A "Drag" show going on at Torridon Road

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[Applause] thank you well hello people yes it's Peter here yes we're back down in the old main shape on a lovely Thursday it's what the 7th of July a beautiful 17 lovely comfortable 17 degrees in the old man shed really you know perfect additions for coming and playing trains and uh to make a video to say hi to you guys um yeah the weather's lovely all right so uh perfect conditions last week oh we was up in the 30 degrees uh wow and so yeah not so much playing trains um come down into the evening when it cool down it was still crazy you know it's humid and all the rest of it well with phone going off um but yes so I did some I've got some clips running and everything uh and the the layout I don't know she says touching wood it's it's I suppose because it's not that big you know it's not affected so much by the you know temperatures you guys with big layouts and things you will suffer the expansion of growls and the shrinkage of rails I don't know being maybe the shed itself being made of wood it does all the expanding and everything and leaves the track bed alone I don't know but we've been now maybe four getting on four or five years now since it's been created and uh yeah it's good I mean the baseball as I'll keep going on is the board itself so not the track the board itself is a seven by four and it's the older ply base on Sixth supporting Lakes joined in the middle using bolts and biscuits to make sure the joint in the middle was good and then the whole of the top was covered in Cork all right I didn't you know I'm not people that put the cork just under the track and I didn't you know no because it was going to be what it was going to be I.E just to deal with Motive Power like a you know diesel Depot and things like that um there's no sort of Express lines and things like that and it needs to be canted or anything like that so everything that was you know everything had Coke and everything was just fitted on the coat didn't do any sort of just you know cutting away the cult leaving it on the track bed now I didn't do that and you know it's paid off because the Thunder scenics had done the the ballast in and everything and to me it looks all right there's nothing wrong with it so um and maybe because it is on call you can't get you know the tech you know environment the temperature in the shade you know the dampness in the shed in the winter time and the dryness you know it I don't know maybe the cork is stopping it from getting through to the baseball underneath obviously it can get through underneath but it's the old uh I think it I can't remember what it is it's the thick ply is it nine mils plong could be so and those painted as well so although it had a cork and I let that dry I'll paint you the cork a gray so that when I was putting the scenics on it helped to disguise you know uh helped um to disguise the scenics going on so whether or not have I just been lucky because to be honest I didn't realize I didn't know and so I just went off and did it didn't think about it but um I think I'm just being lucky that that's the way it's gone and of course the other thing is that I actually uh had my track plans sorted out and I was laying the track sort of July August time okay so you know best time to do it in it so yeah and as I say about the layout um because it is the size that it is I was never ever gonna put a railway station on there and I think because in my mind you know I had to live with the size I had obviously I would have loved it to be bigger but I couldn't so therefore I didn't want to go down the route of having a train station that can only you know be long enough to take free coaches and an engine not when I'm in love with the modern era diesels and things you know The Locomotion stuff so the locomotives that we got the current lead um I love you know love the big freight thing that so I thought myself well so I created that's why I've created a dmu because I wasn't even going to have any other sort of trains running other than Locos but then you soon get bored with that you want to see your locals put in something so once your logo is out in the shed so yeah going round and round yeah freight trains and then of course now I've got some passions are stock but not passenger trains all right so yes or will they have coaches getting pulled around except with a Flying Scotsman but I've only got four coaches for The Flying Scotsman but no station for anything like that to stop at it's just literally passing by okay then that was my you know that was the um concept you know my idea of what the layout was going to be so no trying to sort of um you know put platforms down for stations and everything or little halts because no it you know you don't get that from what I'm modeling of modern era so well you can but anyway it would have been two there's delay it's too small to try and make that look realistic but a TMD yard with Locos coming to and from the tracks and everything yeah it looks good and then even with the the fact that it was second and third radius and set track track with the uh second radius Point actually there's a point that's that's the thing d these are normal set track points on the track yeah on you know that I've used the standard ones so they're not streamlined or anything like that I can't remember where I saw it recently there's a night a new announcement for a dmu coming out and I'm not sure if it's from Rapido trains or revolutions someone is coming out with a nicely detailed dmu unit and I think I'm not sure if it was Rouser Shuffle but they're sort of saying not suitable for the Hornby standard points it was like it's it's like you can only second radius curves but they also warned that it wouldn't go over the standard hornby's set track points because I was saying that that's a first radius measurement between the you