getting on a plane who has my flight pants [Music] all right someplace over Middle America now heading for Fort Wayne to meet with a private investigator who's been surveilling arts father and the mountain knocked on his door very early in the morning and tell him that we want to connect them with our son I don't know knocking on somebody's door at 7:00 a.m. sets us off in the right direction this whole show is hinged on him being okay with it Fort Wayne Indiana we are on our way so I'm gonna alert Dan was the private investigator that we're here now hey yeah oh you know it was me he said hey Howie because we're probably best together of course you know it's me what's your 20 he can't he doesn't know it's treatise on you found this person out of nowhere you can't find the street that you're on there you are Hey nothing bad good to see you guess what tell me this is your 20 this is my 20 this is your 20 so you've been surveilling I have an overnight where's the house the house is directly across the street over here sketch walk works right on do I have to watch out is there uh just two dogs two cats two dogs and two cats yeah so why doesn't anybody ever talked to me before we're big dogs big dogs yeah big dog the longer I get information from him the more scary this gets more to be nervous about so come on people we're going in this is it go get some sleep your job here is done young man that's the look this is crazy this is absolutely crazy I'm in the middle of Fort Wayne in the end I'm about to knock on the door to propose that maybe this guy would reconnect with his son I'm scared you know what there's other episodes no I'm actually nervous I really am we go oh my god [Music] [Applause] [Music] oh my god it's a big dog hi hi I'm Howie Mandel you do look great is your husband around yes can I talk to him yeah hi come here Oh Howie Mandel I'm doing great buddy well you want you wanna know why I'm here that would be cool does the name art mean anything to you yeah you know you have a son named art yeah you do yes tell me what you're thinking what's going through your head beyond it god I've never seen the way ever you've never seen him no in fact up until probably 20 years ago never know he existed okay I do this show called loved and and he wanted to surprise you but I thought it would be cool if we surprised him I would like to fly you and your wife out to California to surprise Mart would you be willing to meet him you're surprising I'll give a shot I think you're doing a wonderful thing you have no idea what this will mean to him and I think what it'll mean to you James has said yes yes this is gonna be huge you're the best thank you thank you I'm screaming on the inside I can't tell you how excited I am this was a long journey worth it [Music] everybody gather around I just got back from Fort Wayne Indiana and I found this pop so I have a son I have a father we have a place to do it but we don't know what it is we have a serious matter which is really reuniting a father and son so we have to find a way to make it fun and emotional where do you want to start this thing well we we have a really cool location of a bowling alley and I thought maybe it would be fun to kind of just incorporate that some way I don't even know if it's possible on camera or if it'll show up the way we want it I'm all for craziness but now man is getting together with his father it's not yet I don't know why we be in a bowling alley okay to the bowling alley that's Paul I have my own balls I like to look kind of cool this is just like a playground in here there's there's the bar there's the lanes here's what we're thinking we go black on art everything turns dark you don't see anything and then all of a sudden you see some hands come up just floating through the air snapping then one then the pole bowling alley comes to life will have some monsters on the chairs dancers and the lanes people sliding down and I just say that my ADHD has kicked in like phenomenally and I haven't heard a word for the last two minutes you got to get me out of here there's shiny things I need to you'd understand I didn't finish high school for this reason and if we have this kind of like nowhere to finish third grade we were starting to tell Howie what it was and then is a TD kick in and off we went so I guess we're just gonna have to try to make it work think we're in trouble [Applause] [Music] this is kind of our next area if you jump in and there's a lot of air sort of like you're parachuting I'd be amazing and use it [Applause] [Music] [Laughter] again nothing says father-son okay let's move on look at the size of this space we're really worried about getting enough people in here to make it look full do we know how many we have right now right now we have almost 600 no that's not good this is probably the biggest space we've ever attempted to dr. Phil we're about 36 hours away from the mob and we're probably the least prepared we've ever been and it's gonna be the biggest one we've ever done so we have a lot to do I'm concerned you're saying this is too big and this may not be filled you know all kidding aside we're not integrate we're not in a great place I'm saying it with a smile on the outside but I'm not feeling the smile on the inside [Music] he's five minutes away I'm ridiculously excited this is the very first time we've ever flipped them up so we're actually mobbing aren't the key is we have to convince him he's not gonna be on the show so we've invited art to what he thinks is an actual dance audition to be unlocked I'm terrified what art doesn't know is he's competing against fake contestants who are actually professional dancers some art is gonna be at a huge disadvantage so what we're doing today is the network wants to see people who dance well and dancing is a big part of it and I'm sure they'll choose at least one of them so Napoleon tabatha take it away all right we'll play a song one at a time just show us what you have okay here we go