A Drag-on Dragoon Guide (FFXIV: Endwalker)

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greetings Travelers do you want to be the greatest Dragoon player that Final Fantasy 14 has ever had the pleasure to Bear witness to then you've come to the wrong place here at misshapen chair LLC we are all about being the most typical and most average player of video games we never look beyond what games have a sizable marketing budget and never heard of drakengard I don't even know what that is and I just said it out loud today we will be learning how to Dragoon where it might be helpful to review how positionals work and then I will still put a small tutorial in this video to keep it accessible until I decide to saturate segments with obnoxious edits can anyone even hear me to begin our journey I will assume you are fresh Dragoon is a job that you unlock by finding all three pieces of it in a single match of City trial or alternatively by starting as or unlocking Lancer upon reaching level 30 alarm Bells will go off in a giant indicator will scream at you to unlock a real job instead of being a a YouTuber then you will ignore this for about 5 levels before being publicly shamed into unlocking Dragoon if you like the Lancer aesthetic more you are invalid and I hope you feel bad about it at some point in the lore you will wonder if you are supposed to love or hate dragons while playing this job and I can say the answer is a resounding yeah remember a woman did canonically [ __ ] a dragon at some point and a dragon did not kill heavensward spoiler or whatever his name was the only part of the lore that met Papa limo that was his name the only part that is relevant to you is being infused with Dragon Blood gives you a high resistance to rising blood alcohol content levels turning you into the life of the party and providing a buff to the entire group and even handing out a jello shot to a fellow DPS this used to tie a red thread of Fate between you and your drinking buddy but it was removed because nobody has friends anymore and people can't choose to play with effects off if it's a problem in the days of veld dragon goon was a notoriously funny job due to its punishing nature animation locks causing you to die to avoidable damage Gap closers used for DPS causing you to die to avoidable damage innate server lag caused new to die to avoidable damage or if you're really ancient your DPS buff making you take more damage causing you to die to unavoidable damage Dragoon's comedy Factor was so unparalleled that everyone still jokes about it to this day and nobody even knows why Florida take am I right guy now we have to rely on dunscape to get a good laugh how did the Dragoon players of ELD overcome all this adversity by not being a little [ __ ] a good Elden Dragoon player was a thing to be moderately appreciated unless they believed in parses in current expansion where all of this will be invalid since Dragoon is getting a rework upon the release of 7.0 it is not punishing at all in commends as little respect as every other job in the game I fully expect the rework to include an emotional support cat to appear upon breaking a combo action to help players cope with their inadequacies the exact opposite of ninja and why makote is the superior race this has made it incredibly hard to get my masochistic fix so I settle on asking for some one in three minute raid Buffs back and have yoship tell me no now pay your sub and buy some more cash shop items [ __ ] to understand the core of Dragonair we must first understand the seven core gcds one too many for the newer player to handle but you have about 64 levels to adjust and this isn't the leveling guide this consists of two five button combos that you will alternate between for your entire Loop or as I like to call it the Figure 8 life cycle because calling it a rotation makes it sound generic because it is one combo hands you a damage buff and applies a DOT while the other just does damage The Logical conclusion is to use this buffing dot combo first and the other second then alternate them until the end of time performing The Dot combo requires the rear positional technique of standing right on the edge of the pizza slice indicator for where the back is and then moving slightly outside of that to hit the flank if you have been moving across the universe to hit positionals and thought they were super hard you're welcome for making your life easier just keep in mind that these positional hitboxes do extend all the way inside of the boss if you know the easy trick and still hate positionals and fights where the boss spins around a little bit because planning True North is unfun to you I would recommend looking into the blue DPS position or perhaps the Fizz range slot instead how about instead of removing positionals we remove you both the dot and the following combo action require you to hit it from the back then the next button requires a flank and as a secret you will stay on that flank all the way until you hit the flank again and then move to the back and rinse and repeat Dragoon is somewhat unique in this aspect of only having to swap positional locations once every five gcds however you will still have to do them back to back so knowing how to minimize movement is very nice it's also helpful to note that all other buttons do not require positionals and your Jello shot DPS buff also eliminates positional requirements for its duration and you totally don't forget about this change every time you do an open of this expansion this rotation I mean this Figure 8 life cycle forms the BackBeat of all of your dance moves as everything else on Dragoon is weaved in between great I will now immediately move into an opener relax you already know all the gcds that you're going to use in a row I'm just giving an example of how to mash everything else