know going from one track to another that that little bit the turnout is actually quite equates to have been a first radius curve and I think myself no that's that can't be right because I've got the standard ones here and I'm sure that I saw it sample again I can't find anything that tell me where it is for sure but pretty damn sure there is second radius okay so and you'll see for you know from all my films that I've done in the past this Daniela I've shown you trains going across from the second radius to the third radius you know and although it doesn't look lovely you know with the coaches that that transition is a little bit severe it can do it and and of course all the Locos none of my Locos or Rolling Stock is designed to run on first radius it all says a minimum of seven radius and sure enough everything does run on it including going across these points so I'm not sure where they got there for you know where they said that definitely I'll definitely it's seen it but I can't remember where I saw it from and I can only assume it's because the detail on this dmu you know obviously snags because it is very torturous when it goes across the two points you know your code it does do a lot of um movement so I'll guess they've got a lot of nice detail because you know they've the likes of Rapido or Revolution and you know whoever it is you know they go to they go to a lot of detail don't they so maybe it's just snags so they say no don't not not fit for the standard points no that would it wouldn't matter for me because I'm not interested I've I've got what I want to run as regards the dmu's and that's what this video is going to be about I want to show you my rail operators groups uh 37 pulling the trains that I've made up in order to create what we call drags okay what they do in the real world and um I've got um because I can have a mixture of one two three four five types of drags um behind a 37. so that's what I want to do I want to talk to you and show you what I've done in order to create these drags because it's whether or not somebody's now seen my videos showing because I've never ever seen anybody do it before either at exhibitions or on YouTube now I am seeing there's a few you know I mean I guess I've even given my own sort of um model Railway group you know the idea of creating drags because if you if you go into the modern era that is a legit legitimate train I can say that uh that is a legitimate train running on today's tracks where you'd have to rail operators group 37 or others you know it's not just exclusive to them but obviously you get movement of um these coaches these these um dnus emu's being moved Here There and Everywhere or even being taken off sadly to the scrap leaks so that's what I want to show you today all right so that we'll get into that and then of course I've got running Clips following on after that but yeah let's get let's get on to showing you the 37 drags and what I've done and the last one I've done is the old Lima 156 that I've got quite a bit of video to show you on there and at first when I first created it I had a barrier wagon top and tailing it and then but when you look it's only two coaches it's only two carriages and I thought myself well you know the battery wagons alone that's the size of the coaches so yourself and it you can see them in real life if they've got the right couplings on the low code the locals only just put in the train itself it doesn't have any barrier wagons sometimes they do sometimes so I can create uh my trains with Barry wagons or with that Barry wagon so that's what I'm going to show you but when I created the last one the 156 the other day I put and then the train lamp on it because I wanted it just to be a two-car train being pulled by the Loco instead of having barrier wagons top and tail in it so it needed the tail lamp on and then I had to work on the couplings and my gosh I'll tell you it's prototypical and yet it gets around a second radius curve so I'll show you that because I'm over the moon today I mean you know what I'm like to try and get the closeness between you know whatever it is you can't get any closer than this this is this is almost as new as damn it the real life as you can get and yet it goes around a second radius curve it's it's all down to the rigidity of the bogey the fact that unlike the slot that you get on the Hornby coaches where they can move a lot you know the the fact that this magnets hunt couplings you know well I've used the actual magnets that might have actually cut hunt couplings down and then glue them onto what I needed to do so I've sort of butchered a few of my hunk couplings in order to achieve what I want to do but nevertheless you know the magnet itself is rigid so there's no movement so the whole train is rigid you know there's none of that little slot taken up by the tension lock coupling when it's getting pulled and then it loses a couple of mil when it's getting pushed none of that it's the train is rigid and so therefore pushing or pulling the bloody things that fit in touching and yet it goes around and it when it goes around the curve it opens up and the couplings are still absolutely Square on and they just straight up anyway you'll see all that so let's get into filming all the types of trains that I've got as my drags in guys all right so yeah but oh yeah the sun's coming out now it's lovely out there it's absolutely it's an absolute pleasure to be out here in the shed today so uh yeah a long way at last so yeah anyway let's get into the fields all right so I hope everything's all right for you guys and I'll speak to you later all right see you in a minute okay so this is the the Batman 37 that will use to uh show off all the drags that I've created and uh already the um the modifications of the front of this Loco alone in real world this is this is cepheus and I think she's still looking like this in the real world