ladies first hit some music [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] Wow way to take it home we challenged him we gave him two different combinations we made him dance by himself you know the hardest part for us today was just to keep a straight face art is not a dancer and all the most he was doing where's Eric all I understand in the back literally to keep myself from laughing I couldn't even look him in the eye at one point I thought I was gonna lose it the trap has been set he feels like he didn't really do that well at the audition so when I tell him his dancing was so off that he doesn't deserve to meet his father I think he's gonna believe it I think we've seen enough thank you everyone thank you I felt completely foolish and completely silly and Rachel was ridiculously good kind of terrified by had to be honest with you if it's based on what happened in there and it's not good I really want to meet them and I wanted to meet my family [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] we're here at Universal CityWalk just like with every mom we got a day to pull off a miracle basically five six seven eight get ready cuz here I come now nappytabs wanted star this mob in the bowling alley we saw it as an opportunity to do some fun creative stuff this whole thing is riskier than ever because for the first time we're having how he launched the mall and it comes with a problem and that's how do you get art into the bowling alley and make it seem believable I want him to be concerned he should always be concerned even if I'm bowling and I'm ridiculous arts gonna hear the news from me about whether we're gonna include him in a mob or not is he gonna have the opportunity to meet his father so he's coming to meet me and where does Howie Mandel like to spend this afternoons to blow off steam alone in a bowling alley makes sense to me he applied to us to be on the show so he's aware I think of what we're capable of doing I'm a little concerned there's a possibility that art might sit there and think that this is all a little bit weird and we could blow it I think we go for it and we make it work [Music] when I first met James I was thrilled that he said he would come and do this how are you good to see you come let me show you where it all begins he walked in here for the first time and got to see everybody working toward building his family a family that he has never met I've done nothing for you nothing I think just you showing up you what you're doing is is there's no price that could be put on that he's been lost for 37 years we think it's an amazing thing that's happening here and we are one thousand people are behind you oh my god one thousand two my god so you need a lot of friends I missed this guy already than I've ever seen wow it's really me you're making me emotional gotta be great I mean what you were doing for me it's the best thing that anybody has ever done in my whole life you okay [Music] Wow 21 years I didn't even know I had a son nobody called me and I had no contact with him because I just assumed he wouldn't want anything to do with me I feel nervous now I'm going to meet somebody that I've never seen in my life [Music] there's a lot of moving parts to to this mob and we have a couple stops after the bowling lane we have to take them down a spiral staircase we're gonna go to I fly and watch some sky dive and then we have this March that will bring it into the four tower square which is like the height of everything it's the biggest mob that we've ever had and right in the middle of it will be arts dad and they all have to to line up and happen perfectly in time with the music or we miss our moments perfect so we've just wrapped with all of our dancers they're going to wardrobe to get the finishing touches now it's time to work with the mob we're introducing a son to his father he is 37 years old and he has never met his father and he thinks he's auditioning for us but we're actually mobbing him this mob came prepared they're not dancers but they know the sequence they know how to blend and in a mob of people they look fantastic this room will be good to go there we go these clone arts why Pauline from Atlanta and art has no idea that she's here she still thinks that he's and the audition process to be on mob but how is about to fill her in on the secret and I cannot wait to see how she reacts oh look how beautiful this family is hey thank you so much for being here this is gonna be so wonderful let me tell you a little secret mm-hm we are going to introduce him to his father his father is here his father's already crying I he goes to his the son I lost he goes I haven't I've never seen him for 37 years to say so up there crying he goes I can't wait and he's never laid eyes on him just to see art's wife tear up you get an idea of what this means to art well thank you so much keep the keep the surprise going for us I will one two three [Music] let's try it one more time I tried 49 right now we're halfway through song 1 and we're heading to the main square for the final notes [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] okay this is our largest square by far that we've ever had we need over 1,500 people at least to fill up the square it's gonna be the toughest one we've ever had to pull off now there's five hundred right now for this reversal under just arrived another 500 is coming shortly I hope by paid time we have enough lobsters we need more people are you part of us misses a father meeting his son for the first time so I don't think we have a lot of steak I think you have a lot to deliver we are now one hour till the mob one hour till the mob today I was I was so confident all day we were on time we were on schedule we were actually ahead of schedule at one point and now our before I'm getting nervous [Music] can I have your attention please we are minutes away from the actual real mop sir Arthur's just moments away he's about to meet with how he in the bowling alley