as per usual this is just an example many times the order of weaves can be switched around as long as you were Landing all of your big buttons inside of raid Buffs except for gear Scoville but I'll stress you out about that later Begin by sub-optimally backflipping into battle then press true thrust if you plan to take an adrenaline shot this is about as good as time as any then press dis and bowel double weave Lance charge and give it jello shot to your fellow melee or dancer or whatever DPS you feel like deserves it then press chaotic spring and weave battle lit then press Wheeling thrust and double weave gear Scoville in life Surge and then press Fang and Claw then double weave high jump enjoy that animation lock and barrage dive then press ride in thrust which is what true thrust turned into and weave dragon fire dive then press 4 pull thrust and double weave spine shatter dive and life surge then press Heavens thrust and weave a second spine shatter dive then simply continue the gcds from there but make sure to weave worm wind thrust when it's up it charges after pressing two ride in thrusts especially if you took that adrenaline shot earlier because it will land inside of that window now I will explain everything that I skipped over one true thrust turns into ride and thrust after correctly performing a combo in other words with correct play you will use true thrust once and all the subsequent ones will turn into ride and thrust instead battle lit is a crit buff and Dot ticks can no longer crit an end Walker this is why weaving it after your dot is okay 3. Kenai Travelers might have noticed there is another weaving slot open after battle lit that you could use but there is a small chance that all of your party bus will not be up yet depending on team composition and how on the ball everyone is this is extremely minor in the grand scheme if you have a more comfortable opener in mind that uses a double weave right there feel free to do so or maybe you want to weave a faint in there to feel like you're contributing to mitigation 4. life surge causes your next gcd to be a guaranteed critical hit and technically lifesteal it would make sense to use it on your highest potency gcd of Heaven's thrust but since we get two charges this expansion we spend one charge on Fang and Claw or Wheeling thrust in the opener to put it on cooldown faster and not overcap and then we spend it on Heaven's thrust and everything makes sense again and five all of your jumps and GAP closers have a hard animation lock in the past this was long enough that you could not double weave in the same slot with them without drifting your gcd this is no longer true for most Dives and even though it looks like you jumped to the Target and back for high jump your character is considered to be standing still for that entire animation it is a little confusing with what you can get away with if you are unfamiliar in general you can weave skills that have a hard animation lock in the same window as a skill that doesn't as long as you have a solid internet connection however you cannot double weave two hard animation locks in the same window without drifting and star diver is the super hard animation lock that you cannot weave anything else with but you don't even know what that is yet because I haven't talked about it yes to the ire of many Dragoon is one of the only jobs left in the game that cannot press all of its glorious buttons from the first second of combat they have to wait a minute to use a bunch of [ __ ] every minute after that introducing your entire life as Dragoon gerskugul this innocent little 30 second timer is going to be thrusted into your skull as if you're getting lobotomized because it Gates you from all other cool down alignment remember Mirage dive of course you do you take notes and pay attention very closely as I Blitz through every cooldown in the opener well I should probably elaborate every time you execute high jump you can press Mirage dive anytime within 15 seconds after that that timer isn't super important other than knowing that it's flexible upon pressing two Mirage Dives Garris goggle will light up in executing it will bring you into life of the Dragon mode during this Garris goggle changes into nastron and has a 10 second cooldown in a perfect world you will land gear skogel in two nastrons inside of all of your Buffs that you also pressed perfectly on cooldown like you're supposed to that is only possible with strict management of gear skogel's timer and you will know when you start to drift it on top of adding an Astron into your burst window this also adds another small little cooldown called star diving which is the button that you cannot double weave with and is one of your highest potency skills life of the Dragon lasts for 30 seconds and you want to press three nastrons in total during it but only two of them will land inside of Buffs 30 seconds might sound a bit familiar if you are me and you're used to looking at cooldowns to remember when they come back up as you're learning a job this will throw you off because Garris goggle is replaced by nastron and you cannot see its cooldown instead you want to be looking at your life of the Dragon timer and start mashing that button like a Starcraft Pro as life of the dragon is about to end this will ensure that Garris goggle does not drift and will instill the internal 30 second timer into your soul having this rhythm is the most important step to playing Dragoon at the average level before you go practice on a training dummy there's a couple of other curveballs you might want to be aware of depending on your gcd speed your dot will fall off again before you reapply it even with stereotypical play this is okay and not something to worry about I'm sure that won't cause people to get very upset and outside of your opener you