unlike Cassiopeia that's had a new color scheme a new wrap called the circuit ball delivery so she's now blue in color um I think the um Euro phoenixes are taking all their Locos in to be re-wrapped in a new color scheme but at the moment uh I won't be in a hurry to change because I do actually love to death this schemes um so it stays as it is but modification to this Loco itself in order to make it realistic to be pulling drags is the coupling on the front you see it's not it's not just a hook it's got this is It's called a delna coupling it could be you have be fitted with a tight look coupling but in the in this case it's a delna so we're going to bring this in and she is putting this newly created 158 and I'm gonna move it but I'm not gonna have to sound on because otherwise it'd be too too noisy right but you'll see we'll have a look and see that's the 156 coming into play and then when she comes on the straight you can't get closer than that guys look at that and now when you see the actual between the coaches look at that as a gap there is no Gap absolutely incredible and yeah that's come around the second radius curve no problem whatsoever and then of course at the back is a towel lamp flashing now and uh let's let's have a closer look at this I'll bring it back just to this coach alone and says magnet I'll take it off at the end it's not it hasn't got a capacitor in there it gets very good pickup because it is a conventional old lean but this is the old Lima um train and it you can see there the Gap you can see how hollow it is in there because it did have the old pancake motor in there which of course I've actually cut away I wasn't interested in it whatsoever I just wanted the bogey frame and wheels rotating so you can see only when you look at that angle it's okay there but whereas you should have had the pancake motor in there I've done away with all that and cut the plastic down yes yes you're probably think you know sacrid you know that was a good motor well no it wasn't because it wasn't running very well it's even still got his Traction tires on but um there we are those they've got the gears on on those Wheels that's this that's the what would have been the driven side tracks and tires no problem can just leave them on Long there because um you know they're not needed but they are needed just to make even up the the Wheel sets aren't they otherwise the groove would be too deep but uh yeah so and then you can see the coupling you can see where I've attached a hunt coupling to it in order to get um you know to get the right dimensions and this is the thing with this it's there's no movement in the bogey nope not hardly any movement side play and of course and the coupling itself is rigidly attached to the bogey frame don't need it to end us cut it away I've stuck a dummy a delna coupling on the end there's because that's it looks because there's no snow plow no detail on the end of this train so having that one there doesn't look too bad when you just see that going around and of course the lamp will work once it's getting pick up because it's getting pick up from those two on that side and those two on that side which it would have done had it been a working train this was a work in trying when I bought it as I say it's the old lemur 55 60 quid I paid for it knowing that what I was going to do with it um and I don't think that's too bad a price to pay in order to create a train that I can use on my layout because um you know in in real world I don't have a any passenger stock running around but I do I do have uh drags that I've created but this one as I say pushing or pulling I can run it backwards if you want I'll just just to prove it to you but there's the Gap there is no Gap but it opens up going around the second radius and as saying with a very close fit into the Loco itself no problem at all I'll bring it round and I'll stop it and then we'll look at another one so we'll use the same Loco for the drags that I'm going to create for showing you but this is the last one I did and I did used to have a barrier wagon top entailing these two coaches see the flashing tail lamps working sometimes stops when it goes across the points because it hasn't got a stay alive but look at that and then it starts opening up to go around the curve but there is absolutely I can't show you it all together but if if I was to do that there's no movement with the train as soon as you pull the logo you know the train or as soon as the logo starts moving it's instant there is no slop between the coaches and the and the train itself and that's the that's how close the Loco is to it can't get any you know it's if I move it if I move the camera across to get it when it's really right on the straight hold on so there we are we're dead straight now and I've got to move the camera spare with me that's the Gap you've got going down the straight so when I now move the other one that will change direction there you are you can't get closer than that there's no buffer on the train so there's only the buffers on the Loco obviously and then this is the that's the Gap you've got well there is oh brilliant okay that's enough of that that's the 158 that I created guys one five six sorry that's one five six so yes 60 odd quid I think and changed it well when I talked about the prices I've paid for these trains that I've then made in the drags and you're thinking oh you've paid a lot of money well nowadays you guys you're talking of paying 75 to 90 quid for a wagon alone and this was in good condition um although where the pancake motor was when you pulled when you pulled it apart the plastic was very very fragile at end which is now all done and dusted I won't be opening it up anymore so that's not a problem but um it was on the verge of braking and then it would have been completely useless so because it is as old as it is being the old lemur molding which of course is now