A Fan Asked Why His Game is Failing... (Over 500k Spent)

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have you recently made a roblox game and it might not be performing as well as you hoped it would well that's the case for this guy right here if you guys want me to check out your games and tell you why i think they're not performing as good as they can keep in mind it is all opinionated for me but let me know on discord this guy just sent me his game they said this was a big budget game they spent 500 000 robux on the development and it was made with quality in mind the game idea seemed to be solid yet the game has failed so first things first thumbnails look good uh i'm not really okay this is your best thumbnail i think you should probably have this one as the first one people see not that a thumbnail will make your game succeed or fail but it does look the best and your logo is a bit dark yes this is a dungeon type game which we'll be checking out but roblox is predominantly kids so you need to keep in mind to have brighter sort of things okay okay there's there's a lot happening right here physic or psychic i think it's psychic or magic uh magic sounds way cooler alright so here we go um he said it's a dungeon game you fight dungeons unlock items level up go to the next dungeon and so on he said he's worked on the game for seven months and he's really curious why it's not getting attention okay so first things first uh i spawned in here with no tutorial at all like what do i do this isn't a simulator so i'm not really um too familiar with these types of things i don't want to sell my stuff that's all i have let's go claim our daily reward i do know that from simulators eh and then we have these here so let some stuff out power is 20 power is 38 okay so we should probably equip that and yeah okay so there we go we have some stuff here i'm guessing this is like a dungeon quest but i never really got too far into it i don't know how to start a dungeon also i hate that there's no shift to sprint we have a robux shop which take a little bit to load in but that's a huge problem i might just be a little dumb guys i just gotta figure out how to start the game would you like to create your own dungeon ah there we go so let's go ahead and create our own since no one else is on here i would say that's something though men you definitely need a bit of a tutorial because i had to look through like all of the ui to know what i was gonna do but let's go to the stone mines we're going to go easy because i'm brand new to the game and it looks like this is the stuff that we'll be able to unlock from it so let's go ahead and create and um do we want to invite this guy i guess i'll go ahead and invite him there's not really a bad side to it and let's start this i don't know if he joined or not okay there we go now let's check this out guys let's see oh cool little ui above their head okay so yeah it is a dungeon quest type game awesome all right so it's a dungeon quest type game that makes sense let's shoot our little uh our little fireball over there oh that guy's got some cool stuff oh this is the dev i just i just now noticed he's the dev all right so i also want to say this if i go here 128 visits so you can't really say the game is failing if it has such low amounts of visit simple reason that no one has seen it yet so if people like this game uh not to tune my own horn but you know this video will bring a little bit of attention to it i do think it seems pretty quality i don't like the ui at all i think the ui looks pretty tragic overall like the the ui looks like it didn't take any time but the game itself looks like it took a lot of time so there's like a little mixed balance there that could be worked on a little bit oh i'm already half health wow this guy's gonna have to oh my gosh okay so guys i really think this game i can't even say it's failing it just hasn't seen the right eyes yet now we don't know if dungeon games are dead considering they were like popping in the past and we don't know if they can really make a comeback oh i didn't see you guys i'm sorry i'm going away hey bro you got to do some work man you got all the powers go up there and yeah do some work bro yeah i can't even say this game is failing um but i can say that things that could help is definitely a tutorial for new players who've never played a game like this before the maps look incredible i mean i've only seen the first one but it looks awesome i do think your spawn room is way way way too big nobody needs all that space like we're just not gonna know where to go kind of like me so a tutorial smaller spawn room and i'd say better ui considering you had such a big budget on this and the maps look absolutely incredible so far the gameplay is even very smooth and the attacks that i'm seeing from you look great so i think the only i can't even say bad but the only bad part about this game that i've seen is the ui are we gonna get to fight a boss oh we jump down oh my gosh oh my gosh okay okay yeah this is really really good bro this is a sick game i gotta be honest it's a sick game bro oh this boss though you ain't getting me bro watch i'm not slicing dyson you ain't got nothing on me bro i know you got insane powers to one hit this dude my man like why why am i just over here okay so we've completed the dungeon now okay there we go we have plus uh a level maybe or like healing us do we get a crate i'm just kind of like wondering what happens now oh we got teleported back did we get anything like i don't know if we got any um like in dungeon quest you got kind of like a crate at the end or something like a random weapon or a random ability and nothing like that popped up on our screen uh other than so we got this so we didn't get any abilities we got this and i'm guessing we just have more hell for the next time we go into dungeons yeah so this guy has a thousand nine hundred health okay i guess that's cool definitely would have rathered you know a cool um a cool thing like one of these still pretty cool nonetheless do these change based off no well i think you saw everything you need to see yeah i definitely did man um oh and you can seal zone oh so this is a power to heal oh i get it okay so now i can heal people and i can use fireballs yeah dude i think this game has actually a lot of potential as long as the dungeon genre isn't dead i think your map is a bit too big considering like all of up there as far as i know has no purpose so the only things players need is a cell spot which you have right here you have your daily rewards you have leaderboards and over there you have an upgrade station i also think the um the lobby in comparison to the uh the the one dungeon i played uh kind of pales in comparison uh it's a bit lacking i guess it looks good but i think it could look a lot better so i guess my overalls for this game first off it just hasn't seen the right audience if a dungeon quest youtuber plays this game i i have no doubt that it would kind of do a lot better because there's nothing bad about the game there's just a couple things that i could recommend to fix like the ui personally i think it's kind of ugly like four front of my face like bruh what are you doing we got a plus button oh that's cool but yeah man i'd say fix up the ui maybe make the spawn a little bit smaller definitely give new players a tutorial think you're good to go man this is not a failed game yet you can only call it a fail when it gets about i'd say 50 000 visits but nobody stays to play so they just kind of came in and left and i probably would have if it wasn't for me making a video but i think that is going to wrap it up for today if you guys did enjoy this video and you want to see more content like this please make sure to like comment and subscribe have a great day later
Channel: RoBuilder
Views: 231,922
Rating: undefined out of 5
Keywords: Austin, Enders
Id: 6y0DHQbBOxM
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 6min 55sec (415 seconds)
Published: Sun Jul 10 2022
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