want to use life surge on Heaven's thrust mostly okay this is one of those outside of the scope of being mediocre things if you're really curious about optimizing Dragoon even further there is a specific cycle to follow where you spend life surge on Heaven's thrust most of the time and save two charges around your four and six minute burst Windows to spend it on a different gcd occasionally depending on the burst as part of the cycle this isn't something that I think you should even be aware of unless you're already very comfortable on the job but I do want to acknowledge it before the optimizers crucify me yet again forgiving mediocre advice and not highly optimize advice if you use my method you're going to lose about eight potency per minute wait that's it oh for [ __ ] sake I lose more subscribers than that every time I post a non-final Fantasy 14 video when you put all of this together your two minute burst window is a nice relaxing frantic Affair of trying to fit everything into your break dance routine and probably failing if you're at the beginning process of learning I assure you this is something that becomes easier over time as you get used to all the buttons you are attempting to cram in and figuring out what works best for you however I want to stress that getting used to mashing gear skogle as your lifetimer is running out is the most important thing to have a chance at break dancing correctly of course I am well aware that you don't want me to tell you to figure it out for yourself you just want to hear what I do excellent one minute into combat Lance charge will come back up and you're going to press it on cooldown like a good noodle you should also have a life surge charge come back up to spend on Heaven's thrust probably weave gear skogel as soon as humanly possible in nastrant as well then after the next gcd I double weave high jump and Mirage dive one gcd later I tried to weave star diver if mechanics allow it and make sure to weave worm wind thrust at some point because it will be up and in theory the next nastron will also land inside of Lance charge at the even minute window it's going to look a little something like this foreign [Applause] yeah I got nothing helpful for you it's hard to be this cool for the Curious it is optimal to use both spine shatter Dives in the even minute burst window because I totally didn't need to hold on to one for actual Gap closing reasons but sometimes depending on the encounter the movement might be really tight and trying to fit in another spine shatter dive just isn't possible it's fine to instead use one in odd minute burst Windows if you can't use two during the even minute ones lastly I didn't have a great place to include this Travelers with high awareness probably realize that it is possible to go into life phase 30 seconds into combat this is not helpful since it doesn't align with any Buffs however going into a life phase early because you know you will kill the boss faster than the next Buff window is something that you can optimize if you really care and didn't drift high jump into Oblivion like me but [ __ ] practicality allow me to help you earn some style points setting your camera the Legacy because it's the correct way to play the game will make it possible to perform the reverse elusive jump technique while running if you jump in the air and tap backwards you can spin around mid-air while retaining momentum and have your elusive jump Propel you forward if you time it correctly not even losing any frames due to walking backwards this is Trivial to perform on controllers once again the skill is Not Practical other than looking fly as hell just like the limit break 3 animation as usual keep all those generic melee buttons in mind like using arm's length to prevent knockback effects and mitigate when you reverse elusive jump ahead of your tank in dungeons AOE on Dragoon is very straightforward once you finally have three gcds to press the AOE rotation even maintains your DPS buff you're still going to weave everything under the sun to enter life phase because star diver and nastrons are all AOE Dragon Fire dive is the stupid button that you press on cooldown in single Target but it has no fall off in AOE and is very strong outside of jumps all of your aoes are cone or line shape meaning that you aim them the exact same way and you even get stacks for warm wind thrust while rotating I'm surprised they actually made AOE clean on Dragoon this expansion as long as you ignore the leveling experience just try not to dive into the aoes too often okay well that's my soon to be Irrelevant in a year Dragoon guide I'm not sure what the rework will entail even though I have a wiretap because I cannot understand Japanese my safe guess is that dragon fire dive and redacted are probably first on the chopping block and some method will be added allowing you to use live phase in your opener making the people who pretend like that matters for numerical reasons to justify their emotional job opinions feel happy be careful what you wish for though they'll probably just tie life face to Lance charge and then wonder why people will be upset about it but I'm also not very invested in the job to begin with I do have fun playing it in my limited mediocre capacity but I'm contractually obligated to say that I prefer Samurai especially when it has kite now let's get out there and stop elusive jumping off the platform for God's sakes a big thank you to all my patreons for allowing me to beat Heaven's Ward do you want to spend money every month on entertainment well then pay your sub the Final Fantasy 14. let's see [Music]
Channel: Misshapen Chair
Views: 43,612
Rating: undefined out of 5
Id: 3M16MUoxenU
Channel Id: undefined
Length: 16min 35sec (995 seconds)
Published: Fri Sep 29 2023
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