Hornby uh still the same molding that Hornby uses but so they've changed the motor overnight from the pancake that's the original lemur so as for the first rake right the second uh Drake is a Batman 158 let's get the numbers right this time it is the 158 in the regional Railways delivery but before we look at that if you see I'll zoom in on the coupling there's still a hunt coupling on the Loco but it's the hunt coupling that could at a push take a tension lock because you see behind the magnet itself there's a hollow section in the plastic and that is where the hook on the tension lock coupling would be able to slot into so therefore you could still use this coupling obviously for the magnet which is pole Pacific so it's not it's not like the new Elite range but this this particular coupling can take attention lock because it would fit into the little hole so with that in mind and with me having to try and sort out the couplings for the one five eights I've just used a bit of um paper clip all right but the paper clip obviously it says I'm trying to show you can obviously swivel left and right but the beautiful beauty of that is obviously it doesn't couple up like a as if it was covering up I have to just lift it across fits into the little hole that I was talking about and that is able to push and pull all right so that's our and that you can see how close it is to the Loco again it's very close and yeah not as close as the 156 Maybe but then looking at the there's the gap between the couch itself again where I've had to use hunt couplings in order to get the uh the fit I wanted and there's there's no movement between the trains this the actual worm things touching at the top there all right and this one being what it was uh the 158 you know this was a DC only it's not it's not so it's not the latest one five eight I guess it's still the same molding that we've raised the camera hold on I guess it's still the same moldings as what's used on the current issues of the 158 some Batman but this one was a DC only one so um I've always had to hardwire a decoder didn't I don't think it had interior lights it has got pickups on all the wheels which obviously helped me enormously to put in the train lamp on but I had to uh you know change all the couplings modified a couplings so that I'll get my close coupling look and so with that I'll just send it off just to show you that it goes around no problems so nothing no gaps down the straights but when it goes around the corners opens up and of course that's got the end of train length flashing away no problems around the back no issues whatsoever and that again so that's how in the real world you know quite happily if if the coach has got the right coupling uh so that can be fitted to the Loco it wouldn't have the barrier wagon you'll just see it through like that so even though so only a two cars set that doesn't matter if it's got to be moved it's got to be moves isn't it all right so that's my second drag for you [Music] and that absolutely works perfectly it might be just a bit of bent um paper clip but I think again I think I can just approve it a little bit of movement but going backwards any problems going backwards no [Music] clear a bit of squeaking from the from the old 158 a little bit faster than that Peter come on because it's it's no issues with it it's fine because this hardly any movement because it is a paper clip it's rigid there you go [Applause] yeah squeaking from the thing yeah so that's because it's got that coupling on the Loco that I can use a bit of bent paper clip and yes you've got to lift it off to us to uh take it off but I guess that's not the end of the world is it that's that one okay so it's like a bit of deja vu but it's another one five eight Batman DC only uh model but this time in the Metro Northern color scheme all right so same thing again a bit of bent wire paper clip and a two car set and the you know the back car has got the and the train lamp so without being going too much I'll just get this going but that's the same thing exactly the same as what I did with the other one so see runs fine not much of a gap when she's on the straight but then opens up once he goes around the curves no trouble so no derailments nothing I think when it came I think with the last one when I was pushing it back when it got to this section here there was a little clip because that's where the corridor and the CL on the uh on the Emu I think they were just because they do touch it just um it just made it jerk for a second but obviously I don't push I'm always pulling so that doesn't give me any problems and it didn't derail it it just uh just gave a quick little slip as it came around that curve but pulling absolutely no issues whatsoever when they're pulling but that's it so you might have to do much more on this one same thing again because it's the paper clip it will go backwards as well although we're going when it gets to here it might well uh I don't think I've run it backwards to be honest that's why never never realized because I'm interested in running it one way but when when these two are going back because that's Corridor is touching it might have just uh fouled a little bit coming as it's getting pushed funny enough not around those bins but when it came round coming round that bend but then I did except did make it go faster see what this one does and then I'll stop it because it's the same train at the end of the day and the train lamp fitted and I think I've got these two now I was obviously happy with one so you think why do you get another one five eight well you know I'd like the color scheme on this and never seen this before see that is this one gonna jerk no that one didn't yeah there we are so it's just because the corridor is a bit so close that when it's pushing it's asking a lot of it but who pushes I pull um yeah I think I've got these from our model Railway Club