to find out if he's gonna get the chance to meet his dad for the first time what he doesn't know is he's about to blow the roof [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] so here's the deal you're gonna go in Howie's either gonna give you good news which we hope or bad news [Music] this is awesome I know it is awesome so hang tight [Music] oh all right how you doing hey sorry I come here night they let me come here to blow off steam sure no problem yeah just stay here for a couple minutes and I'll finish off okay do what you gotta do just blows off the steam you know knocking out some lanes I love hammer and the frames I'm feelin sit there just don't if you don't look at me just look down now hey I know that I feel the pressure I just want to you know hammer the frame go ahead yes yes No just looking is looking you are looking no honestly no no please don't don't look I'm not looking [Laughter] [Music] better yeah so how do you feel I I don't know I don't know what's going on no well you know what's going on you know what's going on you sent us in a tape and I'm gonna be honest with you when you sent me in that tape I personally was incredibly moved you seem to be very emotional and then you came in and along with many other people sure somebody was gonna get it want to take a guess who who got it lyta thing me Rachel I mean you got none you understand why right well if it's because I mean if it's the dancing that a big part of a mob is dancing and obviously Rachel put a lot of energy and you have to admit that's the best choice right yeah if it's based on the thing she was hot it right no but all kidding aside you didn't put in the effort obviously wasn't as important to you as you said it was on the tape is what I'm getting at though what wasn't important you to meet your father know that was very important there really I mean there just because I couldn't do the dance didn't mean that it's not important let me give you specifics no I don't need specifics about how not good it was and tablets that told you the most important thing was a seven count what count did you jump on [Music] it's clear that if you're not dancing then you're not meeting your father I mean and you knew that it's huge it's really important to me this is an opportunity of a lifetime for me I mean this is 37 years in the making and the fact that it's not happening now is and it's heartbreaking well I don't know what to say to you I mean I truly am sorry that you didn't get the show and I feel bad but I also feel but you obviously didn't put the time and effort into dance it's my phone hello hi I'm good so I'm good I'm right in the middle of something right now I'm sorry I got something important to discuss you know what I wanna I'm one second and then I'll continue I have a philosophy if you really want something in life if you really want it yeah it it comes to you it does my psyche and this is what I live by all the time is I think to myself get ready cuz here it comes you know what I'm saying hang on just sit here okay [Music] coming out thank you [Music] right for music we got music here we got you [Music] music music [Music] [Music] [Music] that's Rachel that's two girl he audition with watch this [Music] okay now they're going outside they're going outside [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] see they're shown on the side [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] I arts high on your father [Music] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I arts hi I'm your father [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] I just wish I could have been there it's okay that's all in the past you're here now for now on you have new 24/7 [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Music] so art tell me what you're thinking I'm thinking that it's just so bold and the courage to come out and do this and I mean you're my hero for real this is a huge thing I grew up and never had a father for 37 years he didn't know where his father was and tonight right here on mob for the first time you meet your father yes we we've got a private detective and we found him and I went to his house at 6:30 in the morning and I said would you come to Los Angeles and meet your son and three words he uttered made this possible tonight and those three words were I'll be there [Applause] fill your heart with joy and laughter togetherness is all I'm after you need I'll be there I've been there to protect you with an odd savage love that respects you just call my name and I'll be there [Music] [Applause] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] [Music] my kisses all right why don't you tell your dad who this it this is my lovely and beautiful wife Polly [Applause] [Music] [Applause] all right this is Jenny this is your stamp on arts tonight you wandered in here alone thinking you were gonna leave alone but then you were mobbed and you're leaving with a family absolutely why do you think we should celebrate yes I think we should [Applause] [Applause] [Music] [Applause] [Applause] [Music] the best part of the whole mob was at the very beginning Rachel came out of the darkness remember me I recognized her immediately and knew that I just pulled one over on me you can only imagine being a boy growing up and then as an adult thinking you know what would it be like to meet your father and you see it my dad is a very lucky man when I first saw you it was like wow you were the taller than anybody it was like that's my boy what I hope comes out of this is maybe somebody else will take that step and to find that parent or defying that child and get in touch with them [Music] this is one of the happiest moments of my entire life [Music] you [Music] you
Channel: Art Siegert
Views: 1,347,081
Rating: 4.6427884 out of 5
Keywords: iMovie
Id: T7n-y_MLevk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 44min 3sec (2643 seconds)
Published: Thu Aug 31 2017
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