when we have our annual sale with all the trains that come into stock so this one again is although it's the Batman it was only DC ready you couldn't you know you would have had to hardwire a DC decoder into this one yeah see the Gap there is no Gap so obviously as it's coming around it's fouls a little bit but it's okay when it's pulling doesn't do it when it's pulling so I'm not going to do anything else about that because I very rarely push it's always pulling but because I've got them from a model Railway Club the price was very very good I can't it might have been around the 80 or 90 quid for both sets but again there's all I said if you're paying that now for a single coach or a wagon rather um to get maybe even a bit more but I'm I was happy to pay that in order I think once I've done the work on one that might have been the cheaper one because the Livery was a bit Plain Jane being a regional Railways I think on this one was a little bit more but I was out happy to pay a little bit more because I knew I could convert it into the drag which is what I wanted it's an unusual color scheme certainly wouldn't be suitable for tourism road if I was trying to run this as a passenger coach because as I say it's a it's a northern uh region train it's called a Metro certainly wouldn't have this delivery down here and I guess this Livery doesn't exist anymore anywhere now so it looks fine being a drag okay so that is it as regards the one five six and the one five eights so now what am I gonna do I could show you just the barrier wagons because that's my next train so this is the third of me Drakes so let's go on to the barrier wagon well no we're not going on to the barrier wagons just yet because we got this one the 350. [Applause] yeah lovely little rake by itself and the train map of course fitted where it all to be fitted so let's just bring around to the front so this one is as you know if it's a working train would be a lot of money because it comes with lights and all the bits and pieces but this wasn't a working train I've got this for a bargain because it was in pieces that's the best I can do with the join which is not bad there's a little bit of um slot on these ones because of the mechanism involved so I can't have them perfectly coupling I mean they ain't that's not bad needs to say but as you'll see that is the gap that you'll see that Gap diminishes because there is slop in not not in the bogeys but in the actual couplings the kinematic coupling and had this training being in perfect condition uh it would have had the electrical pickups in order to take the power to give you the red you know lights at the end and the white lights at the other end and one thing and another and also these pickups in all the wagons to give you internal lights none of these connections are standard anymore they've all been changed to my customization of uh what are they hunt Elites so although you can still see wires going to them and you can see the pickups on the bogus on these particular ones this train I think had been dropped um so the the motor coach which is this one the heavy one with the pantograph that was in pieces these connections between the coaches some were broken so that you know they long no longer were able to be put together and have a uh electrical contact so basically a bit of a mess but that was in my favor because you know in my idea I thought myself oh yeah make a lovely drag having a 350 a complete little four class set and so didn't cost the Earth at all and but I spent a great deal of time repairing it I think the uh can't remember this Clips or screws now whatever it was whatever whatever attached the chassis to the coach had broken you know the clips had either shattered or or you know broken if it was a screw post it had broken away from inside I can't remember now it's a long while ago in there but certainly but yeah a heck of a lot of work the the thing wouldn't stay together I needed to fabricate some means of doing it and as I say the uh these older older couplings now some some couplings were okay only about on one or two of them you could still use the couplings which was no good to me anyway and so they all had to come out and change to the elites but um uh the the actual couple in the kinematic mechanism itself was broken so Not only was it a pain that what's it with the wires gone um I had to re do something to try and Budge and repair the coupling so it still worked again which he used to say it is but yeah see that's there's a bit of play there so you can't add that one touching I'll just pull the whole thing away but yeah we've got a nice little forecast set but um you know in in Real World um the cost of that to get a working 350 Batman model is quite a lot of money and now I wasn't I would do like creating me Drake so I wasn't going to do that you know just to have a drag but when when I found this one was broken uh it was sold you know as sold as seen and uh I think on flee Bay and uh the seller sort of said yeah it's broken it's bits have it's a spares basically because he's you know I think one or two out of the four of the coaches were okay but um yeah I had to change the order couplings yeah you see the play with the kinematic coupling so it's not the bogus it's the kinematic couplings still pushes a little bit but I don't risk it it's quite heavy this this bit here the actual motor unit it's still got although the motor gubbins has all been removed it's still got the casting so it's still quite a heavy uh Carriage because that obviously was the motorized one but there you are I love it going around again and uh Let's uh let's bring about the 37 back to connect onto it because it's gone around the corner so it's not line the couplings aren't lining up but this this makes a nice clickety clack because it's quite heavy there you go right let's get it going around the right way there you go no problems at all with those close fitting coaches they go around on a second radius [Applause] foreign so that's the 350. now we'll go on to the barrier wagons okay so we have cepheus now taking these two barrier wagons back okay so these barrier wagons in question are a commission build from a company called Jay JB models and what is what he's done here is taken I think the Mark II Batman coach and Fields you know obviously failed to fill in all the windows and everything like that 3D printed the parts that he needs in order to create these two wagons these are as they are in the real world and uh so they are exactly as like looking like this this one connects normally with the hunt couplings no problem at all because they are coat you know Batman coaches at the end of the day but there's lots of 3D items there you can see the couplings and the connections that they have that's as close as I can get to coupling the coaches together without them breaking any of those couplings and things but there's loads of them as you can see but that's how exactly how they look in the real world so yeah this was a commission build and uh obviously had to fit and then the train length to the very last ones because it will be the last uh Wagon on the next break the next train the next drag that I'm going to show you all right so that's that look well strained in this is the ultimate drag with the barrier coaches and as you can see pudding a lovely rate of eight lner coaches with the barrier Wagon at the very end so this is uh obviously for me the ultimate because this is a very long train to run on this little layout hence that's why I don't have any uh Railway stations because you couldn't get this lot on and as it is it's almost a towel Chaser because it is so long but I can obviously film it and do what I want all fixed with uh Huntly couplings to get a very nice close fitting coach and yet the coach still when there's when she comes around again she still opens up to go around the curves as you'll see there we go and every obviously at the end of the barrier wagon is fitted with the under train land sometimes they might have another Loco at the very back or something as long as this but um otherwise it's you know it's no problem running it as it is uh just gonna bring you up and you'll see that the joined down the middle once he comes past in the middle there it's quite closely coupled again the coaches is set to the barrier wagon [Applause] and what I'll do is I'll try to stop it next time comes around so the these actual coaches are feet fitted with the elite couplings [Applause] whereas the barrier wagons are fitted with the old standard hunt couplings [Applause] but so you can see the gap is not too bad in the middle here it's the best I can do that's not bad and look there's ears started to open up to go around the third radius curve admittedly and to be honest I'm only doing it on the third because these are so so long these uh coaches in the overhang on the second radius uh curve I don't like so I'll run this train on the outside loop as opposed to having it go around on the second radius so as close it can be but still nevertheless they are the Elite couplings so they fit you know buckle up no problem whatsoever and that's it folks there's me um there'd be drags it's the sort of thing I know you know um you would do you'll get you know exhibitors I suppose you know if they've exhibit their layouts would go to this length that I've gone to to try and get uh trains to look as close as possible to what they are in real life because uh the money involved in order to do it as I say with the uh with the uh the barrier coaches being what they were being having to be a commission build and they weren't cheap these are standard Hornby again I've got them from our club's model shop and I think these are Mark III coaches they've been replaced now with Mark IVs in the same livery and I think these are these not the lner uh Livery I think they are so I will finish off this little bit and then put some running Clips on but I'll have them coming around and I'll put the engine sound on okay oh [Applause] so no problems whatsoever going around a little layout all connected with the magnets yeah [Applause] there you go and I guess just to show you the last two items belonging to the rail operators groups are these uh two more class 37s the the one on the left is how she is in the real world at the moment that's the merlise pioneer so she's not been wrapped yet so she's looking exactly like that with the word in Euro Phoenix on the side although that's something I had to do because that wasn't a Euro Phoenix Loco I had to modify that with the transfers and the roof that one however is Cassiopeia so that's how you buy it from Bachmann um so nothing to be done there but of course it doesn't exist in the real world now because that's the one that's gone into uh into the workshop and had this new circuit ball delivery applied to it this new wrapping which had made it into a blue Loco now so uh yeah unfortunately she doesn't look like that now in the real world now which is a shame because I do love that Livery but that's it so that's Cassiopeia that's merli's Pioneers so that's my the other two class 37s I have for the rail operators group that's that I just want to show there and obviously that empty side in is where the barrier wagons normally sit when not in use okay well that's it then people so we're back um hope you've enjoyed looking into the world of uh my drags and I don't mean the RuPaul uh variety either okay not that type of drag but yeah so there we are so that's what I've created for toradun Road it's the sort of thing I guess um maybe you would think no but you would only go to that sort of um effort if you run exhibition layouts and things like that well but no but you know because I'd like to uh model the modern era and everything that's you know that's what runs around and of course um you've got to create them because the manufacturers don't make them you know so hence the custom the you know custom commission build um barrier wagons cost quite a bit but you can't get them for love the money otherwise um and I'll say I was lucky with the 350 that was done well a couple of most of them were the Dodge you know either broken like the 350. or basically sort of out of date which you know would have involved a bit of work in and the l156 leader that was well out of date but um works perfectly for what you know for for what I wanted it to do you know I've got you've got a Euro Phoenix coat covered Loco and um that's what they do in the real world so you know I wasn't going to have a Euro Phoenix Loco pull in the baddest train you know because I just couldn't you know it wouldn't uh commute a compute up there because I know that's what they don't do that yeah they they may do rail excursions they may do um Network Rail engineerings trains and things like that you know or it might it may be even the rail head treatment right you know yeah they do other things but um I wouldn't have it put in the freight wagons around you know so that's what I had to do and uh it's just something different for the old layer you know other than Freights because uh you know so there's passenger this passenger stock but not in the normal way and as I say I have seen whereas I think I was the first to actually do it well certainly the first one to put it on the film I've now started to seeing it creeping around on other people's layouts or even at exhibitions you know may not necessarily be with the rail operators group because you know they're not the only ones who do it but I've seen uh I've seen seen at exhibitions and everything there's someone you know they they have uh it pulling uh working as a drag as opposed to just a local pulling passenger train so yeah but that's you know that's what they do in the real world at the moment so that's what I wanted to do right guys I've gone on a long time it's been a long video already thanks for sticking with it but however I will still pick on stick on the old um running clips that I do so if you want to find you know if you don't want this here or see all this just fast forward to that and just watch the trains go around like I do I can't remember what I've done them now with you know all sorts are going I guess but um yeah running Clips on the end but so yeah that's it for me so it's been a roll or a long one so I'll I'll leave it a bit nothing else is happening I'm still waiting for my Acura scale 350s at 350 37s when they come got 350 on the brain now um so I'm still waiting I've got the little drivers I did because I've uh ordering stuff from the cura scale you you build up some Brandy points and I'll traded them in for the drivers for the their printed drivers so not going to bother to show you that now when I get the 37s I'll show you them what they like they're quite nice little figures so um but that's it that's what I'm waiting for next I've seen the uh the new Cura scale literally yesterday announced the nuclear flash wagons the new ones that these you know the latest generation of them and uh mind you there's a curious guy will come out with them I think it's uh Rapido or you know there's other manufacturers why everybody's making the same bloody things it's annoying um but I might not get one myself because I've got my own you know the original Batman one yeah it might be in the old colors now because the new ones are green and but I mean that one's got a working and the train length that I've fitted to it it's not working now obviously but um but you know I mean I went to a great deal of trouble fitting that little bugger but a Cura scale make it that they've got the working train lamp again on the end but again it's battery operated which is a you know all for a look at a good gift holds in the mouse I know a curious scale I'm sorry but might be better right I've on my uh uh C-Max wagons which had the battery you know I've gone through three sets of batteries on that because I forget to turn the buggers off you know with the old magic wand I mean uh because all all my in the train lamps I pick up the current from the wheels so I forget you know it's but you know it's nice so yeah massive look the gift office in the mouse but so thanks so clear this girl whether or not I've got the new ones I don't know I mean I've got two of these and uh you need to have two trains running around with the nuclear flask even if it's only the one flash wagon still needs two engines but it's a very good price so um you never know but I haven't I must admit I haven't gone out there and rushed because I'm waiting for me 37s at the end of the day right that's it let's sign off because this has gone on for long enough thank you guys for watching um I'll see you again soon hopefully with uh I've got to think of something else to come up with I don't know what yet because as I say layout's working well nothing nothing new is coming in yet until the 37s um so unless something interesting comes along you know I'll let you uh get over how long this video has been all right all very very best thanks to new subscribers thanks for you subscribers that stuck with me this old man in the old man shed and all the rest of it but that's it for now so I'll put some running Clips on the end all right all the best people bye-bye for now bye-bye [Applause] oh [Applause] foreign thank you thank you [Applause] thank you [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] foreign [Applause] [Laughter] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause] [Applause]
Channel: Torridon Road by Peter Dixon
Views: 1,678
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: LSwpDafSALk
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 58min 37sec (3517 seconds)
Published: Thu Jul 06 2023
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